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Confirmed: Iran and Russia to Co-Produce Su-30 Fighter Jet

Dude,I dont know how to give a respectful reply to you.you just don't deserve it.you should be living in a cave along with Ahmadinejad.

There are a lot of countries that happen to buy Russian jets unconditionally.look at India,Venezuela,Algeria...
we are no more sanctioned,we have lots of connections with them, we cooperate with each others on many fields.we have money,they need money.we just need to involve professional diplomats and experts into negotiation to find a middle way.

We need fighter jets and our fleet is aging.there is no indigenous project.Qaher-313 is a stupid joke along with other Air Force' projects.we have to cooperate with Russians and Chinese to meet our requirements.you suggest that if they dont accept all our conditions then we shouldnt buy anything.probably you will also wish to capture Russian embassy for that.this stupid decision doesnt help our air force.these are words that must be coming from a 6 years old girl not you.

This deal will be signed anyway.

dude , you forget that Russians want to sell it to us with their own irrational conditions . India , Algeria , and Venezuela could buy fighter from USA and France and others , we are limited to China and Russia ... and Russia is using it ...
unless , you propose that we order 300 F35 from USA ....

Sanction or no Sanctions , Westerns don't want to sell us any modern weapons and Russians and Chinese are using this for their own agenda .... Is this hard to understand !? Am I lying !? Do you think that USA would sell us fighters !? Do you think that France would Accept to sell us Rafal !? What wrong with you !? Why you bring AhmadiNejad in every issue !? What wrong is with you !?
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dude , you forget that Russians want to sell it to use with their own condition . India , Algeria , and Venezuela could buy fighter from USA and France and others , we are limited to China and Russia ... and Russia is using it ...
unless , you propose that we order 300 F35 from USA ....

Sanction or no Sanctions , Westerns don't want to sell us any modern weapons and Russians and Chinese are using this for their own agenda .... Is this hard to understand !? Am I lying !? Do you think that USA would sell us fighters !? Do you think that France would Accept to sell us Rafal !? What wrong with you !? Why you bring AhmadiNejad in every issue !?
Do you even read my posts?

Do Algeria, Venezuela and specially India have any issue with Russians in arms sales? No, India is totally satisfied with SU-30MKIs for instance.

We are no more sanctioned, we can buy stuffs from Russia and China.these two also happen to be rivals in arms sales.now, if they are bringing stupid conditions (which is your unproved claim) then we can send diplomatic delegation to find a middile way which satisfy both sides.your opinions are only childish.we have needs in air force.we have to asnwer to them.can you understand this important fact? Should I remind you again how crappy is our air force?should I remind you again that how important is air force's role?should I remind you again that we are more desperate than Russians in reaching this deal?

we have conditions, Russians also have conditions.we are more desperate than Russians in reaching this deal because our AF is in emergency conditions.those F-4s cant be in the sky forever.thus naturally we have to accept some of their terms.thats why I say we have to send diplomatic delegation to find a middile way that is in favor of both sides.

Your childish suggestion results in a lose lose solution.we will have no planes, they will get no money.my suggestion is a win win solution.we will have our SU-30SMs and some extra weapons in special conditions and they will have money.
Do you even read my posts?

Do Algeria, Venezuela and specially India have any issue with Russians in arms sales? No, India is totally satisfied with SU-30MKIs for instance.

We are no more sanctioned, we can buy stuffs from Russia and China.these two also happen to be rivals in arms sales.now, if they are bringing stupid conditions (which is your unproved claim) then we can send diplomatic delegation to find a middile way which satisfy both sides.your opinions are only childish.we have needs in air force.we have to asnwer to them.can you understand this important fact? Should I remind you again how crappy is our air force?should I remind you again that how important is air force's role?should I remind you again that we are more desperate than Russians in reaching this deal?

we have conditions, Russians also have conditions.we are more desperate than Russians in reaching this deal because our AF is in emergency conditions.those F-4s cant be in the sky forever.thus naturally we have to accept some of their terms.thats why I say we have to send diplomatic delegation to find a middile way that is in favor of both sides.

