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plz people watch this video and stop this useless fight

out of curiosity, do you have conversion data of pakistan? also what is the probability that a muslim who converted to christianity will show up that that data?

I think given todays computer age one has to declare his religion at plenty of times getting ID , Visa etc

I am not sure about GOP data you can search online.

Rest I don't want to go in gory details reality is infront of you from a small town of Makkah 14 hundred years ago now Islam has spread till Australia , Japan , China , Indonesia , US , Canada , Chille , South Africa mean literally every corner of the world which in itself says despite being the youngest religion of all the major one's it was and is growing at a pace that no other religion can match.

Why we don't see news regarding Hinduism , Christianity , Judaism or Bhuddism spreading or people converting to them?
How about all Muslims come out of the closet and admit they're atheists/agnostics? If you don't believe in forming Islamic state with Islamic Laws, then you're not Muslim. I'm not judging people, I'm agnostic myself. What I'm saying is religion is causing too much problems in Muslim world. Because 99% of Muslims pretend to be Muslim. They preach everything about Islam but don't implement it and don't let it interrupt their daily lives. Therefore they are hypocrites/disbelievers according to their own religion. Only ISIS/Al-Qaeda are trying to implement Islam and form an Islamic state. The rest are infidels according to Islam itself. So let's come out of the closet and admit we don't believe in this religion. But no, we don't, instead we keep it to use it as a tool to control masses and use Shia/Sunni proxies across the religion to die for Iranian/Saudi interests.

When I was a Muslim, I wasn't a half assed Muslim or pseudo-Muslim hypocrite. I actually believed what my religion told me to advocate(islamic state and Islamic Law). Then I sort of I realized I was the only one who believed in Islam as it should be. Therefore it didn't take me too long to notice that Muslims, just like any other religious denomination are full of shit, don't actually believe in their religion, break all the laws in it even while they pretend to be religious, etc....So I left the religion. Because it's followers are lying pieces of crap. When push comes to shove, Jews/Christians/Muslims will choose secularism over their religion.

Now that doesn't mean I support the immoral wars in the region whether conducted by foreigners or locals. I value life and I also value the lives of Muslim people there who did nothing to deserve this suffering.
That problem is with every religion. I am yet to met someone who follows what is written in religion. There are good things written in religion that are hard to follow and people totally ignore. People are selective in following religion.
How about all Muslims come out of the closet and admit they're atheists/agnostics? If you don't believe in forming Islamic state with Islamic Laws, then you're not Muslim. I'm not judging people, I'm agnostic myself. What I'm saying is religion is causing too much problems in Muslim world. Because 99% of Muslims pretend to be Muslim. They preach everything about Islam but don't implement it and don't let it interrupt their daily lives. Therefore they are hypocrites/disbelievers according to their own religion. Only ISIS/Al-Qaeda are trying to implement Islam and form an Islamic state. The rest are infidels according to Islam itself. So let's come out of the closet and admit we don't believe in this religion. But no, we don't, instead we keep it to use it as a tool to control masses and use Shia/Sunni proxies across the religion to die for Iranian/Saudi interests.

When I was a Muslim, I wasn't a half assed Muslim or pseudo-Muslim hypocrite. I actually believed what my religion told me to advocate(islamic state and Islamic Law). Then I sort of I realized I was the only one who believed in Islam as it should be. Therefore it didn't take me too long to notice that Muslims, just like any other religious denomination are full of shit, don't actually believe in their religion, break all the laws in it even while they pretend to be religious, etc....So I left the religion. Because it's followers are lying pieces of crap. When push comes to shove, Jews/Christians/Muslims will choose secularism over their religion.

