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Husain Haqqani to Pakistan: Stop competing with India and start focusing on our own welfare

Soon these comparison will be stopped automatically. When gap widens.... There is some limit even to propagate. When this line is breached these comparison will be stopped. I don't know why many Pakistanis are so bullish in bashing India and completely avoiding the real world reality. What poor people, no toilets bla bla ? With a country of 1.2 billion human beings do you even know how hard it is just to maintain. We are not Chinese dictatorship to throw poor farmer or his ugly huts near fancy new building into some remote part of China and ask him to work as factory workers . Having said what India has achieved is near impossible . Today with all hards we are now be stronger and better in any term you can compare with world powers. Pakistan with 1/4 of Indian population has illiteracy rates spiking more than what it should be. Ur poverty for Under 1.5 $ UN standard itself alarming but what even more alarming is under 2$ poverty groups . You check your facts.

India is unique. See today's illiteracy rate in India includes older generation as well. Indian has large farming community. In those days they preferred to work in their farms than going to schools . But let me tell you if it not 100% Atleast 99.9% of kids goes to schools. Where as in Pakistan Kids and girl child's are been forced from getting education. Remember Malala case? So we as a nation have lots of aims to achieve.

So India won't care about these toilets, feed hunger talks. We know who we are and what we have to do. As I said even these delusional comparison will be stopped. In future. Very near future for sure.
Nice, you failed the test again!!! I quoted you a Million JUST to see your reaction :rofl: :cheers:.

This is called trolling for your kind information Sir.

But between 750K and a Million, ain't that much difference

May be not for you sir but for me and many others it is a hell lot of difference. Just for reference sake - 250k would by you a top notch appt in Delhi and a decent one in Mumbai, it can put you through Ivy League College and so and on.

And like a said, "decent home" is a subjective term. What you think is decent, an art lover could go and spit on. What they consider decent, you might throw up seeing that home and knowing how much they paid for it.

I agree, buying a home is a subjective decision - your point?

But all in all, I was able to show you many homes for 350K and above (not apartments for 750K as you claimed). But Larger homes than a small apartment.

As I said buying a home is a subjective decision - yes you do get houses for 350k I have not disagreed to it. My argument was subjective about the decency of these homes - the existing state of plumbing and flooring, neighborhood, proximity etc.

20 years ago, you were also like Sudan. So learn to know your place on the planet. Mr. Clinton's pictures should be put on top of Nehru or Gandhi's. They built the initial India of today, Bill Clinton alone created the India of the future by donating millions of jobs, investments and all. So yea, give quarter of that to Pakistan and see if you can compare. And even then, they are still bound to be your rival starting in the next 5 years, in terms of educated labor and all. You are about to compete with over a 100 million hard working and smart labor, similar to India. We'll see how it fares over the next few decades.

And the security situation at this point in Pakistan is an Indian Magic. Tell RAW to stop terrorism inside Pakistan and there will be peace inside Pakistan!!
Pakistan will never be able to compete with India because of it's much smaller population, a billion people is no joke, and with poverty reduction as hundreds of millions of Indians projected to join the middle class with growing expendable income, the market will only get more attractive to foreign businesses.

Pakistan is in too deep with religion and islamic terrorism, it's the next most likely place where sectarian strife, the kind we see in the middle east, might break out. Not only do they have al qaeda and Taliban, but millions who silently support those type of groups, they hate the US and west the same way they hate India, against whom the Pakistani state still uses terror group proxies.

They're more into burkas and beards than science and technology, what does it say about a country who hero worships an army general ? that they're being overrun by jihadist forces. :sick:

Pakistan is the bin laden country, more parallels with Yemen, Iraq and Syria than India.
Typical Pakistani. What can we say.