Your childish suggestion results in a lose lose solution.we will have no planes, they will get no money.my suggestion is a win win solution.we will have our SU-30SMs and some extra weapons in special conditions and they will have money.

in 1370s we weren't sanction and both China and Russia screwed us over Mig29/Su2 and J7 deals ( and we just wanted to buy some outdated fighter with spare parts )...
what is point of spending money on Su 30 and J 10 and after 1 year , those become inactive !?

there is another possibility that Russia repeat S300 story for Su 30 , and the fact it is that S 300 is a completely defensive system but Su 30 can be used for offensive operation ( and can even attack Israel ) ....

the likely scenario is this :
we spend money and half of our defensive budget on this deal , and then Russians will use it as a card to gain their interest from Israel/USA and Persian Gulf Arabs and after 10 or 15 years , they won't give a shit to us and even if they give us anything , those fighters are useless compare to our neighbors F35 fleet in that time ... ( this story sound familiar !? -> S 300 ) ...

and J10 can't change anything ... its just one engine light aircraft with unreliable engine , limited range , limited capability and high price .... although I don't want to repeat the story of Water Heater ( the alias that our pilots are using for J7 ) for you ...
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they won't give a shit to us and even if they give us anything , those fighters are useless compare to our neighbors F35 fleet in that time ... ...
Ok ,Then what's your suggestion for the air force ?
Ok ,Then what's your suggestion for the air force ?

What should I suggest !? I'm an unemployment man that hardly run his house ... so my idea has no value at all , but I like to say it for myself ...
we should just buy what we need , no more no less , if they don't accept it , then we shouldn't sign a deal because we will repeat Mig29 nightmare ....
I'm sure IRIAF would like to doesn't have some junks like Mig29A , Su2 , J7 , Mig23ub , Mirage F1 , Su 22 , and spending money to keep them flying ; instead , just spend money to upgrading its F4 , F14s , F5 ,,,

just read foreigners article , they don't even consider Mig 29 and Su 24 in their analysis ....

in summary : we should Buy in massive quantity and good quality with fair conditions , or do not buy at all ...

سخنگوی کاخ کرملین اعلام کرد که به علت مسائل باقی‌مانده بر سر پرداخت هزینه قرارداد، هنوز موقع اعلام تاریخ دقیق تحویل اس-۳۰۰ به ایران فرا نرسیده است.
به گزارش گروه بین‌الملل خبرگزاری تسنیم به نقل از اسپوتنیک، دمیتری پسکوف، سخنگوی کاخ کرملین اعلام کرد از آنجا که برخی مسائل خاص درخصوص پرداخت‌ها بین ایران و روسیه باقی مانده است، هنوز زود است که تاریخ دقیق تحویل سامانه دفاع هوایی اس-300 روسی به ایران اعلام شود.

وی گفت: «هنوز ضرب‌الاجلی تعیین نشده است، زیرا یک مشکل مربوط به پرداخت‌ها و موضوعاتی اینچنین وجود دارد. (هزینه) قرارداد هنوز به شکل مناسبی پرداخت نشده است، در نتیجه، هنوز زود است که از تاریخ‌های خاص سخن بگوییم».

روز گذشته نیز یک مقام وزارت دفاع روسیه برخی اخبار منتشره مبنی بر تحویل بخش اول سامانه اس-300 به ایران طی امروز (پنجشنبه) را رد کرد.

After 10 years , they are saying that :" We still didn't agree to give it to Iran in specified date " . really !? and S300 is a defensive system ...
What should I suggest !? I'm an unemployment man that hardly run his house ... so my idea has no value at all , but I like to say it for myself ...
we should just buy what we need , no more no less , if they don't accept it , then we shouldn't sign a deal because we will repeat Mig29 nightmare ....
I'm sure IRIAF would like to doesn't have some junks like Mig29A , Su2 , J7 , Mig23ub , Mirage F1 , Su 22 , and spending money to keep them flying ; instead , just spend money to upgrading its F4 , F14s , F5 ,,,

just read foreigners article , they don't even consider Mig 29 and Su 24 in their analysis ....

in summary : we should Buy in massive quantity and good quality with fair conditions , or do not buy at all ...

سخنگوی کاخ کرملین اعلام کرد که به علت مسائل باقی‌مانده بر سر پرداخت هزینه قرارداد، هنوز موقع اعلام تاریخ دقیق تحویل اس-۳۰۰ به ایران فرا نرسیده است.
به گزارش گروه بین‌الملل خبرگزاری تسنیم به نقل از اسپوتنیک، دمیتری پسکوف، سخنگوی کاخ کرملین اعلام کرد از آنجا که برخی مسائل خاص درخصوص پرداخت‌ها بین ایران و روسیه باقی مانده است، هنوز زود است که تاریخ دقیق تحویل سامانه دفاع هوایی اس-300 روسی به ایران اعلام شود.

وی گفت: «هنوز ضرب‌الاجلی تعیین نشده است، زیرا یک مشکل مربوط به پرداخت‌ها و موضوعاتی اینچنین وجود دارد. (هزینه) قرارداد هنوز به شکل مناسبی پرداخت نشده است، در نتیجه، هنوز زود است که از تاریخ‌های خاص سخن بگوییم».

روز گذشته نیز یک مقام وزارت دفاع روسیه برخی اخبار منتشره مبنی بر تحویل بخش اول سامانه اس-300 به ایران طی امروز (پنجشنبه) را رد کرد.

