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India textbook says meat-eaters lie and commit sex crimes

Do you know horse meat is too good for humans. So is dog meat. So if a present you a plate full of meat and you enjoy it, then I suddenly show you what type of meat is that and how the horse or dog was killed, you won't take another bite.

Thats because they are taboo meat. You can serve plateful of horse meat to central asians and they ll devour it, or serve dog meat to viet, korean, chinese and they ll eat it without any dramas, because they are used to it. I personally would still eat it though, I have tried Kangaroo and crocodile meat too. Its survival of the fittest.
Thats because they are taboo meat. You can serve plateful of horse meat to central asians and they ll devour it, or serve dog meat to viet, korean, chinese and they ll eat it without any dramas, because they are used to it. I personally would still eat it though, I have tried Kangaroo and crocodile meat too. Its survival of the fittest.
See now you are understanding my point. Its about what you can eat to survive.

Given a choice, even that viet, korean, chinese won't eat human meat, even if it comes to his survival. People generally opt to die of hunger rather than killing a fellow human being and eat it. Same goes for vegetarians. They can't kill an animal and will opt to die instead of killing an animal.

Its about choices and belief. Remember the idea of violence attached to anything, which you eat, drink, feel, etc. affects you. There is a reason certain clothing items are banned as people don't want certain animals to be killed for protection from winter if they can have some thing other for it.
It certainly makes one less tolerant and more violent but second part that says 'cheating ' is absurd and baseless ..
Okay lets start.....is human really herbivore????

A carnivore's teeth are long, sharp and pointed like tigers/wolf .....herbivore's teeth are not pointed, but flat edged. These are useful tools for biting, crushing and grinding like human

Human beings are Omnivorous. As for a tiger/wolf, they both dont have similar types of teeth. Canines have teeth which help them bite and hold/shred. Tigers have teeth that are designed to puncture the throat and impale the jugulars. If you see Canines like Hyenas hunt, they go for the abdomen and start eating whilst the animal is still alive. Tigers, Lions and other big cats first kill and then eat. So their teeth are designed that way not because they are Carnivorous, but because they have a specific function in their ecosystem. BTW these animals have Molars too, just as we do.

For us, we have canine teeth too. And that is smaller because we dont have to pounce on an animal and bite em. We have other ways of killing and we only eat cooked meat. Hence we dont need such long, sharp or strong teeth.

A carnivore's or omnivore's small intestine is three to six times the length of its trunk. This is a tool designed for rapid elimination of food that rots quickly. Herbivore's small intestines are 10 to 12 times the length of their body, and winds itself back and forth in random directions. This is a tool designed for keeping food in it for long enough periods of time so that all the valuable nutrients and minerals can be extracted from it before it enters the large intestine.(like human)

We function differently. A carnivore eats RAW meat. We eat cooked meat. A carnivore also consumes a lot of fur, bones and other stuff that gets expelled in their feces. We dont consume all of that stuff. A herbivore also consumes high cellulose content. Hence it needs every bit of nutrient in the food it consumes. Therefore the longer intestines.

A carnivore's stomach secretes powerful digestive enzymes with about 10 times the amount of hydrochloric acid than a human or herbivore. The pH is less than or equal to "1" with food in the stomach, for a carnivore or omnivore. For humans or other herbivores, the pH ranges from 4 to 5 with food in the stomach.

A carnivore eats RAW meat. Along with fur, bones etc., Therefore it needs more acidity in its gastric juices to break it down as well as probably kill bacteria in raw meat that it consumes. We eat cooked meat. Therefore we dont need so much of acidity in our stomach. Even in the case of raw foods, like Steak Tartare or Sushi, we "treat" the meat. Meaning we thinly slice it, or grind the meat, etc so its easy for us to eat. We dont consume it raw.

nature din't design our body for meat consumption...and when you do consume meat you are actually abusing your body as per nature...as a result of which
Red Meat Increases Risk Of Cancer, Heart Disease And Death
Red Meat Increases Risk Of Cancer, Heart Disease And Death

this a medical paper published in 2012...
An Pan, Ph.D., of the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, and team evaluated data from two prospective cohort studies, with repeated measures of diet and up to 28 years of follow-up, which included data from 37,698 men and 83,644 women. They noted 23,926 deaths, which included 5,910 deaths from CVD and 9,464 deaths from cancer.

