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Durga Puja is not only Hindu festival. It is festival for all : Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina

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Jul 30, 2015
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Durga Puja is not just a Hindu festival. It is universal festival : PM Sheikh Hasina
October 11, 2021 10:49


'Durga Puja is not just a Hindu festival now, it is festival for all.'

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. 'Durga Puja is not just a festival of the Hindu community, it is now a universal festival. Religion belongs to individual, festivals belong to everyone - we celebrate all religious festivals together in Bangladesh inspired by this mantra. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said this in a message given on the occasion of Durga Puja, the main religious festival of the Hindu community.

The Prime Minister said, 'Bangladesh is a country of communal harmony. Here people of all religions are equally enjoying the benefits of development. Religion belongs to everyone, festivals belong to everyone - inspired by this mantra, we celebrate all religious festivals together in Bangladesh.

She said, 'Durga Puja is not just a festival of the Hindu community, it is now a universal festival. The destruction of evil spirits and the worship of truth and beauty are the main features of the Durga Festival in autumn. '

The Prime Minister further said, “Our constitution has ensured equal rights for people of all religions and castes. Bangladesh is a safe haven for all people irrespective of religion or caste.

The present Awami League government is developing everyone irrespective of caste, religion, caste and group. On the occasion of Durga Puja, the Prime Minister wished peace, welfare and prosperity to all including Hindus.

Sheikh Hasina said, 'We are taking necessary steps to deal with coronavirus infection. We have continued all cooperation with the people. We all have to come forward in cooperation with each other.

I request everyone to celebrate the Durgotsab in the autumn in accordance with the rules of health. Inspired by the spirit of the great war of liberation, the Prime Minister called upon the people to build the golden Bangladesh of the dream of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the greatest Bengali nation of all time, by keeping the non-communal spirit high.

দুর্গাপূজা এখন শুধু হিন্দু সম্প্রদায়ের নয়, এটি সার্বজনীন উৎসব'
অনলাইন ডেস্ক
১১ অক্টোবর, ২০২১

'দুর্গাপূজা এখন শুধু হিন্দু সম্প্রদায়ের নয়, এটি সার্বজনীন উৎসব'

প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা। ফাইল ছবি

'দুর্গাপূজা শুধু হিন্দু সম্প্রদায়ের উৎসবই নয়, এটি এখন সার্বজনীন উৎসব। ধর্ম যার যার, উৎসব সবার- এই মন্ত্রে উজ্জীবিত হয়ে বাংলাদেশে আমরা সব ধর্মীয় উৎসব একসঙ্গে পালন করি।'

হিন্দু সম্প্রদায়ের প্রধান ধর্মীয় উৎসব দুর্গাপূজা উপলক্ষে দেওয়া এক বাণীতে এসব কথা বলেছেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা।

প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, 'বাংলাদেশ সাম্প্রদায়িক সম্প্রীতির দেশ। এখানে সব ধর্মের মানুষ সমভাবে উন্নয়নের সুফল উপভোগ করছে। ধর্ম যার যার, উৎসব সবার- এই মন্ত্রে উজ্জীবিত হয়ে বাংলাদেশে আমরা সব ধর্মীয় উৎসব একসঙ্গে পালন করি।' তিনি বলেন, 'দুর্গাপূজা শুধু হিন্দু সম্প্রদায়ের উৎসবই নয়, এটি এখন সার্বজনীন উৎসব। অশুভ শক্তির বিনাশ এবং সত্য ও সুন্দরের আরাধনা শারদীয় দুর্গোৎসবের প্রধান বৈশিষ্ট্য।'

প্রধানমন্ত্রী আরো বলেন, 'আমাদের সংবিধানে সব ধর্ম ও বর্ণের মানুষের সমান অধিকার সুনিশ্চিত করা হয়েছে। বাংলাদেশ ধর্ম-বর্ণ নির্বিশেষে সব মানুষের নিরাপদ আবাসভূমি। বর্তমান আওয়ামী লীগ সরকার জাতি-ধর্ম-বর্ণ-গোষ্ঠী নির্বিশেষে সবার উন্নয়ন করে যাচ্ছে।'

দুর্গাপূজা উপলক্ষে হিন্দু ধর্মাবলম্বীসহ সবার শান্তি, কল্যাণ ও সমৃদ্ধি কামনা করেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী।

শেখ হাসিনা বলেন, 'করোনাভাইরাসের সংক্রমণ মোকাবেলায় আমরা প্রয়োজনীয় ব্যবস্থা নিচ্ছি। আমরা জনগণকে সব সহযোগিতা অব্যাহত রেখেছি। আমাদের সবাইকে একে অপরের সহযোগিতায় এগিয়ে আসতে হবে। আমি সবাইকে স্বাস্থ্যবিধি মেনে শারদীয় দুর্গোৎসব উদযাপনের অনুরোধ জানাই।'

মহান মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনায় উদ্বুদ্ধ হয়ে অসাম্প্রদায়িক চেতনাকে সমুন্নত রেখে ঐক্যবদ্ধভাবে সর্বকালের সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ বাঙালি জাতির পিতা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের স্বপ্নের সোনার বাংলাদেশ গড়ে তোলার আহ্বান জানান প্রধানমন্ত্রী।

The destruction of evil spirits and the worship of truth and beauty

I was going to say its clearly haram for a believing Muslim but then I realized maybe it doesn't matter to her and her ilk.
You don't have to believe to celebrate. A kid busrting a cracker during Diwali doesn't make him Hindu or is he practicing Hinduism, the kid is just having fun.

