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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ukrainian t64 captured intact. and some NATO weapons NLAW? and smaw d captured

Ukrainian t64 captured intact. and some NATO weapons NLAW? and smaw d captured

Yeah can confirm that's an NLAW that's the transit case which is why it looks so bulky:
On a different note, given the sheer number of IFV/MBT losses, even in this war, I wonder if these will change any calculations for us? @iLION12345_1 @PanzerKiel
I’ve been following the war rather closely, just haven’t had the time to talk or discuss it much.

In my opinion, the answer is No.

From what I’ve observed so far, this war has been an absolute tactical shit-show from both sides.

On one hand Ukraine did absolutely nothing to seriously prepare for the war despite having so much time as they either thought Putin was bluffing or they simply couldn’t due to the extremely rampant corruption, morale issues and most importantly maintenance and logistics issues plaguing it’s armed forces. When Russia attacked they were caught with their pants down and started mobilizing only after the invasion. So far they have barely used any of their armor or heavy equipment because they just can’t, the moment they try it’ll be decimated because it didn’t prepare in advance, nor have they used any of their doctrine. The entire defensive doctrine right now is just them converging where ever possible and picking off smaller Russian groups (will get to that in a second) through ambushes. The principle weapons have been ATGMs and MANPADS. They barely have any defensive plan. They were in fact caught so badly off guard that they’ve had to arm their civilians before they can mobilize their reserves and entire active army. Even if that’s being portrayed as a mark of bravery, it’s certainly not a mark of competence.

Now coming to the other side, the Russians are arguably doing even worst than the Ukrainians. A 5 year old could have planned a better invasion and offensive than the Russians. Not only are there several reports of morale issues among their forces due to them being lied to about the invasion (many of them apparently didn’t know they were going to war, they were told they were going to exercises in nearby Crimea), there are severe logistical and planning issues with their forces. Their tanks and armored vehicles are quite literally running out of fuel halfway to targets and being abandoned, they have no proper frontline or movement strategy, they’re just roaming about in small groups like they’re here for a picnic and getting picked off. Tanks and armored vehicles are driving on roads with zero cover or situational awareness. They seem to have no proper objective in mind, at least not till the last day or so.

if anyone wants an example of what happens when you make every single possible bad decision in a war. Ukraine and Russia have presented that.

Relating it to your question, I believe that this just isn’t a good example of what an actual war would be, at least not on the Pakistani-Indian front, where both armies are much much more dependent on their doctrines and battle plans and won’t be running around haplessly as the Russians and Ukrainians are (the Russians are literally losing convoys to drones that are harmless against Fighter jets…while also having complete air superiority and much superior AD). Most of these losses are very easily preventable with better planning and doctrine, as well as better inter-services cooperation.
So this likely doesn’t change all that much for battle plans in the PA and IA, if anything our planners are probably going to study how to prevent what’s going on there right now by simply not doing what they did.

I could go into much deeper detail about how either side is doing things wrong. With how big the Russian army is and how incompetent the Ukrainian one is on paper, they should have overran all of Ukraine by now. On the other hand, given how poorly Russian forces have performed, with the size of Ukraines forces, the Russians never should have gotten this far either. Credit where due to the Ukrainian people in this regard, they’ve held out better than expected. However even with the mess-ups, it’s just delaying the inevitable, the Russian forces are starting to regroup and formulate a proper strategy, and even if they don’t, they can just go on longer than the Ukrainians due to resources and manpower, and that’s starting to show. The Russians will win the military part of this war, but likely not much after that. They will not be able to hold Ukraine at all even if they win, and their economy will suffer a lot.

(This is a completely seperate part of the post where I’m just expressing my opinion, don’t relate it to anything above). I also find it funny how half of Ukraines war is being fought by western Media and government PR. Half the western world that didn’t even know Ukraine existed or had anything going on in it less than a month ago is now acting like it has personally been fighting for Ukraine for decades. People that are simply anti-Russian or anti-putin are acting like they’re anti-war humanitarians. They’ve turned Zelensky into some sort of brave war hero, the same one who allows Neo-Nazis in his armed forces with near impunity and sold out his people for votes during the Covid crisis. Imo both the Ukrainian and Russian governments are two sides of the same coin, greedy politicians. They both deserve each other, The only losers here are the Russian and Ukrainian people.
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Have seen some pretty graphic stuff, I don't know how to feel about it, as have family involved in the conflict zone.