How do you know what nature designed us for? In reality we have evolved to both eat meat as well as veggies. BTW Red meat does not increase the risk of cancer or heart disease. It does so, because people dont cook it right or use a lot of cheese and stuff.

So what that book says is not false.....medically it has been proven our body is not equipped well enough to handle the meat....

but its still is a personal choice.... pour body was not even made to handle alcohol and other garbage we put in..but hey bsomehow it manages:cheesy:

Like I said, its not that red meat is bad. Its how we eat it. And its about our lifestyle. This is just bad science is all. Dietary intake, smoking, drinking, drugs, physical activity and exercise, mental health, stress - ALL of these factors contribute to mortality. 1 factor like red meat does NOT.

Here is an article debunking this nonsense:

Red meat & mortality & the usual bad science

Eat red meat with fat, then its bad.

Eat red meat that has been cured (bacon, ham, sausages etc), then they are bad because they have extremely high content of sodium which is bad for the heart.

Eat red meat with cheese and other stuff, again bad.

Eat properly trimmed red meat, grilled, with less salt, and combine it with regular excercise - VERY healthy. More healthy than eating a plate of fries.
It all depends on the society and its norms. In India, in Brahmin class, a girl won't marry you if you are a non-vegetarian. She will see you as an animal, a savage.

I will completely deny this. This is ridiculous. A girl wont marry a guy she loves BECAUSE he eats meat? Heck my own sister who is non vegetarian is married to a Brahmin dude.

So the society where this research is done also matters.

Agreed. Depends on societal sensibilities.
In Jamestown, the settlers had to eat the dead bodies of their loved ones...
Now ask people on this forum, start a poll and ask them whether it is savage nature or its manly to eat human flesh ?

Same people who are mocking vegetarians will be giving similar arguments to bash these Jamestown people.
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See now you are understanding my point. Its about what you can eat to survive.

Given a choice, even that viet, korean, chinese won't eat human meat, even if it comes to his survival. People generally opt to die of hunger rather than killing a fellow human being and eat it. Same goes for vegetarians. They can't kill an animal and will opt to die instead of killing an animal.

Its about choices and belief. Remember the idea of violence attached to anything, which you eat, drink, feel, etc. affects you. There is a reason certain clothing items are banned as people don't want certain animals to be killed for protection from winter if they can have some thing other for it.

Yes but meat is essential for humans! Yes there are vegetarian alternatives, but its not affordable for everyone in poor countries. Why do you think our country has so much malnutrition?
I will completely deny this. This is ridiculous. A girl wont marry a guy she loves BECAUSE he eats meat? Heck my own sister who is non vegetarian is married to a Brahmin dude.
Agreed. Depends on societal sensibilities.
Like I said, depends on society. Your sister is an isolate case. I have also said about choices.

But there are thousands of Brahmin girls who won't marry or accept a guy and ask him to stop eating meat.
Most of the wars and invaders have been meat eating Christians and Muslims. Look at all the world wars, crusaders, terrorists who cut heads of live men etc. Just calculate how many people were killed by vegetarians and non-vegetarians. As simple as that. You can understand who has been more evil.

But even this simple fact won't be accepted by any of you as you just can't accept what these statistics tell. People will go length to defend their eating habit and may easily resort to insults just like we have seen.

Just because you guys eat meat, you won't try to explore this aspect of eating meat. Killing animals in front of kids affects their brain. More violence seen in childhood make him more prone to violence.

I can give a lecture on basis of science in this regard. Its pure neuroscience and response mechanism of human brain. Conditioning of human mind and effect of environment.

Problem is no one here will try to argue in reasonable fashion and will carry on making fun of vegetarians. So, I don't think people like Razi need to be lectured where they are just here to bash India for their usual habit of bashing as he hate all Indians.

Talking of science and psychology here is blasphemy as long as it is against common belief and habit such as eating meat. The majority won't let any discussion and will keep making fun of others as they are unable to debate on the issue.

You are correlating dietary patterns with politics. :lol: Dude this is ridiculous to say the least.

BTW as for that "science" you gave a lecture on, well its just pseudo-science. Neuroscience? Response mechanism? Conditioning of human mind and effect of environment? :lol: Dude, neuroscience is study of the nervous system. This one is a stupid post from you :D
Yes but meat is essential for humans! Yes there are vegetarian alternatives, but its not affordable for everyone in poor countries. Why do you think our country has so much malnutrition?
Seriously, malnourishment in India is something to do with being vegetarians. You gave typical argument of a Pakistani person like Razpak.