Now that doesn't mean I support the immoral wars in the region whether conducted by foreigners or locals. I value life and I also value the lives of Muslim people there who did nothing to deserve this suffering.

u r the biggest problem in the religion , so where did quran say kill the christian , innocent people rap the yazidis cz they are not muslim ? that what isis exactaly doing , so tell me how they are trying to implement islam? . u r ignorant and dont wanna accept the true fact that can bring piece in humanity . muslim , chirstian , jews , hindus all humanity doesnt matter where u from was created by Allah(God) thats what the real muslim believes , and only way u can spread the true messege of islam is by a giving dawah to other people and other nation not by killing or saying convert or die cz thats not what prophet Muhammad teaches us , but isis doing exactly that , isis killied 130 innocent people in France killied so many innocent which is completly against islam and prophet Muhammad (saw) teaching

sura qafirun , maybe u need to read the quran perfectly and understand its meaning

  1. Say: "Oh, you who disbelieve!
  2. "I do not worship that which you worship,
  3. "Nor do you worship That Which I worship.
  4. "Nor will I worship that which you have been worshipping,
  5. "Neither will you worship That Which I worship.
  6. "To you your religion and to me mine."
clealry u can see Allah knows their will be difference among us only u can preach and give the true messege so its either upto Allah if he guides them or not , i think u really needs to read the quran with perfect meaning that might help u , muslims are the kindest people on earth cz their is a reason
@Falcon29 can I ask a personal question. Is your change to agnosticism due to you being a palestinian? There is a belief that large number of jews became atheist due to holocust. Surely if all powerful god cannot stop holocust of chosen people, there is a good chance that he does not even care to exist(to a jewish mind disillusioned by holocust).
Did it also play in your mind, that surely allah cannot possibly let palestinians face hardship.
Or was it something else that changed your mind?

Partially related to that. Partially related to philosophical reasons. Partially personal reasons. And other than that, religion in general is proven to be man made. There are many examples I can take out of all three Abrahamic religions that proves this and proves their hypocrisy. But I don't want to appear ranting. If people want to believe, it doesn't bother me.

That problem is with every religion. I am yet to met someone who follows what is written in religion. There are good things written in religion that are hard to follow and people totally ignore. People are selective in following religion.

Yes it is a problem with all religious denominations. That tells us nobody sincerely believes in their religion. Except a minority in proportion to a whole group. If they are so selective, why not just leave the religion? They don't, instead the smart@sses try to represent the religion and make into something it isn't.

u r the biggest problem in the religion ,

I'm not part of the religion, so no.

so where did quran say kill the christian , innocent people rap the yazidis cz they are not muslim ? that what isis exactaly doing , so tell me how they are trying to implement islam? . u r ignorant and dont wanna accept the true fact that can bring piece in humanity . muslim , chirstian , jews , hindus all humanity doesnt matter where u from was created by Allah(God) thats what the real muslim believes , and only way u can spread the true messege of islam is by a giving dawah to other people and other nation not by killing or saying convert or die cz thats not what prophet Muhammad teaches us , but isis doing exactly that , isis killied 130 innocent people in France killied so many innocent which is completly against islam and prophet Muhammad (saw) teaching

I'm not here to discuss ISIS's political motives/actions. I already explained that in one sentence. ISIS genuinely is trying to form religious society. And it believes everyone around them is against that, hence it is resorting to force/terror to achieve the impossible. They can cause some damage, but in the end they can't form the society Abrahamic God demands from his believers since his 'believers' hate that kind of society.

I was addressing two main religious components. Implementing religious law(Abrahamic) and forming religious society. They are the only group actively trying to work towards this result. And hence they're the only 'believers' according to the religious text of Abrahamic religions. According to logical humans, we believe this religions man made and this God doesn't exist. Try to understand what I'm saying here. It seems like you have trouble comprehending it.

And no, I'm not trying to create polarization between Jews, Muslims and Christians. They all share the same religion, Islam is just a rip off of the crazy nonsense supremacist Jewish Rabbi's created in Judaism. As far as your faith though. Muslims need to implement religious law and form religious society to be considered Muslims. If the society and state is secular that means you reject Islam as a model and reject Islamic Law and reject what God demanded from you.

