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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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You make country based on religion and then ask its citizens to be patriotic with in its borders :lol:
pakistan didn't ban its citizen from getting employment in foreign security organization
Liwa Zainabiyoun is not a foreign security organization.

Which country or countries is Liwa Zainabiyoun registered to operate in?

When was the contract issued to it by the Syrian government for security operations in Syria?

This argument is no better than someone claiming that Daesh or Al Qaeda are 'foreign security organizations'.
Thats why you guys need Nationalism, a theocratic doctrine allows such things unfortunately. Turkey has its own religious minorities and different sects yet none of them would pick up arms for another state let alone against Turkey.

You are also Sinophile no?

Pakistan is ideal islamic theocratic state yet jihadis still find many reasons to pick up arms against state, go figure.
Liwa Zainabiyoun is not a foreign security organization.

Which country or countries is Liwa Zainabiyoun registered to operate in?

When was the contract issued to it by the Syrian government for security operations in Syria?

This argument is no better than someone claiming that Daesh or Al Qaeda are 'foreign security organizations'.
well , ask them but their recruitment office is in Iran.
some where in 2013 they asked privately from us to provide it . do you have problem with that ?
ISIS and Al-Qaeda are internationally recognized terrorist group , Liwa Zainabiyoun is not considered as such
And if all you understood from my post was about Afghanistan, I feel sorry for you. What do you mean by we failed to neutralize Taliban? The US removed the Taliban from power in 2001. Since then, the Taliban are fighting only the US troops in Afghanistan and it is no longer a threat to Iran. It has even tried to approach Iran to fight the US on several occasions. The issue is not Taliban. You are messing up with the demographics of Afghanistan by killing Persians in Afghanistan and turning Afghanistan into a Pashto-dominant country. Not to mention that Hazaras in Afghanistan are under constant threat for their lives. Our main problem with Pakistan is that your country is unstable and there are some Wahhabi elements who have infiltrated top ranks in your government and army that are loyal and obedient to the Saudis. That's the problem..

This is not true and you are misconstruing narratives... Every subsequent political party of Afghanistan has never truly grasped the true nature of Afghanistan, and the only ones that did were the Taliban. Afghanistan is failed state if no one pitches for "Emirat E Islami".... Islam is the only thing that is literally holding our state together, which is why the Taliban are so successful in their endeavours. Propagandist have turned this into a Tajik vs Pashtun, or Pashtun vs Hazara, and so on and so forth.

Iran doesn't want to see a Taliban ruled Afghanistan because then you're influence would be limited and would be wiped out, given that Iran is a Shia nation and we are a Sunni nation. Anyone can be the leader of Afghanistan provided that they are Sunni and were born in Afghanistan, even if they are Hazara.

Fortunately for us we have Pakistan as our neighbour which prevented us from become another Iraq or Syria and have gotten ample support to continue our struggle and prevent ourselves from becoming a client state. Its not that I have anything against Iran, its that we don't want accept imperatori from another nation especially if the citizens of that nation don't want their the very government that is in charge.
You do know that Iran suffered from Baluch insurgency since at least late 1990s?
I'm telling you that the suicide bomber who carried out the 2019 attack on the IRGC bus and the planner of the attack were proven to be Pakistani nationals and you say they're accusations. lol In that case, your Yadav thing is nothing more than an accusation either.

You can call them accusations, but it's not like Pakistan is another continent and we don't have internal intelligence in Pakistan. You don't have to be an intelligence officer to get a gist of the general Pakistani sentiments. You just need to talk to some of them like people here on PDF.

How was KSA under threat from Iraq? KSA was the main sponsor of the Iraqi warfare machine against Iran during the Iraq-Iran war. Iraq turned against them after the Iraq-Iran war because Saddam believed they were stunting the recovery of the Iraqi economy. Did you send those products for free? Or were you paid for them? Since when seizing an economic opportunity is a sign of supporting Iran? I said you were neutral in the war. I never said you sided with Iraq. Did I?

I believe our intelligence officers have good reasons for those assessments. Many people in Pakistan believed Iran was in a weak position after Trump had reimposed sanctions. Pakistan saw Chabahar as a competitor for Gwadar. Pakistan wanted Iran to reduce her ties with India. All of these hypotheses are further strengthened when you read the comments of Pakistani people on PDF. You guys are freely expressing your opinions here and believe me, your opinions aren't pleasant to read in most cases and sometimes they are extremely radical. We have a good grasp of the fiber of the Pakistani society. Intelligence agencies assess the situation based on years of information collected on people working in top positions of a country. For example, when we believe that Ashraf Ghani is an anti-Iran/anti-Persian asset, we say that because we have intelligence on him since when he was in the University of Kabul. It's not just out of the blue.

