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Indian Aggression at LOC: Another Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

I think India as a nation need to check into some psychological ward. They need brain therapy and sleep inducing pills for a long period to end this constant anxiety and a$$ burning regarding Pakistan.

Dude, given where Pakistan is today, even Somalia does not get a$$ burning regarding Pakistan

I think India as a nation need to check into some psychological ward. They need brain therapy and sleep inducing pills for a long period to end this constant anxiety and a$$ burning regarding Pakistan.

Dude, given where Pakistan is today, even Somalia does not get a$$ burning regarding Pakistan

I think India as a nation need to check into some psychological ward. They need brain therapy and sleep inducing pills for a long period to end this constant anxiety and a$$ burning regarding Pakistan.

Dude, given where Pakistan is today, even Somalia does not get a$$ burning regarding Pakistan
Easier said than done my friend. Contrary to all the ho ha and the B.S that the Indian Army fed your media highlighting their nobleness of not crossing the LOC, from an operational point of view your commanders were fully aware that the 12th Division was fully mobilized and ready for action. Keep in mind these soldiers were well dug in and did not face the massive constraints that the other boys had to face beyond the LOC. This battle would have been a blood bath, even advancing 1km from the Indian side would have been nothing short of miracle.

As far as knocking on the doors of Lahore is concerned, your Corps stationed at Ambala, Jalandhar and Rajashtan would have taken a lot longer to mobilize compared to Pakistan's. Your forces had a better chance of punching through the defences of Pakistan in the fluid Thar Desert than fight PA static battles on the fertile land of Punjab. The topography, canals and a very narrow axis of advance would have made life hell for your Armoured Columns. Not to mention, PA Defenders are well dug in and spread through out with ATGM hell holes, your flanks would have been consistently exposed to massive beating from these mobile ATGM teams. You are a senior member, i expect much more intelligent posts from you. When you post stuff like that, you fire up the fanboys whom actually believe that this was true. Here is an example:

Dear sir,

i do stand by what i say, Indian military apparatus and it's designers are not amateurs at planning. When I say bringing the offensive into pakistan, I intend to put the entire air interdiction and CAS role's into perspective. I never said it would be cake walk... I never said it was a cake walk back in 65 either....

I donot want to get into planning details, but when hostilities were initiated by pakistan, it would have been perfectly legitimate to retaliate and inflict long lasting damage to pakistani war machinery. Indian economy would eventually absorb indian damages in a decade but it would have hurt pakistan more than it would to India.

With the world opinion on india's favor... it was political meekness, and the surprise at which it caught the leadership. There was a big push from brass to persuade the BJP government to open the excess response, but BJP due to it's track record of being a right winger party wanted to consolidate it's position of being a responsible government in world view, hence ordered to maintain the sanctity of IB and LoC.

correction lahore, i meant offensive into Pak across plain land"
correction lahore, i meant offensive into Pak across plain land"

Now that my friend is a very different topic and a very detailed one. You should open an another thread if you want to discuss that, lets not derail this topic any further.


Oh and an FYI, i am very well aware of India's General Staff and their capabilities. They indeed are a smart bunch, very professional and a very formidable foe. The same also stands for the Pakistan's General Staff, i would actually argue that never in Pakistan's history have we ever been blessed with such fine cream of Lt Generals. This thinking in India that all Pakistan's Generals are a bunch of mullahs whom are war mongers is at best absurd.
Now that my friend is a very different topic and a very detailed one. You should open an another thread if you want to discuss that, lets not derail this topic any further.


Oh and an FYI, i am very well aware of India's General Staff and their capabilities. They indeed are a smart bunch, very professional and a very formidable foe. The same also stands for the Pakistan's General Staff, i would actually argue that never in Pakistan's history have we ever been blessed with such fine cream of Lt Generals. This thinking in India that all Pakistan's Generals are a bunch of mullahs whom are war mongers is at best absurd.
I agree!...............
Army respected the unfortunate ceasefire... I have always maintained kargil was missed opportunity as India should have been knocking on lahore same as in 65... Unfortunately vajpayee and his non-escalation policy costed dearly.

knocking on Lahore's door?

kid, you guys tried already and you failed miserably. Didnt even come close before being reduced to ashes and dust. I think one lesson was enough for your generals!
Army respected the unfortunate ceasefire... I have always maintained kargil was missed opportunity as India should have been knocking on lahore same as in 65... Unfortunately vajpayee and his non-escalation policy costed dearly.