Only by changing thier flags can they dare to talk to us. Pakistanis start the comparison then all of a sudden they become Chinese or American to prevent themselves from getting slapped on the face.
Stop Constant Competition With India: Husain Haqqani to Pakistan

"There is anxiety in Pakistan about everything that puts India at the centre on global stage," said former Pakistan's ambassador to the US Husain Haqqani to NDTV, adding that the anxiety will remain "as long as we continue to believe that Pakistan's future lies in constant competition and rivalry with India". His message to Pakistan, "stop competing with India and start focusing on our own welfare".
Stateless orphan ...opportunist...
Soon these comparison will be stopped automatically. When gap widens.... There is some limit even to propagate. When this line is breached these comparison will be stopped. I don't know why many Pakistanis are so bullish in bashing India and completely avoiding the real world reality. What poor people, no toilets bla bla ? With a country of 1.2 billion human beings do you even know how hard it is just to maintain. We are not Chinese dictatorship to throw poor farmer or his ugly huts near fancy new building into some remote part of China and ask him to work as factory workers . Having said what India has achieved is near impossible . Today with all hards we are now be stronger and better in any term you can compare with world powers. Pakistan with 1/4 of Indian population has illiteracy rates spiking more than what it should be. Ur poverty for Under 1.5 $ UN standard itself alarming but what even more alarming is under 2$ poverty groups . You check your facts.

India is unique. See today's illiteracy rate in India includes older generation as well. Indian has large farming community. In those days they preferred to work in their farms than going to schools . But let me tell you if it not 100% Atleast 99.9% of kids goes to schools. Where as in Pakistan Kids and girl child's are been forced from getting education. Remember Malala case? So we as a nation have lots of aims to achieve.

So India won't care about these toilets, feed hunger talks. We know who we are and what we have to do. As I said even these delusional comparison will be stopped. In future. Very near future for sure.
And that sounds smart in your opinion? Coming on here and boasting crap that others don't understand makes you somehow a smarter individual or makes your illogical points somehow logical???

Allow me the shed some light so people can see the actual truth behind the shinny comments of yours:

1: Maharashtra has over 120 million people as of 2015.
2: 70% of Indian Financial Transactions (70% of ALL Internal and Foreign Exchange Transactions) happen through Maharastra (Mumbai)
3: 65% of ALL India specific ingress and egress trade routing, payments and money transfers specific to Maritime Trade ALSO happen through Mumbai.
4: Mumbai Stock Exchange, representing companies from ALL over India and her 1.2 BILLION people, is in Mumbai, Maharastra!! Many million high dollar Indian earners from countries like the US, UK, Canada, etc, ear dollars there and invest heavily in India.

Even with ALL the above, in a MUCH larger, growing India, Maharastra STILL stops below 240 billion GDP and it is India's richest state!!! That means, it be below 32 of the US states, which have MUCH smaller population, but much higher GDP and quality of life and they BEAT Maharastra. So before you boast and belittle others, know your place on the map also!!!

Now on to the next topic, Pakistan is expected to cross $ 2 trillion over the next 2-3 decades. Pakistan today is where you were in 1995, but only in a much better condition because she doesn't have to somehow provide for 1.2 billion people. No matter how rich Maharastra is or India as a whole is, you have over 600 MILLION people (three times the population of Pakistan), without proper bedding, bathroom and other basic sanitary items!!!!!

So PLEASE, instead of impressing (or suppressing) the Pakistanis and Sri-Lankans and whoever with false propaganda, how about you go take care of your country's REAL problems......including providing a better future for 600 MILLION people....and starting from as basic as giving them a clean place to take a shiit (literally) and brush their teeth and sleep on an actual proper BED!!! When you accomplish it, I will personally write a post that today, India's become a real big power as her people now have "the most basic" human needs met, that you'd consider ANY modern country to be able to provide to her people!!

guys, please read the above and watch this thread. Truth always hurts and this thread might get derailed rather quickly!!!

Dude do have any idea what you are doing? You talk rubbish and get emotional about facts and later cry to page moderators to give negative ratings. I care about my profile where ever I go. And I received 2 additional negative rating because of your whinning.