After 10 years , they are saying that :" We still didn't agree to give it to Iran in specified date " . really !? and S300 is a defensive system ...
didn't we pay them 10 years ago?
didn't we pay them 10 years ago?

yes we payed them , and they refused to gave us our money then , we sued them in court and they were forced to give back our original money and pay additional 4 billion dollars forfeiture to us ( and they didn't pay it ) , last year they ask us to ignore 4 billion dollars forfeiture and make new deal for S300 , we did this to show our good intentions and agree to pay after receiving S300 Battalions , and now those **** are stalling us again ....

this is from Russians source ( google it for better sources )
Russia and Iran: Heading for divorce court? — RT Russian politics

and some people like Kollang are insulting me for being realistic and rational .... :(

didn't we pay them 10 years ago?

yes we payed them , and they refused to gave us our money then , we sued them in court and they were forced to give back our original money and pay additional 4 billion dollars forfeiture to us ( and they didn't pay it ) , last year they ask us to ignore 4 billion dollars forfeiture and make new deal for S300 , we did this to show our good intentions and agree to pay after receiving S300 Battalions , and now those **** are stalling us again ....

this is from Russians source ( google it for better sources )
Russia and Iran: Heading for divorce court? — RT Russian politics
Iran to Withdraw Lawsuit Against Russia After First S-300 Delivery

and some people like Kollang are insulting me for being realistic and rational .... :(
Great move, Pakistan is also getting closer to Russia and is already close to China, with Iran joining SCO soon, SCO and this region will become militarily stronger to challenge the Nato's creep
russia is a dishonorable country. even if they give us the downgraded versions of su-30 their support with spares would be rubbish. they are not even good allies. assad was their ally and they hesitated for 5 years so he almost lost everything then they intervened to come out as the superpower :tdown: to save their ally s a$$. china is a better trade companion than russia in every aspect. they have ambition and are willing to work on mutual projects without fearing any other country.
russia is a dishonorable country. even if they give us the downgraded versions of su-30 their support with spares would be rubbish. they are not even good allies. assad was their ally and they hesitated for 5 years so he almost lost everything then they intervened to come out as the superpower :tdown: to save their ally s a$$. china is a better trade companion than russia in every aspect. they have ambition and are willing to work on mutual projects without fearing any other country.

They didn't come to save Assad , USA and EURO screw them over Ukraine and they were going to lose their only base in Mediterranean sea ... so , they just want to save their own *** and show power ...

Great move, Pakistan is also getting closer to Russia and is already close to China, with Iran joining SCO soon, SCO and this region will become militarily stronger to challenge the Nato's creep

Just buy from USA and China and never ever go to buy anything from Russians .... this is my pure advise to you ...
They didn't come to save Assad , USA and EURO screw them over Ukraine and they were going to lose their only base in Mediterranean sea ... so , they just want to save their own *** and show power ...
exactly . this is what i said they just want to keep a face of a superpower. they are literally struggling against proxies of saudi and turkey and still consider themselves superpower . the funny thing is some politicians inside our country is even considering them as a superpower. they're just a country with a technology inherited from USSR and a broken economy.
You guys seriously exaggerate Russia's capabilities and goodwill. They screwed you over with s-300 and mig, they are as dishonest as it gets. I agree with Chevil even though it's against my country's interests. China's partnership and honesty in business is more reliable than Russia ever will be.

Russia's current goal in Syria is clear as daylight: Create mass refugee crisis for Turkey+Europe, thereby undermine them as a response to EUropes sanctions. Iran just follows this retarded Russia balloon bear, when you stick it with a needle, its pooof nothing
You guys seriously exaggerate Russia's capabilities and goodwill. They screwed you over with s-300 and mig, they are as dishonest as it gets. I agree with Chevil even though it's against my country's interests. China's partnership and honesty in business is more reliable than Russia ever will be.

Russia's current goal in Syria is clear as daylight: Create mass refugee crisis for Turkey+Europe, thereby undermine them as a response to EUropes sanctions. Iran just follows this retarded Russia balloon bear, when you stick it with a needle, its pooof nothing

Well , the problem is that Price of J10 is really high and Chinese are not better than Russians ... If I was an official in IRIAF , I would go for J17* Thunder ) and work with Pakistanis ....
Why we should fill dishonest Russians pockets !? This S-300 deal is become a national embarrassment for us ...
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Well , the problem is that Price of J10 is really high and Chinese are not better than Russia ... If I was from IRIAF , I would go for J17* Thunder ) and work with Pakistanis ....

Why we should fill dishonest Russians pockets !? This S-300 deal is become a national embarrassment for us ...
Jf17 and J10 is almost same price, about 25 million dollars each??
I don't know , I'm blowing up from anger right now ...

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