Millions of non Muslims eat halal food and doesn't make them believe in Islam or mean anything. You should stop judging people looking everything through religious angle.
You don't have to believe to celebrate. A kid busrting a cracker during Diwali doesn't make him Hindu or is he practicing Hinduism, the kid is just having fun.

Millions of non Muslims eat halal food and doesn't make them believe in Islam or mean anything. You should stop judging people looking everything through religious angle.
Her statement is right when it comes to cultural events however this specific festival is a religious ritual (or not?) Hence the above comment from IbnAbdullah.
Painting rangoli on the roads is one thing but doing idolatry is something else. Even I a non-praying person will object to this.

A kid busrting a cracker during Diwali doesn't make him Hindu or is he practicing Hinduism, the kid is just having fun.

Fireworks may be fun to many but they are a danger and should be banned. Even the Indian Supreme Court has said that in no Hindu religious text is it written that fireworks be used. Diwali's actual name is Deepawali - the Festival of lamps - and not crackers, rockets or other fireworks. Fireworks come from China and Hindus adopted them not too long ago. There is no rational reason for fireworks to be continued. Ten days of madness just during Diwali is easily avoided through a ban. No god or goddess will mind. In 2015 this happened :
NEW DELHI: “Our lungs have not yet fully developed and we cannot take further pollution through bursting of crackers,” said three infants in their petition before the Supreme Court seeking a ban on crackers this Dussehra and Diwali besides a host of measures like implementation of Bharat V norms for vehicles to arrest the capital’s worsening air quality.

In a first of its kind petition in judicial history, the infants – two six-month-olds Arjun Gopal and Aarav Bhandari and 14-month-old Zoya Rao Bhasin – moved the SC through their advocate fathers to seek several measures to mitigate pollution and exercise their right to clean air guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution.

The Supreme Court Rules permit minors to file petitions for the protection of their fundamental rights through their parents and guardians who term themselves as ‘next friends’. The immediate provocation for the filing of the writ petition under Article 32 of the Constitution was the crackers that would go up in a burst of sound, flame and smoke during the coming festive season.


The petitioners sought the SC’s immediate intervention “against inevitable and upcoming widespread use of firecrackers and fireworks and other products of the same classification, especially during Dussehra and Diwali, but thereafter in all other events and festivities as well”. They also wanted measures to check pollution hazards like burning crop residues, polluting vehicles and open waste disposal.

They said, “Over the last two years, Delhi has retained the unique distinction of being the most polluted city in the world. The levels of particulate matter are highest, and across the country, over 7 lakh deaths occur annually due to air-pollution related diseases.

“Studies show that Indian citizens have 30% lower lung capacity than Europeans, and that children are the worst affected, as their lungs have not yet fully developed and their systems are vulnerable. In Delhi, a majority of the pollution is caused by over 500 million tonnes of crop residue burnt annually in neighbouring areas, by polluting trucks that pass through the city during the night, road dust and pollution from industries.

“To add to this, the smoke from bursting of crackers in the months of October and November during the festivals of Dussehra and Diwali virtually clogs the atmosphere, substantially increases the pollution level and magnifies the risk of contracting lung diseases.”

They said every year, the adverse impact of pollution gets debated and forgotten as the lethargic government machinery does little to protect citizens, especially infants and children, from the long-term toxic effects of deadly pollution enveloping the capital city.

The infants also sought following directions from the court to the government on a ban on burning post-harvest crop residue, stringent action against those who dump dust, malba (concrete waste) and other pollutants and introducing Bharat-V emission norms for vehicles.
This stupid lady has got a death wish.
That depends on how educated local police is about Indian penal code.

I am just curious, which Indian Penal Code prevents someone from doing rangoli on the roads, especially during Deepawali, especially nowadays ?

The destruction of evil spirits and the worship of truth and beauty

I was going to say its clearly haram for a believing Muslim but then I realized maybe it doesn't matter to her and her ilk.
Her son married a sikh. That should tell you enough of her beliefs

You get what you deserve after that
Kufri too since she’s participating and endorsing polytheistic rituals
This is a nice sentiment but the truth is Bengali Hindus don't like it when Muslims show up in their festivities. there is a belief among Hindus that Muslim boys go to puja to pick out Hindu girls for relationships and marriage which they call "love jihad"

Too bad their Brahmin BK boys can’t satisfy their women thanks to their restrictive diet
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