There's a reason the Muslim Caliph's(companions of Mohammad) created 'Caliphates' you moron. It's because Mohammad told them to as God ordains this upon his people. That's why the Caliphs made a religious state and implemented Islam in it. They banned all trade/sales of alcohol, nudity, avoiding prayer, secular system, etc....And they also made Christians/Jews pay tax to be accepted into Islamic or state or otherwise convert. Or are you doing to deny that too? Man you guys give me a headache....

If Christians, Jews and Muslims were true Christians, Jews and Muslims, they would support ISIS in forming an religious state based on Abrahamic ideals or at least try forming one their selves. But they chose secularism over Abrahamic religion. Willing fully. Therefore they're all infidels.

If Christians, Jews, and Muslims believe that's not true and God doesn't mind them living in secular, liberal democracies like the hypocritical asswipes that they are, then STFU and stop trying to spread your stupid religions around the world. All of you hate each other with big passions even though you all are equally hypocritical. I always see Western Christian sites bashing Islam, claiming that Islam is religion of devil, etc....these types of Christians are dumb people who don't follow anything in their religion. They just see it as an identity. In their daily lives however, they do everything else the secular people do.
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@SarthakGanguly Same applies to you dear
Yes. Mosquitoes and maggots breed faster than humans as well. Does not mean they will rule the world any time soon. :)

Its fast growing because people from other religions are converting to Islam including Hindus , bhuddists and Christians to name the leading religions.
More Muslims have been converted to Hinduism and Buddhism in India and Myanmar. Courtesy RSS, VHP and Myanmarese Orgs. That's all we need to care about for now. :)
The rate of growth of Muslim population is 2.7 (2011 census) and that of Hindu is 2.1. If you extrapolate the dipping Muslim fertility rate you will know what is happening. :) The gain in Muslim population is about 3.1%. Which means the conversions are out of the question as BD Muslims need to be taken into account. :D

Except for West Bengal, Assam and North Kerala, Muslim population growth has been more than matched by aggressive conversions by evil Hindus and Buddhists and Sikhs. The increase in the above states has also been due to influx of BD muslims. We will remove them and convert more Muslims to Sikhism or Buddhism to gain a better balance. Sorry about that. In fact we are doing that.

The West in turning increasingly against Islam in general and the number of ex-Muslim organization have huge number of members today. Check out yourself, you will be shocked. Also it is a fact that 75% of converts to Islam convert out of it in 1 to 2 years.
There is a belief that large number of jews became atheist due to holocust. Surely if all powerful god cannot stop holocust of chosen people, there is a good chance that he does not even care to exist(to a jewish mind disillusioned by holocust).
Actually Europe's journey towards atheism/enlightenment started from the similar reason. The earthquake on Lisbon in 17th century and resulting tsunami happened on an important church holiday and destroyed almost every other church, which deeply effected very devout Christian society in then Europe.

Okay buddy! If ISIS is implementing the 'wrong' form of Islamic State/Shariah. Then where are the rest of Muslims to implement the real one? Oh that's right, they don't want it and don't believe in it. They prefer secularism....

C'mon guy, my point is not that ISIS has the right world view. My point is that Muslims are closet atheists who won't implement their religion in same way Christians/Jews refuse to you. You're all disbelievers according to your own religions.

I can't speak for all religions, but I can speak for Islam. Islam is a perfected religion, Muhammad already did all the interpretation needed. He also mapped out the vision for the society. This is why he came up with Shariah Law, the 'Sunnah'. If you look into hadith, Muhammad chips in on many social/political issues the Arabs were facing at the time. And he gave many rulings/suggestions in those narrations.

Religion is open for interpretation with regards to some aspects within it. However, cherry picking is absolutely not allowed. If you cherry pick you're an disbeliever in Islam. Muhammad himself said if you disbelieve in Shariah then you're an infidel. This is because Muhammad used logic to come to this conclusion. Logic tells me(and others) that if you deny a ruling in your religion. Then you either believe the 'supreme' and 'great' Lord made a mistake or you personally disagree with God and refuse to believe that his rulings are final. If you disagree with God this is probably the biggest sin in Abrahamic tradition, you're definitely an infidel and will go to hell. Since God is above all and is perfect.