Hello, Africa has so many malnourished kids. In Africa they eat all type of meat.

Malnourishment is more correlated to poverty, not eating habit. Come to my village, I will show you around people who walks minimum 5 kilometers a day, work in farms for hours in over 35 degree centigrade, over 40 in summer, and they never eat meat. They don't fall ill and live way longer. There are fit as a horse. Even a woman in my village can do more work than a man in city who eats meat.

Malnourishment is due to lack of food with nutrients.
Krait, I know what I'm typing about, besides your response is very copy-paste sounding, I looked it up and it's from Wiki. Let me explain a hamburger is vast majority of the time made from beef. It has nothing to do with "Ham" it's called a "Hamburger" because it is believed to originate from Hamburg, Germany.

Also you should credit Wiki in your post, otherwise that's plagiarism.

though i am a hardcore meat eater myself, but what krait said regarding hamburger is not wrong either burger/sandwich in general can be made of pork or beef however i don't agree with his assessment on violence & meat

p.s folks let not make this thread India bashing (hell some of the hardcore meat eaters i know are south Indian Hindus specially Keralites/malayalis ) its veg vs non veg a universal phenomenon & i am a proud non-veg carnivore so lets keep politics aside & let the game begin

Meat is meant for eating by humans , it's the nature. No wonder why Indian Hindus have less fertility rate than Indian Muslims who are double than Hindus at sex, how do these malnutritioned veggies live ???

quit trolling
You are correlating dietary patterns with politics. :lol: Dude this is ridiculous to say the least.

BTW as for that "science" you gave a lecture on, well its just pseudo-science. Neuroscience? Response mechanism? Conditioning of human mind and effect of environment? :lol: Dude, neuroscience is study of the nervous system. This one is a stupid post from you :D
Do you know how neural pathways are created ? How we become skilled ? How neurochemistry works ?



Read it. I know what I am talking about. Neuroscience is widely studied in non linear dynamics.

So before mocking me, get your facts straight.

Ever wondered why they say, Practice makes a man perfect ?

As you repeat same thing over and over again, the neural pathways which connects our various portions of brain becomes stronger and stronger and hence reaction time decreases.

So once you start playing tennis, more you practice, more easily you will play it. Same happens with driving a car or riding a bicycle. After certain time you don't have to concentrate on paddles or gear shift, you become habitual. Reason why ?

The area which stores information about gear shifts, signals from eyes, control section of hands and legs, all the neural pathways connecting them with decision making part of the brain, becomes strong.

Environment also plays an important role. Two team of same skills can play differently if their coach is different in approach towards the game. The optimistic and motivational coach will always win over a pessimistic one. Its because of the fact that when you listen to motivational speech, adrenaline pumps up which affects your performance.

So buddy, I know what I am talking about.
Do you know horse meat is too good for humans. So is dog meat. So if a present you a plate full of meat and you enjoy it, then I suddenly show you what type of meat is that and how the horse or dog was killed, you won't take another bite.

My friend, any type of meat gives the same nutrients. Dog and Horse dont have anything special in their meat. But ofc eating or not eating meat is personal choice.

Every meat is rich in protein, certain minerals, zinc, iron and carbohydrates and fats. So when you say horse and dog are good for you, what do you really mean? Do you have any sources that explain the scientific nature of their content?

Point is, what you eat, affects your body and mind. So does the way you get the food. Its a well established fact

Hello, Africa has so many malnourished kids. In Africa they eat all type of meat.

Malnourishment is more correlated to poverty, not eating habit. Come to my village, I will show you around people who walks minimum 5 kilometers a day, work in farms for hours in over 35 degree centigrade, over 40 in summer, and they never eat meat. They don't fall ill and live way longer. There are fit as a horse. Even a woman in my village can do more work than a man in city who eats meat.

Malnourishment is due to lack of food with nutrients.

See you are making the same point as me, yet you fail to see my side of the argument.

Meat= Cheap and readily available source of nutrients. (Good for Malnourished countries) Vegetarian food rich in nutrients is not affordable for majority of the population.

African countries, meat is not cheap nor readily available.

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