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Muslims(Pakistanis) and RSS Hindus(Indians) Non-Stop Clashes In Leicester(UK)

You are right. Gujrati Hindus are absolute scum. Gujrati Muslims btw also hold extreme grudge towards Pakistan. I got this experience back in the day when I studied in the UK.
so I was in Uk and there was a scumbag called Tunveer Hussain from Indian Gujrat,. finding out that I was a Baloch Pakistani he taunted me that Pakistan had no chance to free Kashmir but will lose Baluchistan like it lost East Pakistan. and then he bragged how many atomic bombs India had along with the capacity to absorb many atomic strikes from Pakistan without any issue whereas Pakistan will just Vanish.
I chided him and put him back in his place.
funny enough in few months time the Gujrat massacre happened . and that son of a biatch saw me and started to look away and shamefully started to walk away. I looked at him with pity and silently said. how it goes Mader ch*d. the guy had tears in his eyes. I semi felt bad for him since I knew he must have had lost family members at the hands of people he was so keen to suck on just to spite me.

by the way anyone wanna meet up in Leister? I hear there is some nice takeaway there. ;)
These guys have responded due to police not taking any action. At least read about the incident before providing your input.
Again, this is not Pakistan or India where lawlessness exists, yes I read and see every video posted in this thread, Police is there to separate these stupid people from each other, let them do their job. If there was no police you would see each side killing each other, Police job is to de-escalate the situation first, keep each protesting parties away so a clash won't happen, this is how things work, this isn't a mob mentality how it happens in Pakistan and India.
This is the fault of the police and their incompetence, if the police were sincere in doing their jobs properly then neither of these uncivilised clowns would have the guts to touch each other in the first place. When you have Hindu and Muslim immigrants starting communal clashes in a 1st world country like the UK, the authorities are really doing something wrong as its their duty to prevent such incidents.
Incompetent isn't the word, more like complicit.
Call the police, Pakistani's are stupidly charging shouting Allah ho Akbar as its some battle march, its a stupid kids angry on a lost over Cricket match, let the police handle it ? you know much shame this kind of stuff bring to Muslims and Pakistani's all over ? people will watch these two stupid sides and think them as uncivilized idiots rioting over cricket match, like those idiots from EU who burn down cities over football, so yes this is stupid.

It's really cringe, these jahil backwater types are an embarrassment. One side belongs in a TLP march and the other in a RSS march.

Again, this is not Pakistan or India where lawlessness exists, yes I read and see every video posted in this thread, Police is there to separate these stupid people from each other, let them do their job. If there was no police you would see each side killing each other, Police job is to de-escalate the situation first, keep each protesting parties away so a clash won't happen, this is how things work, this isn't a mob mentality how it happens in Pakistan and India.
Let's see how many Hindus these hypocritical whites send back to India. Hindu's generally and UK Hindus are being influenced and urgently need to be de-Nazified as their hatred is spreading into a false sense of superiority and they are becoming like their Indian counterparts. Priti Patel with her Zion masters have sowed this seed with the sole purpose to divide and instill fear. UK gov must stop this open door policy of Hindu students who are importing Hindu Nazism in to the UK and elsewhere.
Again, this is not Pakistan or India where lawlessness exists, yes I read and see every video posted in this thread, Police is there to separate these stupid people from each other, let them do their job. If there was no police you would see each side killing each other, Police job is to de-escalate the situation first, keep each protesting parties away so a clash won't happen, this is how things work, this isn't a mob mentality how it happens in Pakistan and India.

Pakistanis assaulted by gangs of Hindus. Pakistanis report to police. Nothing is done. Continued attacks on lone Pakistanis. Reported to police and nothing done. Now Pakistanis have had enough and gone after the the Hindu troublemakers and all of sudden police show up to keep Pakistanis from fucking the Saffron Bhartis up.


So are you telling me the Pakistanis shouldn’t come together and ignore these Hindu mobs attacking lone Pakistanis when Police are taking no action?

Goritoes 70 IQ logic...
This is the fault of the police and their incompetence, if the police were sincere in doing their jobs properly then neither of these uncivilised clowns would have the guts to touch each other in the first place. When you have Hindu and Muslim immigrants starting communal clashes in a 1st world country like the UK, the authorities are really doing something wrong as its their duty to prevent such incidents.
This is SuCH a chicken sh!t response,
Why not confront the b@stards + fight
I think Gujratis started the whole thing by beating up a pakistani and saying to death to Pakistan

They are the most islamophobic out there, I don't know about Indians

My neighbor is an Indian Hindu and one of the nicest guys around but these Gujratis definitely deserve a beating

They can't treat us like Indian Muslims, we are not built that way, so the Gujratis definitely need treatment

But not Indians in general or any relgion, in western countries a lot of us have friendship with Indians and Hindu people, not all are deranged islamophobes

But the one's who are should be shown that you can't bully us
I agree about Gujarati
I have had few encounters in Canada, they have no tolerance towards Pakistanis

I agree about Gujarati
I have had few encounters in Canada, they have no tolerance towards Pakistanis
than lets show no tolerance towards them either,break their bones and beat these Gujaratis to a bloody plump, teach em a lesson they wont forget
Imagine little pow bhaaji, paan eating Gujarati boy trying to act all tough in front of us :lol: :lol: :lol:
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They are Hindus, they aren't "RSS-Hindus" or whatever that means.

If you are shit scared of Hindus, that you need to divide Hindus into "RSS Hindus" and "Non-RSS Hindus", then I can understand.

Obviously there is a divide when Hindus in the UK are disassociating themselves and condemning these troublemakers. I’m pretty sure this is the first incident of communal violence in the UK which has been brought over by your bharti countrymen of the saffron variety.

And don’t make us laugh. Nobody is scared of you toads.
It all started with a cricket match on the 28th of August and now has turned into a nightmare for the UK authorities. The streets of Leicester are simmering with tension where Indians have a healthy majority, the Muslims are fighting back. Many people have been arrested and injured but things are far away from cooling down.

The RSS went to march in a Muslim Indian Gujarati area.

They got to the start and were turned back by police.

The community didn’t want to harm relations understandably.

Pakistanis from Birmingham came and picked out their members and beat them senseless, and ran riot pinning them into their homes.

Police came and told them we have this.
Never have I witnessed the police authority love of Indians even in Canada.

There was a friend who got arrested for x,y reason, the council lawyers (govt) made sure he get maximum fine, prison sentence & probation conditions after parole. His offence was very light summary. With help from hindu officers & lawyers working there he got state provincial level case.

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