I still do believe in a God, hence I'm agnostic. But I'm tired of these hypocrites/blatant liars who make up adherents of Abrahamic faiths. They continue to live in denial and refer to legitimate followers of these religions as 'extremists'. How many Christians/Jews/Muslims know that their Prophets(Including Muhammad) implemented stoning of adulterers? Or am I going to be called a liar for that too? Do you guys agree with stoning adulterers? If you disagree, then you disagree with Jewish/Islamic Law. Which means you believe God made a mistake putting that law or that he is very cruel or something else....

I think you have a very basic understanding of Islam. This is obvious from your constant phrase about "Sharia Law". Sharia means Law. So, you are basically saying "Law Law" when you talk about "Sharia Law".

There is no big book of Islamic Law as sent down in our religion. The law of the land is supposed to be based on Islamic teaching & philosophy. This is sharia. Or to make easier, a legal system based on what Islam teaches.

Mohammad was not a lawyer. He did not sit down and write a 12-volume legal system to be used for Islamic countries for eternity. Laws change based on the society's needs. Sharia is supposed implemented in such a way by leaders of Islamic societies, where Islamic sources are used as a guideline to come up with the best laws for that society.

Therefore, to sum it up, Sharia is not a set of defined rules.
Yes. Mosquitoes and maggots breed faster than humans as well. Does not mean they will rule the world any time soon. :)

More Muslims have been converted to Hinduism and Buddhism in India and Myanmar. Courtesy RSS, VHP and Myanmarese Orgs. That's all we need to care about for now. :)
The rate of growth of Muslim population is 2.7 (2011 census) and that of Hindu is 2.1. If you extrapolate the dipping Muslim fertility rate you will know what is happening. :) The gain in Muslim population is about 3.1%. Which means the conversions are out of the question as BD Muslims need to be taken into account. :D

Except for West Bengal, Assam and North Kerala, Muslim population growth has been more than matched by aggressive conversions by evil Hindus and Buddhists and Sikhs. The increase in the above states has also been due to influx of BD muslims. We will remove them and convert more Muslims to Sikhism or Buddhism to gain a better balance. Sorry about that. In fact we are doing that.

The West in turning increasingly against Islam in general and the number of ex-Muslim organization have huge number of members today. Check out yourself, you will be shocked. Also it is a fact that 75% of converts to Islam convert out of it in 1 to 2 years.

You're part of the problem with your bigotry. Buddhism and Hinduism are also stupid religions. All religions are a waste of time and should be banned. If you want to be spirtual go explore nature or listen to music or something.

You clearly view religion as an identity. Which supports my point once again that adherents of religions don't believe the content of their faiths. They just view it as some race or something. All for political reasons. If there was no political benefit in religion, nobody would identify as a Hindu, Jew or Muslim. Unfortunately, most of you are assholes who enjoy exploiting religion.

I think you have a very basic understanding of Islam. This is obvious from your constant phrase about "Sharia Law". Sharia means Law. So, you are basically saying "Law Law" when you talk about "Sharia Law".

There is no big book of Islamic Law as sent down in our religion. The law of the land is supposed to be based on Islamic teaching & philosophy. This is sharia. Or to make easier, a legal system based on what Islam teaches.

Mohammad was not a lawyer. He did not sit down and write a 12-volume legal system to be used for Islamic countries for eternity. Laws change based on the society's needs. Sharia is supposed implemented in such a way by leaders of Islamic societies, where Islamic sources are used as a guideline to come up with the best laws for that society.

Therefore, to sum it up, Sharia is not a set of defined rules.

Islamic law is subject to change? Can you show me a Sunni source confirming that? Anyway my friend, if religion is subject to change depending on its time. That just proves religion is meaningless and pointless. So you're essentially saying a 100 years from now will be a different era, therefore Islam then will be what Christianity is today. So why are we in this day and age following it?? If a century from now it will get reformed and become a liberal-secular religion? Reforming a religion means its followers believe God is an idiot that created the world for no reason. So they're getting rid of all the rules God ordained unto them.

