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Saudi Arabia and Russia plan deep oil cuts in defiance of US

It'll start with reviving the Khasogi murder case and convict MSB. He won't be able step in any Western country.....

IK is a lucky fellow....
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Do Saudis Arabian ready or face us sanction which damages most of Saudi weapons systems bought from USA for spare parts and maintanance this is a big gamble for them but one day they have to take it hopefully they will stand tall against USA hypocracy and blackmailing and dictation if they do USA super power days are numbered
US' unfettered spening/money printing will cease and their economy will collapse. Nothing will justify dollar's status as the reserve currency as there will be nothing to back it up. Petro dollars has kept dollar propped up since Nixon took it off the gold standard and US' excesses have gone on uncontrollably for five decades. US public should be eternally thankful to Saudis for feeding, clothing and pampering them this whole time.
Based on what MBS is showing this much guts? Is it he alone or an concerted standpoint? Some fishy stuffs....
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