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Afghan troops kill 100 Taliban during 5-day battle in Helmand

And here comes the pearls of wisdom. Seriously the level of rational thinking drops to its lowest among Indians when it comes to that particular neighbor.

If the similar groups reach India, India is screwed. Pakistani forces are experienced in tackling against extremist groups.
Afghanistan should help Pakistan finish off TTP too

If Afghanistan wants to help Pakistan, kill TTP fighters as they run away back to Afghanistan as soon as Pakistan army launches its operation.

They are coward; attack the nation behind its back and if they are called for fight, they run away back to Afghanistan. The fake bravado is only used at targetting civilian lives.

Both nations, Pakistan and Afghanistan, should concentrate on eliminating terrorism in their nations. That way those taliban groups will have nowhere to run. Due to lack of proper army of Afghanistan in the past, the terrorism could never be solved as they could get away back to Afghanistan when Pakistani army launches its operation.
Both nations, Pakistan and Afghanistan, should concentrate on eliminating terrorism in their nations. That way those taliban groups will have nowhere to run. Due to lack of proper army of Afghanistan in the past, the terrorism could never be solved as they could get away back to Afghanistan when Pakistani army launches its operation.[/quote]

But it is not happening!!! Pakistan is still preserving Anti-Afghanistan, Haqqani network. PA is safe guarding its assets aka Haqqani fighters and providing them safe heavens or sancturies under the disguise of IDP camps. Pakistan Army is operating an IDP camp specially for Haqqani network fighters in high mountainous ares of tribal belt. This operation 'Zarb-e-Azb' is only against Anti-Pakistan elements not Anti-Afghan elements.

LATEST: Taliban have been defeated with heavy causalities in all 4 districts, ANSF reinforcements have reached the areas and a clearance operation is started - MoD

If the similar groups reach India, India is screwed. Pakistani forces are experienced in tackling against extremist groups.

We have been fighting insurgency of varied kinds for at least 2 decades or so .
LATEST: Taliban have been defeated with heavy causalities in all 4 districts, ANSF reinforcements have reached the areas and a clearance operation is started - MoD
Great going ANA. Start a new thread on this with further details if possible.
Due to recent events, I have a good feeling that relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan will improve many folds.
We have been fighting insurgency of varied kinds for at least 2 decades or so .

The ones you have faced is nothing compared to what Pakistan forces is dealing. TTP is properly funded with foreign expensive weapons to implement its attack on the sovereignty of Pakistan. TTP problem is not over yet, that being said Pakistani forces is now quite experienced in dealing this matter and has been doing since the invasion of USSR in Afghanistan.

Both nations, Pakistan and Afghanistan, should concentrate on eliminating terrorism in their nations. That way those taliban groups will have nowhere to run. Due to lack of proper army of Afghanistan in the past, the terrorism could never be solved as they could get away back to Afghanistan when Pakistani army launches its operation.

But it is not happening!!! Pakistan is still preserving Anti-Afghanistan, Haqqani network. PA is safe guarding its assets aka Haqqani fighters and providing them safe heavens or sancturies under the disguise of IDP camps. Pakistan Army is operating an IDP camp specially for Haqqani network fighters in high mountainous ares of tribal belt. This operation 'Zarb-e-Azb' is only against Anti-Pakistan elements not Anti-Afghan elements.


To be fair, TTP is provided have by Afghan government while Afghan Taliban faces hostile by the same government. That being said, Pakistan has always been taking care of terrorism problem regardless of its motive because at the end they don't acknowledge the constitution of Pakistan.

In the past, Pakistani forces had to work with Afghan Mujahideen against USSR due to lack of proper Afghanistan army in the past. No group can be born without necessity. That being said, Afghanistan army is now properly trained. If Afghanistan army tackles Afghan Taliban and provide no haven to TTP, and then Pakistan tackes TTP and provide no haven to Afghan Taliban, then the terrorism is not likely to last in the future, Allahu Alim.
We did!! :enjoy:

New Delhi will ramp up training and allow more cadets and officers from Kabul to come here. Around 150 Afghan army officers are annually trained in the National Defence Academy, Pune, The Indian Military Academy at Dehradun and the Officers Training Academy at Chennai.

Also batches of serving Afghan officers are trained in Signals (electronic communications), counter-insurgency, jungle warfare, field engineering and management of military stores.

The aim is to train 30,000 Afghan Army troops at various establishments in the next couple of years.
I knew it, But wanted to hear it from some one in PDF....So far everyone is saying it is US....:D:tup:
The overwhelming majority of training provided to the ANA is by ISAF/NATO - the Indian contribution to the effort (I am talking about the actual contribution as of today, not the "expected" one down the road) is minimal.
Both Pakistan & Afghan armies literally pull out numbers from their behind when it comes to reporting Taliban casualties.

In reality actual Taliban casualties most of the time range between 10%-20% of the number of casualties claimed by pak and Afghans.
Totally agree with you.
The overwhelming majority of training provided to the ANA is by ISAF/NATO - the Indian contribution to the effort (I am talking about the actual contribution as of today, not the "expected" one down the road) is minimal.
Long time sir. Nice to see you again.
Well, so much for comparing the ANA with the PA - the one thing there is little doubt of is the PA's ability (demonstrated several times in Swat, Bajaur, Mohmand, South Waziristan, Khyber etc.) to rout out the Taliban if they make the mistake of trying to "hold" territory.
Taliban hold territory after Afghan offensive
By AFP Published: June 29, 2014

KANDAHAR: The Taliban have established a foothold in southern Afghanistan in a 10-day battle against Afghan forces, locals said on Sunday, as the army and police struggle to prove they can defeat the insurgents without Nato’s help.

A coordinated assault by 800 Taliban fighters on police checkpoints and military posts began on June 19 with Afghan forces rushed in to recapture parts of Sangin district in Helmand province.

Despite government claims that the Taliban have been routed in a series of counter-attacks, Hashim Alkozai, a local elder, told AFP that the insurgents had successfully defended two key areas of the district.

“The government has sent more reinforcements to Sangin, but the Taliban still has two parts, Barekzai and Bostanzai, under their control,” Alkozai said after fleeing to Lashkar Gah, the provincial capital of Helmand...

Taliban hold territory after Afghan offensive – The Express Tribune

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