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Should i start teaching my boys

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Apr 24, 2022
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About women? I think I should tell them that Allah has made the females for males and vice versa. In this day and age especially in the west where they started teaching about gay rights, I think I should start filling my boys ears on how wonderful the women are and the male should only have sex with females.

My boys are 9 and 8.
About women? I think I should tell them that Allah has made the females for males and vice versa. In this day and age especially in the west where they started teaching about gay rights, I think I should start filling my boys ears on how wonderful the women are and the male should only have sex with females.

My boys are 9 and 8.

I think someone needs to talk to you first about what is appropriate behaviour and what to tell your kids and when.

No offence bro, idk if it's just a flex or not, but some of your posts on this forum are crazy.
I think someone needs to talk to you first about what is appropriate behaviour and what to tell your kids and when.

No offence bro, idk if it's just a flex or not, but some of your posts on this forum are crazy.
It's not a bad question though.... But they will hit teenage soon and we all tend to sway away from teaching of our parents in that age.... Try making them better muslims and leaving the rest to Allah is the way...
About women? I think I should tell them that Allah has made the females for males and vice versa. In this day and age especially in the west where they started teaching about gay rights, I think I should start filling my boys ears on how wonderful the women are and the male should only have sex with females.

My boys are 9 and 8.

You should discuss this matter with your wife in my view. This is a matter of parenting and your wife is best suited to co-parent in this regard.

Try your best to counter Western LGBTQ+ Fitna (and rubbish) for your sons. Tell them about Sodom and Gommorah.

But do not be very explicit in your talks. Keep your lectures age-appropriate.
Is bandey k thread ya post padh k iski yaad aa jaati hai

I think someone needs to talk to you first about what is appropriate behaviour and what to tell your kids and when.

No offence bro, idk if it's just a flex or not, but some of your posts on this forum are crazy.

What's so crazy about my posts? :lol:
About women? I think I should tell them that Allah has made the females for males and vice versa. In this day and age especially in the west where they started teaching about gay rights, I think I should start filling my boys ears on how wonderful the women are and the male should only have sex with females.

My boys are 9 and 8.

In all seriousness, you do raise an excellent point.

They're a bit young yet. For now tell them that thier genetalia is a private part of their body and that nobody else should be allowed to touch them there, or ask them to touch any genitalia. Tell them that if anyone touches them there or asks them to touch those parts - to run away and to tell you as soon as possible, whoever it is. It's important that your boys don't fear you, rather that they trust you and know they can confide in you - even when they've done wrong.

Another important thing to do is make sure you know where your boys are, they should never be in a private place with another adult, even if it is your own family.

In 2-3 years time they will be starting puberty, at that point you need to tell them about the hygiene aspect and about purdah, how it applies to men. At that point you can explain to them that their bodies are changing from those of boys into men and explain how the physical change will happen such as growth, body hair, change in voice, appetite etc.

Wait until they are 13-14 to tell them about sex. Just explain the biology of it, what an erection is, what purpose sex serves (breeding), how it's a normal human desire, how men and women are partners for each other. You are also responsible for telling them about their religious obligations, the social impacts of haram relationships and why it's important to avoid **** and masturbation wherever possible.

We've all been teenage boys, we've all done it, but it's important to help them understand the negative impacts early. it skews their perception of physical relationships, it desensitises them (in extreme cases physically), it can be addictive.

When the time is appropriate you have to be well researched, honest, open and candid.
About women? I think I should tell them that Allah has made the females for males and vice versa. In this day and age especially in the west where they started teaching about gay rights, I think I should start filling my boys ears on how wonderful the women are and the male should only have sex with females.

My boys are 9 and 8.
Listen dude,I don't know if you really are a troll or some mentally unstable person,but if there are so many important questions about your life,that you can't decide about or haven't decided yet,you sure ain't gonna find answers in a defence forum. I mean,in a bit you'll start making threads like "Should I turn the TV off when I go to sleep? Should I keep the garbage outside? Should I fart loud?"

I mean,what is going on? What's your purpose here? If you don't have answers to vital aspects of your life,you sound like a complete retard coming to ask about that stuff here. Don't you have friends,family,educated people and basically....PEOPLE in your circle?
About women? I think I should tell them that Allah has made the females for males and vice versa. In this day and age especially in the west where they started teaching about gay rights, I think I should start filling my boys ears on how wonderful the women are and the male should only have sex with females.

My boys are 9 and 8.
Sex education should start early; 10-12 years should be the age. It's better for them that you teach them, than them finding out on their own.

Apart from sex education, teach them the following:

1) Safety on social media
2) Safety on the internet
3) How to deal with strangers
4) How to stay safe from their own relatives (90% of molestations happen by extended family members)
5) How to destroy the imported government.
6) Develop in them a love for reading books: fiction, non-fiction, history...
7) They should read the Quran with translation at least once by the time they are 15 years old.
8) They should start learning about Hadith after the age of 15...

You should expose them towards the society as much as possible. It will become a "social vaccine" for them. For instance, you can leave them in a random government office for a couple of hours, so they can observe how people work, and how institutions work...
You should discuss this matter with your wife in my view. This is a matter of parenting and your wife is best suited to co-parent in this regard.

Try your best to counter Western LGBTQ+ Fitna (and rubbish) for your sons. Tell them about Sodom and Gommorah.

But do not be very explicit in your talks. Keep your lectures age-appropriate.
These type of discussions only should be between the father and the sons imho. I don't think my wife needs to be involved in this matter.

I will definitely teach them about the sodomites.
Keep them engaged in healthy activities like horse ridding, swimming,games/sports, some scientific activities until they hit 16.
Build some friendship relations with them
Ta k hansi mazak mein hi un ko sexuall education de sako.
About women? I think I should tell them that Allah has made the females for males and vice versa. In this day and age especially in the west where they started teaching about gay rights, I think I should start filling my boys ears on how wonderful the women are and the male should only have sex with females.

My boys are 9 and 8.

you should
if you try to teach Quran as it is assembled ; by the second chapter your would have taught your children everything that 99.9999% of parents shy away from.

Own up to the young humans, and teach them what is right, before they learn what is wrong.
Listen dude,I don't know if you really are a troll or some mentally unstable person,but if there are so many important questions about your life,that you can't decide about or haven't decided yet,you sure ain't gonna find answers in a defence forum. I mean,in a bit you'll start making threads like "Should I turn the TV off when I go to sleep? Should I keep the garbage outside? Should I fart loud?"

I mean,what is going on? What's your purpose here? If you don't have answers to vital aspects of your life,you sound like a complete retard coming to ask about that stuff here. Don't you have friends,family,educated people and basically....PEOPLE in your circle?
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