With a nascent nuclear weapons state... immature and ready to use it.. are you sure you would stand by your "opportunity"?
knocking on Lahore's door?

kid, you guys tried already and you failed miserably. Didnt even come close before being reduced to ashes and dust. I think one lesson was enough for your generals!

Failed ??? Are you sure :cheesy:
With a nascent nuclear weapons state... immature and ready to use it.. are you sure you would stand by your "opportunity"?

Nuclear or otherwise, pak establishment has been sensible.... outrageously foolhardy sometimes but still sensible.... The sensibility of self preservation takes Nukes out of the equation...even now. I understand politician making themselves hostages to nuclear cloud, but the ground reality remains, none will use it because in the end, consequences will be much higher.
Failed ??? Are you sure :cheesy:

Hmmmm let me think:

bharat's 1st armoured div. got its azz handed to them at Chawinda The major bharti attack of 65 War was launched by this division opposite Chawinda. hindustany formation had four tank regiments as opposed to 1 tank regiment of Pakistan Army.

indian wanted to bifurcate Pakistan by cutting off GT Road and your brilliant generals thought they'd be sipping pegs of whisky at Gymkhana

unfortunately for them, they didnt get their drinks.....and unfortunately for the train-loads worth of indian POWs the task was not possible the way they thought it would be. Lahore is the cultural capital of the country so there was plenty of anger among PA and PAF --they fought their hearts out and they came out as the victors.

so yes, I'm very sure.
Hmmmm let me think:

bharat's 1st armoured div. got its azz handed to them at Chawinda The major bharti attack of 65 War was launched by this division opposite Chawinda. hindustany formation had four tank regiments as opposed to 1 tank regiment of Pakistan Army.

indian wanted to bifurcate Pakistan by cutting off GT Road and your brilliant generals thought they'd be sipping pegs of whisky at Gymkhana

unfortunately for them, they didnt get their drinks.....and unfortunately for the train-loads worth of indian POWs the task was not possible the way they thought it would be. Lahore is the cultural capital of the country so there was plenty of anger among PA and PAF --they fought their hearts out and they came out as the victors.

so yes, I'm very sure.

Think tank saheb, despite qualitative and quantitative edge of pakistani armor, Indian armour out fought them throughout the war. Selective amnesia aside, please do remember Six Pakistani Armored Regiments decimated by Three Indian regiments which fielded inferior hardware at Khemkaran also known as "Patton Nagar" ;).
Nuclear or otherwise, pak establishment has been sensible.... outrageously foolhardy sometimes but still sensible.... The sensibility of self preservation takes Nukes out of the equation...even now. I understand politician making themselves hostages to nuclear cloud, but the ground reality remains, none will use it because in the end, consequences will be much higher.

Think tank saheb, despite qualitative and quantitative edge of pakistani armor, Indian armour out fought them throughout the war. Selective amnesia aside, please do remember Six Pakistani Armored Regiments decimated by Three Indian regiments which fielded inferior hardware at Khemkaran also known as "Patton Nagar" ;).

Your second post seems to belie this claim..
Sensibility was never part of their game.. self preservation was.

Which means that now its gotten even more dangerous.. as the Leadership has found assurances for its self preservation.. they may be more inclined to consider the nuclear deterrent.
Army respected the unfortunate ceasefire... I have always maintained kargil was missed opportunity as India should have been knocking on lahore same as in 65... Unfortunately vajpayee and his non-escalation policy costed dearly.

True ..both Indira and Vajpayee had excellent opportunities to settle the issue..but missed..once could even understand the situation under which Indira let off..as the US was breathing down on her necks and the Soviet insurance was valid only till India did not start a dedicated western front into Pakistan..but Vajpayee..:disagree:
Take it up with your fellow bharti compatriot who was unsure whether IA could make it into Lahore. History proves that the odds were against them. I will be more than happy to talk about Chawinda or the other tank battles in military history section. But as far as the side discussion was concerned, the shmuck I replied to was put in place and thus he will hopefully read more and yap less

Only 1 i gt news of more then 10 pakistani soldier y ur media is hiding.oh supermacy issue i gt it
Be sharam log dogs!

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