The tide has definitely turned, the Russians are steamrolling the Uks, pretty brutal, it is just a matter of time, before the Ukrainians collapse on multiple fronts.
The question is can Russia hang on for that 12 months.

I somewhat agree with this due to the massive support Ukraine is recieving they could bleed russia but they need expertise in insurgency war in the eastern part which Russia intends to fully occupy. But the jury is still out and I wouldn't discount the Ukrainians as they have shown great bravery hence they are in the game and anything can happen

While Russia says they UKR is intentionally holding students as hostages

India is doing all this bravado shxt because they got humiliated and they failed to help Indians leading to Pakistan Embassy helping them as they were abandoned and now all of sudden the Indians are angry due to this major error occuring. To late the humiliation and the abandoned have already happened and they are trying hard to alter that or undo that..
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I somewhat agree with this due to the massive support Ukraine is recieving they could bleed russia but they need expertise in insurgency war in the eastern part which Russia intends to fully occupy. But the jury is still out and I wouldn't discount the Ukrainians as they have shown great bravery hence they are in the game and anything can happen
IMO Ukraine will fall sooner or later, there’s just simply no way they can beat Russia military even with all that foreign aid and with how bad the Russian offensive has been. The thing is that this just doesn’t matter. So let’s say Russia takes over Kiev and installs a puppet government as it plans to.…then what? The Ukrainian people will rebel and there will simply be no way Russia can hold on to the country and said government unless they absolutely go full police-state. On the other hand, the economic sanctions will start to kick in and absolutely decimate the Russian economy, forcing them to reconsider their plans. Keep in mind that many of the sanctions placed on Russia have not come into effect yet, such major sanctions take time. In fact all of the American sanctions don’t go into effect till April. So you can guess how little Russian economy is affected right now compared to what it will be then.

Another way out may be a compromise through peace talks where Ukraine agrees to certain Russian demands and Vice versa. But we will see if anything like that happens.

TLDR: Russia is almost certainly winning the military war, but it won’t be of as much use and one might think.
I’ve been following the war rather closely, just haven’t had the time to talk or discuss it much.

In my opinion, the answer is No.

From what I’ve observed so far, this war has been an absolute tactical shit-show from both sides.

On one hand Ukraine did absolutely nothing to seriously prepare for the war despite having so much time as they either thought Putin was bluffing or they simply couldn’t due to the extremely rampant corruption, morale issues and most importantly maintenance and logistics issues plaguing it’s armed forces. When Russia attacked they were caught with their pants down and started mobilizing only after the invasion. So far they have barely used any of their armor or heavy equipment because they just can’t, the moment they try it’ll be decimated because it didn’t prepare in advance, nor have they used any of their doctrine. The entire defensive doctrine right now is just them converging where ever possible and picking off smaller Russian groups (will get to that in a second) through ambushes. The principle weapons have been ATGMs and MANPADS. They barely have any defensive plan. They were in fact caught so badly off guard that they’ve had to arm their civilians before they can mobilize their reserves and entire active army. Even if that’s being portrayed as a mark of bravery, it’s certainly not a mark of competence.

Now coming to the other side, the Russians are arguably doing even worst than the Ukrainians. A 5 year old could have planned a better invasion and offensive than the Russians. Not only are there several reports of morale issues among their forces due to them being lied to about the invasion (many of them apparently didn’t know they were going to war, they were told they were going to exercises in nearby Crimea), there are severe logistical and planning issues with their forces. Their tanks and armored vehicles are quite literally running out of fuel halfway to targets and being abandoned, they have no proper frontline or movement strategy, they’re just roaming about in small groups like they’re here for a picnic and getting picked off. Tanks and armored vehicles are driving on roads with zero cover or situational awareness. They seem to have no proper objective in mind, at least not till the last day or so.

if anyone wants an example of what happens when you make every single possible bad decision in a war. Ukraine and Russia have presented that.

