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Selfies 're a sin: Muslim cleric

No they should, because these fatwas mislead people and have a negative impact. Instead of giving out statements against terrorism, idiotic muftis have nothing better to do than find petty idiocies to whine about.. and even in that category, their peanut sized brains could not think of asking something actually positive such as a Milad on Valentine's day(to negate the impact of an actual damaging cultural invasion) but instead focused on a pointless idea.

I agree with what Ataturk did more and more every day. Islam needs to be regulated like one does with psychotropic drugs.

pointless idea is their bred and butter.

as far as these fatwas misleading people well what is the ratio? nothing even close to few per cent .My point is we should not glorify these fatwas which unfortunately we are glorifying by giving expressing undue fear and giving too much importance to these
Man everything is a sin including listening to music and browsing forums.

So it's not looking real good for yours truly

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