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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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No offense, but the brightest possible future for Afghanistan at this point is to become like today's Iraq and Syria in 30 years. Yes. The beauty of religion is that it kills nationalism but when you have fundamentalists like the Taliban, that beauty is immediately killed by violence against minorities, suppression of women, keeping people brainwashed by outdated teachings instead of giving them a proper education and other things that I suppose as an Afghan national living abroad you already know. So, I don't need to educate you on how a fundamentalist regime like the Taliban can keep Afghanistan an underdeveloped nation forever.

You are right that Iranians aren't as religious as Pakistanis and Afghans. But when it comes to the regime, you have talked to Iranians abroad in Canada or the US. Iranians are smarter than you guys to allow foreigners tell us what to think. You have to talk to Iranians living inside Iran as well, like me. The Iranian regime is a functioning system unlike Afghanistan under the Taliban rule. You can nit-pick stories from Iran, but many of those stories are published only in Western media without much truth to them. At the end of the day, Iran is 66th when it comes to human development and Afghanistan is 170th. We are a major regional power with the fastest rate of academic publishing growth. Under the ruling of the Taliban, Afghanistan was even less developed than now. You know it better than me.

You can't drive the US out with a bunch of religious nuts shooting AK-47s. You can keep fighting yourselves like that forever, but it won't kick the US out. We helped you kick out the Soviets, but we never thought you would let a bunch of Al-Qaeda terrorists rule you. And if the majority of Afghans like you think having a fundamentalist group like the Taliban which turned your country into the least developed country in the region is a solution, I feel sorry for the future of Afghanistan because it will be very dark.

Yes yes, Iran is a better nation then Afghanistan in terms of development, there is no disagreement there. And I don't understand, doesn't the present Iranian regime abide by the same laws as the Taliban albeit a Shia version, for example you have Mutah (we don't), chopping of hands, hangings etc. The only point you have is suppression of women, which they are now open towards them being educated, and even are open to them becoming prime ministers, are you saying in that regard the Iranian regime is better? Only recently has the Iranian regime has allowed women to enter stadiums, and this was possible because you people have experienced an extended peace.

Do you think Iran would have been in a better position if it went through what Afghanistan went through, 40 years of war by two superpowers? Stop trying to compare a nation that has been invaded by two super powers against a country that went through an extended period of peace.

US is leaving... This will be the reality within the next 1 year, and should no nation interfere with us for the next 20 years I am sure we can out-match many nations from around the world. Perhaps you speak positively of your regime, but my perception is different in regards to the opinions I've heard from from many Iranians here in Canada, so I will take your opinion with a grain of salt.
Yes yes, Iran is a better nation then Afghanistan in terms of development, there is no disagreement there. And I don't understand, doesn't the present Iranian regime abide by the same laws as the Taliban albeit a Shia version, for example you have Mutah (we don't), chopping of hands, hangings etc. The only point you have is suppression of women, which they are now open towards them being educated, and even are open to them becoming prime ministers, are you saying in that regard the Iranian regime is better? Only recently has the Iranian regime has allowed women to enter stadiums, and this was possible because you people have experienced an extended peace.

Do you think Iran would have been in a better position if it went through what Afghanistan went through, 40 years of war by two superpowers? Stop trying to compare a nation that has been invaded by two super powers against a country that went through an extended period of peace.

US is leaving... This will be the reality within the next 1 year, and should no nation interfere with us for the next 20 years I am sure we can out-match many nations from around the world. Perhaps you speak positively of your regime, but my perception is different in regards to the opinions I've heard from from many Iranians here in Canada, so I will take your opinion with a grain of salt.
We have Sigheh. I didn't know what you meant by Mutah until I googled it. And Sigheh isn't common in Iran. We chop hands but it's rare and it goes through at least 3 steps of a legal judiciary process and takes years unlike Afghanistan where the process is more like a tribal court by a few zealots and it's done instantly. Yeah, the Iranian regime is much better than today's Afghanistan and the Taliban Afghanistan. Iranian women are highly educated, they are sophisticated with a good knowledge of the world, they work in high tech fields, there's no Taliban to kidnap Iranian women and torture them, nobody beats them because they are alone on the street without a guardian, etc. We are hosting 4 million Afghans, including Afghan women who will beg us if we want to deport them back to Afghanistan because they feel in danger there. The flow of population from Afghanistan to Iran is very telling. What do you mean by an extended peace?

Iran got invaded in both World War I and World War II, even though we had declared to be neutral. We went through the century's largest revolution followed by 8 years of war with Iraq that cost us one trillion dollars of damage and over 500,000 deaths. We have been under US sanctions since 1980s followed by European's unwillingness to disobey those sanctions.

