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My Real life struggle against Dark forces of Evil

You need to narrow down your options and focus to just one.

If you discuss this matter with every Aalim-type, you will end up confused just like that.

There are some Aalim who practice faith on a far deeper level than the norm and are not easy to get access to because they maintain a low profile due to personal factors or mindset. However, their prayers and advice can be helpful to someone in need.

I know a person and will reach out to him to see if he is willing. I cannot guarantee a contact though but worth a shot.

If that contact is someone you know than you can give your ref for me so it will be easier for me ..

I will try my best, and give you an update.

The reason I ask this because a lot of Aalim i know and tried to communicate wants me to donate or become part or razakar of their Astana , grow a beard ( which I can not due to my biology ) and when they did i am unable to do so they lose interest in solving our problems or even listen to us .
The reason I ask this because a lot of Aalim i know and tried to communicate wants me to donate or become part or razakar of their Astana , grow a beard ( which I can not due to my biology ) and when they did i am unable to do so they lose interest in solving our problems or even listen to us .
I understand.

Do not worry, I am not alluding to those types.
First of all to Mods My apologies for if I started this thread in a wrong section because i don't know where this thread would fit in . I was unsure of if i should even discuss this issue here because of its personal and a bit superstition in nature .

So let me come straight to the point, So I have 4 aunts alive and 2 of them lives with us for over 30+ years in the same house ( ground floor ) , one is mentally and physically Paralyzed since birth and other is a unmarried women in late 50's . We did have ups and downs in our lives with her and arguments which almost every Pakistani or Desi family have their their Phuppies ,but things took a far more bizarre turn not so far in past when some long lasting family issues once again comes to highlight , I don't want to go in details but it surely involves Money, second thing that changes in last couple of years that After I got married and many on the Forum knows that I am married to a American girl, when i get married my aunts ( Phuppies ) tried their best with my father to stop this marriage by saying a lot of things against my girl without knowing her in person, It was clear that they are doing this out of jealousy because 1 of my aunt lives in Canada for years and other aunt although lives in Pakistan but often travel to USA and when she returns she comes to brag about places she visit but we are like yeah good for you ..But since i got married my aunts become hostile towards me and my family, and despite me being the youngest in my whole Father side family i used to be loved by everyone but sudden change in their attitude towards me shocked me , it was so bad, that I am putting Allah as my witness that none of my Phuppi has congratulate me or bless me on my marriage until today, and 1 aunt who lives with me have not even give wedding gift , I know its not a serious thing but in Pakistani families it does reflect people behavior and those who have family issues will understand.

One day, I was doing something at the main gate of my house, when i heard some talk my aunt was doing with someone on the phone, the doors and windows were closed and no way she would know if i was there , what shocked me when she mentioned my specifically by saying her exact words " Han Apni Auqaat se bahr jaa ker American Bhangan se shadi ker li , Lakin mai bhi dekhti hun Kese America jata hai , Esa Ammal Karawaya hai ke Karachi se bahr nai ja sake ga " Roughly translated in to ( Yes he married a American sewerage worker by exceeding his limit, I will see how he even go to America , I have done Black Magic or Voodoo that he wont be able to leave Karachi ) . Now usually in my life I believe such things exists like Evil eye , Black Magic and Voodoo , because it has evidence in Islam , sunnah and even Quran talks about it , since i heard her i reflect on my life since my marriage and how things change rapidly for me, when we were applying for our Visa process despite a lot of people I tried to communicate to help me, none of them come out and my Visa process was put under a thing called Administrative processing , which according to Lawyers from USA i talked to is a Black hole of Immigration , Since my marriage in 2017 , 2 of my other cousins both males married to American born Pakistani' green card holder girls and while i am waiting they both are already settled in America started their lives with their wives while I am here, Despite thinking rationally about how come a Black magic or Voodoo affect American embassy decision the words of my Aunt and incidents that follow since my marriage in my life is making me wonder if she is really up to something sinister ?