The reason we don't watch Bollywood movies is not because they are infidels. The quality of their cinema is not high enough yet. They produce too many movies but too few high quality movies. We are more into American movies and TV series.

Your intelligence is dangerous and manipulative. It is this same lack of respect for neighbors and anti-Sunnism which has led to burning fires all over the Muslim world. KSA is equally guilty, but we are discussing Iran right now.

For a nation calling itself Islamic Republic, you have no qualms joining with Kuffar invaders occupying Muslim countries, both in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now you are doing the same with India against Pakistan. Enflaming fires of civil war in 4 Muslim countries. Very shameful.

What kind of Islam is this? It is like Khawarij Daesh Kufr and Takfiri Salafi extremism. Two sides of the same coin with Iranian state sectarianism.

Iranian political activities are damaging to Shias all over the world and will end up isolating Iran.

We are already working on removing Iranian poison from Pakistan at this moment.

well you seems cant understand difference between ISIS and Zeynabioun.
Pakistan told Its national not to join ISIS you never told your national not to join Zeynabioun

at the time terrorrist on from pakistan side of the border entered Iran and attacked our security forces. have you forgot that . and we didn't side with India . we asked you to secure your side of the border or let us do it.

he issued a warning when terrorist from Pakistan attacked our security forces and killed 27 of them.
wonder what you guys would have done if an Iranian suicide bomber killed 27 of your army

For us, Daesh and Liwa Zanabiyoun are both terrorists who kill, torture, and rape innocent Muslims. They are poisons of the same kind of bastardized ideology. More sad for Iranian proxies, because atleast they are still Muslim, unlike Daesh.

Iranian propaganda against Pakistan will unleash a storm of anti-Iranian sentiment in Pakistan, Sunni and Shia both. Already you are dealing with anti-Iranian sentiment in Afghanistan.

Iran has lost all common sense. You are toxic and dangerous to the region.

You are supporting any and all Kuffar states against your Muslim neighbors, whether it is Turkey, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syrians, Iraqis, etc.

If US attacks you now, you think you will have any allies and friends left in the world? Pakistan is literally your last friendly Sunni neighboring state, even Shia states like Iraq are developing vehement anti-Iranian sentiment.
This is not true and you are misconstruing narratives... Every subsequent political party of Afghanistan has never truly grasped the true nature of Afghanistan, and the only ones that did were the Taliban. Afghanistan is failed state if no one pitches for "Emirat E Islami".... Islam is the only thing that is literally holding our state together, which is why the Taliban are so successful in their endeavours. Propagandist have turned this into a Tajik vs Pashtun, or Pashtun vs Hazara, and so on and so forth.

Iran doesn't want to see a Taliban ruled Afghanistan because then you're influence would be limited and would be wiped out, given that Iran is a Shia nation and we are a Sunni nation. Anyone can be the leader of Afghanistan provided that they are Sunni and were born in Afghanistan, even if they are Hazara.

Fortunately for us we have Pakistan as our neighbour which prevented us from become another Iraq or Syria and have gotten ample support to continue our struggle and prevent ourselves from becoming a client state. Its not that I have anything against Iran, its that we don't want accept imperatori from another nation especially if the citizens of that nation don't want their the very government that is in charge.

It is time Afghanistan and Pakistan unite our foreign policies together. We can no longer turn a blind eye to Iranian terrorism, political activities, and toxic propaganda in our countries.

In sha Allah, we send Iranians back to Iran, let us Sunni and Shias of Afghanistan and Pakistan live in peace and friendship together.

The fact that Iran has no qualms allying with US/NATO against Afghanistan and allying with India against Pakistan shows the lack of respect they have for the sovereignty of our states.
It is time Afghanistan and Pakistan unite our foreign policies together. We can no longer turn a blind eye to Iranian terrorism, political activities, and toxic propaganda in our countries.

In sha Allah, we send Iranians back to Iran, let us Sunni and Shias of Afghanistan and Pakistan live in peace and friendship together.

The fact that Iran has no qualms allying with US/NATO against Afghanistan and allying with India against Pakistan shows the lack of respect they have for the sovereignty of our states.

Well said bro, before I heard of Liwa Fatimyun and Zainabyun I was pro-Iran, they don't see that this sectarianism is a huge slap across our face discounting our sovereignty; This is how we feel about this why do they try to justify it? But time and time again as I grow older I realise that we have to play by Jahil rules of "Might is right". We simply have to be strong, as strength is the only thing that is respected around the world, and without strength we can't protect anything let alone ourselves.
This is not true and you are misconstruing narratives... Every subsequent political party of Afghanistan has never truly grasped the true nature of Afghanistan, and the only ones that did were the Taliban. Afghanistan is failed state if no one pitches for "Emirat E Islami".... Islam is the only thing that is literally holding our state together, which is why the Taliban are so successful in their endeavours. Propagandist have turned this into a Tajik vs Pashtun, or Pashtun vs Hazara, and so on and so forth.

