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Pakistan has cost effective solutions to India’s ballistic missile defence system

Pakistanis have cost effective solution to every world issue, except for their own economy.

You do know that Cost effective solutions to a Defense system is much more easier than finding a effective solution to a bad shape economy which was looted for decades ?
Absolutely Wrong Approach! MRIV's will be taken out by S400 before they reach terminal height to deploy and unless Pakistan has a land based supersonic cruise missile that we do not know about, all other missiles including Babar don't stand a chance against S400. The solution is there in strategy but it does not need to be revealed on an open forum
Yes. It has already been agreed in principle.

I have my reservations about that. The condition of Uncle is, I will not field anything which will network with S400. NASAMS are a different thing altogether.
I have my reservations about that. The condition of Uncle is, I will not field anything which will network with S400. NASAMS are a different thing altogether.

Probably may happen when the economy zooms and the defense budget becomes huge.
Well for starters, AWACS radars equipped with AESA and EW suite can easily be used to jam enemy radars. Secondly, swarms of drones can be used to jam radars. Thirdly, you can force the enemy to waste their missiles on fake targets created on multiple enemy frequencies that don't exist. The list goes on and on man, I dunno why do you underestimate us so much. Don't know about but I've got family relatives in the navy and air force and they are engineers... you'll be blown away once you find out the kind of equipment we possess. So stop hyperventilating and relax. We've got it handled.
Although there are many many ways to come across a radar or missile system and survive, yet one of the easiest options is when Turkey gets S-400, study, analyse and test the ranges, frequencies, azimuths, reaction time etc of the S-400 radar system. Check the radars inter-operatibility with other missile systems.
Finally, exercise with TuAF using F-16's and JF-17's against S-400.

Absolutely Wrong Approach! MRIV's will be taken out by S400 before they reach terminal height to deploy and unless Pakistan has a land based supersonic cruise missile that we do not know about, all other missiles including Babar don't stand a chance against S400. The solution is there in strategy but it does not need to be revealed on an open forum
Not all plans/policies are told in correct technical terms to the media. Pakistan is sending a message across, not a battle plan.
Although there are many many ways to come across a radar or missile system and survive, yet one of the easiest options is when Turkey gets S-400, study, analyse and test the ranges, frequencies, azimuths, reaction time etc of the S-400 radar system. Check the radars inter-operatibility with other missile systems.
Finally, exercise with TuAF using F-16's and JF-17's against S-400.

Not all plans/policies are told in correct technical terms to the media. Pakistan is sending a message across, not a battle plan.
Why "wait" for Turkey to get it when China ALREADY has it. ;)
I wasnt aware that its already inducted
Yup, China received them in July of this year (notice the date below)...
Screenshot_20181110-154526_Samsung Internet.jpg
Well for starters, AWACS radars equipped with AESA and EW suite can easily be used to jam enemy radars. Secondly, swarms of drones can be used to jam radars. Thirdly, you can force the enemy to waste their missiles on fake targets created on multiple enemy frequencies that don't exist. The list goes on and on man, I dunno why do you underestimate us so much. Don't know about but I've got family relatives in the navy and air force and they are engineers... you'll be blown away once you find out the kind of equipment we possess. So stop hyperventilating and relax. We've got it handled.
There is no shortage of ideas but the million dollar question is what would actually work?

Russian military bases were subjected to swarm drone attacks by rebels in Syria in 2018, and they flopped. FYI: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/43qbbw/russia-says-it-swatted-down-drone-swarm-syria-isis

I am sure that the minds behind those strikes were just as confident as you are in your view of things, but they learned a lesson the hard way.

PAF have EW capabilities but IAF is in the picture and S-400 feature AESA radar system to search for potential threats (AESA radar systems are very difficult to jam/spoof on average).


From the looks of it, Indians will position three S-400 batteries in such a way that they will be able to monitor activity of PAF deep inside Pakistani airspace, and make it unsafe for PAF to operate close to Indian border in its entirety.

It is also foolish to look at S-400 in isolation. It is important to look at Indian defenses on the whole because S-400 will affect our operations from beneath additional layers of Indian defenses. It is important to worry about additional set of defenses which would be shielding an S-400 battery in the face of an attack namely Spyder, Akash and Barak 8 on the surface. And IAF will be operating above.


You pointed out the need to create FAKE targets through EW ("fake targets created on multiple enemy frequencies") but Russians have pointed out that S-400 can cope with the stresses of EW environment.

"The video was filmed at the Kapustin Yar test range in the Astakhan region of Russia, during a test of the S-400 against ballistic missile targets. The test supposedly took place while the S-400 was under heavy electronic jamming conditions. Despite this, Russia claims all four of the missiles hit their targets during their mid-course stage of flight."

Source: https://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/heres-russias-s-400-missile-system-in-action-and-heres-1746490022

Indians are also looking forward to counter FAKE targets in the physical domain (decoys): https://nationalinterest.org/blog/b...n-now-take-decoys-thats-really-big-deal-28627

We need to keep in mind that India is receiving help from Russia and Israel (two technological powerhouses) to strengthen its defenses, and India have a capable software engineering industry of its own.

I agree with Lt Gen Kidwai that our best shot is MiRV and four categories of cruise missiles. Even then, I see in this induction a major source of destabilization in the security environment of subcontinent because it will embolden India.

Unfortunately, we have no soft power to leverage to our advantage at present. Either our politicians sleeping or we are not in the position to take both US and China onboard and forge a joint political pressure point on Russia to cancel this deal.
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I don't think the message is getting across, unfortunately.

And lets not consider the other side to be a complete dumb pole not to know what options Pakistan has and what could be the counteracting tactic or strategy. These systems are not selected and inducted in a vacuum or one sided planning.
And lets not consider the other side to be a complete dumb pole not to know what options Pakistan has and what could be the counteracting tactic or strategy. These systems are not selected and inducted in a vacuum or one sided planning.

Message not getting across in the sense that it is not leading to change of behavior. Instead of realizing they can't win by an escalating arms race, they are simply amassing more arms. They fundamentally believe they can outnumber, outgun, outclass, and outsmart us in a final grand battle. And this is all based on their economic power derived from backing by America et al.

To send the message across, we need to hit their economic power - hard.
To be fair - MiRV and four categories of cruise missiles - are a step in the right direction in terms of advancing our hard power. These represent our best shot.
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