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Banning indians on certain threads

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Aug 15, 2015
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United Kingdom
Dear Mods. Can we please ban indians on threads like the one celebrating the 1965 war. Anything to do with Pakistani patriotism, Pakistani culture or heritage and Pakistani celebrations. Can they please be made indian free zones. I'm sure they operate something similar in their websites and forums.
Dear Mods. Can we please ban indians on threads like the one celebrating the 1965 war. Anything to do with Pakistani patriotism, Pakistani culture or heritage and Pakistani celebrations. Can they please be made indian free zones. I'm sure they operate something similar in their websites and forums.

Which Forum ??
for that there can be 10 question quiz test with each question has 1 mintute time (pakistan culture/history Qs)... bcz then foreigners can just switch flags.. so to certify nationality..howver there is senior forum, which prevent trollers..

not tlike youtube, which allow user/uploader to publish comments, otherwis ewe cannot troll on indian threads :P
Pakistani patriotism - tax free
Pakistani culture - denial of their Indian heritage
Pakistani celebrations - 1992 World Cup!!!

Don't know why so many indians claim Pakistanis are indians/hindus. Have no idea why they want to make us indians. We hardly physically resemble indians. Saying Pakistanis are indian is like saying Saddam Hussein was indian or that the Lebanese are indian. That's why we want the indians out.

for that there can be 10 question quiz test with each question has 1 mintute time (pakistan culture/history Qs)... bcz then foreigners can just switch flags.. so to certify nationality..howver there is senior forum, which prevent trollers..

not tlike youtube, which allow user/uploader to publish comments, otherwis ewe cannot troll on indian threads :P

You can easily tell by their posts or writing styles. If anything anti-Pakistani/Muslim or offensive to our race and culture is posted, straight ban. defence.pk is going downhill because of the huge number of indian trolls.
Yep make a member only thread which can only be viewed by senior Pakistani members

Needs to happen. Too many indian trolls on defence.pk. It's becoming a joke. The credibility of defence.pk is at stake here. indian trolls here are claiming that india is more powerful and advanced than China. indian airforce is just as powerful as the American airforce. They make these ridiculous and ludicrous claims with impunity. They should not be able to do this on a Pakistani site. On their own indian forums they can do as they please. But not here. We are not indian. We are Pakistanis. We are Muslims. We always will be. india has nothing to do with us. Pakistan has nothing to do with indians.
Needs to happen. Too many indian trolls on defence.pk. It's becoming a joke. The credibility of defence.pk is at stake here. indian trolls here are claiming that india is more powerful and advanced than China. indian airforce is just as powerful as the American airforce. They make these ridiculous and ludicrous claims with impunity. They should not be able to do this on a Pakistani site. On their own indian forums they can do as they please. But not here. We are not indian. We are Pakistanis. We are Muslims. We always will be. india has nothing to do with us. Pakistan has nothing to do with indians.
My recommendation is to have a grading of threads where controversial threads are off limits to indians,foreigners or new members
But why would you want to celebrate any war, especially given your guys have been losing them all?
celebrate peace, not war!

Whatever we do or don't do is our business. Our prerogative. Not that of an indian. It has absolutely got nothing to do with you. Just as I don't care what indians do in their own country or forum.
Whatever we do or don't do is our business. Our prerogative. Not that of an indian. It has absolutely got nothing to do with you. Just as I don't care what indians do in their own country or forum.

I agree with you....unfortunately most of your countrymen don't!
My recommendation is to have a grading of threads where controversial threads are off limits to indians,foreigners or new members

Certain foreigners that are our allies should be allowed though. But there needs to be a tight limit, control and censorship of indians. And perhaps more monitoring of newer members.

I agree with you....unfortunately most of your countrymen don't!

Exactly, which is why on indian sites/forums there is a ban on Pakistanis. I simply propose the same here. It's fair and logical.
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