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Husain Haqqani to Pakistan: Stop competing with India and start focusing on our own welfare

Top 10 quotes from PM Modi's speech at Silicon Valley event:
  1. It's a great pleasure to be here in California. It is one of the last places in the world to see the sun set. But, it is here that new ideas see the first light of the day.
  2. I have met many of you in Delhi and New York, and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. These are the new neighborhoods of our new world.
  3. If Facebook were a country, it would be the third most populous one and the most connected.
  4. Google today has made teachers less awe-inspiring and grandparents more idle. Twitter has turned everyone into a reporter.
  5. The status that now matters is not whether you are awake or asleep, but whether you are online or offline. The most fundamental debate for our youth is the choice between Android, iOS or Windows.
  6. From computing to communication, entertainment to education, from printing documents to printing products, and, now to internet of things, it's been a long journey in a short time.
  7. When a small craftsman in a village in India brings a smile to a customer looking at his phone on a metro ride in New York; When a heart patient in a remote hospital in Kyrgyz Republic is treated by doctors sitting in Delhi, as I saw in Bishkek, we know we are creating something that has fundamentally changed our lives.
  8. We are expanding our public Wi-Fi hotspots. For example, we want to ensure that free Wi Fi is not only there in airport lounges, but also on our railway platforms. Teaming up with Google, we will cover 500 railway stations in a short time.
  9. When you think of the exponential speed and scale of expansion of social media or a service, you have to believe that it is equally possible to rapidly transform the lives of those who have long stood on the margins of hope. So, friends out of this conviction was born the vision of Digital India.
  10. We want to free our citizens from the burden of excessive paper documents in every office. We want paperless transactions. We will set up a digital locker for every citizen to store personal documents that can be shared across departments.
You are acting like a frustrated man who seem very jealous his neighbour's growth, Regarding the facts it's not only us but the whole world is thinking about us ,we are the country with over billion people ,where people strive for gaining economic prosperity and collectively working for the growth of country.We are the fastest growing major economy, and as per prediction it is not going to change in near future.

:rofl: :rofl: :omghaha: :omghaha: yea....the WHOLE world thinks about us. The voices come to your head all day long, people whisper....I'd suggest letting your mother know about this so she can take you to a doctor's to treat this fake imagination and grandiosity. The US wants $$$$ so PLEASE buy more weapons and give us some of our money back :tup:

The Russians think about you SO much that they are negotiating selling the top line fighters to Pakistan when they've been your ONLY ally for the past 70 years :rofl: :enjoy:

The French officially hate you. They've decided, the second they cut the Rafale deal, they'll never say no to anyone (Pakistan in this regards) and if you buy their shiit, great, if you don't, they won't care either and will do business with Pakistan!!!

Sri Lanka and Nepal, your other two immediate neighbors hate you just as much. In fact, a couple of days ago, there were mass protests in Nepal against the Indian inter-mingling with their internal matters

All this bullshiiit about "Economic Prosperity", where was this till 1995? When people were depressed in India and the movie was the only 3 hours where they weren't frustrated. Then came along the great warrior from America, called the Bill Clinton and he changed India's destiny from Ditch to a Ladder. You should put his picture above Nehru and Gandhi out of respect and real work.
First give 600 MILLION people BATHROOMS and Tooth Brushes and Water to clean their rears after taking a shiit (literally), THEN come back here and preach the economic property bullshiit!!! How do you be grandiose and have powerful imagination when 600 MILLION people in your country don't have basic sanitary facilities!!!!??? Beyond me!
Top 10 quotes from PM Modi's speech at Silicon Valley event:

It's a great pleasure to be here in California. It is one of the last places in the world to see the sun set. But, it is here that new ideas see the first light of the day.

Man, where does he come up with all these. He starts his speach in every country with such statements.
Prof. Christine Fair explains very well about Pakistani way to handling foreign affairs. Such a brilliant and accurate analysis. I highly recommend her book "Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army's Way of War".

Also her discussions also:

here goes the humbleness. Back to the propaganda. Pure symptoms of Bi-Polar disorder in the Indian community. Rapid Mood Swings and Emotional Cycling between Grandiose and Depression as known as Hi and Low Moods. See the above post. You guys were acting humble for like 30 seconds. Hyper Mania and Grandiosity is BACK!!! Medical help needed?

