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Hindu tortured and killed in Karachi blasphemy dispute

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The blashpehemy laws should be repealed immediately. They are used to target minorities against whom a "muslim" has a grudge. If I was supreme dictator of Pakistan, the first things I'd do is remove these medieval laws like blashpemy law and hudood law (though the later has been amended to a saner version by Mushy).

I totally agree with you, thats why I'm a supporter of secularism.

White portion of our flag represents non muslim minorities, they have as much right to security and safety as anyone else, blasphemy and hadood law are direct violation of the rights of non muslims in Pakistan.

Anothe problem is that Pakistanis like average muslim are jazbaati (emotional) people, too sensitive and explosive to critique or even difference of opinion.

Where's the justice? If a Hindu can be beaten to death due blasphemy dispute, I'd say prosecute the mob who tried to burn the body for same reason as its 'unislamic' to burn the body.

Jahalat! :disagree:
But being an Ialamic Republic, we will have some laws which are based totally on Islam. The minorities know Pakistan is an Islamic state and they should not do any thing that gets them in trouble. It the law of the land and they and every single one of us must learn to respect it.

Pakistan came in to being as a fundamental state, a safe heaven for muslims of British India and adapted the name "Islamic" after becoming a Republic in 1956.

I sincerely have my doubts if today's Pakistan is what Sir Syed Ali Khan, Allama Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam and many others envisioned. Sixty plus years after independance we're still struggling on religious issues, we're treating the minorities the same way muslims of pre-partitioned India were treated which led to the partition in the first place.

"L'histoire se repete", where could this lead if we continue to discriminate and alienate non muslim nationals of Pakistan?

I know I'm opening Pandora's Box when I say that Pakistan should move on, embrace modernisation and distance herself from religion on official level.

The Quaid promised us safety and security, envisioned a secular society with equal rights for all.

Lets follow that dream and safe Pakistan. :pakistan:
maybe we should all take exams more seriously than forums. my exams havnt started, but i have a nasty feeling they r not gonna go well.

I agree, education comes first, don't let this forum stand in the way.
As much as I love to read your posts I sincerely think that all students should take a break and focus on the exams.

We'll still be here when you're dome. :cheers:
Korangi... Go figure.

Several places in Karachi where you just can't go anymore.

I hope they jail each and every 1500 of them.

Indeed, for those who don't know Karachi well let me clarify that both Korangi and neighboring Landi belong to most underdevelopped suburbs of Karachi in terms of human development (education).

Poor migrants from India were assigned free plots and housing in these area's after independance. Despite having huge Industrial Parks the area remained underdevelloped and poverty stricken due lack of education and large, I mean very large families. Its still very comon to have 6-8 children there. :disagree:

All of this goes back to two main issues. Lack of law enforcement (which leads to this ghastly mob mentality and lynching) and secondly utter lack of education which leads to intolerance.

If the deterrence exists which would ensure that anyone taking anything like blasphemy into their own hands would be taken to task, then at most people would register cases and that is it. In most cases, blasphemy laws are being used to take care of personal gripes. Some fine tuning and appropriate enforcement of the law is needed.

Well said mate. :tup:
See this is the problem. How are we to make sure that minorities in our land don't feel the way we did in India when jackasses like these exist

Pakistan came in to being as a fundamental state, a safe heaven for muslims of British India and adapted the name "Islamic" after becoming a Republic in 1956.

Pakistan came into being as a state for Muslims, where Muslims are the dominant/ruling/aristocratic class etc.

I sincerely have my doubts if today's Pakistan is what Sir Syed Ali Khan, Allama Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam and many others envisioned. Sixty plus years after independance we're still struggling on religious issues,

Idealistic visions are almost always invariably corrupted...

we're treating the minorities the same way muslims of pre-partitioned India were treated which led to the partition in the first place.

Muslims being slaughtered by Indians was not why Jinnah created Pakistan...
Neither were Muslims mistreated by "Indians"...

I believe, this is propaganda to bolster support for Jinnah's 2 nation theory/the state of Pakistan.. and is prevalent even today and even at least for the forseeable future...

The Quaid promised us safety and security, envisioned a secular society with equal rights for all. Lets follow that dream and safe Pakistan. :pakistan:

I disagree with Jinnah's movement for Pakistan, but I am strongly in favour of implementing Jinnah's original vision for Pakistan... that is a secular, free, fair etc. society, (where Muslims are dominant in all fields) .... and a friend of all...
I agree with you that we need to be more tolerant. But being an Islamic Republic, we will have some laws which are based totally on Islam. The minorities know Pakistan is an Islamic state and they should not do any thing that gets them in trouble. It the law of the land and they and every single one of us must learn to respect it.

