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Hindu tortured and killed in Karachi blasphemy dispute

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Dec 22, 2007
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Karachi: Dozens of Muslim workers beat to death a Hindu colleague at a factory in Karachi on Tuesday for alleged blasphemy. According to the media reports the worker named Jagdish Kumar, 25, was tortured and killed at the garments factory after a heated debate on religion.

Narrating the incident, Superintendent of Police Farrukh Bashir said, “Of a total of 1,500 workers at the factory in the Korangi industrial area, a dozen muslim men beat the Hindu worker to death over allegations of blasphemy."

The mob was trying to burn the body when officers arrived and took it away, Bashir added. Police have arrested several people in connection with the case.

Hindu tortured and killed in Karachi blasphemy dispute - Howrah News Service - Latest news and headlines on Howrah and West Bengal
Absolutely despicable and horrible act.

There really is too much emphasis on machismo in our society.

Unfortunately, even other Muslims and up becoming a target during such exchanges, and some individuals end up riling the mob.

While I would ordinarily say that the "blasphemy laws need to be repealed" (which they do IMO, or the requirements to register cases need to be made much more stringent while extending the laws to cover all faiths, rather than just Islam) this kind of behavior will only be stopped if an example is made out of the culprits.
The blashpehemy laws should be repealed immediately. They are used to target minorities against whom a "muslim" has a grudge. If I was supreme dictator of Pakistan, the first things I'd do is remove these medieval laws like blashpemy law and hudood law (though the later has been amended to a saner version by Mushy).
The blashpehemy laws should be repealed immediately. They are used to target minorities against whom a "muslim" has a grudge. If I was supreme dictator of Pakistan, the first things I'd do is remove these medieval laws like blashpemy law and hudood law (though the later has been amended to a saner version by Mushy).

They are used to target minorities, but even more of the targets are Muslims themselves.

In most cases the law is misused for financial gain, getting a relative locked up so one can get their property.

I think Musharraf initially tried abolishing the law, and then tried making it much harder to register a case (only after investigation by a magistrate). In the first instance he was blocked by the MMA, and gave in. I am not sure whether the latter proposal was implemented or not - the MMA was opposing that as well.

What doesn't the MMA oppose? If only they would spend half as much time focusing n helping the poor.

Magar fahashi say bara kya gunha ho sakta hai?

My phrase of the day - bloody ignorant idiots.
Well I think we need this law, but their needs to be minor changes made to it. I mean their needs to be changes made to all laws, but whats even more important is that they must be implemented in the right way.
Now as far as this incident is concerned I condemm the fact that this poor man was assulted by the people. What should of happened is he should of been taken to court and the case should of been handled in a lawful and civilized manner.
In Pakistan the minorties know what not to do and if they still do it then they should be punished. Now many people are saying this is used to target minorties and used by people for their own gains. All this in my opinion falls under implementation. I mean all this should be handled in the right way. The police should be called and the matter taken to the courts.

What if a Muslim insults Hindu gods or their faith? Do you support having the same punishment for a Muslim who commits "blasphemy" against a Hindu or Sikh?

Its death or life I believe, and currently the law only applies to "Blasphemy against Islam".
Karachi: Dozens of Muslim workers beat to death a Hindu colleague at a factory in Karachi on Tuesday for alleged blasphemy. According to the media reports the worker named Jagdish Kumar, 25, was tortured and killed at the garments factory after a heated debate on religion.

Narrating the incident, Superintendent of Police Farrukh Bashir said, “Of a total of 1,500 workers at the factory in the Korangi industrial area, a dozen muslim men beat the Hindu worker to death over allegations of blasphemy."

The mob was trying to burn the body when officers arrived and took it away, Bashir added. Police have arrested several people in connection with the case.

Hindu tortured and killed in Karachi blasphemy dispute - Howrah News Service - Latest news and headlines on Howrah and West Bengal

Oh ****! This makes me sick... ******* bastards. Why we don't kill animals like these. And screw the blasphemy laws. How many more innocents will be framed like this before we shelve the mother ******* blasphemy and hudood laws? I work with minorities and this is one of their primary concerns. The law is being misused and has to be thrown away.

This is sad and heart breaking. The bastards should be tortured and hanged like ******* dogs.
Well I think we need this law, but their needs to be minor changes made to it. I mean their needs to be changes made to all laws, but whats even more important is that they must be implemented in the right way.
Now as far as this incident is concerned I condemm the fact that this poor man was assulted by the people. What should of happened is he should of been taken to court and the case should of been handled in a lawful and civilized manner.
In Pakistan the minorties know what not to do and if they still do it then they should be punished. Now many people are saying this is used to target minorties and used by people for their own gains. All this in my opinion falls under implementation. I mean all this should be handled in the right way. The police should be called and the matter taken to the courts.