The US won't be leaving Afghanistan. They have said that they will stay there for the next 25 years. Even if they leave, they will provide your puppet government with helicopters and jet fighters to take out those AK-47 nuts. The Taliban will never be able to take back major Afghan cities. You know it too. The US invasion of Afghanistan was the best thing that happened to you guys. You really should be on your knees and thank God that the US was forced to save you after throwing you to the hands of the Taliban.
We have Sigheh. I didn't know what you meant by Mutah until I googled it. And Sigheh isn't common in Iran. We chop hands but it's rare and it goes through at least 3 steps of a legal judiciary process and takes years unlike Afghanistan where the process is more like a tribal court by a few zealots and it's done instantly. Yeah, the Iranian regime is much better than today's Afghanistan and the Taliban Afghanistan. Iranian women are highly educated, they are sophisticated with a good knowledge of the world, they work in high tech fields, there's no Taliban to kidnap Iranian women and torture them, nobody beats them because they are alone on the street without a guardian, etc. We are hosting 4 million Afghans, including Afghan women who will beg us if we want to deport them back to Afghanistan because they feel in danger there. The flow of population from Afghanistan to Iran is very telling. What do you mean by an extended peace?

Iran got invaded in both World War I and World War II, even though we had declared to be neutral. We went through the century's largest revolution followed by 8 years of war with Iraq that cost us one trillion dollars of damage and over 500,000 deaths. We have been under US sanctions since 1980s followed by European's unwillingness to disobey those sanctions.

The US won't be leaving Afghanistan. They have said that they will stay there for the next 25 years. Even if they leave, they will provide your puppet government with helicopters and jet fighters to take out those AK-47 nuts. The Taliban will never be able to take back major Afghan cities. You know it too. The US invasion of Afghanistan was the best thing that happened to you guys. You really should be on your knees and thank God that the US was forced to save you after throwing you to the hands of the Taliban.

Be on my knees, lol okay. We will be asking for those Afghans back in the next 20 years, thank you for keeping them for us in our times of trouble, we will be sure to return you the favour should US ever invade your lands, you can keep the Liwas though, we don't need such people. I just hope you don't interfere in our affairs and we won't in yours, you can keep busy with the Arabs, we will focus up north.
Be on my knees, lol okay. We will be asking for those Afghans back in the next 20 years, thank you for keeping them for us in our times of trouble, we will be sure to return you the favour should US ever invade your lands, you can keep the Liwas though, we don't need such people. I just hope you don't interfere in our affairs and we won't in yours, you can keep busy with the Arabs, we will focus up north.
So much negativity and hate in your posts. Why the hell would we give the Americans the opportunity to invade us ? Are we low iq inbreds or what ?
Be on my knees, lol okay. We will be asking for those Afghans back in the next 20 years, thank you for keeping them for us in our times of trouble, we will be sure to return you the favour should US ever invade your lands, you can keep the Liwas though, we don't need such people. I just hope you don't interfere in our affairs and we won't in yours, you can keep busy with the Arabs, we will focus up north.
Don't worry. Even if the US manages to invade Iran, there will be like tens of places around us to go instead of Afghanistan. Turkey, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, UAE, Georgia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, etc. Afghanistan will be like the last option. LOL

And seriously, get on your knees and thank God that the US invaded you. It's possibly the only good thing that the US has done in his history of meddling in the Middle East. Although one can argue that it was the US that let the Taliban rule you, but nevertheless, what Afghanistan needs is education, healthcare, universities, industrial infrastructure, not a bunch of fundamentalists who didn't allow women to become literate. Good luck.
As long as they work in the country of employment. Not sent to another country as mercenary fighters or terrorists.
were its come , they can't be sent to other country for job?
let say I have an oil company , and have some pakistany employee, by your logic if i get a contract to explore oil in country x I cant use the pakistani employee there . complete nonsense

This is not true and you are misconstruing narratives... Every subsequent political party of Afghanistan has never truly grasped the true nature of Afghanistan, and the only ones that did were the Taliban. Afghanistan is failed state if no one pitches for "Emirat E Islami".... Islam is the only thing that is literally holding our state together, which is why the Taliban are so successful in their endeavours. Propagandist have turned this into a Tajik vs Pashtun, or Pashtun vs Hazara, and so on and so forth.

Iran doesn't want to see a Taliban ruled Afghanistan because then you're influence would be limited and would be wiped out, given that Iran is a Shia nation and we are a Sunni nation. Anyone can be the leader of Afghanistan provided that they are Sunni and were born in Afghanistan, even if they are Hazara.