Please show me in bible or Quran where God says a thousand years you dont need to worry about all the commandments I assigned for you....
How about all Muslims come out of the closet and admit they're atheists/agnostics? If you don't believe in forming Islamic state with Islamic Laws, then you're not Muslim. I'm not judging people, I'm agnostic myself. What I'm saying is religion is causing too much problems in Muslim world. Because 99% of Muslims pretend to be Muslim. They preach everything about Islam but don't implement it and don't let it interrupt their daily lives. Therefore they are hypocrites/disbelievers according to their own religion. Only ISIS/Al-Qaeda are trying to implement Islam and form an Islamic state. The rest are infidels according to Islam itself. So let's come out of the closet and admit we don't believe in this religion. But no, we don't, instead we keep it to use it as a tool to control masses and use Shia/Sunni proxies across the religion to die for Iranian/Saudi interests.

When I was a Muslim, I wasn't a half assed Muslim or pseudo-Muslim hypocrite. I actually believed what my religion told me to advocate(islamic state and Islamic Law). Then I sort of I realized I was the only one who believed in Islam as it should be. Therefore it didn't take me too long to notice that Muslims, just like any other religious denomination are full of shit, don't actually believe in their religion, break all the laws in it even while they pretend to be religious, etc....So I left the religion. Because it's followers are lying pieces of crap. When push comes to shove, Jews/Christians/Muslims will choose secularism over their religion.

Now that doesn't mean I support the immoral wars in the region whether conducted by foreigners or locals. I value life and I also value the lives of Muslim people there who did nothing to deserve this suffering.

so you left Islam because of other muslims not following it properly (AQ or ISIS Style) ? or you think idea of God isnt convincing and religion is / was just a way of controlling society ? prefer a one liner answer. Reason i am asking is i am also confused and i am sure there are many others as well !
You're part of the problem with your bigotry. Buddhism and Hinduism are also stupid religions. All religions are a waste of time and should be banned. If you want to be spirtual go explore nature or listen to music or something.

You clearly view religion as an identity. Which supports my point once again that adherents of religions don't believe the content of their faiths. They just view it as some race or something. All for political reasons. If there was no political benefit in religion, nobody would identify as a Hindu, Jew or Muslim. Unfortunately, most of you are assholes who enjoy exploiting religion.
Your understanding of religion is very Abrahamic. I will let you continue in your bubble. :D Do write more. It is entertaining. :P
You're part of the problem with your bigotry. Buddhism and Hinduism are also stupid religions. All religions are a waste of time and should be banned. If you want to be spirtual go explore nature or listen to music or something.

You clearly view religion as an identity. Which supports my point once again that adherents of religions don't believe the content of their faiths. They just view it as some race or something. All for political reasons. If there was no political benefit in religion, nobody would identify as a Hindu, Jew or Muslim. Unfortunately, most of you are assholes who enjoy exploiting religion.

Islamic law is subject to change? Can you show me a Sunni source confirming that? Anyway my friend, if religion is subject to change depending on its time. That just proves religion is meaningless and pointless. So you're essentially saying a 100 years from now will be a different era, therefore Islam then will be what Christianity is today. So why are we in this day and age following it?? If a century from now it will get reformed and become a liberal-secular religion? Reforming a religion means its followers believe God is an idiot that created the world for no reason. So they're getting rid of all the rules God ordained unto them.

Please show me in bible or Quran where God says a thousand years you dont need to worry about all the commandments I assigned for you....
Hindus have thousamds of gods and godesses and to a sect in Hinduism all religions are a path to God and i personally have seen hindus in Muharram processions they have a very un fixed system of beliefs

Partially related to that. Partially related to philosophical reasons. Partially personal reasons. And other than that, religion in general is proven to be man made. There are many examples I can take out of all three Abrahamic religions that proves this and proves their hypocrisy. But I don't want to appear ranting. If people want to believe, it doesn't bother me.

