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Pakistan mob burns man to death for 'blasphemy'

Then the mob will go after the policeman or his relatives, right? But why should the police be brave if they can't count on the support of their fellow citizens? And you still haven't discussed what to do about the leaders of the mob - let them lurk around seeking success another day or prosecute, convict, and execute them?
Sir in these cases their is no leader every Muslim gets furious if some insults Islam or people related to Islam and every Muslims can do anything for this kind of act so what we need to do is implement Islamic Law in full force and only than we can control such acts
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3144420 said:
was faisal shahzaad trained in pakistan??
was london bus bombing terrorist trained in pakistan
your entire state terrorism against mavi marmara in international waters, your state owned terrorists open fire on innocent people you forgot that, you forgot those dumb mossad zionists who kill some arab guy in dubai hotel but were too dumb enough not escape a mere CCTV capture?, and their fake british passports
See, to deny Pakistani involvement in international terrorism and decry Israel you have to suspend reason and invent your own facts - because sane reason and true facts support Israel. But once you've done that to your society, you'll find that many people don't see why they should bother to travel thousands of miles to kill Jews when they can attack their own invented enemies at home, for their own benefit. That's how you get terrorism and people-burning.

This phenomenon isn't unique to Pakistan or to Islam. Many of the original crusaders thought they were also doing the will of G-d by killing Jews in the European villages they passed through on the way to Jerusalem. Soon the Crusaders turned inward, pursuing their own heretics at the Albigenesian Crusade in Southern France.
All countries have extremists. The problem in Pakistan is that the government has so utterly abrogated its duties of law enforcement that the extremists flaunt their hate with impunity.

If this happened in any civilized country, the authorities would round up the ring leaders and make an example of them by handing down murder convictions. Will that happen in Pakistan with the current government? No one thinks so.
so much for the much coveted freedom of speech, and freedom of choice etc that a lot of pakistani's in here preach that they have in their country
All countries have extremists. The problem in Pakistan is that the government has so utterly abrogated its duties of law enforcement that the extremists flaunt their hate with impunity.

If this happened in any civilized country, the authorities would round up the ring leaders and make an example of them by handing down murder convictions. Will that happen in Pakistan with the current government? No one thinks so.
Sir in Pakistan situation is different extremists will keep growing if governments would not establish Islamic Law the solution to these problems is that Islamic Law must be implemented and people should be punished according to that otherwise these things can't be stopped
and these cowards use mosques to shout for support from likewise fanatics. Best use of resources.
If this happened in any civilized country, the authorities would round up the ring leaders and make an example of them by handing down murder convictions. Will that happen in Pakistan with the current government? No one thinks so.
Exactly. You've grasped something I tried to comment on in the Express Tribune article itself but the paper wouldn't publish: that with the resumption of lawless human sacrifice Pakistan has left the fold of civilized nations in favor of barbarian rule.
Sir in Pakistan situation is different extremists will keep growing if governments would not establish Islamic Law the solution to these problems is that Islamic Law must be implemented and people should be punished according to that otherwise these things can't be stopped

Different people have different ideas of what is "Islamic Law" and even to what extent such laws should be codified in the national legal system. Having difference of opinions is not uncommon and, in any civilized society, such issues are decided through dialog and compromise.

What is not acceptable is to impose one's views through violence. The government's job is to make sure that all debates are conducted in a civil manner within the law.
Different people have different ideas of what is "Islamic Law" and even to what extent such laws should be codified in the national legal system. Having difference of opinions is not uncommon and, in any civilized society, such issues are decided through dialog and compromise.

What is not acceptable is to impose one's views through violence. The government's job is to make sure that all debates are conducted in a civil manner within the law.
Sir about most law their is not much difference specially when it comes to economics and punishments and other stuff difference is mostly related to personal things like How to offer salah and where to put your hands during Salah but not when it comes to other laws
I tried to comment on in the Express Tribune article itself but the paper wouldn't publish:

Maybe you need to tone down your wording for the comment to get accepted.

Sir about most law their is not much difference specially when it comes to economics and punishments and other stuff difference is mostly related to personal things like How to offer salah and where to put your hands during Salah but not when it comes to other laws

Whatever it may be, the bottom line is that the law is enforced by duly appointed public officers after due process. Mob rule has no place in law enforcement.

This has nothing to do with Islamic anything; it is about the State's ability to establish its sovereignty.
Maybe you need to tone down your wording for the comment to get accepted.

Whatever it may be, the bottom line is that the law is enforced by duly appointed public officers after due process. Mob rule has no place in law enforcement.

This has nothing to do with Islamic anything; it is about the State's ability to establish its sovereignty.
Sir that is why I said in these cases police should shift the person to a secret hideout not in centre of public
Ignore Surenas, he doesn't represent the Iranian mentality, he represents the mind-set in the country he currently lives in.

Nor do you. But should I quote some western tourists who visited Iran and sometimes were even shocked by the racism and superiority-feelings towards other countries, like Afghanistan, China, etc?

''By saying this I also address the hypocrite site of the Iranian ‘Psyche’. People are really bothered by the fact that Europeans generalize and think all Iranians are ‘Bad People’. Many of those people at the same time look down on Arabs (‘They are dirty and have no culture’), Chinese (‘They are dirty and weird’) and Afghans (‘They are underdeveloped’). Many people generalize on a big scale and are doing exactly what they don’t want others to do to them.

Besides that I met Germans who have told me how, when they said they were German, people feel free to share their support to the ideals of Hitler. Iranians belong to the Arian race and quite some people apparently consider themselves superior for this reason. Even we, two NOT Germans, have witnessed several ‘ziegheil’ signs and shouts along the road.''


Don't be so hypocrite here.
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