Fortunately for us we have Pakistan as our neighbour which prevented us from become another Iraq or Syria and have gotten ample support to continue our struggle and prevent ourselves from becoming a client state. Its not that I have anything against Iran, its that we don't want accept imperatori from another nation especially if the citizens of that nation don't want their the very government that is in charge.
intrestingly Afghanistan become Emarate-Islami only after taliban rise to power , before it you guys were not such a thing

For a nation calling itself Islamic Republic, you have no qualms joining with Kuffar invaders occupying Muslim countries, both in Iraq and Afghanistan.
wrong it was pakistan who opened its border for such in both operation our border was closed to invaders

For us, Daesh and Liwa Zanabiyoun are both terrorists who kill, torture, and rape innocent Muslims. They are poisons of the same kind of bastardized ideology. More sad for Iranian proxies, because atleast they are still Muslim, unlike Daesh.
wel its not the case for Pakistan government and that is what counts not your beliefs

Iranian propaganda against Pakistan will unleash a storm of anti-Iranian sentiment in Pakistan, Sunni and Shia both. Already you are dealing with anti-Iranian sentiment in Afghanistan.
which propaganda in our news we may here about pakistan once a month or less

Iran has lost all common sense. You are toxic and dangerous to the region.
accusation without proof to justify your own sectarian mindset
IMG_5686 (1) (1) (1).jpg

Two American 9/11 incidents at the same day and even at the same time (14 GMT):
unnamed (8).jpg
You are supporting any and all Kuffar states against your Muslim neighbors, whether it is Turkey, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syrians, Iraqis, etc.
we provide Iraq and Afghanistan withthe ressources they need . we are the first who went to aid bosnia when they were in the darkest hours and were forgotten by else. it was our money and weapon that let them survive serbia onslaught.we suppport Syrian against a coalition of 98 country.and we are the first country to recognize pakistan and we are the one who provide the electricity for gwadar ,which is direct competitor of our chabahar. and we are the first who sent help for iraqi when baqdad was about to fall. and we didn't support Azerbaijan because they wanted to starve and freze people of Armenia, a completely unislamic move. and we supported whoom against turkey that i'm not aware of . as far as I'm aware it was turkey that attacked the position of ou allies not otherway around.
We understand that Pakistan as a nation that its secession from modern India was based on Islam
You, your government and your intelligence agencies still don’t understand anything about Pakistan - Pakistan didn’t secede from India - Pakistan and India both became independent nations in 1947. Neither seceded from the other. If anything, they both seceded from the British.

And the harsh geo-political realities are that Iran is involved in an arc of sectarian and proxy conflicts stretching from Pakistan to North Africa. If it wasn’t for Iran’s oil resources, even the Chinese and Russians wouldn’t touch Iran with a 10 thousand meter pole, and oil resources are just pure luck - some nations have them and others don’t. Iran (like the GCC) got lucky, nothing else.

Pakistan’s conflicts are relegated to hostile nations on her borders, most of whom are involved in territorial disputes and/or stoking conflict inside Pakistan, Iran is stoking and perpetuating conflict in nations and lands that have no bearing on her territorial integrity or national security.
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You, your government and your intelligence agencies still don’t understand anything about Pakistan - Pakistan didn’t secede from India - Pakistan and India both became independent nations in 1947. Neither seceded from the other. If anything, they both seceded from the British.

And the harsh geo-political realities are that Iran is involved in an arc of sectarian and proxy conflicts stretching from Pakistan to North Africa. If it wasn’t for Iran’s oil resources, even the Chinese and Russians wouldn’t touch Iran with a 10 thousand meter pole, and oil resources are just pure luck - some nations have them and others don’t. Iran (like the GCC) got lucky, nothing else.

Pakistan’s conflicts are relegated to hostile nations on her borders, most of whom are involved in territorial disputes and/or stoking conflict inside Pakistan, Iran is stoking and perpetuating conflict in nations and lands that have no bearing on her territorial integrity or national security.
First of all, chill man. I'm not an intelligence officer that you think my comments represent them. LOL I have heard the term British "India" to refer to that British occupied entity over and over again. I wonder why they called it the British "India".

Well, guess what? We aren't exporting much oil anyway. I have already explained in this topic that Pakistan was found guilty of two terrorist attacks in Iran in the last 2 years: 1- A series of planned attacks in Chabahar, one of which was successful, 2- An attack on the IRGC bus in the Iranian Baluchistan executed by a Pakistani suicide bomber. Imran Khan visited Tehran without an invitation on an unscheduled visit because he knew that there are some fractions of the Pakistani government that are behind this. We signed a border security treaty during his visit to Tehran for a reason. I believe his decision to visit Tehran immediately is a proof that he acknowledged the problem. If you want to go on and say they're accusations, do it. But then your allegations against Iran are accusations too.