Yes it is a problem with all religious denominations. That tells us nobody sincerely believes in their religion. Except a minority in proportion to a whole group. If they are so selective, why not just leave the religion? They don't, instead the smart@sses try to represent the religion and make into something it isn't.

I'm not part of the religion, so no.

I'm not here to discuss ISIS's political motives/actions. I already explained that in one sentence. ISIS genuinely is trying to form religious society. And it believes everyone around them is against that, hence it is resorting to force/terror to achieve the impossible. They can cause some damage, but in the end they can't form the society Abrahamic God demands from his believers since his 'believers' hate that kind of society.

I was addressing two main religious components. Implementing religious law(Abrahamic) and forming religious society. They are the only group actively trying to work towards this result. And hence they're the only 'believers' according to the religious text of Abrahamic religions. According to logical humans, we believe this religions man made and this God doesn't exist. Try to understand what I'm saying here. It seems like you have trouble comprehending it.

And no, I'm not trying to create polarization between Jews, Muslims and Christians. They all share the same religion, Islam is just a rip off of the crazy nonsense supremacist Jewish Rabbi's created in Judaism. As far as your faith though. Muslims need to implement religious law and form religious society to be considered Muslims. If the society and state is secular that means you reject Islam as a model and reject Islamic Law and reject what God demanded from you.

There's a reason the Muslim Caliph's(companions of Mohammad) created 'Caliphates' you moron. It's because Mohammad told them to as God ordains this upon his people. That's why the Caliphs made a religious state and implemented Islam in it. They banned all trade/sales of alcohol, nudity, avoiding prayer, secular system, etc....And they also made Christians/Jews pay tax to be accepted into Islamic or state or otherwise convert. Or are you doing to deny that too? Man you guys give me a headache....

If Christians, Jews and Muslims were true Christians, Jews and Muslims, they would support ISIS in forming an religious state based on Abrahamic ideals or at least try forming one their selves. But they chose secularism over Abrahamic religion. Willing fully. Therefore they're all infidels.

If Christians, Jews, and Muslims believe that's not true and God doesn't mind them living in secular, liberal democracies like the hypocritical asswipes that they are, then STFU and stop trying to spread your stupid religions around the world. All of you hate each other with big passions even though you all are equally hypocritical. I always see Western Christian sites bashing Islam, claiming that Islam is religion of devil, etc....these types of Christians are dumb people who don't follow anything in their religion. They just see it as an identity. In their daily lives however, they do everything else the secular people do.
Wait arent you the same Palestenian who used to root for Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
so you left Islam because of other muslims not following it properly (AQ or ISIS Style) ? or you think idea of God isnt convincing and religion is / was just a way of controlling society ? prefer a one liner answer. Reason i am asking is i am also confused and i am sure there are many others as well !

There are many reasons. I can't sum it up in one line. The main reason is humans don't base their actions/positions/lifestyles off of religion. Just look at politics and how cruel it is. There is so much injustice because Christians, Jews, Hindus and Muslims are liars when they claim to have ethical approach to worldly matters. I'm very political orientated person, it's my passion. However I refuse to enter professional field of politics because that would require me to abandon my ethics and take unjust positions even though my God tells me to never sell my soul even at any cost. I actually was that person who refused to sell my soul. And that's why I often sympathized with non state actors train of though(not political actions). Until I realized that ethics, morals, justice and God are very hated by the adherents of these faiths. That was the main reason, I realized that society and lifestyle isn't guided by principles of religion. Which also means nobody actually believes in God since they clearly don't emulate him or his messengers.

The reason I use AQ/ISIS example so much is because they are unintended consquence of the lies majority of religious adherents spread. Let's look at AQ/ISIS train of thought. They believe everyone around them is very hostile to religion. They see people around them including their own faith don't want to implement religion. They know that the people around them are atheists that are guided by secular/capitalistic train of thought and not by religion. This is why they resort to violence in their ideological struggle with the worlds inhabitants. We dont have to agree with ISIS/AQ actions. But we need to study their train of thought if we want to understand why they're a reality , and a growing one too.

