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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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LOL. I told you before, if anyone wants to have territorial claims over the other, we can claim all of your country for a thousand historical reasons. It seems that even though Baluch people are Sunni, they aren't happy about living in Pakistan. So, stop being delusional.

I am on PDF to defend Iran. It's funny that Iran has officially condemned the mistreatment of Kashmiris in India by Khamenei, our government and our parliament while your Arab brothers don't even bother to condemn it. LOL

Persian Achaemeni empire only ruled parts of Pakistan for 200 years. How long Pukhtoon (Pakistani/Afghan) empires ruled Iran? Check Hotaki and Durrani empires which ruled parts of Iran for the same amount of time.

Greek, Afghan, Turk periods of Pakistan were much longer. Also Iranics like Saka, Kushan, and Hepthalites whom we are descended from.

If you are going to talk Pakistani history, do some research.

I think that before you give your Afghan brothers a bright future, i.e. Taliban, you should give Pakistan a bright future. As for the Taliban, they are fighting the US in mountains far from Iran. All major Afghan cities are controlled by the US installed puppet government.

In sha Allah, both countries will have a bring future. I am very hopeful now that troublemakers are getting the boot.

Afghanistan needs a long period of peace and unity. In sha Allah, it will be so. We are building the foundation now for that stability, it will bring the best for Afghans and all its friendly neighbors.

Pakistan has also woken up to the threat of munafiq and ghaddar in our midst. Imran Khan is the best thing which happened to us, may Allah swt bless and preserve him.
Persian Achaemeni empire only ruled parts of Pakistan for 200 years. How long Pukhtoon (Pakistani/Afghan) empires ruled Iran? Check Hotaki and Durrani empires which ruled parts of Iran for the same amount of time.

Greek, Afghan, Turk periods of Pakistan were much longer. Also Iranics like Saka, Kushan, and Hepthalites whom we are descended from.

If you are going to talk Pakistani history, do some research.
Now your hallucinations have started. :D Just like your fantasies about the Indian subcontinent. You're a bunch of Iranian tribes. Not other way around. Half of your today's country belonged to the Qajar Dynasty before the Goldsmith and Mac Mahon agreements. And the British annexed those parts because they wanted to weaken us to protect their investments in India from possible Persian aggression.

In sha Allah, both countries will have a bring future. I am very hopeful now that troublemakers are getting the boot.

Afghanistan needs a long period of peace and unity. In sha Allah, it will be so. We are building the foundation now for that stability, it will bring the best for Afghans and all its friendly neighbors.

Pakistan has also woken up to the threat of munafiq and ghaddar in our midst. Imran Khan is the best thing which happened to us, may Allah swt bless and preserve him.
Funny, because Imran Khan rushed to Tehran without an invitation on an unscheduled visit to keep our relations from being destroyed. I don't think he agrees with you.
It is not allowed for any Pakistani to fight on any side in Syria. I have never heard of Sunni Pakistanis (from Pakistan proper) fighting in Syria.

Our government has a strict policy in regards Syria and Yemen.

Also Iran is not our friendly country, as you can see clearly above.
Bhai Jaan Have you listened Ex-Chief of Army Staff-President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf Interview where he Clearly Admits Ex-Pakistan Army General Fighting in Syria for Opposition?. I don't know what source is more credible then him regarding these matters.
What is "Pakistan proper"?
Yes it is not OFFICIALLY Allowed for Pakistani Citizen to go and fight for other countries as proxies. But it is just OFFICIAL. Under ground these cancerous Organisations are still recruiting Pakistanis to Fight all sorts of wars. Do you think its official Pakistani Policy to allow Fighters to go and fight for Syrian Government in line with Iranian Interests? We as a nation have to stand up to this trend. we have already been damaged enough.
A problem needs to be recognized first and then it is solved. Simply putting a blind eye toward it will never make it easier.
why do you think India and Afghanistan based Miscreants so easily find people in Pakistan to blow themselves up and carry out terrorist activities? Its because of these mercenaries readily available for hire. Yes it is decreased a lot after Operation Zarbe Azb and clearing out FATA. But its still not all good and clean.

Your eyes are opening now because now Iran is also getting its share from our "Mujahideen stockpile"

Their is only one solution. PAKISTANISM. Focus Everything on Pakistan. Discourage every ideology that promotes anything above Pakistan. People are more loyal to International Causes and ideologies then they are to their own countries. We need to revise our syllabus and national direction.
Sadly its far away still.
@AgNoStiC MuSliM there you go.
For example read this guy's comments.
People like him will even malign Pakistani historical claim on Kashmir and support for Kashmiri people to justify the actions of their holy Iran.
These snakes lurk among us.
You're on a witch hunt mate. I'm not even going to respond to your emotional post but just to clarify:
This was not to malign the Kashmir cause. Though as @AgNoStiC MuSliM pointed out my argument might be a bit flawed but it still holds if you want to define what tyranny is.
Unlike Syria and Iraq (which are both doomed), Afghanistan has a future under the Taliban as they want an Islamic emirate, the present Afghanistan is divided between too many nationalities, and if it continues in the present manner then it will be balkanised between Tajik nationalist, Hazara nationalists, and others, but the beauty of religion is that it kills the spirit of nationalism which is why I want them in power.

