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Afghan troops kill 100 Taliban during 5-day battle in Helmand

Afghan armed forces can train their neighbor to demonstrate the same efficacy.

And here comes the pearls of wisdom. Seriously the level of rational thinking drops to its lowest among Indians when it comes to that particular neighbor.
Indeed but there is sure some Brittish and German quality included :enjoy:
Hopefully the Afghan army holds there ground in the coming years.
I heard the other day that the situation had calmed to a level that now the police is taking charge of previously army run locations.
On topic is there another link which suggests the same number of taliban killed by ANSF? Not that I wont to undermine the Afghan forces but the number looks rather exaggerated in just 5 days.
Hopefully the Afghan army holds there ground in the coming years.
I heard the other day that the situation had calmed to a level that now the police is taking charge of previously army run locations.

Thats true, but only in some areas.

But again our police have Humvees, Ak-47 and RPG not an ordinary police force ;)

Well for the matter of holding ground, then we can only hope that no French training was included :D
On topic is there another link which suggests the same number of taliban killed by ANSF? Not that I wont to undermine the Afghan forces but the number looks rather exaggerated in just 5 days.
How many militants has ISPR claimed to have killed in last 5 days ?
Thanks but I'll pass the trolling bait.
No trolling mate.. But from Dawn.com, ISPR has claimed to have killed almost 150+ militants in last 5 days. Didnt see you guys doubting that number as exaggerated.
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