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No Muslim woman wants her husband to bring home 3 other wives : Assam chief minister

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How do you know? Have you surveyed many Muslim women on the subject?
I know of one quite sad instance of it.. without going into too many details.. A very rich man has 2, the first of which has been abandoned and is treated really poorly.

Just normal human psychology, I'm not married but I've been in relationships... aankhein noch letein kisi aur ko dekhta to. As the saying goes .. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. :fie:
Heart warming to see so many Muslim women on the thread rebutting a Hindu fascist.

Oh you just wish you had four wives.... :-)

Most people in the West would love it, especially if they didn't have to split their life's savings with divorced wives....

But some dysfunctional people can't cash checks with their actions which they write using their dreams.

Incapable of spreading the seed - which maybe just like the Good Lord intended. Here Darwinism and the Lord's wishes converge...
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I know of one quite sad instance of it.. without going into too many details.. A very rich man has 2, the first of which has been abandoned and is treated really poorly.

Just normal human psychology, I'm not married but I've been in relationships... aankhein noch letein kisi aur ko dekhta to. As the saying goes .. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. :fie:
Yes but one case doesn’t = the majority. Religion is a personal affair and if it involves consenting adults - the state has no business in it.

Beverly Hills 90210
Oh that show - my young nephew would watch reruns of it in the late 90’s 😂 - that and the bold and the beautiful 😂
Yes but one case doesn’t = the majority. Religion is a personal affair and if it involves consenting adults - the state has no business in it.
I'd agree with that statement generally, not sure if women would when it comes to this case but. Try and see it from outside the prism of "hindutva BJP leader meddling in Islamic jurisprudence"

They (Yogi/BJP) got rid of the triple talaq laws in UP and apparently that was VERY well received by Muslim women there.
Marrying more than one was mostly when nations go through wars and leave behind widows
Tribal societies usually go through wars - WW2 Russian female ratio was much higher than men, there was a book where in 1800s clan fighting in Punjab for land, water killed most of the men in their respective clans to the point peace deal only happened because there were no men left to carry on the fighting

For this kinda situation and society marriages were made to take care of widows, orphans- that's why at the time second marriage was mostly with widows

Now as societies have urbanized, so have these rates naturally plummeted- less than 0.5 Indian Muslims do it 1% do it in Pak (a little higher cause we are near afghan border which is at 5%- for them it makes sense, they have a lot of widows and orphans because of invasions)

I don't see the reason to regulate it - as societies seem to be regulating it themselves

Indians should think less about it from "sexual" pov of a Muslim man with harem sara
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I don't see the reason to regulate it - as societies seem to be regulating it themselves
n1, this appeals to the libertarian in me but laws are a necessary evil. I don't have any particularly strong feelings toward the whole thing but this seems to makes sense. It is already an offence under the law for a married person to have an affair here, besides, if the % is really as low as you say, won't effect many people at all.. will it ?
The Lion gets all the pack female, hyenas, one female rules the pack.

Indians males don't like (can't) being (be) lions, let them be hyenas ....
The 2005-06 National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) found that 2 percent of women reported that their husband had other wives besides herself. Husbands of women with no children are more likely to have multiple wives

Polygamous Marriages in India
I'd agree with that statement generally, not sure if women would when it comes to this case but. Try and see it from outside the prism of "hindutva BJP leader meddling in Islamic jurisprudence"

They (Yogi/BJP) got rid of the triple talaq laws in UP and apparently that was VERY well received by Muslim women there.
Again… have any women been surveyed about this news intervention? Answer is no.

The state should not intervene in religion! It’s a simple concept really. Also you’re not even married yet so to be honest you don’t have a lot of life experience to discuss the issue.
Again… have any women been surveyed about this news intervention? Answer is no.
Not sure if they have or not but the government generally does not consult the public at large before making laws.

The state should not intervene in religion! It’s a simple concept really. Also you’re not even married yet so to be honest you don’t have a lot of life experience to discuss the issue.
Religious laws, again, no matter which faith, can not supersede the law of the land, at least here in India. They still do it all the time but only get caught when one or more of the jilted or jealous wives approach the authorities who are then compelled or obliged to act.
Again… have any women been surveyed about this news intervention? Answer is no.

The state should not intervene in religion! It’s a simple concept really. Also you’re not even married yet so to be honest you don’t have a lot of life experience to discuss the issue.
States should intervene when fundamentally wrong things are happening in the society, that is why in India untouchability, Sati, Sharia in criminal code is banned.

Irrespective of religion Polygamy should be a criminal offence ,if you want to marry another woman divorce to the first wife through the court of law should be the only course.
States should intervene when fundamentally wrong things are happening in the society, that is why in India untouchability, Sati, Sharia in criminal code is banned.

Irrespective of religion Polygamy should be a criminal offence ,if you want to marry another woman divorce to the first wife through the court of law should be the only course.
What’s fundamentally wrong here ? First the veil and now this? Please don’t make me laugh out loud - it’s hardly forced conversions.

Not sure if they have or not but the government generally does not consult the public at large before making laws.

Religious laws, again, no matter which faith, can not supersede the law of the land, at least here in India. They still do it all the time but only get caught when one or more of the jilted or jealous wives approach the authorities who are then compelled or obliged to act.
Yes like I said I have yet to find any statistics on this on Google- unless you can point me in the direction of stats of these “jaded” wives / ex wives.
What’s fundamentally wrong here ? First the veil and now this? Please don’t make me laugh out loud - it’s hardly forced conversions.
Its simple it curtails the fundamental rights of woman. It creates all kind of issues societal, property disputes, physical trauma etc.

It is ought to be banned by bringing UCC in India.

Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Saturday said if Muslim women are to be given justice, Uniform Civil Code has to be brought in. As quoted by news agency ANI, the BJP chief minister said every Muslim woman wants Uniform Civil Code. "Ask any Muslim woman. UCC is not my issue, it is an issue for all Muslim women. No Muslim woman wants her husband to bring home 3 other wives," the chief minister said in New Delhi.

The debate over Uniform Civil Code has been rekindled with some BJP-ruled states talking about implementing it, with the All India Muslim Personal Law Board already opposing these talks. General secretary of All India Muslim Personal Law Board, Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani recently issued a statement saying the talk of adoption of Uniform Civil Code by Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh governments or by the Centre is just rhetoric aimed at diverting the attention of the public from issued like price rise, unemployment etc.

The fresh debate over the Uniform Civil Code started after Himachal Pradesh chief minister Jairam Thakur said his government is open to implementing it. Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said a high-level committee will be set up soon to draft a Uniform Civil Code.

UP government's Muslim minister Danish Azad Ansari said there will be chaupals in the state to acquaint people with the 'merits' of the Uniform Civil Code.

With the fresh talks on Uniform Civil Code, Congress leader Salman Khurshid said the government should clearly give a definition of the Uniform Civil Code. In the Constitution, there is a mention of UCC that there will be an attempt to apply a uniform civil code but a clear definition is never clear and what will be the impact. The government never said it will implement the Hindu code when it talks about UCC. The better practice of any religion is applied whether it is Islam, Christianity or other religion. They should tell what is the definition of UCC then only we can react," Khurshid said.

Almost every widowed and divorced young women wants to get remarried.
And that also includes Hindu women.
But yes, if Hindu society wants to keep such women as a public property then its OK. Muslim societies have a very good solution for that. And we are proud of it.
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