What do you think I should do ? and what are your thoughts about if I am overthinking on this and this is all in my head, despite her claiming to be doing some Ammal to stop me from going to America or even trying to make me and my wife Divorce . I am not a devoted Muslim that pray 5 times, I am not ashamed in accepting that I should be praying but I am weak and everything i try somehow my heart move away from Prayers and other things . I time to time before I sleep recite Surah Nas and Surah Ikhlaq and blow on myself as according to one hadeeth this is what Prophet used to do every night before sleeping .
If anyone of you knows or have any suggestions for me , or have anyone baba or as we call in our language " Allah wale " who can help ( us ) particularly me out I am open to suggestion .

Some of you might wonder or even thing that its wrong that I am discussing such personal issues on a Defense forum but unfortunately I can not discuss this with anyone else or find out how to deal with such situations , I consider myself to a person from a modern world and hence there is a struggle that is going in my head to either believe in all that or just not to and nothing of all that works . If this thread end up being closed or shut down feel free to message me on PDF to ask for my email to discuss further details on email .
Jazak Allah khair to all the nice people of PDF for listening , and helping out .

@waz @Slav Defence @Areesh @PaklovesTurkiye @Cliftonite @pakpride00090 @dexter

Well my brother I told you I would contribute so here I am.
First things first I have made sincere dua for you. I'll be honest and say the most powerful defence against such evil is your own iman. Do you know demons fear pious individuals? The great Umar(ra) walked one side and the demons ran the other way! Please, please try to pray your salat. Just think bro it's only 10 minutes. I see people waste 10 minutes just reading their phones, what is 10 minutes for the Lord of universe! If you can't go all out, just try reading one salat a day, start with Isha for example. It's the one people can read easy i.e. due to nightfall and people are generally relaxing. After this just build up to one more and then another, until you reach the full five. Your life will change immensely, I swear by Allah(swt).
Now for the magic. Brother if you are sure you heard your poppo say this, then I'm afraid that is kuffar Akbar i.e. something which nullifies your faith and castes you out of the fold of Islam. I'm not saying she is, but that's how serious it is, ANY such magic always involves demonic power, which if contacted, they demand a tribute, and once this is given then you have worshiped other than Allah.

Next how to counter this. Bro please and I know it's tough, you may have to leave the house. She is using your presence as a binding force to do evil. If you can't at the moment then please make sure your belongings are on lock and key. Start to quietly dispose of your nail clippings, shaven/plucked hair outside of the house. Personal belongings and more importantly things of 'flesh' are needed for magic to work. You need to break the cycle. Also try to look for freshly dug mounds in and around your out area, as you may find an item of yours/hair etc put in the hole with knots tied to it. Also look for tree branches and any item attached to them, as this is another route for black magic to be channelled.

Now try to find someone in Karachi who is devout and well known sheikh. Going on the recommendations of pious people is a good way to find such great folks. He will see you, assess the damage done and give you certain ayah to read, water to drink (Quran read over it), place around the house etc. There are other things which can be done to break the cycle. I can ask someone I know well who helped with my brother's case, a horrible incident of a demonic entity which came to attack him, I will write up the full story for all of you to read. I can ask about Karachi and if he has any contacts here. Do let me know how things are now.
@Starlord I'm going to say something that may be considered a little controversial but this stems from a lot of personal experience and my own assessment of you. Back in 2017 I met an alim in Kci who told me that I'll see great troubles but I will be given a lot of grace that very few got and in 2019 I saw it while I was going through very hard personal circumstances. He also told me somethings about my family issues like you are experiencing I asked him what special thing I can or should do and he told me, nothing. Just do what you're doing because every thing that we suggest is to empower faith not undo anything. If your faith is already strong then you really don't need anything. As far as I've known you and your frustrations then you're someone who's highly frustrated with your circumstances and you're seeing outlets for it. You can't stop other people from having malintent against you but to be faithful and that means trusting Allah and being patient as well as optimistic. That's what I did and all my problems took care of themselves. Instead of looking for some remedy, look inwards and onwards by keeping that optimistic mindset, people who deviate towards black magic have the same mindset that gives them temptations and they don't even know sometimes that they're taking on advice which is actually harmful. Have faith, by that I mean, have faith, be hopeful and patient. Every hard time goes. If you're not getting what you desire maybe it's for your own good. Trust.

