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Zulfiqar - IRAN MADE MBT

"Iranian made"
Its based of an old M60, a cannon of a T62, power to weight ratio is poor (17.85hp/t)
no protection other than its armor, and useless against modern tanks.

I don't understand why our enemies have to be such retards. This is what happens when you use wikipedia as a main source :lol:

This is based on a M-60?



ripe off of abram

The IQ on these people :lol: So Americans gave Iran an Abram and we ripped it off? You do understand that in order to rip off something, you should have that hardware to copy from, right?

Its almost like these people's brains are not developed properly.
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Its almost like these people's brains are not developed properly.

The tank has many components of the M48/M60 and the T72.
It looks like an M60 that its turret looks like a minimized toy Abrams, thus its thickness gets smaller, any modern tank will be able to destroy it. It literally got no advantage, or not even equal to any modern tank, its cannon is not able to destroy or even penetrate any tank from the front, no BMS, no protection other than its armor which as I said, is bad, very poor power to weight ratio- 17.85 hp/ton, resulting in poor acceleration and being useless at mud or difficult terrain, barley have any secondary armament, cannot fire ATGMs or even evade from them. and those idiotic engineers made a mistake, you see the "box" aside the turret? this is where they store the ammunition most likely, they failed to even copy!
It should be behind the turret, not in the side of it, its easily destroyed.
I saw the pictures, I am not talking about how it looks,I am talking about what it is.
The tank has many components of the M48/M60 and the T72.
It looks like an M60 that its turret looks like a minimized toy Abrams, thus its thickness gets smaller, any modern tank will be able to destroy it. It literally got no advantage, or not even equal to any modern tank, its cannon is not able to destroy or even penetrate any tank from the front, no BMS, no protection other than its armor which as I said, is bad, very poor power to weight ratio- 17.85 hp/ton, resulting in poor acceleration and being useless at mud or difficult terrain, barley have any secondary armament, cannot fire ATGMs or even evade from them. and those idiotic engineers made a mistake, you see the "box" aside the turret? this is where they store the ammunition most likely, they failed to even copy!
It should be behind the turret, not in the side of it, its easily destroyed.
I saw the pictures, I am not talking about how it looks,I am talking about what it is.

The box type thing surely isn't ammo compartment .. If it is .. Than this tank should be called a kamikaze mbt.
"Iranian made"
Its based of an old M60, a cannon of a T62, power to weight ratio is poor (17.85hp/t)
no protection other than its armor, and useless against modern tanks.
with your biased Zionist logic, Merkava4 is another piece of crap too, cause it's based on mobile coffin merkava 3. and yet you have to send another support vehicle and soldiers to make sure Hezbollah soldiers wont turn it to another legendary embarrassment.
with your biased Zionist logic, Merkava4 is another piece of crap too, cause it's based on mobile coffin merkava 3. and yet you have to send another support vehicle and soldiers to make sure Hezbollah soldiers wont turn it to another legendary embarrassment.

Wrong, the Merkava 4 and 3 actually have different hulls
Funny, as Hezbollah had to launch 1000 ATGMs to destroy 3 Merkavas, none of them were Mk4

That's what I said .. Many tanks have such "bins".

Here is AKs ;
View attachment 308771
View attachment 308772
View attachment 308773

These aren't ammo compartments like the guy above claimed.

Wow, this tank sucks a lot!
Its hull is almost completely flat! useless against even old 2nd and 3rd generation tanks!
not talking about 4th gen tanks

That's most likely a bracket for storing equipment .. Several tanks use that .. You can put stuff like net camo,tents etc in that aswell as for turret protection like slat armour.
Might be, but its pointless to even shoot to there, as the armor is so little in the turret, easily penetrated.
Wrong, the Merkava 4 and 3 actually have different hulls
Funny, as Hezbollah had to launch 1000 ATGMs to destroy 3 Merkavas, none of them were Mk4
That must be a new world record ..1000 Modern ATGM destroy 3 tanks.. Must be built from kryptonite...

Wow, this tank sucks a lot!
Its hull is almost completely flat! useless against even old 2nd and 3rd generation tanks!
not talking about 4th gen tanks

Tell us Gentiles more about flat hulls? Most tanks including Abrams,T-90 etc have similar hulls.. And do tell us about 4th generation tanks? The closest definition is perhaps the Armata?

AK is 3rd Gen..
Do tell us how it's "useless".

Might be, but its pointless to even shoot to there, as the armor is so little in the turret, easily penetrated.
Lmao. Some rank expert ..
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That must be a new world record ..1000 Modern ATGM destroy 3 tanks.. Must be built from kryptonite...

Tell us Gentiles more about flat hulls? Most tanks including Abrams,T-90 etc have similar hulls.. And do tell us about 4th generation tanks? The closest definition is perhaps the Armata?