Respected Sir

I would to re-iterate that I have nothing against Pakistan - I respect Pakistani people for their incredible resilience in face of so much adversity. I agree when many people say that the deck was stacked against Pakistan from the beginning. Their people had to suffer through decades of mis-governance, faulty strategic choices and musical chair of civilian leaders and military dictators. They had Afganishtan as their neighbor which is a huge liability to stay the least. They are pressed between Saudi and Iran both having their own agenda. They have a enormous India as their Bette noir adding to their insecurity.

AND STILL - they just shrug it off and hold their head high. They are winning an unwinnable war against TTP and their brethren. They are improving their economy despite being under tremendous pressure to spend on defense. They are forming strategic alliances with China and Russia which will insulate them from Diplomatic aggression.

In short - one word - RESPECT.

My issue is this one upmanship game some like to play with India, My issue is the faulty policy of their leaders who would throw it all away to remain in the power. My issue is despite being their no chance on gaining any concession on Kashmir they still persist and employ tools which only end up hurting them.

And the Pakistanis aren't growing and they won't grow their middle class? The Bi Polar mania is back!!!! Grandiosity towards India!!! :yahoo: :rofl:. I can have a doctor prescribe you a pill if you like, it'll fix ALL this mental mess in your head and the voices and the music of Pakistan you hear 24*7!!!!

And India is ALSO too deep like Modi's short height deep, bried inside Hindu terrorism for decades, where fanatic Hindus (Alqaeda's Hindu cousins) kill minorities in mass numbers and bury them in mass graves. These are Indian citizens getting killed by the Indian Hindu Extremist fractions like the BJP, RSS and Shiv Sena and more!!! Just like the Muslim terrorist fractions. Both of these terrorists basterds are the same and deserve capital punishment. If million in Pakistan support the Talibans, ALL Hindu's unconditionally support the Hindu terrorism. Let's start with you:

Do you denounce mass murders of Indian minorities by the Hindu extremists from BJP, RSS and Shiv Sena? Answer this and then we can talk more if this is called talking!!!

India was also in the same mess till 1995. You should put Bill Clinton's pictures ABOVE Gandhi and Nehru. Bill Clinton is the REAL founder of modern India and he single hand built the modern India by outsourcing millions of American jobs and trillions of dollars. You should have pay high respect to Bill Clinton's name and pictures when you see one. Pakistan needs a Clinton too, or may be a Chinese Clinton. Wait, they already have one :enjoy:

@Spectre: here goes the humbleness. Back to the propaganda. Pure symptoms of Bi-Polar disorder in the Indian community. Rapid Mood Swings and Emotional Cycling between Grandiose and Depression as known as Hi and Low Moods. See the above post. You guys were acting humble for like 30 seconds. Hyper Mania and Grandiosity is BACK!!! Medical help needed?
sure, Hindu extremists, just like qaeda and ISIS :rolleyes:

look, you can continue to feel better about India's many problems if you want, but Pakistan is still the bin laden country for the world.
the security situation in Pakistan is the no1 reason no one will invest, stop looking for parity, compared to India, Pakistan is like Yemen and Somalia, the home to bin laden and taliban and al qaeda.
10000 chinese and 45 billion of there investment is going in shupa duper Galetic power India.......

but Pakistan is still the bin laden country for the world.
who cares about dung consuming lunatics and there friends....
So the words of an ex-ambassador, who i believe holds American citizenship makes the Indians feel big.
Well, on a few occasions, General Musharraf, who visited India as the Pakistani head of state, also made a few comments while on the Indian soil, ironically those gems still choke the Indians to this day,,,, I guess any one irrelevant praising India will boost your ego......perhaps you need it.
The Russians think about you SO much that they are negotiating selling the top line fighters to Pakistan when they've been your ONLY ally for the past 70 years :rofl: :enjoy:

The French officially hate you. They've decided, the second they cut the Rafale deal, they'll never say no to anyone (Pakistan in this regards)

You opened my eyes today. The rich country of Pakistan where rivers of milk flows will buy the Russian planes, then the French ones. There wont be any planes in the world for us to buy.

Oh wait, we can buy cheap Chinese planes which the Chinese themselves dont use. And get some more donated to us! Now thats a plan!
Pakistan to Hussain Haqqani. Stop charging for your lectures on Pakistan if you actually have any interest in it.
Why is he so pissed off against Pakistan? Was he refused a promotion etc?
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