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Aamir Khan On Intolerance Debate: ”My Wife Kiran Asked If We Should Leave India”

Oh yeah cowards will listen to shit about their country.

With this kind of attitude I will slap anyone even if it was my husband so yeah I am fine being a coward.

He can think and move anywhere he likes. I don't care and will not care one bit.

So when did a release of movie is intolerance in the past 6-8 months? Has it not happened before? I see hypocrisy of the highest order.

Look at this Pakistanis. He knows more about Indian without staying a day in it.

How awesome.

Thanks you have your brain open but you would let her/him talk BS about your country? I wouldn't.

She and Amir khan stayed in India all these years when bigger incidents of terrorism and intolerance happened but it's only these 6-8 months she wants to move?

Please tell us what position she is in, comparing with a lioness, tell me what has she had to put up with. Since you know more about her tolerance level why don't you say is what we don't know?

you feel free to think whatever you want... but I said even star hero's face trouble... Regardless of their status... this is how you twist everything in your favour or what...
Let's narrow down his available options. .Europe or the US..He will be discriminated for his name..He will be subjected to a couple of hours of security clearances at all airports..He drives down and and cop looks at his license and gets to answer a few more questions. .not many properties owners or gated communities will be willing to have his family as a neighbor...

He goes to a muslim country. ..namely the gulf or the Middle East..He gets discriminated as inferior muslim breed..He doesn't get to do business or act or make movies. .His wife gets to wear a burqa..


You agree? @jamahir

you are right about western europe, northern europe and usa, though in britain he wouldn't face so much trouble from the government ( unless he and his wife join a progressive group ) but i think he will be disappointed in the quality of most south asians there... canada, possibly... australia, unless he lives among the progressive syrians ( loyal to syrian government ), he will find the muslim community there not much different from the reasons he would be leaving india for.

as for muslim countries, you are right about the gulf... he and she could move to progressive muslim-majority societies like algeria, egypt ( they are big fans of bollywood ), west bank palestine, damascus ( despite the terrorism ), even tunisia... iran, he would have trouble with the language and the chador.

south africa, maybe... kenya, maybe not.

they could move to pakistan which is seeing a renewal of progressivism.

but the ideal thing is they stay in india and make a stand by joining a progressive movement.
Nope we are not, and we don't give a damn to liberalism, and we don't act like liberals on internet like you.

Then stop preaching us.

india is becoming an intolerant country with an intolerant society... minorities are feeling under threat there ....good good keep up the good work indians

This is rich coming from Pakistanis.
you feel free to think whatever you want... but I said even star hero's face trouble... Regardless of their status... this is how you twist everything in your favour or what...
Don't understand what you mean here, what is the trouble? What has she faced that she thinks of moving out of India?
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If Amir, salman or anyone doesn't want to live in India they are most welcome to leave the land, NO ONE IS BIGGER THAN COUNTRY

Neither is the country bigger than it's citizens.

cloud 9 is correct... if a state or political system cannot provide a equitable and harmonious life for its citizens, then obviously things are not working so the system must be questioned and moved towards change... the people come first... a state cannot exist for its own sake.
unquestioning aggressive nationalism, jingoism and such things have not worked for india and neither do they for any society whose progressive elements want to remove their society of ills.

aamir and kiran should stay and join progressive movements... things are still not so bad that progressive movements are being jailed entirely.
Neither is the country bigger than it's citizens.

If you wish to believe that Person is bigger than country, please go tell that to soldier who lays down his life to protect its freedom and integrity.Tell him his life is more important then his nation honor.

cloud 9 is correct... if a state or political system cannot provide a equitable and harmonious life for its citizens, then obviously things are not working so the system must be questioned and moved towards change... the people come first... a state cannot exist for its own sake.

blind nationalism, jingoism and such things have not worked for india and neither do they for any society whose progressive elements want to remove their society of ills.

aamir and kiran should stay and join progressive movements... things are still not so bad that progressive movements are being jailed entirely.

Everyone in his country has his or her rights to view or act as per his wish as long as they are not respecting the country, But saying that intolerance makes him or his wife to leave the country that his just too idiotic, if you love your country fight to change, maybe its slow and painful but hope is there there will be better tomorrow

After all we all get government or system we deserve on how we act not on how we wish.
If you wish to believe that Person is bigger than country, please go tell that to soldier who lays down his life to protect its freedom and integrity.Tell him his life is more important then his nation honor.
I don't wish to believe? That's how things work in countries that are on the top of Livability index.

