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Banning indians on certain threads

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Certain foreigners that are our allies should be allowed though. But there needs to be a tight limit, control and censorship of indians. And perhaps more monitoring of newer members.

Exactly, which is why on indian sites/forums there is a ban on Pakistanis. I simply propose the same here. It's fair and logical.
Totally agree but not zarvan type censership or monitoring ok :) there are patriots who like to promote haram stuff lol

Certain foreigners that are our allies should be allowed though. But there needs to be a tight limit, control and censorship of indians. And perhaps more monitoring of newer members.

Exactly, which is why on indian sites/forums there is a ban on Pakistanis. I simply propose the same here. It's fair and logical.
Totally agree but not zarvan type censership or monitoring ok :) there are patriots who like to promote haram stuff lol
Exactly, which is why on indian sites/forums there is a ban on Pakistanis. I simply propose the same here. It's fair and logical.

here you overlook a fact and equivocate. Indians in Pakistani fora bust bubbles and try to keep you guys, at least try to, somewhere in the same universe of reality. Whereas Pakistanis when allowed in Indian fora tend to show their lack of class and start using such vulgarity that they have to be banned.
here you overlook a fact and equivocate. Indians in Pakistani fora bust bubbles and try to keep you guys, at least try to, somewhere in the same universe of reality. Whereas Pakistanis when allowed in Indian fora tend to show their lack of class and start using such vulgarity that they have to be banned.
Just read the comments of your countrymen whenever news on muslims is shared on bbc,cnn or some other international news site,s facebook page
Just read the comments of your countrymen whenever news on muslims is shared on bbc,cnn or some other international news site,s facebook page

come on, crackpots and cyber warriors exist and nobody can eliminate that kind of junk. Doesn't mean we should let our own thoughts guided by that.

DOn't forget India has almost as many muslims as Pakistan does. You will be hard pressed to find ANY Indian that hasn't played, schooled, ate with and cried with a muslim boy or girl.
Just read the comments of your countrymen whenever news on muslims is shared on bbc,cnn or some other international news site,s facebook page

Brother what I have found out is that there is no point in arguing with this particular race of people. This is why I want them out of defence.pk. It's very difficult to understand these people. The best way to respond to them is to be polite, formal and civil to these creatures. But never be friendly to them. They are the biggest enemy of our race. I really like defence.pk and don't want it's credibility to go down. I have seen Indians on defence.pk make the most ludicrous and impossible claims that no other race/group of people do. Unfortunately they don't get reprimanded or punished for it. Is it because the mods want to show them up? I simply don't know. I have seen Indians on defence.pk claim that the indian airforce is better and more advanced than the RAF (The British Airforce) and at the same level as the American Airforce. They also claim that india's military is more advanced and better than the Chinese Military. They have better nukes with higher yields.
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Nah some indians on this forum are very friendly and non jingoistic but yes some threads should be open for senior pakistani members only

Nah some indians on this forum are very friendly and non jingoistic but yes some threads should be open for senior pakistani members only
here you overlook a fact and equivocate. Indians in Pakistani fora bust bubbles and try to keep you guys, at least try to, somewhere in the same universe of reality. Whereas Pakistanis when allowed in Indian fora tend to show their lack of class and start using such vulgarity that they have to be banned.
Go take your BS somewhere else. We know very well how connected to reality you people are. Everyday a new blunder from your media comes up and that is the only source of information you have on Pakistan.

Shut up and stop trying to dictate your views to the mods...don't do their job for them.

Don't know why so many indians claim Pakistanis are indians/hindus. Have no idea why they want to make us indians. We hardly physically resemble indians. Saying Pakistanis are indian is like saying Saddam Hussein was indian or that the Lebanese are indian....

When you say you look "different" you are referring to the 5-10% Pakistanis who are fair-skinned. A similar percentage of Indians is also fair-skinned and looks as "different" as you do. Go to rural Punjab and Sindh and see you "different" the people look - they look just like us. But for that you have to first know something about your own country, don't you?
Go take your BS somewhere else. We know very well how connected to reality you people are. Everyday a new blunder from your media comes up and that is the only source of information you have on Pakistan.

Which is exactly why Indians should be vastly limited on PDF. Only let them post in the international/non-Pakistani threads. But to ban them immediately should they say anything against Pakistan, our race, our culture, Islam or any of our allies. I think a consensus needs to be reached with the mods and senior Pakistani members.
Go take your BS somewhere else. We know very well how connected to reality you people are. Everyday a new blunder from your media comes up and that is the only source of information you have on Pakistan.

who is 'we', who is 'you people' and what has any media blunder to do with this thread?
PS: I warned you, bubbles will be busted
Brother what I have found out is that there is no point in arguing with this particular race of people. This is why I want them out of defence.pk. It's very difficult to understand these people. The best way to respond to them is to be polite, formal and civil to these creatures. But never be friendly to them. They are the biggest enemy of our race. ...

Can you define your race? Artificially concocting a country and then calling it a separate "race" doesn't fool anyone, so stop trying to fool yourself.

@Manticore @Jango @waz @Emmie @Irfan Baloch This guy needs to be taught some manners

Again dictating to the mods....I think if the mods do care they should ban you for thinking this is your personal forum
Which is exactly why Indians should be vastly limited on PDF. Only let them post in the international/non-Pakistani threads. But to ban them immediately should they say anything against Pakistan, our race, our culture, Islam or any of our allies. I think a consensus needs to be reached with the mods and senior Pakistani members.
I agree man. Having a logical rival is healthy. But a dumb, wrongly informed, pretentious and stubborn rival is like banging your head against a wall. If you provide them with some sound information to reject their claims, they'll just start saying stupid stuff to de-track the conversation but they'll definitely reply, no matter how stupid it is. As you can see above.
@Manticore @Jango @waz @Emmie @Irfan Baloch This guy needs to be taught some manners

Bro, When things like this happens I seriously wonder why we let any Indians come on PDF. You can see why I and other decent Pakistanis don't want them here. They should just go home. I feel I can say this as I myself have never ever been on an indian website, indian forum, watched an indian film or program or endorsed anything indian in my entire life. To be honest I feel physically sick when I look or talk to an indian. A few days ago at work, this indian woman come and sat near me. As she got up to get a pen she walked up close to me. Her hair touched my shoulder and right ear. I immediately felt sick and nauseating. Not to mention I felt really angry. I had a thorough shower when I got home. In the same way I feel PDF is becoming infected by having too many Indians here.
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