Let me give detailed information on poverty when compared with China India and Pakistan . And not. China and India are large countries with massive 3 billion stomach to feed against your 180 million people in Pakistan. Get real man...

India :India has already achieved the target of reducing poverty by half, with 21.9% of its 1.2 billion people living below the poverty line or having income of less than $1.25 a day, the U.N. report said. India had set a target of 23.9% to be achieved by 2015.India has halved its incidence of extreme poverty, from 49.4 per cent in 1994 to 24.7 per cent in 2011, ahead of the 2015 deadline set by the U.N,, shows the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Report, 2015.

China : Official data shows that about 98.99 million people still lived below the national poverty line of RMB 2,300 per year at the end of 2012. With the second largest number of poor in the world after India, poverty reduction remains a fundamental challenge.

In 2014 More than 82 Million People Live Below Poverty Line.BUT Real data will blow your mind.
Zheng, who is vice director of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, explained that the majority of poor Chinese live in inadequate structures, often in areas prone to natural disasters.
According to a report by Wei Shangjin, chief economist of the Asian Development Bank , the number of Chinese people living under poverty line is of more than 400 million, or 30% of the population.UNICEF said there were around 712,000 orphans in China in 2010 - the latest statistic available - but child welfare groups believed the number could be much bigger.

Pakistan : Poverty is not a new phenomenon in Pakistan as every third Pakistani is caught in the ‘poor’ bracket, i.e. some 58.7 million out of a total population of 180 million subsist below the poverty line. This includes more than half the population in the forever remote Balochistan, 33 percent in Sindh, 32 percent in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and 19 percent in Punjab. These are daunting figures for every Pakistani.
Rising poverty in Pakistan
Pakistan’s progress on achieving the MDGs is disappointing. Reports prepared by national and international bodies show that Pakistan will not be able to reach the MDGs by 2015, as it is short of almost all its targets on the time scale .

Number of poor people in Pakistan, 1987 – 2011


Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators. Poverty lines are in 2005 international dollars.
While the number of people living under $1.25 a day plummeted, the number of people living under $2 has barely declined and those under $2.50 actually increased

Rising poverty in Pakistan

So stop living in Lala world ,Reality is hard to digest but what to do ?
What's the total population of these states :rofl: :omghaha:, internal business, does population come to work in these states from other states and earns high dollars, does the financial system also serves part of other states or their consumers??

Again, if you guys want to do this and not have me tear down your analysis, you need to provide all relevant details. Doing comparisons isn't like "my car looks nicer than his" is a jealousy statement. But using terms like the GDP, which is a very complex item, requires some industry expertise. A doctor, before he tells a patient that he may have CAD, goes through a bunch of tests, medical history and lots of facts, or he'd lose his license. So just like that, when you talk about economy and doing comparisons, the stuff has to have REAL facts behind it, or you'll look bad very quickly.

So give me ALL the details I would, or anyone with strategy and economy and business related experience would need to see. And if you actually did the right comparison, I would be the first one to tell you that you did a good job. Whether its pro-Pakistan or against Pakistan. I am not an Indian hater, nor am I from Pakistan.

I am a stupidity and lie-hater. So give me solid details and I'll give you compliments. Give me crap and I'll rip the analysis apart, like a category 5 Tornado goes through wood based homes. Which then ruins the fun. So write factual stuff, and let's debate productively :enjoy:

What your above statement means is that you want spoon feeding and you will eat only what you want and behave like an infant and vomiting out at your wish.

Unfortunately more you say you like to do indepth technical analysis or so called tear down analysis, more you fall flat on you face. Entire PDF is full of you tear down analysis and people finding ocean size holes into it.

I would try to reduce responding to your school of thoughts probably that will save your face and save my time too.

Thanks for your over enthusiatic participation, may your presence on PDF help you to improve learning skills.