The truth about the Taliban is far from what you've mentioned... I can nit-pick stories from Iran as well. The fact of the matter is and I am sure you are aware of this as well is that majority of Iranians don't want the present regime within Iran, this is from my personal conversations that I've had with many Iranians. Iranians are not religious like Afghans and Pakistanis, I know many Iranians want a democracy like Canada & US and their lifestyles are more similar to western nations then it is to ours, the present regime is not liked by many.

Our primary goal right now is driving USA out, and everything else will fall into place, education, industry, economy... The last thing we want is to be a client state, and that is the last thing we will be.

Nationalism can indeed become a curse, when it pits brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor. All sorts of divisive rhetoric among Muslims can become toxic. In Iraq, sectarianism separated 1 million mixed Sunni-Shia marriages in Baghdad. That is the unfortunate result and human suffering caused by such propaganda.

Pakistan saw much of it in the 90s, there were provincial ethnic chauvinist parties in every province, no project got completed on a national scale, and outsiders like US, India, etc. found ample recruits for their terrorism (we still haven't found all the traitors from those years.)

Then the catastrophe of Indian terror struck Pakistan, we lost 75,000 (most brutal of all our children of APS Peshawar...) Every Pakistani cried for what happened. Every family had casualties.

Pakistan vowed never to let it happen again. We rejected the racial politics and re-united our country. We beat back the old leeches of our society and elected Imran Khan. He came with a promise of Naya Pakistan based on Insaf, Adl, and Insaniyat. His main slogan was, "Insan sirf koshish kar sakta he, baqi Allah karey ga." Then Pakistan became one based on an Islamic nationalism, many people said he is like Quaid e Azam, and since then, people all over the world praised him.

Same I can say for Afghanistan. Afghans love Islam, they yearn for it. Somehow they have been denied it (just like Pakostanis have been.) Look around at any controversy in the West for burning Quran or Prophet cartoons, people of Afghanistan and Pakistan come to the streets to protest without any organized effort. We always show our love for Islam, and never ever compromise our deen. It is the khoobi of our people.

I saw the same love of Islam in Afghan refugee friends in Pakistan, they studied vigorously in fiqh and Islamic history, seerah, and genuinely wanted to find a solution for their people back home suffering. They did not feel any different to any Pakistani, and carried themselves as such. I was amazed at the humility and greatness of character of these people. Ma sha Allah, I continue to pray for and wish the best for Afghans. They are unique and great among all people of the world.

They have suffered so, so much, they deserve peace more than anyone.

Be on my knees, lol okay. We will be asking for those Afghans back in the next 20 years, thank you for keeping them for us in our times of trouble, we will be sure to return you the favour should US ever invade your lands, you can keep the Liwas though, we don't need such people. I just hope you don't interfere in our affairs and we won't in yours, you can keep busy with the Arabs, we will focus up north.

We don't want Iranians to interfere in our country, just as we have no benefit in interfering in Iran.

Let us respect each other as neighbors, but most of all as Muslims.

Bhai Jaan Have you listened Ex-Chief of Army Staff-President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf Interview where he Clearly Admits Ex-Pakistan Army General Fighting in Syria for Opposition?. I don't know what source is more credible then him regarding these matters.

Musharraf should be hanged. That is my view of him. So no, not credible in my eyes.

What is "Pakistan proper"?

Excluding Pakistanis living in the West, ME, and SEA.

Yes it is not OFFICIALLY Allowed for Pakistani Citizen to go and fight for other countries as proxies. But it is just OFFICIAL. Under ground these cancerous Organisations are still recruiting Pakistanis to Fight all sorts of wars. We as a nation have to stand up to this trend. we have already been damaged enough.
A problem needs to be recognized first and then it is solved. Simply putting a blind eye toward it will never make it easier.

We have genuine names, locations of Liwa Zanabiyoun members.

Do we have the same for any other groups? How many people are we talking about?

Their is only one solution. PAKISTANISM. Focus Everything on Pakistan. Discourage every ideology that promotes anything above Pakistan. People are more loyal to International Causes and ideologies then they are to their own countries. We need to revise our syllabus and national direction.
Sadly its far away still.

I agree brother. However, Iranian proxies in Pakistan fail that basic test.