True they should'nt but when the law is being used by ***** fanatics for their idiotic deeds then the law is useless. The law is gaining us nothing but is only alienating our minorities and giving fanatics an opportunity to oppress them. I myself had to run to a christian womans house to stop a mob attacking her for blasphemy which was obviously untrue. I got the dude who pressed the charges thrown in in jail like the retard he was Alhumdullilah.

Such laws cannot exist in a country like Pakistan where kawm is ***** & when one person (eg. bhutto) is killed 8000 cars, 64 buildings r burned and 50 people are killed and over 200 are wounded...

Generally minorities in Pakistan are proud Pakistanis and do not insult Islam cauz they respect us. Usually its just some fanatical bastard who says this man has burned the Quran or said such and such about the Prophet. Often there is no way to prove it and is a bunch of lies by a group of fanatics to frame an innocent.

Abdullah Karim a great muslim scholar a hafiz in Karachi was burned by a bunch of fanatics for desecrating the Quran. Let me tell you why he was burned. He was burned because he said terrorism was Haram and condemned it. Now is'nt that idiocy at its best? The law is hurting our people and helping the terrorists. Its people like us who are being fooled by it. Please understand whats going on here.
Dimension please do not use expletives in future.......otherwise I will edit your post again in a similar fashion.
Pakistan came into being as a state for Muslims, where Muslims are the dominant/ruling/aristocratic class etc.

Idealistic visions are almost always invariably corrupted...

Muslims being slaughtered by Indians was not why Jinnah created Pakistan...
Neither were Muslims mistreated by "Indians"...

I believe, this is propaganda to bolster support for Jinnah's 2 nation theory/the state of Pakistan.. and is prevalent even today and even at least for the forseeable future...

I disagree with Jinnah's movement for Pakistan, but I am strongly in favour of implementing Jinnah's original vision for Pakistan... that is a secular, free, fair etc. society, (where Muslims are dominant in all fields) .... and a friend of all...

Don't bullshit me... just because people like me keep quiet u get a great reason to spread lies. Partition was the greatest blessing and a necessity. I have had to live with you guys enough to understand that. Muslims were and still are slaughtered by Indians. You have never treated us properly. Then u cry "muslims are not loyal to India"

What do u guys want? Why can't u just say you want us to get lost and out of India rather than taking this double stand?

The two nation theory was necessary. Everything brings us apart and the Hindu majority has done nothing but oppress us. The so called moderate hindus have stood by and watched or better been responsible for the violence themselves. Modi is reelected... even our votes don't count. Tell me how long should we quiet? We ignore babri masjid and say we are indians... hopefully it will all be fine soon... we ignore gujrat riots... we ignore fact that muslims are dying everyday in Kashmir... How do u expect us to remain loyal to India?

I am glad minorities are realizing the truth. I am talking to people everyday and helping them get the hell out of India. I am glad people finally realize where they belong rather than being pathetic loosers.
Dimension please do not use expletives in future.......otherwise I will edit your post again in a similar fashion.

Just making a point keys... youtube has much more of Islamophobia and we should concentrate on promoting healthy image of Islam to the world not waste time trying to tell our minorities to think in a certain way.
Just making a point keys... youtube has much more of Islamophobia and we should concentrate on promoting healthy image of Islam to the world not waste time trying to tell our minorities to think in a certain way.

Both points can be made without expletives dude.....
Pakistan came into being as a state for Muslims, where Muslims are the dominant/ruling/aristocratic class etc.

Dominant is the right word as Muslims of the sub-continent were always few no matter how superior they were due to the population size.

Muslims being slaughtered by Indians was not why Jinnah created Pakistan...
Neither were Muslims mistreated by "Indians"...

Muslims were mistreated by the Hindus would be the correct sentence. Muslims being slaughtered/mistreated was one of the many reasons.

I believe, this is propaganda to bolster support for Jinnah's 2 nation theory/the state of Pakistan.. and is prevalent even today and even at least for the forseeable future...

Wrong belief.

I disagree with Jinnah's movement for Pakistan, but I am strongly in favour of implementing Jinnah's original vision for Pakistan... that is a secular, free, fair etc. society, (where Muslims are dominant in all fields) .... and a friend of all...

