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Zardari's economic success (What is hidden)

I ain't PTI, far from it.

All parties have remained in coalition because they got what they needed, ANP got the railway ministry, MQM some others, and PML-Q has a Vice Prime Minister or something like that in a spanking new post (newly created), so everybody gets a piece of the cake.

Although this government has failed miserably, one has to commend Zardari, he really is a shrewd and clever politician.

how would we define failed? which government is passed so it will be then subjective?

As the day I'm born, I'm listening one phrase mehgai ho gai this happen that happen, there will always be people who would be bashing the ruling governement...The thing you call shrewd, I would say humbleness and tolerance to my opinion...

All pakistanis were happy on the thread that we have got happiness index, so we don't have index to compare even from past to check how much this government is passed or failed.To mee this governement (Which is not ppp as it has given justice and share to every party which you call smartness)?
you people need to mention what would have been your instance on specific international issue at that point ....BE HONEST and please we have the habit to bash every ruler. We all are so defensive towards our likes and dislike... I personally like IMRAN khan and Zoardari (remmeber I hated Zoardar three years before)....But I know I am biased so if my buzoorg allow me then I would vote for Zoardari?
If you can't prove some intentions wrong, then we have to give the benefit of doubt?
These four years are among the most tough era of Pakistan history (ask to your heart if I happen to be true, if you remember all Pakistan policical era)
Then you are already in governement, I guess...

Unfortunately, yes.

So are you then?

So is alot of the awam.

Fact is, once these goons get into power (this is far from democracy, this is a sham), nobody can stop them, except the army.
Zardari will be credited for changing the political culture of Pakistan to that of more tolerance. The results of the 2008 elections made it possible for PPP to form govts in every province of Pakistan had the traditional politics of Lotacracy was used--yes, even in Punjab. But he chose not to and that was the first time in Pakistan's history. May be the politicians first wanted to see Musharraf gone and that's why they decided to 'live and let live'.
About his economic 'successes' I don't know enough to comment on that. I will say one thing: Yes, Musharraf saw record growth but so did most of the countries of the world till sometime in 2007; and Musharraf's tenure also saw relative peace in Pakistan--the WOT had not reached in much of Pakistan. But starting the Lawyer's Movement in March 2007, not only the economy but also the law and order started to rapidly decline. It is for some reasons that Musharraf was called 'the Bunker President'. Zardari did inherited a rapidly declining economy and a very bad law and order situation.

What I can't forgive this govt is their carefree attitude: Destroying the railways, the PIA... I am voting for Imran Khan!
how would we define failed?

As the day I'm born, I'm listening one phrase mehgai ho gai this happen that happen, there will always be people who would be bashing the ruling governement...The thing you call shrewd, I would say humbleness and tolerance to my opinion...

And I have been listening to the phrase 'Pakistan aik nazuk mor par khara hai' since I was born. You have your opinion of calling it humbleness and tolerance, but I don't.

Now how would I define failed? How would you define, meteoric rise of currency rates, exponential rise of food, oil and electricity prices (oil and electricity are related). The lavish spending on Royal kitchens in Presidential palace of His Highness, the total absence of governance in alot of areas, being an active party in the gang war of Karachi, putting incompetent people to run important places, like Railway, defence etc etc. PIA being turned into a PPP jiyala party house. And alot more.

How would you define all of the above, hardly what a good government does. If i tell you about what Rehman Malik alone does, you would get shocked.

I'll ask you another question, how would you define successful, if you think that is what this government is?
And I have been listening to the phrase 'Pakistan aik nazuk mor par khara hai' since I was born. You have your opinion of calling it humbleness and tolerance, but I don't.

Now how would I define failed? How would you define, meteoric rise of currency rates, exponential rise of food, oil and electricity prices (oil and electricity are related). The lavish spending on Royal kitchens in Presidential palace of His Highness, the total absence of governance in alot of areas, being an active party in the gang war of Karachi, putting incompetent people to run important places, like Railway, defence etc etc. PIA being turned into a PPP jiyala party house. And alot more.

How would you define all of the above, hardly what a good government does. If i tell you about what Rehman Malik alone does, you would get shocked.

I'll ask you another question, how would you define successful, if you think that is what this government is?

