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Being an Indian Woman Living through the trials & tribulations of womanhood

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Joe **** ... dude let me a guess.. you are a commie.. from one of the most under develop.. poor and burdened state of India... west bengal right??? ...
take your commie views to your masters in CPM or scum mammata bandari... or better improve your scum land before trying to call shots here..
U r a disgrace,calling himself patriot and an indian state "Ganda nala"!!pathetic poor kid.
Why not? Did she attack me, or you? She attacked policies. She is said to have taken cheap shots about the Mumbai attacks. Did you see me thanking her for that? She has a point of view about the Maoists; I disagree, but think that the Maoists are not Maoists at all, but the result of Adivasi rage. Her point of view about those people is far more healthy than those who condemn them without a clue to what they are rebelling against.

Okay i take the point regarding Maoists problem! Different people Different opinion's!

My point was you formed an opinion about "PeaceKeeperX" stating "total lack of upbringing" in your post about him. I just wana know what is your opinion about the likes of Different opinon-ed Indians who take cheap shots about killing of 166 innocent civilians? or Making fun our brave jawans who get killed by terrorists ?

Will you use the same word "total lack of upbringing" for the likes of ........you know! (?)

And as for my role, where were you when I have to defend our position on a hundred and one topics raised by others hostile to our national point of view? Have you contributed, with facts or with analysis? Or are you busy counting who has thanked whom?

Sir, I have respect for you for certain reasons......

And as far as my contribution is concerned, i am busy in studies for Central Defense Service's exam! whenever i get time i just take a look and read.

I assure you, after my exam i will contribute for sure :)

being an indian woman-
what happened to that?-

topic any one?-

ajtr- if you an indian women than the way indians treated you surely tells how its like being a women in india- :pop:-

Buddy...read notorious_eagle 's post.....and try to look at the entire region....this entire region is not treating women good....

Please don't associate yourself with Indian women ... better call yourself a muslim woman or pakistani... degraded persons like yourself can in no way be associated with India or Indian...
Its because of people like you who created these evils in society.
Is being born as a girl really a curse?

There is something that I haven’t been able to forget for a day since last 21 months & 25 days when I had just come back with my new-born daughter. Though my husband had deserted us (the mother & the child) at the hospital itself, I was happy. The gate watchman at my parents’ house asked us, “Is it a Boy” and I replied happily, its my sweet daughter. He became sad and said with a crying gesture, “Oh Don’t worry. Next time God will give a son”. Initially I avoided the notion but when neighbourhood aunties also went on in the same lingo, I have asked this question every since, to myself – Is being born as a girl really a curse that everyone wishes boyhood for you?

However, somehow I have been able to pin down the problem that is prevalent in the Indian society.

All cultured girls in India, no matter what religion they come from, are taught from the childhood by their parents that the house in which they are born is not actually their’s rather they are like guests and one day they need to go to their real home, that is of their husband and in-laws. The girls have to “manage” and “adjust” in their so-called actual homes, no matter what the case is. And today if you look at it legally, married women do not have any ownership of shared marital households.

Married women not only have to deal with ever rising demands from in-laws (which many a times ruin the happiness of the households they were born in) & work as a domestic help, but also deal with physical, social, emotional & physical harassments coming from their darling husbands, or should we say, “pati parmeshwar” (meaning a husband who has a stature not lower than God for his wife).

Women fast for the long life of their husbands in the name of rituals. They are denied right to wear colour if the husband dies. And in case of divorcees, they are looked down upon as if it was all their fault for the breakdown of marriage. Most of our society does not even consider women to be human beings if they are stuck in a bad marriage. Things are changing slightly in urban India but it still hasn’t been easy for divorcees.

The problem lies in a quintessential question: Is it really correct to make your own daughter so separate from yourself after marriage ? What was it that you gave to her in her years before marriage ? What is really love or just a comfort that we give to our guests when they come to stay with us at our home ?

Here, I am not talking about that there is no difference between girl and boy, I am talking about the authority and responsiblity of parents towards a girl even after her marriage.

To put it in perspective, would like to put forth a distinct point: Do cast an eye on the percentages of girls versus boys in class 10 and class 12 board exams. It would just bring forth how girls are far ahead of boys. And to “equalise classroom basis sex “, colleges in Bangalore have a higher cut-off for girls and a lower for boys! None ever did that for girls when few came to school?

So in times like this, shouldn’t we teach not only our daughters but also their parents, that the girls are not equal to boys, rather they are superior! And thus all this though process of girls being paraya dhan (belonging to other), is nothing but sheer crap. Girls should not “adjust” and “manage” in their in-laws just to please the parents or the society in general, rather they should be a judge in their own rights, their respect and for their own honour. This jigsaw called our society has to have a different set of constituents to remain symmetrical now & high time we all learn to accept it.