It is not our fault that you can't stop your people from joining militias around the world. That's your responsibility, not us. Why don't Iranian citizens get recruited to fight for others around the world? Don't blame the failures of your system on others. I told you earlier and you never replied back, but does Iran have Shi'a madrassas inside Pakistan? Do we have newspapers in Pakistan spreading Shi'a ideology? Saudis have Wahhabi madrassas inside Pakistan from decades ago until now. The leaders of the Al-Qaeda founded group Taliban studied in those madrassas in Pakistan and you're proud of it. The US violated your sovereignty to fight Al-Qaeda in Pakistan and you never did anything about that because it was true. You talk like Pakistan is a modern, secular state targeted by her neighbors. Wake up! The sectarian mentality is part of your culture. Find a way to fix it instead of blaming others.
were its come , they can't be sent to other country for job?
let say I have an oil company , and have some pakistany employee, by your logic if i get a contract to explore oil in country x I cant use the pakistani employee there . complete nonsense

intrestingly Afghanistan become Emarate-Islami only after taliban rise to power , before it you guys were not such a thing

wrong it was pakistan who opened its border for such in both operation our border was closed to invaders

wel its not the case for Pakistan government and that is what counts not your beliefs

which propaganda in our news we may here about pakistan once a month or less

accusation without proof to justify your own sectarian mindset
Isis and Taliban recruiters say the same
Why do we Pakistanis have so much Hypocrisy. Seeing these Shia Fighters go die for Syrian Government make everyone flamboyant and angry all these comments make you believe they are all upset by Pakistan becoming proxies.
But this trend is almost 40 years old. I have never seen anyone actually objectively pointing out that being a proxy to someone else war is bad. Pakistanis have been going to chechnya, Bosnia, Afghanistan for decades, Yet everyone thought its cool. Pakistanis (Even Ex army officers) went on the fight alongside Syrian Opposition, Everyone was okay with it, Infact glorified with it. Pakistan started going to fight as a proxy for Iran, And everyone is now Patriotic and Angry. Pakistan Government itself became proxy in so many instances yet we never raised any voice.

Problem is everyone is okay if he/she thinks they are being proxy to a cause that is just in their own eyes.
these Shia Pakistani fighters see fighting for SUPPOSED defense of Ahl e Bayt in the same light as Sunni Pakistani Fighters see fighting for SUPPOSED defense of OPPRESSED Sunni Arabs.
Bad policy of government of letting this trend of proxy fighting happen and Hypocrisy of people of Pakistan have landed us in this mess.
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Why do we Pakistanis have so much Hypocrisy. Seeing these Shia Fighters go die for Syrian Government make everyone flamboyant and angry all these comments make you believe they are all upset by Pakistan becoming proxies.
But this trend is almost 40 years old. I have never seen anyone actually objectively pointing out that being a proxy to someone else war is bad. Pakistanis have been going to chechnya, Bosnia, Afghanistan for decades, Yet everyone thought its cool. Pakistanis (Even Ex army officers) went on the fight alongside Syrian Opposition, Everyone was okay with it, Infact glorified with it. Pakistan started going to fight as a proxy for Iran, And everyone is now Patriotic and Angry. Pakistan Government itself became proxy in so many instances yet we never raised any voice.

Problem is everyone is okay if he/she thinks they are being proxy to a cause that is just in their own eyes.
these Shia Pakistani fighters see fighting for SUPPOSED defense of Ahl e Bayt in the same light as Sunni Pakistani Fighters see fighting for SUPPOSED defense of OPPRESSED Sunni Arabs.
Bad policy of government of letting this trend of proxy fighting happen and Hypocrisy of people of Pakistan have landed us in this mess.
A dilemma u summoned up well.
You really should wish to someday in distant future be like today's Iraq or Syria, because they're like light years ahead of you in terms of literacy, science, technology, economy, military prowess, social security, even basic security, etc. No offense, but Afghanistan is less developed than even some Central African countries.

Afghanistan is a failed state because only 35% of Afghans are literate, meaning that 2 out of 3 Afghans cannot even read or write their names on paper. Do you want to know why? Because the Taliban didn't let your people get an education. They prevented women from becoming literate. They lashed women in public if they went out without a man. The Taliban was pretty much like the ISIS of 1990s. There's this young Afghan guy who comes to our house once in a month to help us with the cleaning. He's recently got married to a Hazara girl. He tells us that she has a disease (well, it's epileptic seizures and PTSD in my opinion) that whenever she remembers how the Taliban beheaded her parents in front of her eyes, she collapses on the ground with convulsions. If you think that's the type of government Afghanistan needs, you need to get your head checked.

You're a landlocked country. You are a country invaded by the US. You are a client state. If you haven't realized this by now, it's because you aren't very smart.

