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Rishi Sunak: The oligarch prime minister who took over Britian

Why is he being targeted for his wife fortune? She did not earn the money in Britain. Is it not double taxation if she is asked to pay additional 20 million pounds. I believe they decided to pay to clear the air of tax evasion.
Why is he being targeted for his wife fortune? She did not earn the money in Britain. Is it not double taxation if she is asked to pay additional 20 million pounds. I believe they decided to pay to clear the air of tax evasion.
I am sensing a toxic brew of envy and racism. A bit like what we saw with Obama (Birth certificate, absent father, Indonesia, whispering campaign on crypto-'Muslim' etc.,) If Sunak or his wife had done anything wrong, they would have been prosecuted, not slandered. And the B.S. about no one voting? Hello, read your 8th grade civics text on how a parliament elects a P.M. This imbecile is talking just like Imran Khan was yapping about 'Cipher' and foreign influence.
Nepalese are fierce people who will resist all attempts at Indians and India's colonial designs.
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