So leave the violence stuff aside, as far as violence goes. They don't even make top 10 in the scales. I'm not a bigot or bias person. So I won't view them as most evil people just for them being Muslim. I estimate/judge what's evil based on actions. Capitalism has caused lots more suffering than AQ/ISIS could ever be able to inflict.

What I want to focus on is ideological aspect. Most adherents of religion won't let religion dictate their personal decisions or lifestye. Shouldn't this tell you something? It means they take logical and sometimes unethical/immoral(according to abrahamic faiths) decisions when it comes to daily matters. That means they reject their Gods guidance and reject his supposed teachings which he sent through messengers/Prophets. This is plain and simple means you reject God exisistence.

So your choice is to follow hypocrites of faiths who lie about being religious. Look what they do to the actual religious people like AQ/ISIS, they kill them whenver they get chance. This means Christians , Jews and Muslims are sick liars who despise the idea of religious society. Your other choice is to support AQ/ISIS. Your last choice is to not believe in religion. I no longer believe in religion since there is too many errors/mistakes/man made material in it. And because humans use it as a political tool/societal identity.

ISIS/AQ are just angry adherents of Abrahamic God who want to punish the hypocrites amongst their own abrahamic traditions. ISIS/AQ is like the little brother of Christianity/Judaism/Islam who recognize these capitlist liberal assholes who claim to believe in Moses, Jesus and Muhammad's ways of life are liars.

So the retards in these religions shouldn't pretend to be surprised with the trend genuinely religious groups who base all their worldly decisions of their faith.

Just to be clear, I'm not confused at all. I know what Abrahamic faith/God stands for. So don't respond to me by sayingg so 'you believe killing people is what religion is about'. No, I already explained why these religious groups resort to violence. The important thing is what they're trying to achieve, 3 main things:

1. Restore religious train of thought
2. Restore Religious society
3. Implement Abrahamic traditions

If you're a Muslim, Jew or Christian who opposes these three points, then you're a lying asshole dick closet atheist.

Me myself, I have doubts on religion. However, I'm not yet decided on if a God exists or not. I'm still learning. If the Abrahamic God is real, then what we're seeing today is the prelude to Armageddon, an ideological struggle will shape the world. And ISIS/AQ will win in the end because they obviously side with religion and the people who oppose them side with Liberal Capitalism.

If the Abrahamic God isn't real, then AQ/ISIS efforts to restore religion won't succeed and we will still have billions of assholes claiming to be believe in Abrahamic God who will supress society, ruin peoples lives and continue using religion as a tool to control the masses.

Wait arent you the same Palestenian who used to root for Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

I was religious back then. But even though I'm agnostic. I'd still prefer them over anything else. They're a lot more ethical than the capatilist cruel alternative we have in the world. Look at Iran , Saudi Arabia and Israel. Israel uses religion to fool American Christians into supporting their unjust colonial project. Saudi Arabia uses religion as tool to get Sunnis to fight in Syria and what not. Iran does same but with Shias. Meanwhile Israelis , Iranians and Saudis don't suffer any immediate consequences. Only the poor people who fight and die for their national interests do. Like the Americans, Arab shias, and other Arab sunnis.

These countries are wealthy and their people are mostly liberal/atheist but again pretend to be religious because its politically beneficial for them. In Islam that means you're a hypocrite damned to hell. It also means you're an infidel whos mocking God and using his teachings for personal benefit while you won't sacrifice anything for him since you reject him.
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There are many reasons. I can't sum it up in one line. The main reason is humans don't base their actions/positions/lifestyles off of religion. Just look at politics and how cruel it is. There is so much injustice because Christians, Jews, Hindus and Muslims are liars when they claim to have ethical approach to worldly matters. I'm very political orientated person, it's my passion. However I refuse to enter professional field of politics because that would require me to abandon my ethics and take unjust positions even though my God tells me to never sell my soul even at any cost. I actually was that person who refused to sell my soul. And that's why I often sympathized with non state actors train of though(not political actions). Until I realized that ethics, morals, justice and God are very hated by the adherents of these faiths. That was the main reason, I realized that society and lifestyle isn't guided by principles of religion. Which also means nobody actually believes in God since they clearly don't emulate him or his messengers.