What is your problem????A person as disgusting as urself is curse to everything indian and India.

Btw thats not my blog.

still u r lucky(if u r indian) , We are progressing in this area by trying reduce problems for women. And overall india is much ahead in Freedom,Rights and secure than Muslim world like Saudi to pak.

i think, You know better what is value of women according to Islam and what are shariah rules for Muslim women. what happens in Pakistan , Afghanistan

So you share Ur husband with other three women ? is it acceptable for you , Islam is the only religion India in which husband can "keep" more than one wife , why don't u speak about it ? :meeting:
Ajaxpaul ...

i belong to himachal ... with the best quality of life in India... we have surplus electricity.. best investment climate ...multiple industrial zones... best health infrastructure ... less than 5% population living below poverty line close to 90% literacy rate ,,, best road density despite being a hilly region...
10% of all military personals comes from Himachal pradesh with less than 1% population of India ... i hope you remember Vikram Batra ... the hero of kargil war... west bengal looks like a ganda naalaaa... (dirty gutter) in front of Himachal.. i have visited kolkata.. i dont know how these ppl even live in a place like that...


You must be from the famed Aryan race of Himachal Pradesh.....If i start writing about Bengali's and their contribution to India, I would fill the next 10 pages and still be writing....Now i know, not only you are an Idiot, but quite Ignorant too...

If you look at the map, Himachal is on the top side of India....but dont let it fool you that it actually sits on top of us.
Joe.... ajrt was insulting my countries's flag from a long time,... if you dont agree by looking his/her posts from paste few weeks/months then shame on you... you are no better than bangladeshi illegal immigrants ... like parasites ... and before preaching to me.. first do something about your state who has amassed unparallel poverty and desease... ,

and i really dont have time to respond to a pseudo ideologists like you ... you are no better then a parasite to mother india... coming from a parasite region to India... ...
Lets us know what you have done to make our country proud. Running away from reality is one of the biggest problem of our youth. I don't support Maoists, and killing of CRPF, but have you spent some time on why this problem arose at first place. First do some research and then post.

People who know ajtr knows what good things she has done for her country inspite of her thoughts regarding certain issues. She is just exercising her right of freedom of speech. You don't like it, do some healthy debate, rather than same old rants and accusations.

Try to look situation from critic's POV is sometimes better for solution of the problem.

Do you even know what pseudo ideologists are ?
People who know ajtr knows what good things she has done for her country inspite of her thoughts regarding certain issues.

Seriously? What man?

Am agog with curiosity .....
While I agree most of AJTR''s posts are good, its also true she writes many posts to intentionally (and off topic) insult Hinduism or support terrorism and seems immune to moderation.
Ban the institution of marriage. A lot of problems mentioned here will solve itself.
Aren't you Indian as well? Its comment like these why people doubt you and your intentions.
Technically yes but socially/custom wise- no.And i dont attach myself with those types of Indians whom i see on PDF.They are some special breed.

I think Indian modern day draupadi is fighting her own mahabharata for which kurukshetra is someway yet to come.
Technically yes but socially/custom wise- no.And i dont attach myself with those types of Indians whom i see on PDF.They are some special breed.

I think Indian modern day draupadi is fighting her own mahabharata for which kurukshetra is someway yet to come.

You cannot be an Indian and a Pakistani at the same time.

You have a better chance of mixing oil and water.

The fact that you throw it into people's faces makes your motives CLEAR - NOT suspect.

"Technically" you've overstayed your welcome on our land.

Eventually, you will be outed in real life as well.

We are not dumb, and your type are not dificult to smell out.
You cannot be an Indian and a Pakistani at the same time.

You have a better chance of mixing oil and water.

The fact that you throw it into people's faces makes your motives CLEAR - NOT suspect.

"Technically" you've overstayed your welcome on our land.

Eventually, you will be outed in real life as well.

We are not dumb, and your type are not dificult to smell out.
Thank you....
But you are not India.India i know and work with doesnt agree with your nonsense.being outed is far fetched your type cant even raise finger on me.
Draupadi has five husbands - but she has none -
She had five sons - and was never a mother …
The Pandavas have given Draupadi …
No joy, no sense of victory
No honor as wife
No respect as mother -
Only the status of a Queen …
But they all have gone
And I'm left with a lifeless jewel
And an empty crown …
My baffled motherhood
Wrings its hands and strives to weep

Above is one of the snippet about Draupadi from poem Kurukshetra written by Amreeta Syam.Poet says the bitter truth about the lady.
Above is one of the snippet about Draupadi from poem Kurukshetra written by Amreeta Syam.Poet says the bitter truth about the lady.

So you'd rather swap mythology with your current reality?
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