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Banning indians on certain threads

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Banning someone or some thing is never the answer. It is an indication of your weakness and inability to handle or face that someone or some thing head on, direct, eye to eye, face to face.

I do believe there is no place for abusive or low class discourse on an internet forum, as in real life.

But aside from that, one needs to learn to live with the fact that you cannot and will not be liked by everyone.

Not yourself. Not your country. Not your faith. Not your culture or your race or ethnicity or sect.

Banning that person does not stop his or her dislike.

I remember in the old days one of the senior respected Pakistani members (I cannot recall now whether it was Asim or Muse or Oscar or Niaz someone else) had counseled the then Pakistani young guns. Who had similarly been grumbling and wondering why they had to put up with Indian presence on what they saw as "their" forum.

The advice I still remember. PDF is there to teach you how to engage with your foe on an international stage. With words and structured arguments and in the clear light of lucid thought and logic. Not jingoism and hatred and abusive low level discourse that not only discredits you, but the country and people you represent.

I've been away for some time now. And I must admit I am pretty aghast at returning and openly finding the ch*a word being freely used here. Cannot imagine the same in the old days.
Good idea. :agree:

Dear Mods. Can we please ban indians on threads like the one celebrating the 1965 war. Anything to do with Pakistani patriotism, Pakistani culture or heritage and Pakistani celebrations. Can they please be made indian free zones. I'm sure they operate something similar in their websites and forums.
Good point. But then what about traffic and revenues?
BR is run by retired defence personnel. They use their PF funds to run it. This is a different story. It needs to make PROFIT. :)
Still, I am with you.
You might be surprised..but even i also sometimes feel that how come you guys so much of Indian guys in your forum??...But you know..i never got a good answer to that from the senior members..
You need to see other Pakistani forums. This is run for profit. Ads run this. Hence the open platform. :)
Actually I agree with the OP...for those certain threads - it should be Pakistani only....well - we can allow Chinese and Turks in there as we are all on the same page :D
you can not single out Indians alone but members from both sides do it and Indians are subjected to racial abuse too(in this thread too) even by Sr TTP. If a decision is taken by Mods then i am sure all Indian will be ready to say Goodbye to PDF
The average Pakistani is physically very different to the average indian. Hence different race. The only part of india that may have some slight connection to Pakistan racially is Punjab. But they make up 3% of india's population and around 55% of Pakistan's population. Therefore at least 97% of Indians are racially different to 100% of Pakistan. But again that is of little consequence. The Pakistanis living near the Iranian border are 100% physically identical to ordinary Iranians. Yet that does not make Pakistanis Persian. The fact that Pakistan was a part of a united india for a short time is neither here nor there. Both Pakistan and india were a part of England, the UK, the British Empire. But that does not make Pakistanis and Indians English, White Western European Christians. In the same way, Pakistanis can not be made Indians. A Pakistani claiming to be indian is like an indian living in the UK claiming to be English. Both are false and ludicrous claims.

Did'nt know Indians were paying for PDF. Perhaps we should name rename it defence.in. I'm sure something like that already exists.

I think you spoke a lot of words without meaning much. You are , by the way, wrong about your claim that the "average" Pakistani is physically very different from the average Indian. For that there would need to be an "average" Pakistani in the first place. The Pakistanis you are referring to are mostly Indians. You have been colonized by Urdu-speaking Mohajirs from UP in India. These are, incidentally, also the most rabid India-hating elements in Pakistan. They refuse to admit that they came from India and that they are in no way different from other Muslims in the subcontinent. As for the remaining ethnic Punjabis, yes, you rightly identified them as being similar to people in Indian Punjab. The rest of what you call as Pakistan doesn't count, because they have repeatedly refused to share into the Mohajir/Punjabi experiment, except when coerced by your military. The Pashto are a separate people, so are the Baloch, and the diverse people of Sindh are related more closely to the Kutchis of India than to the Punjabis of Pakistan.

Because we are better than Indians and unlike ANY Indian forum, are willing to engage with Indians and hear their thoughts. Because UNLIKE Indians, we actually think they are humans and worth engaging and talking to; who otherwise think we are animals and best butchered and lied to.

Refer to:
1971 Bangladesh genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rape during the Bangladesh Liberation War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bangladesh Genocide Archive
1971 Rapes: Bangladesh Cannot Hide History
The war Bangladesh can never forget - Asia - World - The Independent
Bangladesh war: The article that changed history - BBC News

But oh wait!!! You mean to say that since then Pakistan has changed its genocidal ways? Hmm....there is the minor issue of the on-going genocide in Balochistan, indiscriminate killings in Waziristan, ethnic cleansing of minorities in all of Pakistan, total repression of Kashmiris in Azad Kashmir and resettlement of Punjabis in their area....