Look her at the venom exhibited by Iranian propaganda against us. They attack our identity, right to exist, Kashmir, ISI, Pak army, our ethnic groups (Pukhtoons,) and our religious views (Sunni Islam.) There is lack of respect at all levels.

We cannot be anything but enemies to these people. Afghans have already made the right decision about them.

Sunnis and Shias of Pakistan need to come together to deal with this new threat.

You're on a witch hunt mate. I'm not even going to respond to your emotional post but just to clarify:
This was not to malign the Kashmir cause. Though as @AgNoStiC MuSliM pointed out my argument might be a bit flawed but it still holds if you want to define what tyranny is.

It is a poor analogy. Indians are torturing, murdering, raping Kashmiri Muslims, all with Iranian support and interestingly enough for your analogy, even with Bahraini support. I mean ofcourse the medal Bahrain gave Modi.

Is the situation in Bahrain open genocide, lockdown, and torture camps for Shia Bahrainis? I understand that it is wrong on some levels, I agree, however it is not Kashmir.

However Kashmir is more analgous to the oppression of Sunni Muslims Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen by the Syrian Alawite regime, again with Iranian official sanction and physical support.

You see the hypocrisy of the Iranians?
Some Turkish MoD seniors advised Turkish MFA to block/review Pakistani nationals visa applications.

The seconde measure/would be to collect intel about the Pakistani citizens living in Turkey.

It’s sad that Turkey is urged to take necessary steps for its security towards Pakistani nationals.
Now your hallucinations have started. :D Just like your fantasies about the Indian subcontinent. You're a bunch of Iranian tribes. Not other way around. Half of your today's country belonged to the Qajar Dynasty before the Goldsmith and Mac Mahon agreements. And the British annexed those parts because they wanted to weaken us to protect their investments in India from possible Persian aggression.

Qajars were Turks, so I didn't include them.

Our Iranic ancestors were not from Iran (Persia formerly,) but came from Mongolia-Kazakh region around Tarim Basin and Altai mountains.

Afghans are similarly descended from those Iranic tribes. Hence Pakistan/Kashmir and Afghanistan have the highest racial similarity in this region.

Funny, because Imran Khan rushed to Tehran without an invitation on an unscheduled visit to keep our relations from being destroyed. I don't think he agrees with you.


He went in Oct. 2019 to defuse tensions between KSA and Iran. Imran Khan mediated between the two. He was in Riyadh around that time also.

After Sulemani, we sent Sheikh Rasheed in March 2019, who is the toughest Pakistani politician. He relayed some tough issues and Islamabad's disapproval to Iranian for their Indian support.


Some Turkish MoD seniors advised Turkish MFA to block/review Pakistani nationals visa applications.

The seconde measure/would be to collect intel about the Pakistani citizens living in Turkey.

It’s sad that Turkey is urged to take necessary steps for its security towards Pakistani nationals.

No problem brother, we 100% understand. The security and safety of Turkey is the priority of Pakistan also.

It will not erase the amount of love we get from Turks.

You are with us every time we need, and we shall likewise return the favor every time.
Isis and Taliban recruiters say the same
As I said Isis is internationally known terrorist group zainabioun are not.
Almost all countries round the world banned their citizen from joining Isis . it's not the case about zainabioun.
Qajars were Turks, so I didn't include them.

Our Iranic ancestors were not from Iran (Persia formerly,) but came from Mongolia-Kazakh region around Tarim Basin and Altai mountains.

Afghans are similarly descended from those Iranic tribes. Hence Pakistan/Kashmir and Afghanistan have the highest racial similarity in this region.
Qajars were a Turkic Iranian dynasty. Turkic people are Iranian too. Real Turks were in fact Mongols from Eastern/Central Asia who occupied Asia. And I mentioned only the most recent one. Otherwise, we have ruled over there for more than a thousand years. Afsharids, for example.


He went in Oct. 2019 to defuse tensions between KSA and Iran. Imran Khan mediated between the two. He was in Riyadh around that time also.

After Sulemani, we sent Sheikh Rasheed in March 2019, who is the toughest Pakistani politician. He relayed some tough issues and Islamabad's disapproval to Iranian for their Indian support.
Nope. He came here and started by saying that "It's unfortunate that the British separated us from you. If it weren't for the British, we would speak the same language today". Then he talked about how much he wanted to learn Persian from his mother because apparently his mother is a teacher of the Persian language. And then he signed a security treaty with us over border insurgency. The issue of mediation between the KSA and Iran was not discussed.

And it was in April 2019:
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It is not allowed for any Pakistani to fight on any side in Syria. I have never heard of Sunni Pakistanis (from Pakistan proper) fighting in Syria.

Our government has a strict policy in regards Syria and Yemen.

