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Kashmir torture trail - Channel 4 documentary

This BAD WORLD that we live in has ALWAYS cared only for POWER

That is the NATURAL order of things

India is a powerful country and Pakistan can do nothing about Kashmir
BBC should also make a documentary on the MILLIONS who were killed by the British Empire
BBC and other western channels lie about subcontinent. See how they fabricate things about Xinxiang, Balochistan and now they have started targetting Kashmir. We should not trap on their propaganda.
civil war :rofl::rofl: how many milia are there Like BLA or BLF,Sindh


This Is What Happened To BLA BRA





Wet Dreaming So Much No Surprise How Many Times You Have To Clean You Khaki Chiddi

This BAD WORLD that we live in has ALWAYS cared only for POWER

That is the NATURAL order of things

India is a powerful country and Pakistan can do nothing about Kashmir

China Is Also Very Powerful and India Can't Do ****** About This




Keep our mouths shut and our pockets open
How about caring for your own countrymen first
There is a lot of poverty in Pakistan

Charity begins at home
Oh yes this charity organization helped Pakistanis during 2005 earthquale and 2010 Sindh floods it has the second biggest ambulance service after Edhi
Then stop interfering in Kashmir

You SOLD a dream to kashmiris and Ruined their lives

Stop interfering in Kashmir....I say the same..Get your fuckin troops out of that valley then we'll let Kashmiris decide who was their criminal...Pakistan or India....

What a irony....Pakistanis ruined Kashmiris' lives? who is saying, Indian?........Indians? who were happy and enjoying whole episode when Indian forces were on mission of blinding Kashmiris.......:angry:

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