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Have we forsaken Iraq?

Yes but than again Afghans Gang b***** you for 13 years In Afghanistan.

Wow! You people have a completely different definition of everything than us. Here if somebody had kicked shit out of us, I mean busted up everything they could find, bombed us at will, we'd consider that a humiliating loss. But I guess that counts as a win in your neck of the woods. Lemme guess, you're undefeated in wars? :D
Really well at the moment you are .And your so called killing was from closed area's restricted to your base camps. 13 years and all it took was an Afghan and opium to R*** the world super power.

Lets see 64 years passed threatened by a neighboring
Giant who claimed to wipe us of the map in mere weeks defeated USSR at the behest of a buch of shit scared pansies seating across the Pacific. Showed the middle finger several times to a super power who couldn't control it's own frankenstien monster aka taliban . Put the blame on us . Threatened to invade.
Took us mere months to cripple the taliban and Al-Qaida alike.

Yeah I guess we pretty much won all war's:lol:

Wow! You people have a completely different definition of everything than us. Here if somebody had kicked shit out of us, I mean busted up everything they could find, bombed us at will, we'd consider that a humiliating loss. But I guess that counts as a win in your neck of the woods. Lemme guess, you're undefeated in wars? :D
Really well at the moment you are .And your so called killing was from closed area's restricted to your base camps. 13 years and all it took was an Afghan and opium to R*** the world super power.

Lets see 64 years passed threatened by a neighboring
Giant who claimed to wipe us of the map in mere weeks defeated USSR at the behest of a buch of shit scared pansies seating across the Pacific. Showed the middle finger several times to a super power who couldn't control it's own frankenstien monster aka taliban . Put the blame on us . Threatened to invade.
Took us mere months to cripple the taliban and Al-Qaida alike.

Yeah I guess we pretty much won all war's:lol:

Wow! Where do you get this stuff from? You passed the money and weapons we gave you to the Afghan fighters. Kinda like a go-between. Don't pretend like you fought this courageous war against the Soviet Union. Taliban was created by the ISI in the mid-90s well after the Soviet Union had collapsed and we'd lost interest in Afghanistan. If they're bitch slapping you today, that's not our problem. And if by showing the middle finger, you mean begging for more money, then yeah you're constantly shown us the middle finger.

Since getting your *** handed to you seems to be your definition of "winning", I'm sure you remain undefeated. :enjoy:
This isn't stuff. Let me categorise the whole issues :

1.At the times the Soviet expansion and entry into Afghanistan the Americans were begging the freedom fighters to help them is destabilising the USSR.

2.The funding and the weapons were supplied directly supplied by the American government to the taliban for fighting against the Russian.

3.After the USSR disintegrated .And the US left the region Pakistan had already Began an effort to stabilise the region. The Americans hatched the twisted 9/11 crap inorder to get in.For their own personal interest.

4.Youre troops have been hiding insides their base camps abd would go out ans attack under the cover of your attack helicopters and tgen return immediately to their bases like rats hiding in their holes.

5. The American government is begging Pakistan to have go through deal between the Taliban in order for their own personal Face saving after being butchered like dogs.

6.You Americans can stay in the region. We don't mind but at the end it's you liking you're own a**es
Because of miserable fails so far.

7.Oh and the money you guy's are paying us is just to save your American A**es.

Pakistan is the only region which is trying to stabilise the whole region but it's your personal F**** ups that are the cause of all this.

Wow! Where do you get this stuff from? You passed the money and weapons we gave you to the Afghan fighters. Kinda like a go-between. Don't pretend like you fought this courageous war against the Soviet Union. Taliban was created by the ISI in the mid-90s well after the Soviet Union had collapsed and we'd lost interest in Afghanistan. If they're bitch slapping you today, that's not our problem. And if by showing the middle finger, you mean begging for more money, then yeah you're constantly shown us the middle finger.

Since getting your *** handed to you seems to be your definition of "winning", I'm sure you remain undefeated. :enjoy:
This isn't stuff. Let me categorise the whole issues :

1.At the times the Soviet expansion and entry into Afghanistan the Americans were begging the freedom fighters to help them is destabilising the USSR.

2.The funding and the weapons were supplied directly supplied by the American government to the taliban for fighting against the Russian.

3.After the USSR disintegrated .And the US left the region Pakistan had already Began an effort to stabilise the region. The Americans hatched the twisted 9/11 crap inorder to get in.For their own personal interest.

4.Youre troops have been hiding insides their base camps abd would go out ans attack under the cover of your attack helicopters and tgen return immediately to their bases like rats hiding in their holes.

5. The American government is begging Pakistan to have go through deal between the Taliban in order for their own personal Face saving after being butchered like dogs.

6.You Americans can stay in the region. We don't mind but at the end it's you liking you're own a**es
Because of miserable fails so far.

7.Oh and the money you guy's are paying us is just to save your American A**es.

Pakistan is the only region which is trying to stabilise the whole region but it's your personal F**** ups that are the cause of all this.

Ah yes, Delusions of Grandeur. I've heard about it. I don't think I have ever heard about such a serious case. You should get that looked at. They say it might be a symptom of Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia.
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