Now you are talking like a brainwashed idiot with a suicide vest and you don't sound like a person who wants a constructive discussion anymore. I think I made it very clear for you that the sentiments of Pakistanis don't mean much to us when we plan our regional strategies. Stop thinking that the world revolves around you guys, it doesn't. Intelligence agencies work on realities and years of information about people in power as I told you, not public sentiments by a particular neighboring country.

We understand that Pakistan as a nation that its secession from modern India was based on Islam is highly dependent on Islam for national identity. The country has a sectarian and tribal fiber in many of its places that has weakened its security and stalled its progress even though it has good human capital. Rationally, we cannot base our policies on such a country. Pakistan should feel free to severe its ties with Iran if it doesn't like Iran. Nobody is stopping you. As for why we don't do it, it's because we know that you have an Iranophile and a Shi'a population that are under constant threats. We don't want a Taliban style genocide against them.

I don't want to stoop low like you to call others names, particularly ridiculous outdated Islamic names like kuffars LMAO. Pakistan is of no strategic value to our plans. Stop thinking that we want you guys to be our allies. We don't. You just need to learn to coexist with us, otherwise if you try to destabilize Iran through terrorism in Sistan-Baluchistan Province of Iran, we can return your favor as your society is more prone to radicalism due to its highly religious fiber and underdevelopment in many areas. So, I think people like you should learn to coexist with your neighbors without bringing your Islamic ideas in your policy making or you won't progress much.

You don't care about Pakistan, that is why you are on PDF, lol.

I read this post where basically you are frothing at the mouth about Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is your convoluted racial mindset, it has turned you into this strange mix of Shia extremism and Persian ethnic supremacy. No wonder you are growing more isolated day by day.

Next, kindly mind your own business about Pakistan's internal affairs. If you won't support rights of Kashmiris against a brutal Kuffar regime which oppresses Kashmiris, Indian Muslims, and shoots at/does terrorism against Pakistani civilians, then shame on you.

Pakistan has no official claim over your Sunni Baloch region, but at this rate, we may develop some. Why not, if Iranians are promoting sectarianism against the Pakistani state, colluding with Indian terrorists, and supporting BLF, why should we not destroy their safe havens in Chahbahar and Western Balochistan.


Glad you are waking up to reality of Iranian regime.

We were decieved for so long by the desire to unite Muslims under one flag, somehow we missed the actual beast of sectarian murder which Iran had become. Our idealized Iran of our history and heritage, it was different to the Iran of today.

Our thoughts first changed when Iran stoked sectarianism in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we still gave them the benefit of the doubt. OK they were enemies of Iran in the past, we thought. Then came Syria and their alliance with Russia. We became more perturbed. Finally Iranian fangs turned to Pakistan for no reason whatsoever. We never gave them any cause for concern. Much to the chagrin of our Arab brothers.

That ifreet Sulemani's threats against Pakistan to divert our forces West, while Kabul Afghan puppet regime attacks our border security forces in the North, opened a chance for India to invade Pakistani airspace and bomb sovereign territory (even our trees and crow are sacred to us.) It was a coordinated plan against Pakistan from three sides, and alhamdulilah it failed.

When Indians and Iranians lost Afghan safe havens for their terrorist proxies, Iranians opened up Oman for Indians for the same purpose. We are not dumb, we have been watching increasing Iranian propaganda and warmongering for quite some years.

Also what kind of neighbor floods your country with 7,000+ Shia pilgrims by force, many of whom are infected with Corona, without any joint program to get them tested or qquarantined. Pakistan was totally caught off guard. Iran is responsible for increasing Corona cases in Pakistan.

Unlike Syria and Iraq (which are both doomed), Afghanistan has a future under the Taliban as they want an Islamic emirate, the present Afghanistan is divided between too many nationalities, and if it continues in the present manner then it will be balkanised between Tajik nationalist, Hazara nationalists, and others, but the beauty of religion is that it kills the spirit of nationalism which is why I want them in power.

The truth about the Taliban is far from what you've mentioned... I can nit-pick stories from Iran as well. The fact of the matter is and I am sure you are aware of this as well is that majority of Iranians don't want the present regime within Iran, this is from my personal conversations that I've had with many Iranians. Iranians are not religious like Afghans and Pakistanis, I know many Iranians want a democracy like Canada & US and their lifestyles are more similar to western nations then it is to ours, the present regime is not liked by many.

Our primary goal right now is driving USA out, and everything else will fall into place, education, industry, economy... The last thing we want is to be a client state, and that is the last thing we will be.

Afghanistan, our brotherly country, has a bright nd vibrant future. It could have been developed more if outsiders like Iran, Russia, India, and US had not raised NA against the Taliban government.

