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Fake Chinese Space Walk !!

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Not only that, and this one is a FACT, the Chinese Media printed an article that proclaimed the mission a SUCCESS with COMPLETE description of commentary b/w Astronauts and Control Room even before the event SUPPOSEDLY happened.

then the article was REMOVED and said to be published as a technical mistake!! well technical mistake or not, but how come the article contained details of Astronauts conversation and how it described it a success even before the MISSION LIFT OFF. Jeeezzz !!!!

" False news report
A false news article appeared on Xinhua News Agency's website on 25 September 2008, reporting mission events dated 27 September 2008; the article was reported in several mainstream news sources.[34] The report described in detail the launch, which had not yet occurred, as well as the process of tracking and data transfer by a tracking ship, and dialogue between the crew members in space. The report was taken down the same day, and when contacted by the Associated Press, a xinhuanet.com staffer stated that it had been a "technical error by a technician. "
Shenzhou 7 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

" The country’s official news agency Xinhua published an article dated September 27 – two days from now – complete with an entire dialogue between the three men aboard Shenzhou 7. The astronaut’s mission, which will feature the Communist state’s first-ever space walk, began at 2.10pm UK time when their rocket blasted into the sky from its base in Jiuquan in the northwestern Gansu province. But Xinhua’s apparent propaganda article - titled Sleepless Night On The Pacific, Sidelights On The Observation And Control Of The 30th Lap Of Shenzhou 7 Spaceship – was posted on its website more than two hours before."
Oops! China boasted of space walk mission hours BEFORE astronauts had actually left the launch pad | Mail Online

Complete commentary of ASTRONAUTS conversation TWO hours before the EVENT actually HAPPENED. !!!

:rofl: some low IQ'ed idiot must have wrongly calculated the time difference between the the shuttle's supposed distance and the Earth.
Our media made a huge sensation of the footprint firework that did take place but due to safety the helicopter flight was a cgi and silly people think a fake spacewalk wouldn't cause an even bigger sensation in our media.

Some people are really desperate and pathetic.
Wow, If it is fake, it is mega fake.
Götterdämmerung;3336925 said:
Our media made a huge sensation of the footprint firework that did take place but due to safety the helicopter flight was a cgi and silly people think a fake spacewalk wouldn't cause an even bigger sensation in our media.

Some people are really desperate and pathetic.

Your media is just too stupid to see the truth alone with every other media and space agencies because you don't have the brilliant minds like timetravel and whoever here support this. What can humanity do without them to safeguard the truth.
This thread is further supporting the stupidities of the maker and the people who support the fakery of our space walk.

1. matters in zero gravity are weightless. ever seen the astronauts eating an upward floating bean inside of a craft in space? the direction of the floating depends on initial thrust which complies with Newton's first law

2. the different pressure in the cabin vs the space sucked out the minute debris

3. ever used a HD camera? the usa and russian cameras are low density vcds which were filmed in 2008

Jeez I dont believe people are so stupid!

indian ones are crap! Ours are excellent!

The different pressure in the cabin vs the space (0.2) sucked out the minute debris.

Today it is Shenzhou 9 and China has assembled a space station in orbit, but you talk about what happened 4 years ago....

Indians really has efficient....
Damn... hard to believe that this was fake...
few things are more entertaining to watch than a bunch of petty, bitter, envious and ignorant yindus out to discredt a chinese accomplishment. one of them might be an indian space project, designed to outdo chinese ones, becoming a huge christmas firecracker.

bah, pathetic, inept, jealous types...
The different pressure in the cabin vs the space (0.2) sucked out the minute debris.

Today it is Shenzhou 9 and China has assembled a space station in orbit, but you talk about what happened 4 years ago....

Indians really has efficient....

indeed! the poor common sense and lack of basic scientific knowledge like phyics of the indian cheerleaders on PDF are shocking or we should not be shocked if you understand the dire devastation of their elementary education like this below which easily puts any nation with self-esteem on earth to great shame:

india backs out of PISA test

Today it is Shenzhou 9 and China has assembled a space station in orbit, but you talk about what happened 4 years ago....

the brilliant indians are expecting a fake "Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1 rendezvous and docking video" to be uploaded on youtube soon!
sigh... you people know that the space station china has can be seen with a telescope right? as in you can go out buy one and wait til the right time in the right area and see it for yourself. not to mention all the other space powers (eu-us-russia) have their eyes on the chinese, or are you claiming those space powers all work for china?
LOL. You have no knowledge about Physics.

Flags in an absolute vaccum like Space behave like they would if you wave a flag under water. It will wave.

An easy trick to verify if there is any fakery is to fill your bath tub or washing basin with water . Cut a piece of thin cloth to the size of the flag and complete the rest. Test and watch how the manner of the flag behaves while waving it in water. Compare it with that in the video and the difference is obvious!

May be the objective living conditions of the indians preclude them from carrying out that simple experiment.
There is no force in the space to stop the flags momentum.
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