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Muslim world needs to prevent brain drain to West, President Erdoğan says

Stop trying to derail the thread. This is a thread about avoiding brain-drain and not a place for claiming to know best.

It's probably tempting to use half-truth to prove a point, but you need to also include the conditions before an incident happened.

Germany did have an industry before ww2, and "all" of it was stripped away when they lost the war at least on the eastern part. After the war, yes, USA pumped money and what not into Germany to stop it from becoming communistic. And Berlin is as far as I know still paying off on those debts.

China ? Perhaps you should watch the Netflix documentary on the chinese revolution, before, under and after Mao. mighty leader indeed, and then proceed to watch documentary about Hong Kong.

Even if the west is beginning to fail in tolerance, democracy etc. the level of society and the institutions are still far better for scientists and people who wishes to R&D.

Importing cheap crappy products... well, we know where those cheap and crappy products come from. Here I assume you are not talking about Samsung, Sony, Apple, VW etc.

Every nation who tries to limit import of consumer gods to promote their own has to start somewhere... at crappy products, their own crappy products, and as time goes by (with some R&D) they raise the quality of the products.

My point is this, you can prevent brain-drain by chaining down people and preventing them from leaving the country "legally", they will try leave illegally and seek asylum. Or you can create a free society with institutions to guarantee free fair judicial system, education system, checks and balances, and so on.

Opening up your own store and selling "high quality" products and suffering losses because of a supermarket with cheaper products just goes to show that the store owner doesn't know first thing about entrepreneurship. And I'm not even including the off the book money moving around.

Still it doesn't change the fact that any sane person would think of themselves first, being pragmatic is the backbone our existance, nationalism/patriotism is another aspect that affects our choice sometimes, but THAT is only if the country fulfills minimum standards we have set for ourselves. Or if we don't have any choice but to suck it up, and put up with it.
I think Erdoğan takes lessons and makes plans accordinly, but the problem is he only reads the preface, therefore dooms to a failure in a world the books are mostly written, published and distributed by the same group with hightech devices resulted from education and science, which is the west.
(3) 298C. Person of Quadiani group etc., calling himself a Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith. Any person of the Quadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves ‘Ahmadis’ or by any other name), who, directly or indirectly, poses himself as Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.”
thats why you are not in Pakistan? i still remember my mother used to tell me that her School teacher was a Ahmedi and that whole village belongs to Qadiani group,i never heard anything (punishment) in that area,that village is not very far from my village. i liked one thing about them and that is their Ikhlaq,last time i visited that family(my mother's classmates when they came from germany) i was really impressed.
well its your belief and you have full right of preaching and propagating it. Thanks for explaining :-)
A person must first serve himself and his family. If you create economic conditions where people can live comfortably then you will not have a brain drain.
Answer is simple - produce as many good and hardworking students as possible, so you have some for every country!!!! Example - China, India, South Korea, Taiwan etc., and Israil !!!!


...How many thousands of civil servants, soldiers, municipal workers have been laid down with decrees by the state of emergency? Was it not a lamentable development to see the eminent law professor İbrahim Kaboğlu not only expelled from Marmara University but also, like all others fired under regulations of the emergency rule, barred from holding any public or private position or travel abroad to undertake any of the prestigious offers he might receive?

The other day on a private news channel, as part of an effort to defame Turkey’s second president and former social democratic leader İsmet İnönü, there was a story about the letter of Albert Einstein written to the founding President Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. In the letter, Einstein had requested permission for some eminent Jewish professors to be employed “without any payment” at Turkish universities. Reportedly, İnönü referred the letter to the Education Ministry with the note “unacceptable” but later somehow, Atatürk intervened and those professors were given very important duties in the modernization effort of the new Turkey, helping the foundation and advancement of some universities and particularly social sciences.

Those Jewish academics, who contributed to the advancement of particularly conservatories, Istanbul University and the Faculty of Letters in Ankara, were all escaping the Nazi regime in their homeland and Turkey, for a period, served as their second homeland. Was it not sad that the very same Turkey today, like the East Germany of one period, has been trying to keep its own people in the country, not of course with a physical Berlin wall but with the foreign travel ban that has become routine...
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