Iran doesn't want to see a Taliban ruled Afghanistan because then you're influence would be limited and would be wiped out, given that Iran is a Shia nation and we are a Sunni nation. Anyone can be the leader of Afghanistan provided that they are Sunni and were born in Afghanistan, even if they are Hazara.

Fortunately for us we have Pakistan as our neighbour which prevented us from become another Iraq or Syria and have gotten ample support to continue our struggle and prevent ourselves from becoming a client state. Its not that I have anything against Iran, its that we don't want accept imperatori from another nation especially if the citizens of that nation don't want their the very government that is in charge.

You really should wish to someday in distant future be like today's Iraq or Syria, because they're like light years ahead of you in terms of literacy, science, technology, economy, military prowess, social security, even basic security, etc. No offense, but Afghanistan is less developed than even some Central African countries.

Afghanistan is a failed state because only 35% of Afghans are literate, meaning that 2 out of 3 Afghans cannot even read or write their names on paper. Do you want to know why? Because the Taliban didn't let your people get an education. They prevented women from becoming literate. They lashed women in public if they went out without a man. The Taliban was pretty much like the ISIS of 1990s. There's this young Afghan guy who comes to our house once in a month to help us with the cleaning. He's recently got married to a Hazara girl. He tells us that she has a disease (well, it's epileptic seizures and PTSD in my opinion) that whenever she remembers how the Taliban beheaded her parents in front of her eyes, she collapses on the ground with convulsions. If you think that's the type of government Afghanistan needs, you need to get your head checked.

You're a landlocked country. You are a country invaded by the US. You are a client state. If you haven't realized this by now, it's because you aren't very smart.

Your intelligence is dangerous and manipulative. It is this same lack of respect for neighbors and anti-Sunnism which has led to burning fires all over the Muslim world. KSA is equally guilty, but we are discussing Iran right now.

For a nation calling itself Islamic Republic, you have no qualms joining with Kuffar invaders occupying Muslim countries, both in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now you are doing the same with India against Pakistan. Enflaming fires of civil war in 4 Muslim countries. Very shameful.

What kind of Islam is this? It is like Khawarij Daesh Kufr and Takfiri Salafi extremism. Two sides of the same coin with Iranian state sectarianism.

Iranian political activities are damaging to Shias all over the world and will end up isolating Iran.

We are already working on removing Iranian poison from Pakistan at this moment.

For us, Daesh and Liwa Zanabiyoun are both terrorists who kill, torture, and rape innocent Muslims. They are poisons of the same kind of bastardized ideology. More sad for Iranian proxies, because atleast they are still Muslim, unlike Daesh.

Iranian propaganda against Pakistan will unleash a storm of anti-Iranian sentiment in Pakistan, Sunni and Shia both. Already you are dealing with anti-Iranian sentiment in Afghanistan.

Iran has lost all common sense. You are toxic and dangerous to the region.

You are supporting any and all Kuffar states against your Muslim neighbors, whether it is Turkey, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syrians, Iraqis, etc.

If US attacks you now, you think you will have any allies and friends left in the world? Pakistan is literally your last friendly Sunni neighboring state, even Shia states like Iraq are developing vehement anti-Iranian sentiment.

Now you are talking like a brainwashed idiot with a suicide vest and you don't sound like a person who wants a constructive discussion anymore. I think I made it very clear for you that the sentiments of Pakistanis don't mean much to us when we plan our regional strategies. Stop thinking that the world revolves around you guys, it doesn't. Intelligence agencies work on realities and years of information about people in power as I told you, not public sentiments by a particular neighboring country.

We understand that Pakistan as a nation that its secession from modern India was based on Islam is highly dependent on Islam for national identity. The country has a sectarian and tribal fiber in many of its places that has weakened its security and stalled its progress even though it has good human capital. Rationally, we cannot base our policies on such a country. Pakistan should feel free to severe its ties with Iran if it doesn't like Iran. Nobody is stopping you. As for why we don't do it, it's because we know that you have an Iranophile and a Shi'a population that are under constant threats. We don't want a Taliban style genocide against them.

