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Pakistan mob burns man to death for 'blasphemy'

[:::~Spartacus~:::];3144019 said:
so now you are taking new low levels you retard let me tell you how civilised is iran

********.com - A woman murders her husband on the street in front of the cops

this is your extremist society, the police doesnt even bother to go and stop the brutal killing

Blabla. I can you even show this happening in Holland:

********.com - Crazy man stabs ex-wife on street (Warning: Graphic!)

This incidents you have everywhere. But at least we aren't chasing other minorities, kill members of other religions or blow ourself up. And I'm talking about the society right now, not about the government. Trying to compare Iran with Pakistan is laughable. We have women in our street view, dressed moderate, liberal views, etc. You don't know were your talking about.
I'm not kidding you. I even dare to speak out that more Iranians are liberal than Turks, but thats not the case. Even my Turkish fiends in Holland - who watched Iranian movies and some even visited Iran - are telling me that the temperament of Iranians is much like that of Turks. I quote again:
Been there. Seen them. Speak almost all the local languages. Let's not get into the Iranian debate. If you wish I can, but rather not.
Blabla. I can you even show this happening in Holland:

********.com - Crazy man stabs ex-wife on street (Warning: Graphic!)

This incidents you have everywhere. But at least we aren't chasing other minorities, kill members of other religions or blow ourself up. And I'm talking about the society right now, not about the government. Trying to compare Iran with Pakistan is laughable. We have women in our street view, dressed moderate, liberal views, etc. You don't know were your talking about.

It is indeed strange to compare Iran and Pakistan, don't know where you came out of the blue sky with that comparison.
We're talking about what happened in Pakistan here, and nobody justifies what has happened.
Blabla. I can you even show this happening in Holland:

********.com - Crazy man stabs ex-wife on street (Warning: Graphic!)

This incidents you have everywhere. But at least we aren't chasing other minorities, kill members of other religions or blow ourself up. And I'm talking about the society right now, not about the government. Trying to compare Iran with Pakistan is laughable. We have women in our street view, dressed moderate, liberal views, etc. You don't know were your talking about.

haha, so now you have agreed that crazy people are every where right?

your women are liberal so what? only in tehran we can see the liberalism if iranian women, i dont even wanna talk about how iranians have identity problems.

pakistan is in the east not in the west, pakistanis know about their moral values, we dont have the strict government which controls how one society behaves, pakistanis choice their life styles their sleves

you iranians are hypocrities, being conservative is not about being extremist or fanatics

how your revolution came, dont tell me all the fanatic iranians who were filling every nook and corner of iranian streets when mullah was coming out and shah iranian was exiting

and thank you, we have much bigger share of minorities from every religion, even parsis live in pakistan and enjoy healthy business, pakistan treats minorities well and thats why we have so much diversity in minorities in the first place
i am sure somehow it will be justified .. just wait .
This is a sad state of affairs. The law and order must be maintained. Such vigilante style street justice has no place in a civilized country.
U think Pakistan is a civilized country under the rule of the bunch of thugz and Crooks.I guess U are mistaken my brothr.....:smokin:

who knows the same mob will not have any problem burning other people's holy books and sacred places of worship. double standards.
Yes! the whole world is running on double standards nowadayz and at sometimes even triple standardz. Thats the height of munafiqat/selfishness to attain personal interests or benefits. no doubt about that.I don't know who to blame and who not to blame........:smokin:
Ignore Surenas, he doesn't represent the Iranian mentality, he represents the mind-set in the country he currently lives in.
Barbaric murderers, they should all be tried for murder and hanged to set an example.
Ignore Surenas, he doesn't represent the Iranian mentality, he represents the mind-set in the country he currently lives in.

Nah, most Dutch are pretty relaxed.

But there is no doubt there is a group of Western Iranians (or Persians as they call themselves) who are insanely nationalistic (or racist even), with very heavy anti-Arab and anti-Muslims views and sentiments in particular. I met quite a few myself, and they're also very vocal in the media, but I don't think they represent the majority of Iranians, or even the Western Iranians. Well, I hope not, but because at the end of the day you Iranians need to co-exist with your neighbors in that part of town. :D

Regarding the incident, these cases will continue. It will take probably generations and decades to change the the mindset. I don't see that happening soon. It begins with education and upbringing. If a child is learnt that anything Non-Muslim is offensive to him, that the outside world is the enemy, that is after to get him, abolishing or changing a law will not fade away his belief. He will just take matter in his own hands, hence the matter of law and order isn't really the issue. The person in question will gladly go to prison or be martyred. After all, he killed an infidel and battled for the 'good' cause.
after all he killed an infidel and battled for the 'good' cause.

if thats the reason then how do you explain this??

now dont make any excuses

and how do you explain this??

now explain this

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[:::~Spartacus~:::];3144312 said:
if thats the reason then how do you explain this??

now dont make any excuses

I thought the issue was that a Pakistani mob killed a man who they believed desecrated a Quran, and you're coming up with a brawl that happened in America? I don't have even have to make an excuse.
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I thought the issue was that a Pakistani mob killed a man who they believed desecrated a Quran, and you're coming up with a brawl that happened in America? I don't have even have to make an excuse.

you said about religion, its not a matter of pakistani blah blah, good you have no excuse

if you bothered to see the whole video the guy said, his religion promotes peace, he did this for his religion, those guys who burn people are just barbarians, religion cant be blamed for it

and explain this, and if you can blame this sick guy to the whole community?

Man Rolls a Severed Pig's Head into a Mosque. - YouTube

declare whole australia as racist bastards after this racist attack on indians??

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[:::~Spartacus~:::];3144320 said:
you said about religion, its not a matter of pakistani blah blah, good you have no excuse

if you bothered to see the whole video the guy said, his religion promotes peace, he did this for his religion, those guys who burn people are just barbarians, religion cant be blamed for it

Read again. Clearly you have misunderstood me. I never said it's the religion that's at fault. But if many of the children are endowed with intolerant views( like the ones in certain infamous madrassa's which surely can't be called beacons of enlightenment and tolerance) generations after generations, it would be difficult to sweep away that rigid, uncompromising inclinations and hatred in an instance.

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