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Zia's death anniversary today

Zia acted out very selfishly and ruthlessly at the time. One of the harshest critique of Zia is that he killed col taher using a kangaroo court. I do not condone this act in anyway, but if you look at the other side of the argument, that Col Taher was trying to cause a chaos and riot within the junior level army officer in a new found Bangladesh which would further jeopardize the country's stability, then one can see some merit in his actions. Cmon, lets give him some credit for the adaption of EPZ or special economic zone, which was later even adapted by countries like China, idea of SAARC, etc etc.
I am not saying he is perfect, but some of his policies are responsible for whatever development we have in Bangladesh to some extent.
You forgot to mention Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad was the leading conspirator and he made Zia, a major General at that time, army chief even when there were many senior officers than Zia in BD army. 4 days later a counter coup by pro-Awami army officers killed Mostaq and Zia was arrested.

I think, you are also making a gross mistake. You are partly right to say that Kh. Mushtaq was a conspirator. The reality is he allowed the military conspirators to meet him only one time and after hearing a vague plan, he just responded that he was no part of any conspiracy, but if things go as they were planning he would be at their side. It means he supported a coup.

By the way, Zia was elevated to the rank of Major General and to the post of Army Chief of Staff because his superior Gen. Shafiullah resigned after the killing of Sk. Mujib. Zia was second in command. About all the promotions in those days during and after the liberation war. Most of the LW officers were Majors in the PA. Without the war it would have taken many of them another 10 years to get promotion as a Brigadier because PA had many officers and PA was already an old institution.

But, BA was a new institution whereby the Majors in the PA got promotions to the rank of Major General within 4 years. It happened because BA was very new. Many of the more senior Bangali PA officers remained in the PA until retirement. Only Col. Ershad of PA opted for BA and became a Lt. General and Army Chief of Staff.
He sounds like a good leader; I, unfortunately, haven't had the chance to read up on him but I'd be sure to do now. A question, if you will : How is a looked upon by Awami League supporters and consequently the majority of Bangladeshis. I'm assuming that majority of Bangladesh supports the Awami League.
If majority of bd supports only awami league there was awami dictatorship,but here is democracy,so don't misunderstnd that mejority supports awam e league.
this indians have a tendency to talk without knowing anything.

this is the official story

1975 coups 15 August Main article: Assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman The coup of 15 August 1975 was organized by officers of Bangladesh Army. They were led by Major Syed Faruqe Rahman and Major Rashid. The coup resulted in the assassination of the country's president Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, his entire family (daughters Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana escaped as they were in Germany) and several ministers and leaders of the Awami League. 3 November The government set up by Major Faruque, Major Rashid and Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad was overthrown in another coup on 3 November 1975. This was organized by Brigadier Khaled Mosharraf, Bir Uttom, a decorated freedom fighter. Mosharraf was seen by many as a supporter of the pre-August government. He put the army chief and fellow freedom fighter Major General Ziaur Rahman under house arrest but did not execute him. Some also claim that the personal friendship between the two officers prevented Brigadier Musharraf from carrying out Rahman's execution. 7 November Brigadier Mosharraf's 3 day coup ended due to revolt by soldiers of Bangladesh Army. They freed Major General Ziaur Rahman from house arrest and killed the coup leader Brig. Khaled Mosharraf and his associates. Rumors about Musharraf's affiliation with India (a FEER cover at the time carried the headline "The Indian Coup?") aggravated army suspicion of this coup.
For This They Are Indian, They're Nature/Charecter Is " Comment Without Knowing " , " Make Lie A TruTh "....
Threads like these make me proud of RAW:rofl:

Enthusiasts like you should open threads such as the killings of Mahatma Gandhi and Indira Gandhi, and openly congratulate your sneaky RAW officers for these successes. We can share your joy in those threads.
Threads like these make me proud of RAW:rofl:
PPL & Comment Like These Make Us Laugh That You Guys Are " Indians " :rofl: :cheesy:

Enthusiastics like you should open threads like the killings of Mahatma Gandhi and Indira Gandhi, and openly congratulate your sneaky RAW officers for these successes.
Hey About Indira gundhi suddenly 1 thing strikes on my mind ," Isn't she the same gandhi who killed several sikhs by oparation blue star :azn: "
so I think India Must Be Not Only proud To Raw but For Indira Also,Afterall this Kind Of Thing Who else can do like them ,isn't it
Pes.ZIA was one of the greatest leader of the subcontinent and the muslim world as a whole.
Allah(swt) sends good leader once in a while to every country and he was BD's erdogan and Mahtir. If he
had lived another 10 more years BD would have been a different country today with functional
democracy like the west. He is the guy who reinstated multiparty democracy in BD.