(I feel like I'm kind of biased, as I do like zoardari so I would be defending in this thread and I know I can find the very reason to defend, so I'm out of discussion for now on the topic)...

this the success you are talking about.

the prices in 2008 in pak are more or less similar to prices in India in 2012.
What a success,

> Dolar jumpped from 63 to 96, rupee falled all time high in the history.
> PIA was a revenue generator, was ranked ... but now no body wants to fly in PIA, they don't have lights in the plan, secondary pass engineers for PIA, maximum number of plans lying on the ground. second hand faulty plans brought from the bangladesh. Tyred busts daily happen. And now PIA is subsidies company.
> Railway, desipte of full train capicity, trains are falling, lokko motto factory been stopped just to buy some faulty engines and trains for some commission, maximum number of corruption activities. Political hiring didn't even leave this dying company. And now we have matric pass directors, managers leading this company. Company latterly destoryed just to make someone's train success..
> Electricity, despite of in Musharaf's time generation was for 19 thousand megawatt, but still WAPDA is unable to support just 16thousand mega watt requirement, on the top of that, agreements done with the companies on higher rates (of course for some commission), ok Political hiring is common in all companies, so happened here. Brought rental power plants from Germany without even using them. giving billions to the rental companies, but not even give pennies to coal projects, where claims were given too high. Whole taxtiles fall just happened because of this stupid crisis. There is too much to say here, but what is the need?
> State Bank shows the borrowing all time high.. which even let some of the banks to show falling figures. Political leaders (including zardari) asking his share to black mail major business men of Pakistan, And trying to make runn away from Pakistan. Even stock exchange reached the high, still business gaints are too scared to invest in the stock exchange. And calling it, false and temporary hike for the election.
> Security, Should I say something here? Attacks on major security agencies, armies and local security. Crime Rate all time high in major cities of Pakistan. Target Killing is now usual. Now those who were talking about breaking the pakistan are the Heros. People are running from the country because of this (Even I left for this reason). Parliament is useless who can't even follow their own approved bill. SC can't implement their orders. where is Law and order?
> 100s of planning been done, but only provincial government has completed large number of project announced, all the project announced by Federal Government are on the stack (can be seen here in PDF development section as well). Not a single project (unless that has some commition or profit for parliamentarians was there) started, and nothing is finished upto date..

What a success where people are scared to break, have to pay all time high taxes, all time high rates for all living hood requirement. Those who still follow PPP should be ashamed of themself. Really Pathetic!!
That is all the natural result of recession in the world

What a success,

> Dolar jumpped from 63 to 96, rupee falled all time high in the history.
> PIA was a revenue generator, was ranked ... but now no body wants to fly in PIA, they don't have lights in the plan, secondary pass engineers for PIA, maximum number of plans lying on the ground. second hand faulty plans brought from the bangladesh. Tyred busts daily happen. And now PIA is subsidies company.
> Railway, desipte of full train capicity, trains are falling, lokko motto factory been stopped just to buy some faulty engines and trains for some commission, maximum number of corruption activities. Political hiring didn't even leave this dying company. And now we have matric pass directors, managers leading this company. Company latterly destoryed just to make someone's train success..
> Electricity, despite of in Musharaf's time generation was for 19 thousand megawatt, but still WAPDA is unable to support just 16thousand mega watt requirement, on the top of that, agreements done with the companies on higher rates (of course for some commission), ok Political hiring is common in all companies, so happened here. Brought rental power plants from Germany without even using them. giving billions to the rental companies, but not even give pennies to coal projects, where claims were given too high. Whole taxtiles fall just happened because of this stupid crisis. There is too much to say here, but what is the need?
> State Bank shows the borrowing all time high.. which even let some of the banks to show falling figures. Political leaders (including zardari) asking his share to black mail major business men of Pakistan, And trying to make runn away from Pakistan. Even stock exchange reached the high, still business gaints are too scared to invest in the stock exchange. And calling it, false and temporary hike for the election.
> Security, Should I say something here? Attacks on major security agencies, armies and local security. Crime Rate all time high in major cities of Pakistan. Target Killing is now usual. Now those who were talking about breaking the pakistan are the Heros. People are running from the country because of this (Even I left for this reason). Parliament is useless who can't even follow their own approved bill. SC can't implement their orders. where is Law and order?
> 100s of planning been done, but only provincial government has completed large number of project announced, all the project announced by Federal Government are on the stack (can be seen here in PDF development section as well). Not a single project (unless that has some commition or profit for parliamentarians was there) started, and nothing is finished upto date..