The above is done in Pakistan. Where the majority rules, and minority has more rights than any nation in the world. Even being part of the government regardless of the population consensus.
Don't bullshit me...

No need..

just because people like me keep quiet u get a great reason to spread lies.

You are not an angel of truth

Partition was the greatest blessing and a necessity.

I disagree.. Millions dead, a country partitioned, a people divided is never a good thing... (all by people professing brotherhood and peace- Overkill)

I have had to live with you guys enough to understand that. Muslims were and still are slaughtered by Indians. You have never treated us properly. Then u cry "muslims are not loyal to India"

Give me proof....
Treated Muslims improperly?
You have 1000+ years of History to quote examples.. be my guest..

What do u guys want? Why can't u just say you want us to get lostand out of India rather than taking this double stand?

I pity you because you think what you think...

The two nation theory was necessary.

Necessary to protect the position, rank and wealth of the gentry class Muslims mostly...
All other was ancillary/auxillary/secondary/speculative...

Everything brings us apart and the Hindu majority has done nothing but oppress us.

and how is this?? Quote examples from when Islam was practised in Subcontinent...

The so called moderate hindus have stood by and watched or better been responsible for the violence themselves.

Violence? I concur Riots have occurred in India against Muslims less number of times than fingers on my Hands... and they were condemned in the most emphatic manner by all...

Tell me how long should we quiet? We ignore babri masjid and say we are indians...

Babri Masjid as all know was wrong and those who support it are under the mis-information that it was the exact birthplace of Ram...

hopefully it will all be fine soon... we ignore gujrat riots...

Gujarat Riots were condemned by Almost all Indians..
and Muslim mobs killed Hindus in a good number as well..

we ignore fact that muslims are dying everyday in Kashmir...

Killed by whom?? Fellow Muslim terrorists mostly...

Police, Army in a situation as Kashmir cannot be expected to not vent out their frustrations at times...
I would ultimately blame Pakistan for Violence in Kashmir and no one else...

How do u expect us to remain loyal to India?

Are you an Indian??
Do you need a reason to be loyal to your motherland?

I am glad minorities are realizing the truth. I am talking to people everyday and helping them get the hell out of India. I am glad people finally realize where they belong rather than being pathetic loosers.

You have claimed to know people who recently emigrated from India to Pakistan to save themselves.. Tell you what, Please give me their Indian addresses, Photos, Phone numbers and other info... I will personally go and interview their neighbours and find out the truth... and hopefully expose you..

Muslim Indians are not pathetic Losers.. but you are not free to call your Indian Muslim brothers whatever you feel like...
Muslims were mistreated by the Hindus would be the correct sentence. Muslims being slaughtered/mistreated was one of the many reasons.

I beg to differ.. Could you quote Jinnah on this??
I still believe non Muslim rulers of India never mistreated their Muslim subjects at least in the manner that was prevalent in those times and never in a fraction of magnitude of Foreign Muslim rulers..

Wrong belief.

I fail to fathom why wouldn't Pakistan(is) not believe that India mistreats Muslims...

The above is done in Pakistan. Where the majority rules, and minority has more rights than any nation in the world. Even being part of the government regardless of the population consensus.

I beg to differ looking at the responses on this very forum itself...
I know I'm opening Pandora's Box when I say that Pakistan should move on, embrace modernisation and distance herself from religion on official level.
The Quaid promised us safety and security, envisioned a secular society with equal rights for all.
Lets follow that dream and safe Pakistan. :pakistan:

Well this box has been discussed extensively in Pakistan. Especially when our first Constitution was being written this was the biggesy debate. What role should Islam play in our politics?
As far as the Quaid-I-Azam is concerned its hard to imagine what type of state he wanted. I mean their is his famous speech he made on August 11, 1947, which we all say he declared Pakistan a secular state. But at the same time he fought for the Msulims and told them they would be the majority and it was up to them to decide what type of state they wanted. As far as I am concerned I think if the people of Pakistan wanted a conservative society he would of supported it. The reason being it would be something which the majority supported.
But now dont get me wrong I am not advocating a totally conservative society. As far as I am concerned Pakistan was created for the Muslims of India and Quaid-I-Azam at the same time promised the minorities that their rights would be protected. Now if we really did have an Islamic society the minorties would have nothing to fearm because Islam is a religion which advocates that muslims protect the minorties. But unfortunately we have elements in our society which give Islam a bad name.
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