Peace & Cheers
India Fastest Growing Start-Up in The World: Google's Sundar Pichai
You guys should seek medical help as soon as you realize your posts and comments don't have any real meaning or facts to back up your claims, but you still think you are superior than the world as you are from India (exaggerated self worth, another symptom). Combined with the grandiose part about what India is (when 600 million people can't take a shiit that's sanitary).
You are acting like a frustrated man who seem very jealous his neighbour's growth, Regarding the facts it's not only us but the whole world is thinking about us ,we are the country with over billion people ,where people strive for gaining economic prosperity and collectively working for the growth of country.We are the fastest growing major economy, and as per prediction it is not going to change in near future.
With more than 300 million smartphone users today, he said, India was the fast growing country for internet users.
20 years ago, you were also like Sudan. So learn to know your place on the planet. Mr. Clinton's pictures should be put on top of Nehru or Gandhi's. They built the initial India of today, Bill Clinton alone created the India of the future by donating millions of jobs, investments and all. So yea, give quarter of that to Pakistan and see if you can compare. And even then, they are still bound to be your rival starting in the next 5 years, in terms of educated labor and all. You are about to compete with over a 100 million hard working and smart labor, similar to India. We'll see how it fares over the next few decades.

And the security situation at this point in Pakistan is an Indian Magic. Tell RAW to stop terrorism inside Pakistan and there will be peace inside Pakistan!!

No they are still like Sudan
Pakistan will never be able to compete with India because of it's much smaller population, a billion people is no joke, and with poverty reduction as hundreds of millions of Indians projected to join the middle class with growing expendable income, the market will only get more attractive to foreign businesses.

And the Pakistanis aren't growing and they won't grow their middle class? The Bi Polar mania is back!!!! Grandiosity towards India!!! :yahoo: :rofl:. I can have a doctor prescribe you a pill if you like, it'll fix ALL this mental mess in your head and the voices and the music of Pakistan you hear 24*7!!!!

Pakistan is in too deep with religion and islamic terrorism
, it's the next most likely place where sectarian strife, the kind we see in the middle east, might break out. Not only do they have al qaeda and Taliban, but millions who silently support those type of groups, they hate the US and west the same way they hate India, against whom the Pakistani state still uses terror group proxies.

And India is ALSO too deep like Modi's short height deep, buried inside Hindu terrorism for decades, where fanatic Hindus (Alqaeda's Hindu cousins) kill minorities in mass numbers and bury them in mass graves. These are Indian citizens getting killed by the Indian Hindu Extremist fractions like the BJP, RSS and Shiv Sena and more!!! Just like the Muslim terrorist fractions. Both of these terrorists basterds are the same and deserve capital punishment. If million in Pakistan support the Talibans, ALL Hindu's unconditionally support the Hindu terrorism. Let's start with you:

Do you denounce mass murders of Indian minorities by the Hindu extremists from BJP, RSS and Shiv Sena? Answer this and then we can talk more if this is called talking!!!

They're more into burkas and beards than science and technology, what does it say about a country who hero worships an army general ? that they're being overrun by jihadist forces. :sick:

Pakistan is the bin laden country, more parallels with Yemen, Iraq and Syria than India.

India was also in the same mess till 1995. You should put Bill Clinton's pictures ABOVE Gandhi and Nehru. Bill Clinton is the REAL founder of modern India and he single hand built the modern India by outsourcing millions of American jobs and trillions of dollars. You should have pay high respect to Bill Clinton's name and pictures when you see one. Pakistan needs a Clinton too, or may be a Chinese Clinton. Wait, they already have one :enjoy:

@Spectre: here goes the humbleness. Back to the propaganda. Pure symptoms of Bi-Polar disorder in the Indian community. Rapid Mood Swings and Emotional Cycling between Grandiose and Depression as known as Hi and Low Moods. See the above post. You guys were acting humble for like 30 seconds. Hyper Mania and Grandiosity is BACK!!! Medical help needed?
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