Relating it to your question, I believe that this just isn’t a good example of what an actual war would be, at least not on the Pakistani-Indian front, where both armies are much much more dependent on their doctrines and battle plans and won’t be running around haplessly as the Russians and Ukrainians are (the Russians are literally losing convoys to drones that are harmless against Fighter jets…while also having complete air superiority and much superior AD). Most of these losses are very easily preventable with better planning and doctrine, as well as better inter-services cooperation.
So this likely doesn’t change all that much for battle plans in the PA and IA, if anything our planners are probably going to study how to prevent what’s going on there right now by simply not doing what they did.

I could go into much deeper detail about how either side is doing things wrong. With how big the Russian army is and how incompetent the Ukrainian one is on paper, they should have overran all of Ukraine by now. On the other hand, given how poorly Russian forces have performed, with the size of Ukraines forces, the Russians never should have gotten this far either. Credit where due to the Ukrainian people in this regard, they’ve held out better than expected. However even with the mess-ups, it’s just delaying the inevitable, the Russian forces are starting to regroup and formulate a proper strategy, and even if they don’t, they can just go on longer than the Ukrainians due to resources and manpower, and that’s starting to show. The Russians will win the military part of this war, but likely not much after that. They will not be able to hold Ukraine at all and their economy will suffer a lot.

(This is a completely seperate part of the post where I’m just expressing my opinion, don’t relate it to anything above). I also find it funny how half of Ukraines war is being fought by western Media. Half the western world that didn’t even know Ukraine existed or had anything going on in it less than a month ago is now acting like it has personally been fighting for Ukraine for decades. People that are simply anti-Russian or anti-putin are acting like they’re anti-war humanitarians. They’ve turned Zelensky into some sort of brave war hero, the same one who allows Neo-Nazis in his armed forces with near impunity and sold out his people for votes during the Covid crisis. Imo both the Ukrainian and Russian governments are two sides of the same coin, greedy politicians. They both deserve each other, The only losers here are the Russian and Ukrainian people.
Take this poor man's rating:

Latest casualty figure disclosed by both sides.
Ukrainians claim that 2000 of their civilians killed while Russia concedes nearly 500 of it's soldiers have died so far in the war.
IMO Ukraine will fall sooner or later, there’s just simply no way they can beat Russia military even with all that foreign aid and with how bad the Russian offensive has been. The thing is that this just doesn’t matter. So let’s say Russia takes over Kiev and installs a puppet government as it plans to.…then what? The Ukrainian people will rebel and there will simply be no way Russia can hold on to the country and said government unless they absolutely go full police-state. On the other hand, the economic sanctions will start to kick in and absolutely decimate the Russian economy, forcing them to reconsider their plans. Keep in mind that many of the sanctions placed on Russia have not come into effect yet, such major sanctions take time. In fact all of the American sanctions don’t go into effect till April. So you can guess how little Russian economy is affected right now compared to what it will be then.

Another way out may be a compromise through peace talks where Ukraine agrees to certain Russian demands and Vice versa. But we will see if anything like that happens.

TLDR: Russia is almost certainly winning the military war, but it won’t be of as much use and one might think.

A battle of attrition can arise from here hence it is to early to say it won't.. What is even much more dangerous then the army is a civilian insurgency arising from the ashes of this conflict that is extremely driven and could drag out things but hard to predict such outcome but there is possibility hence the jury is out but it can go both ways. The Russians could handle everything or a battle of attrition could rise
Do you have any idea how perverse this argument really is? That was a rhetorical question. Of course not.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, was that what the satellites wanted? Of course. They are free. The severance was painful, to be sure. But now they are able to make their own decisions. As sovereign states, critical to being sovereign is independent decision making.

This is the gist of the NATO alliance argument: Your skirt is too short and you are wearing too much makeup, so you deserved to be raped.

It is blaming the victim and perverse.

I stand by I said: We would not be in this situation had militaristic moves were not made against Russia after 1991. Free choice?? Have you given thought to a sovereign Cuba not allowed to host Russian missiles?? At least in case of Cuba there was some sea between the mainland USA and Cuba. Hypocrisy much?? Here, just as USSR fell, the biggest inducement for the West was to make the newly independent countries to join a military alliance against Russia right next to its border as in case for the Baltic countries. Russia in 1991 was spent force and I believe would have become part of Europe given time but some powers couldn't wait.

PS. It is interesting that Iran abstained from the UNGA vote??!!
What happened to the peace talks that were to take place in Belarus? Does anybody have any info?
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