My apologies to anyone who gets offended I'm just sharing my experience. Rest I second @waz and send you my sincerest duas.
Well my brother I told you I would contribute so here I am.
First things first I have made sincere dua for you. I'll be honest and say the most powerful defence against such evil is your own iman. Do you know demons fear pious individuals? The great Umar(ra) walked one side and the demons ran the other way! Please, please try to pray your salat. Just think bro it's only 10 minutes. I see people waste 10 minutes just reading their phones, what is 10 minutes for the Lord of universe! If you can't go all out, just try reading one salat a day, start with Isha for example. It's the one people can read easy i.e. due to nightfall and people are generally relaxing. After this just build up to one more and then another, until you reach the full five. Your life will change immensely, I swear by Allah(swt).
Now for the magic. Brother if you are sure you heard your poppo say this, then I'm afraid that is kuffar Akbar i.e. something which nullifies your faith and castes you out of the fold of Islam. I'm not saying she is, but that's how serious it is, ANY such magic always involves demonic power, which if contacted, they demand a tribute, and once this is given then you have worshiped other than Allah.

Thank you so much, Actually I was waiting for your response and even thinking about sending you a PM here , anyway what you say is 100% truth, but thing is brother we are not Umar Khattab RA, i mean my name is Omer but i am no way even 0.1% of what level of imaan and faith that man carries, no wonder Satan take the other road. I also understand that you and others are asking me about keeping a strong trust on Allah and keep up with the Salah, and trust me when i say it I did my best , i do try it and yet I am unable to get it consistent .

You are very humble bro, my aunt is no less than Shaytan ki khala , probably more than that .. she is so weird and evil that I am sure Satan will be so proud of her, she alone destroyed my whole Father side family, all of my uncle and phuppies hate each other and don't even want to meet each other except through my this aunt , not because of her been pious , but she make everyone fight , while meet them behind their backs ..`

Next how to counter this. Bro please and I know it's tough, you may have to leave the house. She is using your presence as a binding force to do evil. If you can't at the moment then please make sure your belongings are on lock and key. Start to quietly dispose of your nail clippings, shaven/plucked hair outside of the house. Personal belongings and more importantly things of 'flesh' are needed for magic to work. You need to break the cycle. Also try to look for freshly dug mounds in and around your out area, as you may find an item of yours/hair etc put in the hole with knots tied to it. Also look for tree branches and any item attached to them, as this is another route for black magic to be channelled.

Well I never saw things like knots or Taweez but As i keep mentioning burned paper, eggs , poop smell ,walking sounds , knocking on doors/windows and a mysterious letter which is I think to much to discuss here , that was the most bizarre thing we have ever discovered in our house and i think that is one reason we get cautious about out aunt because the letter was about her, I live in a township and there is no soil or dirt, we have no porch or garden as well, all is concrete if she or anyone else dig anything we will know.

Now try to find someone in Karachi who is devout and well known sheikh. Going on the recommendations of pious people is a good way to find such great folks. He will see you, assess the damage done and give you certain ayah to read, water to drink (Quran read over it), place around the house etc. There are other things which can be done to break the cycle. I can ask someone I know well who helped with my brother's case, a horrible incident of a demonic entity which came to attack him, I will write up the full story for all of you to read. I can ask about Karachi and if he has any contacts here. Do let me know how things are now.