I don't want to stoop low like you to call others names, particularly ridiculous outdated Islamic names like kuffars LMAO. Pakistan is of no strategic value to our plans. Stop thinking that we want you guys to be our allies. We don't. You just need to learn to coexist with us, otherwise if you try to destabilize Iran through terrorism in Sistan-Baluchistan Province of Iran, we can return your favor as your society is more prone to radicalism due to its highly religious fiber and underdevelopment in many areas. So, I think people like you should learn to coexist with your neighbors without bringing your Islamic ideas in your policy making or you won't progress much.
You really should wish to someday in distant future be like today's Iraq or Syria, because they're like light years ahead of you in terms of literacy, science, technology, economy, military prowess, social security, even basic security, etc. No offense, but Afghanistan is less developed than even some Central African countries.

Afghanistan is a failed state because only 35% of Afghans are literate, meaning that 2 out of 3 Afghans cannot even read or write their names on paper. Do you want to know why? Because the Taliban didn't let your people get an education. They prevented women from becoming literate. They lashed women in public if they went out without a man. The Taliban was pretty much like the ISIS of 1990s. There's this young Afghan guy who comes to our house once in a month to help us with the cleaning. He's recently got married to a Hazara girl. He tells us that she has a disease (well, it's epileptic seizures and PTSD in my opinion) that whenever she remembers how the Taliban beheaded her parents in front of her eyes, she collapses on the ground with convulsions. If you think that's the type of government Afghanistan needs, you need to get your head checked.

You're a landlocked country. You are a country invaded by the US. You are a client state. If you haven't realized this by now, it's because you aren't very smart..

Unlike Syria and Iraq (which are both doomed), Afghanistan has a future under the Taliban as they want an Islamic emirate, the present Afghanistan is divided between too many nationalities, and if it continues in the present manner then it will be balkanised between Tajik nationalist, Hazara nationalists, and others, but the beauty of religion is that it kills the spirit of nationalism which is why I want them in power.

The truth about the Taliban is far from what you've mentioned... I can nit-pick stories from Iran as well. The fact of the matter is and I am sure you are aware of this as well is that majority of Iranians don't want the present regime within Iran, this is from my personal conversations that I've had with many Iranians. Iranians are not religious like Afghans and Pakistanis, I know many Iranians want a democracy like Canada & US and their lifestyles are more similar to western nations then it is to ours, the present regime is not liked by many.

Our primary goal right now is driving USA out, and everything else will fall into place, education, industry, economy... The last thing we want is to be a client state, and that is the last thing we will be.
Unlike Syria and Iraq (which are both doomed), Afghanistan has a future under the Taliban as they want an Islamic emirate, the present Afghanistan is divided between too many nationalities, and if it continues in the present manner then it will be balkanised between Tajik nationalist, Hazara nationalists, and others, but the beauty of religion is that it kills the spirit of nationalism which is why I want them in power.

The truth about the Taliban is far from what you've mentioned... I can nit-pick stories from Iran as well. The fact of the matter is and I am sure you are aware of this as well is that majority of Iranians don't want the present regime within Iran, this is from my personal conversations that I've had with many Iranians. Iranians are not religious like Afghans and Pakistanis, I know many Iranians want a democracy like Canada & US and their lifestyles are more similar to western nations then it is to ours, the present regime is not liked by many.

Our primary goal right now is driving USA out, and everything else will fall into place, education, industry, economy... The last thing we want is to be a client state, and that is the last thing we will be.
No offense, but the brightest possible future for Afghanistan at this point is to become like today's Iraq and Syria in 30 years. Yes. The beauty of religion is that it kills nationalism but when you have fundamentalists like the Taliban, that beauty is immediately killed by violence against minorities, suppression of women, keeping people brainwashed by outdated teachings instead of giving them a proper education and other things that I suppose as an Afghan national living abroad you already know. So, I don't need to educate you on how a fundamentalist regime like the Taliban can keep Afghanistan an underdeveloped nation forever.

You are right that Iranians aren't as religious as Pakistanis and Afghans. But when it comes to the regime, you have talked to Iranians abroad in Canada or the US. Iranians are smarter than you guys to allow foreigners tell us what to think. You have to talk to Iranians living inside Iran as well, like me. The Iranian regime is a functioning system unlike Afghanistan under the Taliban rule. You can nit-pick stories from Iran, but many of those stories are published only in Western media without much truth to them. At the end of the day, Iran is 66th when it comes to human development and Afghanistan is 170th. We are a major regional power with the fastest rate of academic publishing growth. Under the ruling of the Taliban, Afghanistan was even less developed than now. You know it better than me.

You can't drive the US out with a bunch of religious nuts shooting AK-47s. You can keep fighting yourselves like that forever, but it won't kick the US out. We helped you kick out the Soviets, but we never thought you would let a bunch of Al-Qaeda terrorists rule you. And if the majority of Afghans like you think having a fundamentalist group like the Taliban which turned your country into the least developed country in the region is a solution, I feel sorry for the future of Afghanistan because it will be very dark.
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