What a success where people are scared to break, have to pay all time high taxes, all time high rates for all living hood requirement. Those who still follow PPP should be ashamed of themself. Really Pathetic!!

WTH, What Rupee fall has to do with natural recession? What illiterate people hiring into the organization has to do with recession? what increase power tarrif with PPs has to with recession? What Power management of resources has to do with recession? What announcing projects and then not doing anything to start or finish them up has to do with recession? What target killing has to do with recession? what street crimes has to do with recession?

Come on, that's not funny, that's not even innocence or stupidity anymore. But pure EVIL...
good OP

it seems that Zardari really took some good steps to protect Pak economy
WTH, What Rupee fall has to do with natural recession? What illiterate people hiring into the organization has to do with recession? what increase power tarrif with PPs has to with recession? What Power management of resources has to do with recession? What announcing projects and then not doing anything to start or finish them up has to do with recession? What target killing has to do with recession? what street crimes has to do with recession?

Come on, that's not funny, that's not even innocence or stupidity anymore. But pure EVIL...

Recession meant that third world countries suffer more. Basic economics :disagree:
No one has been hired on anything but merit.
Example: The PSO chief, a great guy I met yesterday and had the pleasure to listening to for over 2 hours
Welcome to Pakistan State Oil
Mr. Siddiqui a prominent name in Pakistan’s corporate sector is currently the Chairman of Pakistan State Oil’s Board of Management. He served as the MD & CEO of Siemens Pakistan (SP) for over 12 years. Cluster CEO for West Asian countries besides holding other key responsibilities within Siemens Germany (SAG) like Director SAG as per SAG Regulations. Member Acquisition Team SAG for Westinghouse Power Corp. He was the first Pakistani to head SP in the history of the company.

He holds MS degree in Electronics from King’s College, London – UK. He had done International Management course from Boston University, USA and other financial and leadership courses with SAG. He also attended NSW-13 at National Defence University, Islamabad. He was awarded scholarship for Quaid-e-Azam, Nishan-e-Haider & National Talent during his student life. He is a certified director from PICG. Mr. Siddiqui has delivered several lectures at top educational institutions and different prestigious forums locally like NDU and internationally like the CSIS at Washington DC.

Mr. Siddiqui has served and is serving as Member on the Board of Pakistan Business Council (PBC). Board and Council Member like the NUST, LUMS, IBA, Dawood College of Engineering & Technology, Hamdard University, KASBIT, Dadabhoy Institute, IoBM, Habib University Foundation, Nazeer Hussain University, AIESEC and the YPO/WPO organization.

His many accolades in the corporate sector include having served as President Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce & Industry (OICC&I) and President Management Association of Pakistan (MAP). He also served as Board Member ROUSCH Pakistan, VP – PDF, PGBF, Pakistan Steel, KPT, Karachi Shipyard & Works, Atlas Engineering, KW&SB for Desalination Plant, NESPAK, HEC, PIPRO, TUSDEC, Provincial Disaster Management (PDMA), Provincial Committee Investment (PCOI), BOI, PFC, Member CM Inspection Enquiries & implementation Team Sindh and KASB Bank.

The government of Pakistan having recognized his business acumen also nominated him as the Chairman Think Tank on Integrated Energy Sustainability, Member Central Power Purchasing Agency (CCP), Board Member of EPZA, TDAP, Planning Commission (PC), CPLC, STEVTA, EDB, Gov Council of Prime Minister Quality Award (PMQA), The Legend’s Trust and PEC.

He has also played an active role in charitable organizations. He served as Chairman of Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS), Sindh Branch. Also served as Member of the Patients’ Behbud Society of AKUH. He is serving as Board Member of Tabba Heart Institute as well as Member at Rotary Club Metropolitan. He is also a Member of ICC, Pakistan. He was the committee Member that chalked out the Engineering Vision 2010 for Pakistan. Award of Excellence was presented to him by the Institution of Engineers for his outstanding services towards the engineering sector.

In recognition of his outstanding services to the country and to the cause of education and engineering industry in particular the president of Pakistan on 14th Aug 2006 conferred upon him the honor of Sitare E Imtiaz which was presented to him 23rd March 2007.

Power management, Musharraf's fault for not starting them. Projects take time and ours will be done in 4 years! The SC keeps interfering with our intermediary measures!
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