Russian invasion, Hekmatyar-Rabbani/Massoud Civil War, US invasion and occupation. Does anyone need to ask why Afghanistan is on the brink of collapse? The causes should be obvious, it is not some intrinsic deficiency in Afghans.

Iran has been spared the WoT, which both affected Afghanistan and Pakistan deeply. Afghanistan lost more than 100,000 civilians (I don't know the exact number) and Pakistan lost 75,000 people. US attacks killed civilians of both countries, while Iranians were completely safe.

Iranians are living in a parallel universe where they think they are succeeded in their proxy wars and sectarian civil wars in other countries due to some innate superman trait of Iranians.

Sulemani's murder should be seen as the US showing Iran its proper place, after letting Iran run around the whole Sunni Muslim world spreading mayhem and death.

Sectarian civil war in Iraq helped US maintain their presence in Iraq longer, and even dictate terms to the Iraqi government today. In Afghanistan, Iranian support was crucial for eliminating the Taliban command centers which Iranian spies had mapped and given to the US.

In Syria, the Daesh terrorist group was used to tarnish the image of resistance groups who had a genuine legitimate cause of freeing themselves from Assad's brutal rule. You had Daesh attacking FSA forces at the same time as the Syrian regime, beefed by Iranian proxies. They did not actually go after Daesh until FSA was broken and forced to retreat.

I am sure Turkish brothers can share more on the subject.

No offense, but the brightest possible future for Afghanistan at this point is to become like today's Iraq and Syria in 30 years. Yes. The beauty of religion is that it kills nationalism but when you have fundamentalists like the Taliban, that beauty is immediately killed by violence against minorities, suppression of women, keeping people brainwashed by outdated teachings instead of giving them a proper education and other things that I suppose as an Afghan national living abroad you already know. So, I don't need to educate you on how a fundamentalist regime like the Taliban can keep Afghanistan an underdeveloped nation forever.

You are right that Iranians aren't as religious as Pakistanis and Afghans. But when it comes to the regime, you have talked to Iranians abroad in Canada or the US. Iranians are smarter than you guys to allow foreigners tell us what to think. You have to talk to Iranians living inside Iran as well, like me. The Iranian regime is a functioning system unlike Afghanistan under the Taliban rule. You can nit-pick stories from Iran, but many of those stories are published only in Western media without much truth to them. At the end of the day, Iran is 66th when it comes to human development and Afghanistan is 170th. We are a major regional power with the fastest rate of academic publishing growth. Under the ruling of the Taliban, Afghanistan was even less developed than now. You know it better than me.

You can't drive the US out with a bunch of religious nuts shooting AK-47s. You can keep fighting yourselves like that forever, but it won't kick the US out. We helped you kick out the Soviets, but we never thought you would let a bunch of Al-Qaeda terrorists rule you. And if the majority of Afghans like you think having a fundamentalist group like the Taliban which turned your country into the least developed country in the region is a solution, I feel sorry for the future of Afghanistan because it will be very dark.

Just wait and see how Afghanistan progresses. This is a country blessed by location and natural resources. We Pakistanis are very keen to unite them with TAP and CPEC. Afghanistan and Pakistan will succeed only together.

For that, Iranian agents need to be snuffed out and Taliban is doing a great job in that regards.

We have Sigheh. I didn't know what you meant by Mutah until I googled it. And Sigheh isn't common in Iran. We chop hands but it's rare and it goes through at least 3 steps of a legal judiciary process and takes years unlike Afghanistan where the process is more like a tribal court by a few zealots and it's done instantly. Yeah, the Iranian regime is much better than today's Afghanistan and the Taliban Afghanistan. Iranian women are highly educated, they are sophisticated with a good knowledge of the world, they work in high tech fields, there's no Taliban to kidnap Iranian women and torture them, nobody beats them because they are alone on the street without a guardian, etc. We are hosting 4 million Afghans, including Afghan women who will beg us if we want to deport them back to Afghanistan because they feel in danger there. The flow of population from Afghanistan to Iran is very telling. What do you mean by an extended peace?

Iran got invaded in both World War I and World War II, even though we had declared to be neutral. We went through the century's largest revolution followed by 8 years of war with Iraq that cost us one trillion dollars of damage and over 500,000 deaths. We have been under US sanctions since 1980s followed by European's unwillingness to disobey those sanctions.

The US won't be leaving Afghanistan. They have said that they will stay there for the next 25 years. Even if they leave, they will provide your puppet government with helicopters and jet fighters to take out those AK-47 nuts. The Taliban will never be able to take back major Afghan cities. You know it too. The US invasion of Afghanistan was the best thing that happened to you guys. You really should be on your knees and thank God that the US was forced to save you after throwing you to the hands of the Taliban.

