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Is it time for Pakistan to seriously start considering an ICBM ?

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No I think we need to improve our existing weapons and make sure they 100% deliver the potent stuff @ New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai etc.In my opinion, if we have to exercise nuclear option then it must be used as shock and awe strategy and we should launch the nukes at Major Economic and Population centers along with Dam's etc so as to take maximum number lives (Civilian Plus Military).Basically, completely devastate the adversary and take out a significant population of the adversary (Specially, the well educated population which will take decades to reproduce).
You can afford to talk like this sitting in Norway, Mr. Armchair General....:argh:
We really should get an ICBM.
We getting an ICBM would improve Pakistan's prestige and show Pakistan's power in science, math, and technology.
You can afford to talk like this sitting in Norway, Mr. Armchair General....:argh:
Well If i talk about defense matters on this forum then it's offending?I was just being realistic because if we exercise the nuclear option that means we will be certainly finished (As the other guy will respond) so certainly these are the realistic options.It was just a general post about Nuclear Option - I did not bring any religious/bigotry etc into the discussion.Why i named Indian cities because that will most likely be the adversary.
We must get an ICBM.
We getting an ICBM would improve Pakistan's prestige and show Pakistan's power in science, math, and technology.

My friend...it is not that easy...when are people going to shake off fanboyism?
We must get an ICBM.
We getting an ICBM would improve Pakistan's prestige and show Pakistan's power in science, math, and technology.

For that acquiring an ICBM is not the only way to "show".
We must get an ICBM.
We getting an ICBM would improve Pakistan's prestige and show Pakistan's power in science, math, and technology.

You need to do a lot more than just building ICBM to improve Nation's prestige...
We really should get an ICBM.
We getting an ICBM would improve Pakistan's prestige and show Pakistan's power in science, math, and technology.

I think it will take a LOT more to show Pakistan's power in science, math, and technology than mere ICBMs. After all, look at North Korea as an example of weaponry not making up for other huge social shortfalls.
Well If i talk about defense matters on this forum then it's offending?I was just being realistic because if we exercise the nuclear option that means we will be certainly finished (As the other guy will respond) so certainly these are the realistic options.It was just a general post about Nuclear Option - I did not bring any religious/bigotry etc into the discussion.Why i named Indian cities because that will most likely be the adversary.
Have you ever thought abt the massive retaliation that will follow first strike....and also remember Pakistan doesn't have nuclear triad.
What do you need ICBMs for? Your present missile's range covers all your regional rivals territories.. An ICBM project will only serve to prop up bloated egos of generals.
Last i checked this is not a economic forum but Defense Discussion Forum.Obviously what i am discussing is worse case scenario.

as per your case it will take at least 2 to 3 decades to get our intellects back but what about your country, no human will ever be able to set foot in the barren lands for the next 2 centuries. have you ever thought about that? and yes this is a defense forum not an offense forum so make sure that what you write is in the best interest of both the countries. Moron!!
ICBM? For who?

You've already got India covered. I mean you can go and make ICBM and piss the world off in the process. :what:

Let's hypothetically say Pakistan somehow managed to develop ICBM but then what? Do you think that would affect Washington? Even if you attack first they've got ABM [Anti-Ballistic missile technology]. Plus you can never win a war with US of A using conventional methods. I personally think Pakistan should concentrate on Economy rather than Arm race.

This way you're just helping India and leading your country in the wrong direction.
ICBM? For who?

You've already got India covered. I mean you can go and make ICBM and piss the world off in the process. :what:

Let's hypothetically say Pakistan somehow managed to develop ICBM but then what? Do you think Washington would care? Even if you attack first they've got ABM [Anti-Ballistic missile technology]. Plus you can never win a war with US of A using conventional methods. I personally think Pakistan should concentrate on Economy rather than Arm race.

This way you're just helping India and leading your country in the wrong direction.

Exactly.....I think is thread is useless,as this topic has been debated a lot...it should be closed...
We really should get an ICBM.
We getting an ICBM would improve Pakistan's prestige and show Pakistan's power in science, math, and technology.

Pakistan's prestige does not depend on having ICBMs but its survival does. Of course, those who are doing the bidding for uncle sam will try their best to stop Pakistan from having ICBMs.
is there any other Pak brother out there who are interested in developing on a arms race. any weapon built so far is sufficient enough to destroy the world 10 times, why ask for more?
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