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Gunmen kill five female Afghan airport staff in Kandahar

Why aren't Islamic scholars

Oh yes because 50-80 year old men who have never faced anything remotely physical will pick up ak's and will spend months and years killing 100s and 1000s of young men in the mountains all while trying to survive off the land.

Makes perfect sense.
Sadly my friend,not every so called "Islamists" are as enlightened as you're mentioning.Even IS tries to justify their action as "Task of Islam".And sadly,in Afghanistan,the other "Islamists" enjoy support from a section of society.

I am aware my friend, the minority are indeed a large minority with irrational beliefs. I believe they will be absorbed into moderation in the coming decade, and those that aren't will be defeated ideologically and physically. It's the Salafist brand that overtstreches their boundaries too far, where I'm from we aren't Salafi, are Sunni Shafi'ae Muslims influenced by Palestinian culture too....
I am aware my friend, the minority are indeed a large minority with irrational beliefs. I believe they will be absorbed into moderation in the coming decade, and those that aren't will be defeated ideologically and physically. It's the Salafist brand that overtstreches their boundaries too far, where I'm from we aren't Salafi, are Sunni Shafi'ae Muslims influenced by Palestinian culture too....

I can share some from my end.In India,where I am from,Muslims coexisted cordially with other religions for long time.But politics and some vestige interests changed nature of some who corrupted heart of few,which in turn brought shame on entire religion.It is same for other parts of this world as well.Islamists wasn't so hellbent to push women from light of modernization.But it feels like some parts of this world,hardliners drove their version of Islam to these madness,where they can justify these atrocities,just like IS is doing.
I'm surprised to hear women even work in such open places in Pashtun areas of Afghanistan, but they must've been very brave to go against the odds even with dangers of Talib tyranny on their heads.

Rest in peace, if not in land of ruins.
I am aware my friend, the minority are indeed a large minority with irrational beliefs. I believe they will be absorbed into moderation in the coming decade, and those that aren't will be defeated ideologically and physically. It's the Salafist brand that overtstreches their boundaries too far, where I'm from we aren't Salafi, are Sunni Shafi'ae Muslims influenced by Palestinian culture too....
most of afghanstan and western areas are hananfi though
I'm surprised to hear women even work in such open places in Pashtun areas of Afghanistan, but they must've been very brave to go against the odds even with dangers of Talib tyranny on their heads.

Rest in peace, if not in land of ruins.

Women in Kabul are seen outside without taliban burkha, but Kandahar is different story though. There are some Pak-Afghan tv programs where they visit different cities of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Gang killing female airport employees arrested

Security & Crime

Bashir Ahmad Naadim
Jan 01, 2017 - 18:31
KANDAHAR CITY (Pajhwok): A four-member gang that killed five female airport employees and their driver in southern Kandahar province has been arrested, an official said on Sunday.

Of the detainees, three were paraded before reporters at the police headquarters in Kandahar City, the provincial capital. They confessed to their crimes.

Kandahar deputy police chief, Brig. Gen. Rahmatullah Atrafi, told Pajhwok Afghan News that police detained the four individuals on Sunday in connection with the killing of four woman employees of the Kandahar Airport.

He identified the detainees as Hedayatullah aka Pahlawan, Taj Mohammad, Jumma Khan and Gul Ahmad aka Kuchni Talib.

A fifth person, Sardar Wali, who also was involved in the crime, has managed to escape but police were searching for him, he said.

Atrafi said the men were arrested by detective organs and police forces of 4th police district of Kandahar city.

“These individuals were involved in militant activities under the leadership of a rebel commander in Kandahar City,” the police official said, adding the detainees had confessed to killing the five female employees of Kandahar Airport and their driver.

One of the detainees, Hedayatullah, told Pajhwok
that the plot was made by their commander Mubarak Shah and a local prayer leader Taj Mohammad. He said that Taj Mohammad was injured in the incident.

“I and Kuchni Talib were guarding on that day, Taj Mohammad, Sardar Wali and Jumma Khan who had a Kalashnikov and two pistols opened fire at the car and killed five women and their driver,” he said.

He said he had been promised 5,000 afghanis after the attack, but he did not receive the money.

“Taj Mohammad and Sardar Wali were ahead of me and I was following them, Mohammad had a Kalashnikov and I and Wali had pistols, they opened fire at the car first and then I. Then I was taken to a place on motorcycle and I entered a mosque,” he said.

Khan confirmed Taj Mohammad was the Imam of a mosque in the 4th police district and he had been receiving religious education from him.

The women and their driver, who worked in the Kandahar Airport civil terminal, were killed while heading to their duty station from home in Kandahar City on December 17.

Definitely Taliban involved..........Sure Afghanistan has always been conservative and women working in Airports is frowned upon, but murdering them for that is some thing else......For example Job of air hostess is also considered not appropriate by Pashtun society of Pakistan but no one goes to Peshawar airport with intention of murdering air hostesses there

What is that mindset that makes them trigger happy to kill the working women??? Don't these women have children and family to feed??
What is that mindset that makes them trigger happy to kill the working women??? Don't these women have children and family to feed??
Trigger-happy? these five women from different families were killed with planning and plot, it was not a trigger-happy reaction......
What is that mindset that makes them trigger happy to kill the working women??? Don't these women have children and family to feed??

good question, its cultural. They saw some women outside their homes and decided to kill all of them even though they put themselves in burqa from head to toes. Couple of weeks ago women was beheaded for shopping alone.
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