Bhai they don't have the same believes as we do whether they say it or not. So why we have to impose something on them. No the matter should not be taken to courts and our nation should just practice free religion. Use youtube and u will hear insults about the prophet and Allah every day. If we leave the western *********** alone why we bully our own people to say something they don't believe and why can't we just leave it to Allah like we do with these amriki and europeans {EDITED}.

See this is the problem. How are we to make sure that minorities in our land don't feel the way we did in India when jackasses like these exist and when stupid rules like the hudood ordinance exist. We have to be a more tolerant society. We can't accomplish that unless we abolish these idiotic laws that hurt our minorities.
:cry:its so sad for lkill people a hindu without avidence .i think first he face cort they decide abut he.other wise its so sad for me:disagree:
Sorry AM... 2 much youtube f4 me these days... ;)
What if a Muslim insults Hindu gods or their faith? Do you support having the same punishment for a Muslim who commits "blasphemy" against a Hindu or Sikh?
Its death or life I believe, and currently the law only applies to "Blasphemy against Islam".

Well if a muslim deos this he should be given the same punishment. It is never right to insult another religion. I like said in my previous statement the law needs to stay but minor adjustments need to be made. It should apply to all religions and it must be implemented the right way.
The Holy Prophet himself told us not to harm peoples of other religions, so if a muslim does do this he is guilty of commiting a crime.
Bhai they don't have the same believes as we do whether they say it or not. So why we have to impose something on them. No the matter should not be taken to courts and our nation should just practice free religion. Use youtube and u will hear insults about the prophet and Allah every day. If we leave the western *********** alone why we bully our own people to say something they don't believe and why can't we just leave it to Allah like we do with these amriki and europeans {EDITED}.
See this is the problem. How are we to make sure that minorities in our land don't feel the way we did in India when jackasses like these exist and when stupid rules like the hudood ordinance exist. We have to be a more tolerant society. We can't accomplish that unless we abolish these idiotic laws that hurt our minorities.

I agree with you that we need to be more tolerant. But being an Ialamic Republic, we will have some laws which are based totally on Islam. The minorities know Pakistan is an Islamic state and they should not do any thing that gets them in trouble. It the law of the land and they and every single one of us must learn to respect it.
Well if a muslim deos this he should be given the same punishment. It is never right to insult another religion. I like said in my previous statement the law needs to stay but minor adjustments need to be made. It should apply to all religions and it must be implemented the right way.
The Holy Prophet himself told us not to harm peoples of other religions, so if a muslim does do this he is guilty of commiting a crime.

Your idea works well in theory but reality is different. Laws such as the ones being mentioned here are obviously being abused. And since religious ideas can be interpreted differently depending upon which imam you talk to then there is a problem.

The reality is that a Hindu (or other religion) will not be equal to a Muslim under any such law anymore than a Muslim within Hindu dominated India. It is a feature of south Asia.
Your idea works well in theory but reality is different. Laws such as the ones being mentioned here are obviously being abused. And since religious ideas can be interpreted differently depending upon which imam you talk to then there is a problem.
The reality is that a Hindu (or other religion) will not be equal to a Muslim under any such law anymore than a Muslim within Hindu dominated India. It is a feature of south Asia.

You are quite right that these laws are being abused. I have also said this before. Now as far as the Imams are concerned, this particular law is one of the laws which all Imams agree on. These laws need to be implemented the right way.
EDITORIAL: A law that causes crime

Korangi Industrial Area in Karachi has seen another gruesome murder in the name of religion because of the country’s Blasphemy Law. One Jagdish Kumar of Mirpurkhas was beaten to death by his Muslim co-workers who accused him of having insulted the Holy Prophet (PBUH). His body was lacerated by blows from iron rods and sticks and subjected to a long beating. The deed was done by a group of people apparently outraged by what they alleged was blasphemy by the Hindu worker. The police don’t believe it was blasphemy that the murderers they punished and the family of Jagdish Kumar say their son could not have blasphemed knowing that it is punishable by death.

The truth is that an innocent man has been killed because of the legal “facility” available to the killers to hide their real motive. It breaks one’s heart to admit that all non-Muslims at the lower rungs of society are vulnerable to this savagery. If you are a non-Muslim, take a low profile, turn the other cheek to the blow of all offenders, and be the wretched of the earth, because Pakistan has the Blasphemy Law on its statute books. And if someone comes to the defence of these wronged people religious fanatics come out and scare the state away. *
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

I don't see how this law can be worded to where it won't be exploited and abused.

The problem being that a "sympathetic judiciary" (If the MMA or its like ever come to power) might look at even thing like "I don't believe Muhammad was a true prophet, because I am a Hindu/Christian/Sikh" as blasphemy.

In fact, that was probably what happened when the geniuses in the factory decided to "educate" the guy about Islam. I doubt he was stupid enough to start using profanity in a place full of Muslims just to antagonize them.
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