The reason I use AQ/ISIS example so much is because they are unintended consquence of the lies majority of religious adherents spread. Let's look at AQ/ISIS train of thought. They believe everyone around them is very hostile to religion. They see people around them including their own faith don't want to implement religion. They know that the people around them are atheists that are guided by secular/capitalistic train of thought and not by religion. This is why they resort to violence in their ideological struggle with the worlds inhabitants. We dont have to agree with ISIS/AQ actions. But we need to study their train of thought if we want to understand why they're a reality , and a growing one too.

So leave the violence stuff aside, as far as violence goes. They don't even make top 10 in the scales. I'm not a bigot or bias person. So I won't view them as most evil people just for them being Muslim. I estimate/judge what's evil based on actions. Capitalism has caused lots more suffering than AQ/ISIS could ever be able to inflict.

What I want to focus on is ideological aspect. Most adherents of religion won't let religion dictate their personal decisions or lifestye. Shouldn't this tell you something? It means they take logical and sometimes unethical/immoral(according to abrahamic faiths) decisions when it comes to daily matters. That means they reject their Gods guidance and reject his supposed teachings which he sent through messengers/Prophets. This is plain and simple means you reject God exisistence.

So your choice is to follow hypocrites of faiths who lie about being religious. Look what they do to the actual religious people like AQ/ISIS, they kill them whenver they get chance. This means Christians , Jews and Muslims are sick liars who despise the idea of religious society. Your other choice is to support AQ/ISIS. Your last choice is to not believe in religion. I no longer believe in religion since there is too many errors/mistakes/man made material in it. And because humans use it as a political tool/societal identity.

ISIS/AQ are just angry adherents of Abrahamic God who want to punish the hypocrites amongst their own abrahamic traditions. ISIS/AQ is like the little brother of Christianity/Judaism/Islam who recognize these capitlist liberal assholes who claim to believe in Moses, Jesus and Muhammad's ways of life are liars.

So the retards in these religions shouldn't pretend to be surprised with the trend genuinely religious groups who base all their worldly decisions of their faith.

Bottom line what I concur is people or a group of people Serve their interests naturally first and if be it religion or ethinicity are required according to the situation or circumstances they are in they choose to use or not use it .. This offcourse is as per their liking !

Also i derive the conclusion that isis or aq are truely following the books and punishing those who arent! I am also of the same opinion that they are following Islamic texts strictly and enforcing the same .... so as for me if AQ or ISIS or be it Irani ayotulahs if what they preach are really Islamic teachings than it sort of helps me reach a conclusion
Bottom line what I concur is people or a group of people Serve their interests naturally first and if be it religion or ethinicity are required according to the situation or circumstances they are in they choose to use or not use it .. This offcourse is as per their liking !

Also i derive the conclusion that isis or aq are truely following the books and punishing those who arent! I am also of the same opinion that they are following Islamic texts strictly and enforcing the same .... so as for me if AQ or ISIS or be it Irani ayotulahs if what they preach are really Islamic teachings than it sort of helps me reach a conclusion

Correct my friend. Let's just make some clarifications though. Iran version of Islam is mixture of liberal thought and also influenced by Persian culture/train of thought. The original Islam is one ISIS/AQ are following. Not just Islam, also how Judaism/Christianity is. The Jewish and Christian people are in denial about it and turned religion into just a Sunday visit to Church for some prep talk/socializing. And the night before they get drunk, lol.

Anyway glad you understood my point, seems some people have hard time understanding it. :)
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