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''Zionists want to create a Shia, Sunni war in Pakistan"

First time I heard the word "Zionist" from Zaid Hamid. He is very fond of this word....What is the meaning of it?

very surprised to see indian not knowing about its favorite bed time buddy??
The thread says Zionists wants to create a religious war in Pakistan. Indians are not Zionists. We are Hindus (majority). Therefore please stick to the topic and attack Israel etc. It's more fun when the Israeli and American members argue with the Pakistani members here than when the Indians and Pakistani members have a go at each other with the same repetitive stuff

One person posted a title based on his own understanding does not mean he is representing Pakistanis. take him as an individual.

as far as zionism and Israel is concern we its not neccessary that a zionist muct be a jew.

Its also not neccessary that every time word zionist is uttered the Indians jump in and play role of seceratry of the accused
First time I heard the word "Zionist" from Zaid Hamid. He is very fond of this word....What is the meaning of it?

Zionists means Israelis and supporters of israel state. Keep in mind zionist can be anyone, anyone who supports israel is zionist. There can be muslim zionist, hindu zionist, christian zionist etc. Also keep in mind not all jews are zionist in fact half of the total jewish population in this world is not zionist.
One person posted a title based on his own understanding does not mean he is representing Pakistanis. take him as an individual.

as far as zionism and Israel is concern we its not neccessary that a zionist muct be a jew.

Its also not neccessary that every time word zionist is uttered the Indians jump in and play role of seceratry of the accused

Kinda confusing stuff in this forum. Prior to reading this, I believed that Zionists were Jews seeking to establish a Jewish state with Jeruslam as its capital. Now I learn that the Indians are also Zionists or Secretaries of the Zionists. Who knows where history will lead us. Perhaps in a few years time, India will demand a Jewish state in Asia :D
imo zionist were the one who started all this secterian diff in islam with due help from aliens and speghetti monsters. ;)
Kinda confusing stuff in this forum. Prior to reading this, I believed that Zionists were Jews seeking to establish a Jewish state with Jeruslam as its capital. Now I learn that the Indians are also Zionists or Secretaries of the Zionists. Who knows where history will lead us. Perhaps in a few years time, India will demand a Jewish state in Asia :D

:P good for India if it demands a jewish state or may be it can convert Bihar/ Assam/ NE into Jewish state

Zionists means Israelis and supporters of israel state. Keep in mind zionist can be anyone, anyone who supports israel is zionist. There can be muslim zionist, hindu zionist, christian zionist etc. Also keep in mind not all jews are zionist in fact half of the total jewish population in this world is not zionist.

All Jews are not zionists. Even a big section of Jews oppose zionism.
as far as zionism and Israel is concern we its not neccessary that a zionist muct be a jew.

Its also not neccessary that every time word zionist is uttered the Indians jump in and play role of seceratry of the accused

Agreed, Pakistanis are zionists too as they demand a nation state based on religion same as Israel.

Thats why I call Sipah E Saheba zionists too.
Zionists means Israelis and supporters of israel state. Keep in mind zionist can be anyone, anyone who supports israel is zionist. There can be muslim zionist, hindu zionist, christian zionist etc. Also keep in mind not all jews are zionist in fact half of the total jewish population in this world is not zionist.

Well, what is the difference between Ummath mongers and Zionists. both crave for the same religious utopia. Judaism and Hindus are exactly the opposite. Some RSS members may be thinking Jews will be friends of Hindus. it is only a temporary affair. for them, you are idolaters, for you they are Abrahamic savages. So, there cannot be a Zionist Hindu except a Opportunist Sanghie acting pro-Israel.
The anti shia massacres are done mainly be extremist sunni groups such as Lej,Sipah e sabah and TTP..They are all pakistani muslims..It is sad that after witnessing brutalities committed by pakistani muslims on their own brethren,they need some outside enemies to take the blame..!why?to preserve the sanctity of the islam?
The fact is Pakistan is in a very worse situation here, things have never been this bad for Pakistan, now there is no reason left why Martial Law should not be declared.
Nothing is more important than security of Pakistan everything can be rebuilt but if the freedom is taken away then nothing can be done. Military needs to take over & save Pakistan, screw what people think they have never thought or done good for Pakistan.

Good man. Your military is the reason why you are in this hole. They were the ones who started promoting Islamization of Pakistan and promotion of one particular brand of Islam at others expense in Pakistan.
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