brother, honestly I am trying and its like something so powerful is keeping me away from praying , every time i try to convince myself that Allah overpower everything, something happen in my house or family which leads me to believe that Allah has forsaken me and my family , I keep asking Allah for ease things for me just a little so i can make a fresh start, just a Hint or sign of success or something to give me that strengthen my weak Imaan, Honestly I have been to few Baba's and aalims, many of them give us different answer , some say its black magic, some say your house is not good for you leave asap , some say someone from your family is doing a Amal on your family, some says that its extreme case of Nazar , Hassad , Jalan ( Evil eye , Envy and jealously ), they even go on to say that its so dangerous that its not just killing you because the one who is doing all that knows he can't kill you guys but whoever is doing it will make sure that your lives will be ruined and so far she is winning .
with @LeGenD Permission, I did talked to a guy from his Reference, I do understand where he was coming from and i accept that he did not give me false hopes and things which fakes imams do like naqsh and other stuff ,his mostly emphasis was on start praying and either reading/putting on PC surah Al Baqra, I just feel that this person I talked to he was very out of touched about the things I was telling him, I know Namaz and tilawat is very good and my mother, sister , father do it in our house every day .. but things is that if I am not doing all that than if only my life is ruined that is understandable, why my Brother , sister or mother or father who pray and recite quran as well ? Why not they get something better in their lives ?
Honestly I won't mind if you manage to find a contact, of course having multiple opinion over matters is always good, but i agree that I have to change myself but its like every time i do neeyat or intent to do something, something happen that cause me to divert it, make me upset on the situation that I say , Forget it ..Allah has forsaken me, and if he is not listening to me and my pleas , not just that but my family and he is watching us suffer than I refuse to bow or pray in front of him , I know i should not say it but Its like a battle between me and Allah at this moment where we both are in a constant dead lock, he is not fixing my life and I am not praying to him .. Of course I am nobody to fight with Allah over anything , i mean he is all powerful and lord of the universes , but this is how messy things are in my head .

@Starlord I'm going to say something that may be considered a little controversial but this stems from a lot of personal experience and my own assessment of you. Back in 2017 I met an alim in Kci who told me that I'll see great troubles but I will be given a lot of grace that very few got and in 2019 I saw it while I was going through very hard personal circumstances. He also told me somethings about my family issues like you are experiencing I asked him what special thing I can or should do and he told me, nothing. Just do what you're doing because every thing that we suggest is to empower faith not undo anything. If your faith is already strong then you really don't need anything. As far as I've known you and your frustrations then you're someone who's highly frustrated with your circumstances and you're seeing outlets for it. You can't stop other people from having malintent against you but to be faithful and that means trusting Allah and being patient as well as optimistic. That's what I did and all my problems took care of themselves. Instead of looking for some remedy, look inwards and onwards by keeping that optimistic mindset, people who deviate towards black magic have the same mindset that gives them temptations and they don't even know sometimes that they're taking on advice which is actually harmful. Have faith, by that I mean, have faith, be hopeful and patient. Every hard time goes. If you're not getting what you desire maybe it's for your own good. Trust.

My apologies to anyone who gets offended I'm just sharing my experience. Rest I second @waz and send you my sincerest duas.

Yaar @jaibi bhai , you as a Psychiatrist must have an idea about the frustration I am going through, the constant battle between my rationale mind and spiritual way is getting worse, I wrote about my struggle in responding to Waz , explaining how worse it is for me to even stand up and pray, for people saying it just stand up and Pray is easy but it is not that, I don't know if it my mental , physical health that is keeping me away, or its just Allah has put a seal in my heart hence i am unable to connect to him, or its just all in my head, and there is no God or no such entity and I am just not doing enough for myself , or struggling enough to push my life even further .
If you auntie has paid (money or something else) to have black magic done on you, then she is no longer a muslim!

Below is the protection prescribed by our beloved Prophet PBUH - recite all as soon as you wake up and recite all just before sleeping / shutting eyes for 24/7 protection from evil and magic. An angel stands guard the whole night, this is how powerful this wazifa is.

1. Ayat-al-Kursi

2. Last 2 Ayat of Surah Bakarah

3. Surah Al-Falaq

4. Surah An-Nas
Right Qurani Surah beautiful like these surah if you recite & Listen Quran then visit our web https://meriweb.org/quran & last Surah An Nas https://meriweb.org/quran/surah-an-nas/
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