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''Zionists want to create a Shia, Sunni war in Pakistan"

Again this is the problem. If the security forces want, they can eradicate these people in months. What stops them is political support from parties like Pml-n and others and they cannot afford another front.

Ideally, the only armed force should be the military and para military. We would not even need the army to finish them off as the police is enough, but their hands are tied and the army knows that. They want to wait for the US to leave so that many radicalized taliban would quit fighting and then these groups could be dealt with.
Why Indians is allowed here, they should be banned for any trolling.
Is it now becoming true? or not? .

Sunni killings that is also happening in Pakistan is by Shia Radical organisations built during PPP era, and Its Shia activists who trying to blame ISI and Pakistan army to hide their criminal deeds.

At same time TTP is it sunni or shia or wahabi??
Shia Sunni are killing each other in the name of different religious believes ....and you want to blame zionist etc....Grow up.....Stop fooling yourself

The Wahabi just blinked - they know that the people of Pakistan whether Shiah or Sunni or Hindu or Christian see the Wahabi as the main financier and backer of sectarian violence in Pakistan, and elsewhere - from the Caucasus, to Africa, to South Asia and South Thailand, it is Wahabi ideology and Wahabi money that is waging war against Muslims - but since that is bring a bad reputation to the Wahabi princes and their Mufti and because they have no intention of stopping their war on Muslims, they have chosen a patsy so to speak and will place the blame of Zionists, interesting that they do nto place the blame of the US, isn't it?
US & India are trying their best to start a civil war in Pakistan, I have been saying for a long time.
Really? Where is your PROOF? Don't talk rubbish as you normally do. It's a lame habit that'll get you nowhere.

Talking of the so called 'interference' by India in the internal affairs of Pakistan, have you ever given some thought to the state sponsored terrorism by your establishment in Kashmir for the past three decades? You guys aren't so lily white as you profess to be. Your own retired generals have admitted to this. Even Gen Kayani mentioned to his American counterpart that these militant organizations (Like the Let, JeM etc) are his 'strategic assets'!

Now you guys have been fingering India for decades! A little tit-for-tat is in order, right? But India being a matured nation isn't indulging in this tactic - at least not as yet. All this twaddle about India helping the Balochis etc is pure unadulterated nonsense.

Secondly, I couldn't find your topic in Dawn. Your link as usual doesn't work. Or is it just me?

''Zionists want to create a Shia, Sunni war in Pakistan"? Oh? That's an age old habit of you guys, blaming others for your government's gross incompetence and non governance. Period!
''Zionists want to create a Shia, Sunni war in Pakistan"? Oh? That's an age old habit of you guys, blaming others for your government's gross incompetence and non governance. Period!

are you the zionist ? if not why you take offens and why you need to play the advocate of the accused :)

calm down. Its like saying that Pakistan is supporting Maoists or nagas or other Indian rebels whereas its a fact that every rival country or everyone that has interests bound to unrest in a country then that everyone will take advantage of the internal rifts.

same is with Pakistan we have our internal issues our internal players being equiped and funded by outsiders for their own interests.
The Wahabi just blinked - they know that the people of Pakistan whether Shiah or Sunni or Hindu or Christian see the Wahabi as the main financier and backer of sectarian violence in Pakistan, and elsewhere - from the Caucasus, to Africa, to South Asia and South Thailand, it is Wahabi ideology and Wahabi money that is waging war against Muslims - but since that is bring a bad reputation to the Wahabi princes and their Mufti and because they have no intention of stopping their war on Muslims, they have chosen a patsy so to speak and will place the blame of Zionists, interesting that they do nto place the blame of the US, isn't it?

muse, question here not about who is doing what but what we are doing and how to control. Blaming others is familiar job in our society to hide own incompetency.
These days it won't come as surpise if someone in Pakistan gets an upset stomach he would probably blame it on Zions, RAW and CIA. :lol

Here in India also Shias are regularly attacked by Sunnis and no Shia has blamed Hindus or Zion for this. In Pakistan there are many Sunni militant groups who have openly abuse shias and quite capable to voilence against Shias. And pakistan goverment has hardly done anything to put a crub on these groups.

And if Zions and Yankee are real reason for Shia-Sunni bloodbath then why doesn't Pakistani bring in substantiate proof to prove their theory.
The Wahabi just blinked - they know that the people of Pakistan whether Shiah or Sunni or Hindu or Christian see the Wahabi as the main financier and backer of sectarian violence in Pakistan, and elsewhere - from the Caucasus, to Africa, to South Asia and South Thailand, it is Wahabi ideology and Wahabi money that is waging war against Muslims - but since that is bring a bad reputation to the Wahabi princes and their Mufti and because they have no intention of stopping their war on Muslims, they have chosen a patsy so to speak and will place the blame of Zionists, interesting that they do nto place the blame of the US, isn't it?

Now that you have identified the problem. What should be the solution to this increasing wahabi ideology? How do you(we) stop this? Practically ofcourse!
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