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Modi’s party set to win Uttar Pradesh

They are into that 1000 years of humiliation side-trip. They have sought out and donned these martyred roles and want to project themselves as wronged and slighted, by history, by Muslims who conquered them and by - the unkindest cut of all - the western world.

This is not about reality.

This is about alternate reality, one of their own, entirely.

Excellent, Sir. My humble salute to you.

This is not even an "alternate reality". This is merely a conjectural perception, created by unwarranted transposition of history, to the present, both by the elite Hindus and Muslims, of Subcontinent, though, albeit, for somewhat different reasons.
@Joe Shearer I would really like to see how you convince or reason with this bunch. For a moment I could feel you simmering up there.
Convince? Reason? Nice one.

If you read through that long catechism that I put that @jk007 through a while ago, you will get the entire psychological profile of these people. They can be divided into segments, and there is no point in treating them uniformly.
  1. The hard-core elite, who resent their loss of social leadership, not just through what they think is centuries of Muslim rule, a purely manufactured resentment with no basis in reality, but also through British rule, that they feel was a period of incubation of their philosophy and ideas about the new state that should follow the removal of both these. They bitterly resented partition. In their playbook, the Muslim should have remained behind to be taught his place.
  2. The ignorant professional, who flooded into the cities during the period when the population of India went from 80% country-dwelling to 60%, and the surplus came into the cities. With our educational system being what it is, and our freedom of speech, they were maniacally focussed on becoming doctors or engineers, the only two professions that offered upward mobility in India in the years of economic stagnation, and totally neglected their education in humanities. Our professional institutions, the majority of which are now capitation-fee based places, contributed by producing narrow-minded subject matter experts with no views of the world generated by education. When they try to find out more, they find a rich hoard of propaganda and political promotion on the Internet, and this is the result - a hyper-active social media presence that convinces everybody else in the world that we are a nation of bigots.
  3. The fed-up with the Congress. The UPA2 Coalition years triggered these people, as the corruption prevalent in government circles, and the criminal neglect of defence irritated many people beyond endurance. This constituency is solely due to the Congress surviving still, to poison the discourse with its presence.
  4. The lumpkins in our cities, towns and villages, frustrated and embittered by their lack of any steady profession, trying to eke out an existence in squalor and filth, with no prospects, and dry tinder for any demagogue. These are the ones who actually kill and maim; the previous three will not soil their hands, and will only slay millions on the Internet.
It's our own fault, not to have foreseen the consequences and moved faster to address social as well as economic issues. The trouble was that both Narasimha Rao, whose attitudes and views were not beyond suspicion (he was the Prime Minister during the Babri Masjid demolition, and played a very negative role in insisting that the local Chief Minister was responsible and the centre could do nothing), and ManMohan Singh were wise and deft in economic matters, and built on earlier efforts to open up the economy to give it a push further along. They succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams, but uncorked the bottle out of which these pests emerged. They had no social finesse whatsoever, and we are suffering the consequences.

This is merely a conjectural perception, created by unwarranted transposition of history, to the present, both by the elite Hindus and Muslims, of Subcontinent, though, albeit, for somewhat different reasons.
That is the MADDENING part of it. Totally constructed out of thin air.
In hugely reduced proportion. Y'day I had a rum and coke after six months.

This is what I said in my Post # 65:

"Baqadar e ashk e andaleeb" (As much as teardrop of a nightingale) :lol:

"Ghalib chhuti sharaab, per ab bhi kabhi kabhi
Peeta hoon roz e abar o shab e maahtaab main" :p:
Is this Hindustan or Muslimistan?
Hindustan, and that has nothing to do with Hindu the religion. These are not Hindus, these are that bastard breed, political Hindus. Think ISIS, without the balls.

Hindus were proud and self-confident; this rabble skulks along in the shadows, snarling at any who approach it, biting when cornered.
Hindustan, and that has nothing to do with Hindu the religion. These are not Hindus, these are that bastard breed, political Hindus. Think ISIS, without the balls.

Hindus were proud and self-confident; this rabble skulks along in the shadows, snarling at any who approach it, biting when cornered.
I think he is a troll, he reminds me of SuvarnaTeja
Many have migrated to USA and Western countries, the same with Hindu Indian, therefore we see many Indians here with their location flag in Western country.
They were trained to do so. Our IITs produced engineers who could survive only in the west. They went west, and now they control most of the economy of the west.
So nothing, but these idiots aren't worried about that.

Their worries are elsewhere.

They are into that 1000 years of humiliation side-trip. They have sought out and donned these martyred roles and want to project themselves as wronged and slighted, by history, by Muslims who conquered them and by - the unkindest cut of all - the western world.