FFS,The soldier is just doing his job and he's can't protect the integrity or neither freedom inside the borders!Armed forces know better than anyone the concept of nationhood hence they believe in principles like equality,duty for care and equal opportunity.

Collectively yes, but when did a Bollywood actor became the representative of citizens?
He said that in a interview!


1.a formal meeting in which one or more persons question, consult, or evaluate another person:
a job interview.
2.a meeting or conversation in which a writer or reporter asks questions of one or more persons from whom material is sought for a newspaper story, television broadcast, etc.
3.the report of such a conversation or meeting.

So basically that's Amir's take/understanding/his personal views on the whole issue.

PS:One of us is missing something?
Don't understand what you mean here, what is the trouble? What has she faced that she has thinks of moving out of India?

When you don't know, how can you blame or her? If they are celebrities doesn't mean they don't face trouble... I just pointed out a situation, How a hero who is in film Industry for decades faced troubles to release his movie... Kamal publicly pointed out.. at least Amir didn't compare killing dalits = throwing stone on dog.... even advani expressed his opinion being Senior BJP leader, there is no outburst like this....

We have real problems in real life, no one pay attention like they are doing now... one of those problem are gender inequality, recently we conducted a rally and campaign on gender inequality... in AP atleast a new born girl being thrown into dustbin, canals.... last week 4 babies in just 2 days.. we invited all political parties to join, except a few volunteers none of these morons came... be it congi or bjp or TDP... if we conducted these campaign during election everyone will be there to beg votes... it's silly many guys here blindly insult everyone if they distanced with BJP.. and support whatever BJP or Rss leaders says or does...
Everyone in his country has his or her rights to view or act as per his wish as long as they are not respecting the country, But saying that intolerance makes him or his wife to leave the country that his just too idiotic, if you love your country fight to change, maybe its slow and painful but hope is there there will be better tomorrow

After all we all get government or system we deserve on how we act not on how we wish.

i agree.

Collectively yes, but when did a Bollywood actor became the representative of citizens?

are they too not born with intellect?? besides, the bombay film industry is more secular than most indian institutions, with progressives in its history including balraj sahni, utpal dutt and a.k. hangal, and with questioning, progressive works ( films ) though this has slowed down since the 90's.

and why should a career politician represent citizens and the citizens simply cast votes occasionally?? it is the duty of every person in a society to participate in the political running of society.
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I don't wish to believe? That's how things work in countries that are on the top of Livability index.

FFS,The soldier is just doing his job and he's can't protect the integrity or neither freedom inside the borders!Armed forces know better than anyone the concept of nationhood hence they believe in principles like equality,duty for care and equal opportunity.

Then if soldier can sacrifice his life for country , why the hell citizen cant just respect his or her country.Is it too much to ask?

INDIA is and will be great country with or without so called citizens.
INDIA is and will be great country with or without so called citizens.

but that would mean a india with only a aggressive, war-mongering military and a government that keeps buying weapons.

is there a point so such a country?? :)
Then if soldier can sacrifice his life for country , why the hell citizen cant just respect his or her country.Is it too much to ask?

INDIA is and will be great country with or without so called citizens.

Everyone is willing to sacrifice life to defend Country from Enemies... but what if your own brothers get against you?? if they attack you because of what you eat... and kill you for it... that is not sacrifice if you ask me..

note : don't twist what I said... I'm just responding to his posts...

Collectively yes, but when did a Bollywood actor became the representative of citizens?

ladies are sensitive (if we exclude husbands).. he just responded to an interview, that his wife said so.... that not necessarily his opinion or her... she might have faced trouble... who knows...

he just quoted his wife.. how tolerant are the people, when they burn his posters and abuse him... and a governor told muslims to leave the country... did he protested anything... can't he express?? is that mean he is anti national...
but that would mean a india with only a aggressive, war-mongering military and a government that keeps buying weapons.

is there a point so such a country?? :)

Problem is that India is too tolerant to be aggressive or war-mongering. No body is advocating Nazism or jingoism

And if showing or asking respect for country is war mongering so be it.

Everyone is willing to sacrifice life to defend Country from Enemies... but what if your own brothers get against you?? if they attack you because of what you eat... and kill you for it... that is not sacrifice if you ask me..

note : don't twist what I said... I'm just responding to his posts...

Dude i didnt quoted nor replied to your posts, so no question of twisting words.

Anyway I agree no government has right to dictate us what we eat, drink or watch, but we have all have rights to question the government but not to insult the country.
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