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Is it time for Pakistan to seriously start considering an ICBM ?

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ICBMs are not easy to develop...with the current technical expertise Pakistan has,we can develop a 5500km range system in 3-4 yrs and 11,000km range system in not less than 10-12 yrs...
Don't be worried about the Time , our Past clearly showed that Pakistanis got Miracles done in no time when they were Really Committed to do so:woot:
For those who are opposing, why shouldn't Pakistan get an ICBM right away?
If Pakistan gets ICBM today, the only thing western nations can do is cry and try to do sanctions.
China would probably back up Pakistan, because the Chinese said Pakistan is their Israel.

From where?....we cannot develop our own within the given time-frame...

I suppose you are saying China would hand us one of theirs...It is close to impossible.

First,the Chinese never gave us anything in one piece,except for M-11s...
Second,they do assist us and provide us with critical components (though we now have attained self-reliance in almost all missile related fields)..but they would never hand us something that complex...reason being they fear that the information might get transferred to US,so they could develop more effective BMDs...
Third,a deal and transportation like this will never go unnoticed...there will be a mess,and the whole world would be pointing fingers at us...that they receive aid and look where they are spending it...
Pakistan should definitely get ICBM's. :tup:

Also, what about SLBM?

That way you won't need such long range on the missiles, to be able to target anywhere on the planet.

Thanx for giving us an Excellent advice.....we realli in need of ICBMs plus SLBMs and SLCMs......to have second strike capability.......Insha-Allah.......:)
cuz our main threat and the threat to the peace of the whole world is US and need to counter it at all costs.and we gonna counter it......Alhamdolillah!.......:woot:
From where?....we cannot develop our own within the given time-frame...

I suppose you are saying China would hand us one of theirs...It is close to impossible.

First,the Chinese never gave us anything in one piece,except for M-11s...
Second,they do assist us and provide us with critical components (though we now have attained self-reliance in almost all missile related fields)..but they would never hand us something that complex...reason being they fear that the information might get transferred to US,so they could develop more effective BMDs...
Third,a deal and transportation like this will never go unnoticed...there will be a mess,and the whole world would be pointing fingers at us...that they receive aid and look where they are spending it...

U dont have to worry so much.....Alhamdolillah !.......we are capable enough to develop everything independantly ......Subhan-Allah............:woot:
It is not time for Pakistan to go ICBM, We are not in under attack or any situation like this, our opponent surly knows that we do posses this technology so there is no reason for this, well if economy is good and we are getting a lot of Business just like 2006-2008 especially we could easily go by going to space that will make Pakistan indirectly an ICBM holder, now we will use it as launching satellites in space for Pakistani companies and many other countries and actually get paid for this, Now reason i said we shouldn't is because it will not solve any problem but create them, I mean entire world knows that Pakistan has nukes but what good will a hydrogen bomb test will give Pakistan? answer is nothing! same goes for ICBM, and if Pakistan is truly under real threat trust me the people who are sitting in GHQ will not delay a second but go ICBM which will put off pressure from Pakistan to our far far away opponent! Inshah Allah that day will not come, Play smart and make money and help your fellow men, When if it comes to war, GHQ will take good steps so leave that for them!
I would say Pakistan should divert a good portion of its budget in civilian space research. If they able to get propulsion, guidance and navigation for SLV sorted then ICBM is just matter of political will. Spin offs with space technologies is well known and it will help the people of pakistan in general.
U dont have to worry so much.....Alhamdolillah !.......we are capable enough to develop everything independantly ......Subhan-Allah............:woot:

Look...I have one simple question...How are we going to do it with the given time frame?...please come up with logic-based posts,I know most of you are high-hoped fanboys...
It is not time for Pakistan to go ICBM, We are not in under attack or any situation like this, our opponent surly knows that we do posses this technology so there is no reason for this, well if economy is good and we are getting a lot of Business just like 2006-2008 especially we could easily go by going to space that will make Pakistan indirectly an ICBM holder, now we will use it as launching satellites in space for Pakistani companies and many other countries and actually get paid for this, Now reason i said we shouldn't is because it will not solve any problem but create them, I mean entire world knows that Pakistan has nukes but what good will a hydrogen bomb test will give Pakistan? answer is nothing! same goes for ICBM, and if Pakistan is truly under real threat trust me the people who are sitting in GHQ will not delay a second but go ICBM which will put off pressure from Pakistan to our far far away opponent! Inshah Allah that day will not come, Play smart and make money and help your fellow men, When if it comes to war, GHQ will take good steps so leave that for them!
I agree with the rest...but you seem to imply that we can make ICBMs of 11,000km range within a month or so...because currently we don't even have a system which fulfills the basic criteria for an ICBM...
I agree with the rest...but you seem to imply that we can make ICBMs of 11,000km range within a month or so...because currently we don't even have a system which fulfills the basic criteria for an ICBM...

How are you so certain that Pakistan does not possess ICBMs? Is Mr. Ten Percent your source of information?

How are you so certain that Pakistan does not possess ICBMs? Is Mr. Ten Percent your source of information?

Look...you don't live in Pakistan...ask anybody here with the "sources"....they'll satisfy you...and please increase your knowledge about Ballistic missiles and WMDs...
Look...you don't live in Pakistan...ask anybody here with the "sources"....they'll satisfy you...and please increase your knowledge about Ballistic missiles and WMDs...

You have not answered my question. So, I have to say that whatever you say is pure speculation.
Look...you don't live in Pakistan...ask anybody here with the "sources"....they'll satisfy you...and please increase your knowledge about Ballistic missiles and WMDs...

Just because we do not know about it, does not mean it does not exist! There is only a fraction of total military developments that we know. Rest is behind the curtain.
but why do we need an ICBM? our adversary(s) are our neighbours to the east and west. they should certaily come under the range of our missiles. thats all we need.
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