AK is 3rd Gen..
Do tell us how it's "useless".

Lmao. Some rank expert ..

Yep, read about it.

And no, Abrams and T90 don't have flat frontal hull armor- https://www.google.co.il/search?q=a...ei=S91SV--yC5OLapufvoAJ#imgrc=6kcGKyBLlqdbgM:

Unless you are blind
Even if they did have, it wouldn't make them good, it would make them very bad.

What is AK? Al Khalid?
Because it sucks a lot.
Price is 5.8 million dollars, when you can buy a fourth generation Merkava MK4 for 4.5 million dollars with much better specs.
Wrong, the Merkava 4 and 3 actually have different hulls
Funny, as Hezbollah had to launch 1000 ATGMs to destroy 3 Merkavas, none of them were Mk4

Wow, this tank sucks a lot!
Its hull is almost completely flat! useless against even old 2nd and 3rd generation tanks!
not talking about 4th gen tanks

Might be, but its pointless to even shoot to there, as the armor is so little in the turret, easily penetrated.

“...Powerful anti-tank missiles manufactured by Russia and Iran are being used with deadly effectiveness by Hezbollah against the Israeli army in southern Lebanon, military sources say. A large proportion of the 68 Israeli soldiers who have died in south Lebanon since the start of the offensive a month ago were killed by such missiles… ‘The terrorists know where the weak spots are, and we are being badly hit,’ the newspaper quotes a senior official as saying. The attacks are a blow to the pride of Israel’s army. Merkava III and IV tanks are considered among the most powerful in the world and have a reputation for extremely resistant armour and protective systems… Israel’s tanks, crucial for any ground operation in southern Lebanon, have proved vulnerable to the attacks of Hezbollah and ill-adapted to the hilly and heavily wooded..."
Not all 1000 ATGms were used to destroy israel super tanks named as Merkava , many of them were used against infantries ...

They are still dreaming on rewriting the history!
they lost 3 tanks, that's why Zionist regime forced to retreat back in 2006.:lol:

As far as I know and base israle officials 18 tanks were seriously damaged either with super-heavy IED charges or antitank missiles.
The tank has many components of the M48/M60 and the T72.
It looks like an M60 that its turret looks like a minimized toy Abrams, thus its thickness gets smaller, any modern tank will be able to destroy it. It literally got no advantage, or not even equal to any modern tank, its cannon is not able to destroy or even penetrate any tank from the front, no BMS, no protection other than its armor which as I said, is bad, very poor power to weight ratio- 17.85 hp/ton, resulting in poor acceleration and being useless at mud or difficult terrain, barley have any secondary armament, cannot fire ATGMs or even evade from them. and those idiotic engineers made a mistake, you see the "box" aside the turret? this is where they store the ammunition most likely, they failed to even copy!
It should be behind the turret, not in the side of it, its easily destroyed.
I saw the pictures, I am not talking about how it looks,I am talking about what it is.

This guy takes the meaning of retard to the next level :lol:
Use your eyes for a moment and stop relying on the wikipedia. This tank has nothing in common with the M-60 other than the fact they are both tanks. The wikipedia info you're using is NOT talking about the Zulfiqar-3 tank I posted, but earlier tanks made in the 80's. But obviously you're too thick to understand that.

As for the rest of your BS, all tanks in the world today would be turned into junk with ATM's. We saw what hezbollah did to your super duper merkava did we not?

This Z-3 tank is not being invested in, the main Iranian tank will be the upcoming Karrar. We'll wait and see the capabilities of that and then judge. Now go back to editing and reading wikipedia.
“...Powerful anti-tank missiles manufactured by Russia and Iran are being used with deadly effectiveness by Hezbollah against the Israeli army in southern Lebanon, military sources say. A large proportion of the 68 Israeli soldiers who have died in south Lebanon since the start of the offensive a month ago were killed by such missiles… ‘The terrorists know where the weak spots are, and we are being badly hit,’ the newspaper quotes a senior official as saying. The attacks are a blow to the pride of Israel’s army. Merkava III and IV tanks are considered among the most powerful in the world and have a reputation for extremely resistant armour and protective systems… Israel’s tanks, crucial for any ground operation in southern Lebanon, have proved vulnerable to the attacks of Hezbollah and ill-adapted to the hilly and heavily wooded..."
Not all 1000 ATGms were used to destroy israel super tanks named as Merkava , many of them were used against infantries ...

As far as I know and base israle officials 18 tanks were seriously damaged either with super-heavy IED charges or antitank missiles.
It doesn't matter, as most of them were launched against the Merkavas, destroying only 3.
This isn't even a news site, where did you get this from exactly?
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