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Aamir Khan On Intolerance Debate: ”My Wife Kiran Asked If We Should Leave India”

When PK was release there was big objection but film was release without any one been killed in Hindu majority nation.

But when French draw cartoon in there Christian majority country , in the name of religion people start killing each other..

So where is Intolerance really ??? in India really ????

Come on Amir , woman don't have brain but at least you should think before u speak ..

Can we expect PK like movie in your religion orientation ... See the difference ..

Visharopaam was good example ..
Here is the real reason, although it's kind of sad that Aamir Khan preferred money over safety of his wife and kids by staying in India.

....On behalf of the dead and living victims of Gujarat genocide and on behalf of the sections of civil society which have worked for the defeat of the communal forces we demand an apology from Dr. Manmohan Singh for having humiliated the wronged citizens of India by issuing a highly insensitive and irresponsible statement defending Mr. Narendra Modi.
March 21, 2005

Released by
Shabnam Hashmi - ANHAD, Delhi <anhad_delhi@yahoo.co.in>>

On behalf of:

1. Aamir Khan- Actor, Mumbai

Text of citizens statement re the Indian Prime minister's comments in the Rajya Sabha following refusal of US Visa to Narendra Modi

Here comes Azam Khan ...
I won't ask anyone for anything. I would keep insulting coming to this forum with the insult that they deserve. And would make them cry like you. Mission accomplished. :)

I know that third rate idiot like you can hardly have any other mission. you are a lost cause.
Come on Amir , woman don't have brain but at least you should think before u speak ..
what a misogynist comment. Indira Gandhi was also a woman, so was Marie Curie.

the faster,the better. No one is stopping you.
Why this sounds so familiar, oh well islamist goons say this to liberals in our country too.
Off course they have but that doesn't change the reality on what your country is accused of . Maybe you can live in your puny little world by having a daydream on how great your country is perceived around the world

Accusing of is not enough. Something practical is what matters and in your case that practical stuff is not happening. So keep beating around a few meaningless statements.

I know that third rate idiot like you can hardly have any other mission. you are a lost cause.

You are frustrated. Job done. Keep coming to this forum. Keep getting insulted. Keep giving us the space to abuse your sh!thole. Thank You very much. :)
the faster,the better. No one is stopping you.

Of-course, you only want to have India with Hindus in it. History repeats itself....you should've learned a lesson or two from the creation of Pakistan. If you don't stop killing minorities in India...what do you think will happen?

You can't barbarically kill innocent people under the disguise of Hindu religion, and because others eat beef as an example (while your government makes a few billion dollars by EXPORTING beef to other countries??). By doing these mass murders of Indian minorities, you'd only force these minorities to ask for their own land where they are safe.

Its pretty obvious the Indian government and the constitution don't provide proper safety to Indian citizens who are non-Hindu......
I have deep respect for Amir Khan, who in his movies can beat the actor mimiking lord Shiva in Bathroom,

when asked to enlighten the Muslims too in same context, replies "Abba Dabba Jabba"
Kuttay wali hogie India ki....if you continue on this path I can assure you India will be left only for Hindus .....and Hindus the most cowards who didn't do much getting the independence from birthish india....
Kuttay wali hogie India ki....if you continue on this path I can assure you India will be left only for Hindus .....and Hindus the most cowards who didn't do much getting the independence from birthish india....

Why are you bringing unwanted things here man....If Hindus are coward what stops you guys from taking India and making into a Muslim country or what where muslims doing when Babur Masjit was destroyed...I feel Muslims are more coward than any other because they are the ones who kill their own and impose unwanted restrictions on women (when they can't put any restriction on men)....

Regarding Independence struggle you can a lot of articles in the internet please read that before making unwanted comments....

In my opinion let us refrain from making religious based comments....
Why are you bringing unwanted things here man....If Hindus are coward what stops you guys from taking India and making into a Muslim country or what where muslims doing when Babur Masjit was destroyed...I feel Muslims are more coward than any other because they are the ones who kill their own and impose unwanted restrictions on women (when they can't put any restriction on men)....

Regarding Independence struggle you can a lot of articles in the internet please read that before making unwanted comments....

In my opinion let us refrain from making religious based comments....

Again ...it's pretty clear India doesn't want to know realities on ground...your proud voice stating over destroying mosque clear indication how talorant you and your nations are...its obvious you dont want realigous freedom in India.....

I have checked many neutral sources from the beginning of the day that Punjabi Sikhs and Muslim league played major bigger roles during the independence struggle in British India...having said that....no one is happy over what's happening in India...we're worried about Indian Muslim....your prime minister is quite famous for his anti Muslim agenda's ....
Man O Man ! These Guys make PK which becomes a Hit .
But if people make movies related to other religions , They get Ban or heavily censored .

Only in a country like India , Where Minority has such a dictate , Tolerance can exist :devil:
Comments from some Indian on Aamir Khan's statement shows how much "Tolerance" is left in India.
You must be very brave to slap a woman you puny little coward :lol:

No wonder he thinks like that about backward people like you...

Oh yeah cowards will listen to shit about their country.

With this kind of attitude I will slap anyone even if it was my husband so yeah I am fine being a coward.

He can think and move anywhere he likes. I don't care and will not care one bit.

You can't deny the fact movies release and theatre's are in control of mafia... Even star actor like Kamal Hasan faced deep trouble to release his film years ago... he publicly made a statement he wanted to leave India... easy to blame ain't it....

So when did a release of movie amounts to intolerance and especially in the past 6-8 months? Has it not happened before? I see hypocrisy of the highest order.

He doesn't need to leave India if he is the APJ abdul kalam type of "muslim". Nothing to worry in that case. He needs to be more hypocritical and needs to bow down to idols and sing veena and all that bullsh!t.
Look at this Pakistanis. He knows more about Indian without staying a day in it.

How awesome.

Open up your brain along with your eyes, you are trying to promote domestic violence and intolerance.

For a homemaker, position comes secondary, reality of situation comes first. Even a lioness is very watchfull when she takes her cubs to water source.
Thanks you have your brain open but you would let her/him talk BS about your country? I wouldn't.

She and Amir khan stayed in India all these years when bigger incidents of terrorism and intolerance happened but it's only these 6-8 months she wants to move?

Please tell us what position she is in, comparing with a lioness, tell me what has she had to put up with. Since you know more about her tolerance level why don't you say is what we don't know?
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