Also Iran is not our friendly country, as you can see clearly above.

@PakAlp @Aspen Please read Iranian propaganda against Pakistan by our Iranian members. I want to hear your thoughts, brothers.
Show me that policy please.
Don't allow them to enter pakistan again. If they manage to enter, find them and hit bullets on their faces. Go to Iran sympathizers. Cancel citizenship of all sympathizers. Make cages. Ask China to assist in uigher style. Army should take them down one by one. Imran Khan should release funds for this secret operation. Blow them on border using gbu-1000.
Don't allow them to enter pakistan again. If they manage to enter, find them and hit bullets on their faces. Go to Iran sympathizers. Cancel citizenship of all sympathizers. Make cages. Ask China to assist in uigher style. Army should take them down one by one. Imran Khan should release funds for this secret operation. Blow them on border using gbu-1000.
That's not your decisions to make Pakistan government must make such decision and you knew even if they make such decision it only apply to the ones who joined after it.
Qajars were an Iranian dynasty. Turks are Iranian too. Real Turks were in fact Mongols from Eastern Asia who occupied Asia. And I mentioned only the most recent one. Otherwise, we have ruled over there for more than a thousand years. Afsharids, for example.

That point about Turks is kind of amusing, but yes I know some Turks have Iranic origins. However they are not from Iran, but Altai mountains and Tarim basin as I states earlier.

Iranian is a nationality, and definitely not the original home of Iranic people. Your people migrated into Persia much the same way as ours did into Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Yes, who can forget Nader Shah's brutal invasion and sacking of all Muslim cities on the way to Dilli. Shaandar. It led to the collapse of Mughals, rise of Maratha bandits, Sikhs, and British occupation. Great job. Teshukrem.

Nope. He came here and started by saying that "It's unfortunate that the British separated us from you. If it weren't for the British, we would speak the same language today". Then he talked about how much he wanted to learn Persian from his mother because apparently his mother is a teacher of the Persian language. And then he signed a security treaty with us over border insurgency. The issue of mediation between the KSA and Iran was not on the table back then.

I clearly stated the timings and contexts of both visits. Since you did not refute my points and just said I was wrong, I don't know what else to say.

I also don't find anything wrong in what he said. Even my own grandparents were fluent in Dari, even with the British ban on speaking, writing, and teaching Dari. That was our official language for 800 years.

Why not? We are originally Iranic people, so what is the issue with speaking our Iranic tongues our having our Iranic culture?

Iran does not own all Iranics.
That point about Turks is kind of amusing, but yes I know some Turks have Iranic origins. However they are not from Iran, but Altai mountains and Tarim basin as I states earlier.

Iranian is a nationality, and definitely not the original home of Iranic people. Your people migrated into Persia much the same way as ours did into Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Yes, who can forget Nader Shah's brutal invasion and sacking of all Muslim cities on the way to Dilli. Shaandar. It led to the collapse of Mughals, rise of Maratha bandits, Sikhs, and British occupation. Great job. Teshukrem.
And guess where Altai Mountains and Tarim Basin are? I said Central Asia and I was correct. In fact, Mongolia sounds like a more precise location for the origin of Turkic invasion of Asia.

Iran is indeed a nationality. Who claimed otherwise? The spread of Iranic groups in Western, Central and Southern Asia started from the North. Either from Siberia or Kiyevan Rus. Nevertheless, the Caucasus played a crucial role in their migration. I don't see how that's relevant to the fact that many regions in today's Pakistan were annexed from Persia during the Qajar dynasty.

I clearly stated the timings and contexts of both visits. Since you did not refute my points and just said I was wrong, I don't know what else to say.

I also don't find anything wrong in what he said. Even my own grandparents were fluent in Dari, even with the British ban on speaking, writing, and teaching Dari. That was our official language for 800 years.

Why not? We are originally Iranic people, so what is the issue with speaking our Iranic tongues our having our Iranic culture?

Iran does not own all Iranics.
And you were clearly wrong. He visited Iran in April, 2019. You said October. And the context was border security after the two attacks in February.

I sent you the link to an article from Al-Jazeera about his visit. Did you read it? He came here after the February attacks in Iran and Pakistan to sign a border security treaty.
Aljazeera: Pakistan PM Imran Khan visits Iran amid tense relations

We don't own you, but if anyone wants to make such a claim about Iranic people, it will be obviously us rather than you. LOL
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Some Turkish MoD seniors advised Turkish MFA to block/review Pakistani nationals visa applications.

The seconde measure/would be to collect intel about the Pakistani citizens living in Turkey.

It’s sad that Turkey is urged to take necessary steps for its security towards Pakistani nationals.

We are so sorry here, man.

More power to Turks in safeguarding their nation's security and interests
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