US is gone from Afghanistan, they simply cannot handle the war of attrition with the Taliban. Since MOABs and wedding party attacks, normal Afghans are sick of the occupation.

Just wait and see.

As I said, Iran's main problem with Pakistan is Afghanistan. It shows transparently, and it is a very sour point for you. Every Iranian is crying,, "How did Taliban come back?"

So much negativity and hate in your posts. Why the hell would we give the Americans the opportunity to invade us ? Are we low iq inbreds or what ?

You were working with Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan. The same blood is on your hands too.

Don't worry. Even if the US manages to invade Iran, there will be like tens of places around us to go instead of Afghanistan. Turkey, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, UAE, Georgia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, etc. Afghanistan will be like the last option. LOL

And seriously, get on your knees and thank God that the US invaded you. It's possibly the only good thing that the US has done in his history of meddling in the Middle East. Although one can argue that it was the US that let the Taliban rule you, but nevertheless, what Afghanistan needs is education, healthcare, universities, industrial infrastructure, not a bunch of fundamentalists who didn't allow women to become literate. Good luck.

No, we don't want to take in any Iranian agents. I am sure Turkey, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan feel the same way. Why would we want to ignite sectarian war in our countries?

Did Iran leave any neutral ground between it and its Muslim neighbors? It seems you only have good relations with Kuffar countries who have blood of Muslims on their hands like India, Russia, Armenia, Serbia, etc.

Why do we Pakistanis have so much Hypocrisy. Seeing these Shia Fighters go die for Syrian Government make everyone flamboyant and angry all these comments make you believe they are all upset by Pakistan becoming proxies.
But this trend is almost 40 years old. I have never seen anyone actually objectively pointing out that being a proxy to someone else war is bad. Pakistanis have been going to chechnya, Bosnia, Afghanistan for decades, Yet everyone thought its cool. Pakistanis (Even Ex army officers) went on the fight alongside Syrian Opposition, Everyone was okay with it, Infact glorified with it. Pakistan started going to fight as a proxy for Iran, And everyone is now Patriotic and Angry. Pakistan Government itself became proxy in so many instances yet we never raised any voice.

Problem is everyone is okay if he/she thinks they are being proxy to a cause that is just in their own eyes.
these Shia Pakistani fighters see fighting for SUPPOSED defense of Ahl e Bayt in the same light as Sunni Pakistani Fighters see fighting for SUPPOSED defense of OPPRESSED Sunni Arabs.
Bad policy of government of letting this trend of proxy fighting happen and Hypocrisy of people of Pakistan have landed us in this mess.

It is not allowed for any Pakistani to fight on any side in Syria. I have never heard of Sunni Pakistanis (from Pakistan proper) fighting in Syria.

Our government has a strict policy in regards Syria and Yemen.

Also Iran is not our friendly country, as you can see clearly above.

@PakAlp @Aspen Please read Iranian propaganda against Pakistan by our Iranian members. I want to hear your thoughts, brothers.
You don't care about Pakistan, that is why you are on PDF, lol.

I read this post where basically you are frothing at the mouth about Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is your convoluted racial mindset, it has turned you into this strange mix of Shia extremism and Persian ethnic supremacy. No wonder you are growing more isolated day by day.

Next, kindly mind your own business about Pakistan's internal affairs. If you won't support rights of Kashmiris against a brutal Kuffar regime which oppresses Kashmiris, Indian Muslims, and shoots at/does terrorism against Pakistani civilians, then shame on you.

Pakistan has no official claim over your Sunni Baloch region, but at this rate, we may develop some. Why not, if Iranians are promoting sectarianism against the Pakistani state, colluding with Indian terrorists, and supporting BLF, why should we not destroy their safe havens in Chahbahar and Western Balochistan.

LOL. I told you before, if anyone wants to have territorial claims over the other, we can claim all of your country for a thousand historical reasons. It seems that even though Baluch people are Sunni, they aren't happy about living in Pakistan. So, stop being delusional.

I am on PDF to defend Iran. It's funny that Iran has officially condemned the mistreatment of Kashmiris in India by Khamenei, our government and our parliament while your Arab brothers don't even bother to condemn it. LOL

We were decieved for so long by the desire to unite Muslims under one flag, somehow we missed the actual beast of sectarian murder which Iran had become. Our idealized Iran of our history and heritage, it was different to the Iran of today.

Our thoughts first changed when Iran stoked sectarianism in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we still gave them the benefit of the doubt. OK they were enemies of Iran in the past, we thought. Then came Syria and their alliance with Russia. We became more perturbed. Finally Iranian fangs turned to Pakistan for no reason whatsoever. We never gave them any cause for concern. Much to the chagrin of our Arab brothers.

