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Banning indians on certain threads

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@nair what shud i read that post is empty,nothing except for quote. Check it again

Actually i wanted to quote along with the other post, before i could some one else posted, and your reply was empty..... Well read the first part of the post, which is a reply to yr post as well
Actually i wanted to quote along with the other post, before i could some one else posted, and your reply was empty..... Well read the first part of the post, which is a reply to yr post as well
Ya i felt that and guess what ihad quoted the same part to respond to u, u didnt realize. Anyways.
Ya i felt that and guess what ihad quoted the same part to respond to u, u didnt realize. Anyways.

That is why i said, the first part was for both of you, and the second part is for the other poster as he was having an impression that the allegation was made by RAW.... Anyway it is offtopic......
My humble opinion to @WebMaster and @Horus

Making any part of PDF inaccessible to any one group of people, based on nationality or religion or any other common denominator, would be the harbinger of ghettoization of PDF.

And we all know what that leads to.
What i find truly hilarious is that indians dont allow us on their forums,make threads on pakistan calling it terorist republic etc, and over here over every small thing they tag and call mods, and cry and complaint as if its their own indian forum.

No pakistani here does these things.

And on the top of it they come here to express their jingoism,abuse ,flame and bait, and call pakistanis terrorists and again on the top of it, itnay haq say complaints kartay hain kay hairat hoti hai.

Imean i dont know for this senseless confidence of theirs who is to be blamed, them or ppl running the show here.

Even pigeon was accused of being an isi agent!

That's what the OP was about. That's what I've been saying all along.
Put users in the ignore list. We do however ban people from threads time to time.
And please,save your psychobabble bullshiit for the gullible.Cause if you were indeed so much mature,so much better persons as you claim yourselves to be,then you would try and engage the Indians in their own turf,on their terms,where you would be the minority and devoid of your moderation and administrative powers,
Actually we do. Except there(unlike here), whiners like you are banned almost immediately and almost no Pakistani has their opinion tolerated. We are simply better and your presence here is plain evidence. If you arent a hypocrite and actually think we are so bad as compared to your blessed forums.. walk away today if you have the guile.
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