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Zulfikar Mirza did what ....

@ Uchiha
I think Urdu speaking have some indian background before 1947. Sindhi are as Pakistani as Mohajir.
Waisay mujhay Altaf Hussain ki press conference se wo kuch kuch kuch khiska howa lagta hai.
Well has white people left any native American culture?? You expose the true mentality of MQM..that is..racial imposition and superiority!

WTF?!?!?!?!? Have you been living under a rock? Do white people live like native americans? Have ever read history? Do you know what kind of clothes they wear, food they eat, langueage they speak?
@ Uchiha
I think Urdu speaking have some indian background before 1947. Sindhi are as Pakistani as Mohajir.
Waisay mujhay Altaf Hussain ki press conference se wo kuch kuch kuch khiska howa lagta hai.

I never really use thename "muhajir" in real life, it's kind of like a derogatory term sindhis etc. use because they think they have some racial superiority
MQM started calling itself Muhajir quami movement! and when others called them that they said see we are still called muhajir!!! they gave themselves a name and when others call them that name they complain!!

& altaf bhai clearly said MUHAJIR people were burnt in a bus in kemari because they were MUHAJIR!!(which was with proof refuted by shahi syed)!!
It was used back then because people were actually muhajir, not my generation
MQM started calling itself Muhajir quami movement! and when others called them that they said see we are still called muhajir!!! they gave themselves a name and when others call them that name they complain!!

& altaf bhai clearly said MUHAJIR people were burnt in a bus in kemari because they were MUHAJIR!!(which was with proof refuted by shahi syed)!!

well it was because, the urdu speakers were treated like one in the army operation and then the PPP criminal war in 90s, you cant under any moral obligation turn all your guns against MQM, what MQM is now is thanks to pakistan army and establishment

where was ice_man when they were being killed like animals, MQM didnt have thugs or guns back then, they just rose as a party for which they were declared terrorists and traitors, anti pakistani, indians unpatriots rather then addressing the issues they had rouse previously

if MQM didnt turn in guns back then, im sure more killings would have happened one sided, PPP thugs ruthlessly killing on ethnic bases, pashtuns helping them and MQM would have not survived

the same has been done to the baloch people that while not addressing their grievances they are being made to live under the shadow of guns and arms, kidnappings are happening there too, target killings are happening in balochistan too

there were some serious issues raised by MQM back then and which are unsolved even today

1) quota system and negligence of merit(nobody talks about ethnicity but it was made an ethnic question)

2) the ruling class of karachi back then which consisted of feudals and non representative of karachi population

3) it is well known being urdu speaker or say mohajir is a negative point in getting into army/military(so it shows why they chose to name it mohajir QM, it means that urdu speakers are not eligible to defend their country because army things they are not true pakistanis)

further more read CB4 views, i hope you will pretty much get the mind set of some true racially pure pakistanis here, and while being a racist bigot they call themselves pure patriot pakistanis

Yup and fools like you will realize then--- when Karachi becomes separated to become a new country. Ayub Khan was the best we ever had. He moved all the immigrants to one.--karachi. if however, they became assimilated across the county then you find intermarriages and no difference between India.

No offence but Pakistan was made for P=pashtoons, A= Afghania, k=kashmiri S= Sindhi, tan= Baluchistan this is quite clear.
believe it or not Quid Mohammed Ali Jinnah wanted a muslim country with already in an area compromising with only the MAJORITY of muslims. These UPS, Biharis were concentrated around hindus south of India.

Liqat ali Khan was an urdu speaker and Quiad hated him from his guts. He ruined the whole country.
must watch @06:45 to 07:00

What happened to Hamid Mir's hair? lol. My mother's side knew him very well. This guy failed many times in school. Totally 'Na laike insaan'. He can't even speak english properly...
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well it was because, the urdu speakers were treated like one in the army operation and then the PPP criminal war in 90s, you cant under any moral obligation turn all your guns against MQM, what MQM is now is thanks to pakistan army and establishment

where was ice_man when they were being killed like animals, MQM didnt have thugs or guns back then, they just rose as a party for which they were declared terrorists and traitors, anti pakistani, indians unpatriots rather then addressing the issues they had rouse previously

if MQM didnt turn in guns back then, im sure more killings would have happened one sided, PPP thugs ruthlessly killing on ethnic bases, pashtuns helping them and MQM would have not survived

the same has been done to the baloch people that while not addressing their grievances they are being made to live under the shadow of guns and arms, kidnappings are happening there too, target killings are happening in balochistan too

Yes army did make MQM, especially against benzail bhutto and PPP. But now they are totally out of control. Why the hell are they against Nawaz Sharrif when he helped Altaf Hussain to exit the country from getting charged?
Yes army did make MQM, especially against benzail bhutto and PPP. But now they are totally out of control. Why the hell are they against Nawaz Sharrif when he helped Altaf Hussain to exit the country from getting charged?

That goes to show our army is the true mujahid and least corrut in our country
The muhajir were freed and now we can stand up for ourselves

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