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Modi’s party set to win Uttar Pradesh

Anyone who spends sometime in this forum will think similar.

Many muslims are prospering in India. India is a shouting / cacophonous democracy where everyone screams to get attention. This includes news media. The more discrimination they scream, the more eye balls they get.

Muslims + Christians along with other people of other religions have prospered in India (based on their intuition + hardwork).

Many have migrated to USA and Western countries, the same with Hindu Indian, therefore we see many Indians here with their location flag in Western country.

For Muslim, it should be better to move to Indonesia than Western countries, particularly for Billionare and experts with high skills
Indian Muslim billionare and scientist should move to Indonesia
So much for muh Islamic solidarity that even this Indonesian insect doesn't want to take in millions of poor illiterate Muslims who are getting butchered by the fascist Hindu terrorist The Mudi Sud Rejine... & rather prefers only rich and accomplished Muslims. :lol:

Let's just ignore the fact that he thinks the rich and accomplished ones have nowhere else to settle but Indonesia! Delusions of grandeur!
So much for muh Islamic solidarity that even this Indonesian insect doesn't want to take in millions of poor illiterate Muslims who are getting butchered by the fascist Hindu terrorist The Mudi Sud Rejine... & rather prefers only rich and accomplished Muslims. :lol:

Let's just ignore the fact that he thinks the rich and accomplished ones have nowhere else to settle but Indonesia! Delusions of grandeur!

Well we participate in 1965 war any way 8-)

Golden Shark Adventure in Pakistan​

Two Indonesian Navy submarines were sent to Pakistan. His mission: join the war against India.​

By Hendi Johari | 03 May 2021


Wow!!! @Joe Shearer coming to this forum after a long break/hybernation/self exile/hiatus of sorts seems to have stirred a Hornet nest(read Hindutvadis/Bhakts/Sanghis).

A lone fighting wolf, fighting it alone or with some sparse support from the community here, pitched against dozens and hundreds of the other kind.

There is a sudden upsurge in the number of the 'usual suspects' who were taking a nap earlier, suddenly active again here at PDF to confront @Joe Shearer and/or his ilk...there aren't many here.

Points to the fact that they are paid to do this??? with a new salary package, the earlier BJP social media remunerations(2.5 INR/comment) was too low, got a raise here it seems. :lol:
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I don't want to answer that, because I don't think it is a relevant question. I would rather be known for my values and beliefs, and my actions in defence of those.

Don't you think that is reasonable?
Of course
It is much more complicated than that. Hindus are persecuted in their own country. As a non-indian, it willl be very difficult for you to understand this (if at all). But that is what it is in India.

This doesn't looks to be true, after the independence of India in 1947, from the British Raj. The majority religion people being persecuted is unheard of, more like it's a kind of disdain or dislike from the swathe and segment of your own people, like Dalits taking the brunt of higher castes Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas others, the prevalent casteism is quite functioning in India, and the class differentiator also comes into play.

Or this could be just a fallacy peddled by the RSS backed BJP to win over a large electorates, it's all about the numbers in a huge country like India, they needed a boogie of sorts, rather more of it.

And I can understand that the misnomer 'Muslim Appeasement' which a huge electorates there has been led to believe and that Congress, liberals, seculars/leftists tend to have a certain disdain for the Hinduism, the fundamentals of it or the older Vedic attributes of it, added to the problem, Muslims have nothing to do with it, they don't wield the power, they don't call the shots.

Muslims keeping a culture, tradition, language and above all a religion of their own adds to the strength of India, it adds value to it.
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Clearly failed in STEM.

These are the correct figures








For those interested, this is a good place to start:

SY Quraishi, author, The Population Myth: Islam, Family Planning and Politics in India

I hope they are allowed to take those idiots who cannot read the constitution properly with them.


Some other Good Places to get Updated :

@Bleek , Joe is an ageing Bengali intellectual, deprived of his whiskey, fish and mutton cutlets because of age related complications. Such a people are a religion on their own. My first ever boss was like Joe and I was terrified of him.


Some other Good Places to get Updated :

That is the world-wide trend, and it is brave of you to try and infer that it will extend to within India.

So what if Muslims become the majority
So nothing, but these idiots aren't worried about that.

Their worries are elsewhere.

They are into that 1000 years of humiliation side-trip. They have sought out and donned these martyred roles and want to project themselves as wronged and slighted, by history, by Muslims who conquered them and by - the unkindest cut of all - the western world.

This is not about reality.

This is about alternate reality, one of their own, entirely.

From some of his (@Joe Shearer) posts, I gather, that "daaru" tau chal he raha hae. :lol: :lol:
In hugely reduced proportion. Y'day I had a rum and coke after six months. I hate fish, always have, and outside Calcutta, do not trust the beef kababs anywhere else (Lucknow, most of Kerala apart).
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It is much more complicated than that. Hindus are persecuted in their own country. As a non-indian, it willl be very difficult for you to understand this (if at all). But that is what it is in India.

As long as minority extremism ,which has reached alrarming levels in India, is NOT tackled, that segment of population will never prosper / integrate very well into mainstream.

The need of the hour is for Indian Muslims to study in schools / colleges and get professional employment. Not study in madrassas and end up becoming fruit vendors or similar and give birth to a brood and continue the cycle.
And.....here we go!

We are persecuted in our own country.

Anyone who has read the Sachar Commission report will be rolling on the floor by now.

If only jokers of this bent of mind knew the glass ceilings, the glass walls and the unseen barriers erected against Muslims everywhere, they would stop spouting bilge. Or perhaps, stop spouting quite so much of it.

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