But go on, you were saying something?
Because we are better than Indians and unlike ANY Indian forum, are willing to engage with Indians and hear their thoughts. Because UNLIKE Indians, we actually think they are humans and worth engaging and talking to; who otherwise think we are animals and best butchered and lied to.

And please,save your psychobabble bullshiit for the gullible.Cause if you were indeed so much mature,so much better persons as you claim yourselves to be,then you would try and engage the Indians in their own turf,on their terms,where you would be the minority and devoid of your moderation and administrative powers,among a predominantly 'hostile' members.But since you and the vast majority of your countrymen do not take that trouble,it would make one to think that either you lack the will or the backbone (or may be both) to forfeit your home-field advantage and tell them on their face that they are wrong,they are delusional or whatever you think they are!!So when am I gonna see you in some Indian forum??

Because UNLIKE Indians, we actually think they are humans and worth engaging and talking to; who otherwise think we are animals and best butchered and lied to.
Try checking post #37 for a change. :D :D
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From what I've been told, Sri-Lankans and Indians have a lot in common in terms of race, religion, culture, heritage and looks

Mate please that's gross generalization.. Most Sri Lankans in UK are Tamils, A minority in Sri Lanka, Majority of Sri Lankans have very little in similarity with Indians, Yes they're generally darker because of living in the tropics (Tamils are even more dark than an average non Tamil Lankan), And they do share certain cultural and religious affiliations, Beyond that there is little in common to mainstream Indians, The heritage and life style and standards of living have nothing in common with India.. Sri Lanka is an island, They have a natural buffer to be unique, Their history is unique, They were relatively isolated from the mainland sub continent for thousands of years, Where else, The land mass now known as India and Pakistan separated mere 60 odd years ago, Before that you were the same people.. Pakistani's have far more in common to North Indians than any Sri Lankan to any Indian, Whether you like it or not

As far as the topic goes, Have a special section for Pakistan related matters and get somebody to moderate the posts from non Pakistani's to those threads before they're posted.. I've seen such action in other forums.. Problem solved.
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5-10%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........I have been to Pakistan 20 times in my life and travelled all over Pakistan. Been to every major city. I would say it's more like 30-40% Middle Eastern looking/ Olive-Skinned in Pakistan. Also I live in London, the most cosmopolitan city on earth and I make my judgement based on that as I see Pakistanis and Indians everyday. Even most of the indian Punjabis/Sikhs (clean-shaven) look different to the Pakistani Punjabis. Unless you lived in somewhere like London or travelled all over Pakistan for long periods of time you can never make that judgement. Most of my family members and other fellow Pakistanis living in London have been mistaken for being Lebanese, Jordanian, Turk, Persian, South America, Italian etc. Pakistanis and Indians are very different to one another in every way and yes that should be acknowledged. From what I've been told, Sri-Lankans and Indians have a lot in common in terms of race, religion, culture, heritage and looks....

30-40% Middle Eastern looking? Man are you for real? So 30-40% of Pakistanis came from the Semitic regions of the world, according to you? A migration event that completely escaped anthropologists around the world who are totally unaware of this phenomenon?!:coffee:

Even if that were so, then you still speak for a minority of the people in Pakistan. What makes you think you can artificially draw a distinction between the rest of the people there and us, based on your own Semitic :-)p::rofl:), origins?

Most of your family members and other fellow Pakistanis living in London have been mistaken for being Lebanese, Jordanian, Turk, Persian, South America, Italian etc....then please go to these countries and tell them that since we are your unknown illegitimate children, therefore give us a separate homeland? What right did that give you to come here and claim our land as yours?

Actually, it is not your fault. You will find that most Pakistanis living in Pakistan are as ignorant as you are about the true nature of their own land. Sub-standard curriculum, propaganda disguised as analysis and a complete disregard for the majority of the people leads to this situation. There is a similar problem in India as far as the third issue is concerned, but in nowhere the same proportion as in Pakistan.
My humble opinion to @WebMaster and @Horus

Making any part of PDF inaccessible to any one group of people, based on nationality or religion or any other common denominator, would be the harbinger of ghettoization of PDF.

And we all know what that leads to.
Because we are better than Indians and unlike ANY Indian forum, are willing to engage with Indians and hear their thoughts. Because UNLIKE Indians, we actually think they are humans and worth engaging and talking to; who otherwise think we are animals and best butchered and lied to.

.....and add to that ISI funded conspiracy that allows Indians to make a fool of themselves in front of the world.
.....and add to that ISI funded conspiracy that allows Indians to make a fool of themselves in front of the world.

Nah,Indian media is doing the same already, with ever increasing efficiency,no need to bring the ISI.
It will be counter ptoductive.
Yep make a member only thread which can only be viewed by senior Pakistani members
We should make a thread A petitioned to web master where we all Pakistani member request Webmaster to make members only thread. for both Indian & Pakistani.
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