What was his policy with respect to Pakistan ?

He dropped the unconditional appology crap from PAK and enhanced relation with almost all muslim
countries. Very special relation was established with KSA and he gifted neem trees to KSA which
people in KSA now calls zia tree. All in all he was a one of a kind leader who knew the friends and
enemy's of the turmoil engulfed new country.

The core issue is use of Military force to establish a Govt not permitted in the constitution of the nation. Thereby setting a precedent for other to follow.

Glorifying a wrong does not make it right

lol Indian trolls farting out loud. Before you fart out such crap like a ignorant fool do little research.
It was Brigadier khaled mosraff who overthrew the gov of Khondaker Mostaq before a sepahi-
janata popular uprising overthrew Brigadier khaled mosraff and bought ZIA in power. ZIA came
via popular revolution with people support at a very delicate time for the country. Pres ZIA is
the one who reinstated multiparty democracy in BD . And BTW search up "bakshal" in google before farting out loud again.

lol, you really believe that?

Atleast he should have spared the little kids.

Anyway you live by the gun, you die by the gun. No condolence.

La Bong dada on his troll mission as usual. Have some shame before spouting retarded lies.

Zia and Khaled both knew about the coup.

Making angel out of Zia is just plain stupid. BNP tried to portray Zia as the eventuality of the 1975 events. But raising a party with govt money and manpower is totally under Zia's control. Even taking over the power ousting Sayem was totally done by Zia not aybody else. If he were that honest he should had facilitate Sayem to hold an election and let the parliament to function instead of declaring himself a president.

Mostaq was never killed, he died naturally.

Only a bigoted awamiindian shameless dalal will spout such rubbish about Pres.ZIA, the only
leader in BD that enjoy's unanimous support and respect. Did your awami infested brain forgot
that ZIA held national elections in 1979. Typical awami bigot.
Only a bigoted awamiindian shameless dalal will spout such rubbish about Pres.ZIA, the only
leader in BD that enjoy's unanimous support and respect. Did your awami infested brain forgot
that ZIA held national elections in 1979. Typical awami bigot.

Well said my bro.
Being not a historian and getting caught by age/medication/environment, a little bit of complacency earns me the name of Burmese from you? Your lies and deception were being caught by IDUNE for many times but did we call you a shameless liar over and over? If I make any inadvertent mistakes then I'm man enough to correct it unlike your track record on hammering to forcefully shove it.

Now coming to the core issue, Fatima Jinnah's whom about wasn't the factor but Pakistani inhabitants misfortune for being guinea pig of imperialists was. So, whoever needed to get the message, he already did it.

Getting caught by age/medication/environment you should now take care of yourself and let the world go like it without you nosing in. The combination of age/medication sometime causes mental disorder that the victim can't feel. All your deliveries come as attack not discussion and you don't have idea over neutral view, open discussion etc. So, please first take care of your mental/physical health, many young chaps roam around on this forum and they may anytime use insulting words towards you. Wish you get free from the cage of age/medication/environment :enjoy: .
@ planetsoldier---just because JI does incorrect things in the name of islam--- you will stop following islam? if you follow ppl u will be disappointed ---follow the message - the principles - of islam ---- the message is divine - it's interpretation and implementation -------
@ planetsoldier---just because JI does incorrect things in the name of islam--- you will stop following islam? if you follow ppl u will be disappointed ---follow the message - the principles - of islam ---- the message is divine - it's interpretation and implementation -------

You misinterpreted my question :bad:..I just wanted to know the position of JI in current Pakistan as a political party....that's all...is it popular in Pakistan now?
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