This is not about reality.

This is about alternate reality, one of their own, entirely.

And they think Modi & RSS will genocide 100 million Indian Muslims to extract revenge
"Baqadar e ashk e andaleeb" (As much as teardrop of a nightingale) :lol:

"Ghalib chhuti sharaab, per ab bhi kabhi kabhi
Peeta hoon roz e abar o shab e maahtaab main" :p:

My favorite daaru song is "Yeh jo halka halka suroor hai". I play it on a loop and by end of the evening it is "Yeh jo bohat zoron ka suroor hai"

@Joe Shearer i think Old Monk is losing its potency. Mazaa nahin aa raha. I buy it just for nostalgia sake.
Who knew that provincial elections in India were such a big rage here on PDF.😉 This is fascinating about how many people here think along the lines of fear/dislike of an administration that has changed the most un-changeable state in the country.

Basically, UP has been infamous for being the Hollywood-standard Mexico image in India - lawless, rough & teeming with hostile elements. There was a point in time when people would fear to step out of their homes after 7PM in the evening. In northeast, some of the more regionalist elements use UP as a slur because of the lawlessness and the thuggery there once upon a time. But that is now changing.

Today people walk around without fear of any goons or rioters or arsonists.

There is a lot of infrastructure and people movement within UP and any sort of goonery is not tolerated (even "Hindutva" one as you guys put it).
And they think Modi & RSS will genocide 100 million Indian Muslims to extract revenge
Yes. They don't realise that they are being gamed by a narcissist interested only in himself, who will shortly retire into the ranks of elder statesmen. The RSS realises that it has been used, but is helpless as long as their Frankenstein wins elections, or his lab assistant buys the elected. Once they fail, the knives will be used. They are already out.

My favorite daaru song is "Yeh jo halka halka suroor hai". I play it on a loop and by end of the evening it is "Yeh jo bohat zoron ka suroor hai"
My model is that famous sportsman, Rao Raja Hanut Singh. Two, never more. He played 9 goals because he could not be given 10; Jaipur was already 10, and they could not be equated. On the field of course they were the best of partners in crime; they were on the Deauville team of 1956 of hallowed memory.

But in 1961, I watched another Rathore, aided by Hesky Baig, a Mad Major and one other whose name I forget, carve up Hanut and his family team to win the Centenary Gold Cup. Every shot, every brilliant move remains bright in my memory.
In Maslow's hierarchy, UP is the perennial bottom feeder, always content with its most basic need being satisfied - the primitive survival instinct which requires subjugation of what you see as competitors.

Yogi delivers this by telling the Hindus that they are now emancipated from the clutches of the so called Muslim - Yadav mafia, itself a strange hyphenation, because Yadavs are staunch Hindus, traditionally (and stereotypically) in the dairy business and vehemently opposed to cow slaughter.

Yogi has reaped the benefits by preying on the collective psyche of majority, seen so often in Indian politics - that the majority, despite its numbers is bullied by the minority. For a very long time Hindu right wing politicians have mocked their own constituencies by telling them that they are cowards and pacifists. I have been hearing this since I remember. What has changed is that we now have a government at the centre which is sympathetic to these tactics of challenging the manhood of the majority.

UP's root problem is strongman culture. There are Brahmin dons, Yadav dons, Thakur dons and Muslim dons. Yogi is trying to eliminate Muslim dons because he thinks the Muslim on the street derives power from their patronage. He does not want to eliminate strongman culture itself. UP's political class is deeply classist, believing that the weak are weak because they are destined to be so and it is the duty of the strong to lord over the weak.

Sure and what about that Dubey don that he eliminated? Was he a Muslim too? UP's only saving grace since last election has been job creation and special economic zones. That can't happen with thugs roaming in the streets and troubling people. Hence the hard-hitting Putin-esque measures to 'tame' the crowd.

While there are elements of religious preference, who doesn't have them? Are you telling me that does not happen in Muslim-majority or Christian-majority countries? It does, and more than what you see in India.

Without a strongman CM, UP will become like the Somalia of India that it was in the 90s. A state that has 22 crore people used to only hard politics, cannot be governed in the same way as Maharashtra or Gujarat where there's enough sense in the general population.
Yes. They don't realise that they are being gamed by a narcissist interested only in himself, who will shortly retire into the ranks of elder statesmen. The RSS realises that it has been used, but is helpless as long as their Frankenstein wins elections, or his lab assistant buys the elected. Once they fail, the knives will be used. They are already out.
Modi won't retire. He will run for PM the third time. Yogi has no pan India appeal.

What do you mean by:
Once they fail, the knives will be used. They are already out

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