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Zardari's economic success (What is hidden)

Actually, Pakistan's credit rating is at an all time high and so is it's Exports

exports increased b/c of devauluation of the Pak rupee; not b/c of any policy undertaken by PPP

in fact, they could be even higher if the govt. addressed the power-generation crises (which theyve had plenty of time to at least try to tackle)

SBP and MoF and Planning Commission have some bright minds in them but due to the fact that everything is politicized - even basic things like development projects (e.g. dams) the development is often hindered

our credit rating is not at an all-time high either, that is incorrect.....it was down-graded by S&P partly due to BoP imbalances as well as the fact that Pakistan is dipping into Forex reserves to help finance debt obligations to IMF

it is true however that tax collection rates are at highest rates given rigorous efforts on part of Pakistan's FBR; remittances are up, though this is more attributed to generous overseas Pakistanis rather than policies of Zardari regime
Just answer whether you are paying 60000 a semester at NUST? You are, aren't you?

yes i am, and nust has nothing to do with dear zardari's economic policies, i am fortunately among some of the people in pakistan who can afford that, but what about the rest who dont even have access to a p.c you are using to post senseless sh*t, or mujhy lg rha hai tum basit ho :P
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