That ifreet Sulemani's threats against Pakistan to divert our forces West, while Kabul Afghan puppet regime attacks our border security forces in the North, opened a chance for India to invade Pakistani airspace and bomb sovereign territory (even our trees and crow are sacred to us.) It was a coordinated plan against Pakistan from three sides, and alhamdulilah it failed.

When Indians and Iranians lost Afghan safe havens for their terrorist proxies, Iranians opened up Oman for Indians for the same purpose. We are not dumb, we have been watching increasing Iranian propaganda and warmongering for quite some years.

Also what kind of neighbor floods your country with 7,000+ Shia pilgrims by force, many of whom are infected with Corona, without any joint program to get them tested or qquarantined. Pakistan was totally caught off guard. Iran is responsible for increasing Corona cases in Pakistan.

Aren't you funny. Those pilgrims were Pakistani nationals. They weren't Iranian nationals that traveled to Pakistan. If you don't want to allow your Pakistani nationals to travel to Iran, that's another matter. I told you that we wouldn't mind you severing your ties with us. So, go for it.

Afghanistan, our brotherly country, has a bright nd vibrant future. It could have been developed more if outsiders like Iran, Russia, India, and US had not raised NA against the Taliban government.

Russian invasion, Hekmatyar-Rabbani/Massoud Civil War, US invasion and occupation. Does anyone need to ask why Afghanistan is on the brink of collapse? The causes should be obvious, it is not some intrinsic deficiency in Afghans.

Iran has been spared the WoT, which both affected Afghanistan and Pakistan deeply. Afghanistan lost more than 100,000 civilians (I don't know the exact number) and Pakistan lost 75,000 people. US attacks killed civilians of both countries, while Iranians were completely safe.

Iranians are living in a parallel universe where they think they are succeeded in their proxy wars and sectarian civil wars in other countries due to some innate superman trait of Iranians.

Sulemani's murder should be seen as the US showing Iran its proper place, after letting Iran run around the whole Sunni Muslim world spreading mayhem and death.

Sectarian civil war in Iraq helped US maintain their presence in Iraq longer, and even dictate terms to the Iraqi government today. In Afghanistan, Iranian support was crucial for eliminating the Taliban command centers which Iranian spies had mapped and given to the US.

In Syria, the Daesh terrorist group was used to tarnish the image of resistance groups who had a genuine legitimate cause of freeing themselves from Assad's brutal rule. You had Daesh attacking FSA forces at the same time as the Syrian regime, beefed by Iranian proxies. They did not actually go after Daesh until FSA was broken and forced to retreat.

I am sure Turkish brothers can share more on the subject.

Just wait and see how Afghanistan progresses. This is a country blessed by location and natural resources. We Pakistanis are very keen to unite them with TAP and CPEC. Afghanistan and Pakistan will succeed only together.

For that, Iranian agents need to be snuffed out and Taliban is doing a great job in that regards.

US is gone from Afghanistan, they simply cannot handle the war of attrition with the Taliban. Since MOABs and wedding party attacks, normal Afghans are sick of the occupation.

Just wait and see.

As I said, Iran's main problem with Pakistan is Afghanistan. It shows transparently, and it is a very sour point for you. Every Iranian is crying,, "How did Taliban come back?"

You were working with Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan. The same blood is on your hands too.

I think that before you give your Afghan brothers a bright future, i.e. Taliban, you should give Pakistan a bright future. As for the Taliban, they are fighting the US in mountains far from Iran. All major Afghan cities are controlled by the US installed puppet government.

No, we don't want to take in any Iranian agents. I am sure Turkey, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan feel the same way. Why would we want to ignite sectarian war in our countries?

Did Iran leave any neutral ground between it and its Muslim neighbors? It seems you only have good relations with Kuffar countries who have blood of Muslims on their hands like India, Russia, Armenia, Serbia, etc.

It is not allowed for any Pakistani to fight on any side in Syria. I have never heard of Sunni Pakistanis (from Pakistan proper) fighting in Syria.

Our government has a strict policy in regards Syria and Yemen.

Also Iran is not our friendly country, as you can see clearly above.

@PakAlp @Aspen Please read Iranian propaganda against Pakistan by our Iranian members. I want to hear your thoughts, brothers.
Who said anything about going to Pakistan? Did you read Pakistan in my list? No Iranian in his sane mind would go there even if fire rains from the sky. LOL As for others, they will welcome Iranians more than Pakistanis. That's so obvious that doesn't even need discussing. lol

Man, take responsibility for your failures and do something about your people. If your people go abroad to join militants, that's your problem. Solve it. LOL
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