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Zardari's economic success (What is hidden)

I dont give sh*t about stock exchange or exports, all i know is that petrol is 105 rs/liter, cng is 89, salaries are not increasing but the prices of commodities are, how the hell are we supposed to survive when people dont have enough to support their families do u think they will care about what the current index shows?
I dont give sh*t about stock exchange or exports, all i know is that petrol is 105 rs/liter, cng is 89, salaries are not increasing but the prices of commodities are, how the hell are we supposed to survive when people dont have enough to support their families do u think they will care about what the current index shows?

Yet, they teach their children at universities like NUST. People have more than enough money, thanks to Zardari!
Well I would like to comment on the first post since I missed this thread for 9 pages.

@ Exports

Pakistan's exports stays at the same volume that was back in 2008. That was around 18.5 billion dollars. The government claimed to increase up to 60 billon dollars before the tenure ended back in 2008 (and if I remember correctly) but they were not able to increase any significant amount in growth of exports. There are various sources of export volume from Pakistan ranging from 18-25 billon dollars of export per year but the government itself do not claim above 20 billion dollars figure for exports. That is because if there was a small growth in our economy then hundreds of textile owners had to move out of the country because of no electricity and they resettled their businesses in Bangladesh.



Yes the remittence is increased but what is government to do with it? We the Pakistanis living abroad sends money to Pakistan. What is the government role in that? Yes the government had gone so weaker that they had to devalue the currency from 58 rupees to 95 rupees per dollars so some overseas Pakistanis may have sent more money for that reason but the Government policies were failed and could not stable their currency like India or Bangladesh.

Other news:

All of them were claims by Zardari but we are talking about ground realities... We are still standing at the same place where we were standing back in 2008 with the exception of more than 12 billion dollars worth of loans taken from the world and drone strikes killing our childrens
Asif Sahab doesn't have 2/3rd Majority to do whatever he wants. Given the power limited power with little to no say in foreign policy, resistance by the courts, media and Military and Mullahs, The Man's done tremendously. Get ready for another term.

What most illiterate Mullahs won't realize is Musharraf's policies were unsustainable, they were basically based on running the State by selling it to whoever interested, and that would be U.S. Since Asif Sahab, being the patriot he is, refused to continue a lot of such policies, he was bound to face troubles. Now add Floods, War-ridden state, a crippling economy, GLOBAL Recession and Extremism. Now given that, I simply REFUSE to believe Asif Sahab didn't deliver. YES, he could have delivered more, that I agree, but he didn't deliver at all, BULL S HIT. Like I said, Get ready for another term.

If he can't do anything then he should be staying their? Just resign and leave and call for new elections where He gets majority. If you can't do anything then don't ask for the votes, and don't do reconciliation with other parties on the stack of Pakistan.
my father used to send Money from here to pakistan in mushs time,One riyal used to be 16 or sometimes 15 rupees and bangalis currency was at 19 for one riyal then zardari came and the rate increased to 20 then 22 then 23 and now its 25 rupees for one saudi riyal and whereas bangalis are 17 or 18 now for 1 riyal, i really feel shame in bank to see my currency rate compared to bangalis even. Thanks to thugs like zardari pakistan per bari!

my father used to send Money from here to pakistan in mushs time,One riyal used to be 16 or sometimes 15 rupees and bangalis currency was at 19 for one riyal then zardari came and the rate increased to 20 then 22 then 23 and now its 25 rupees for one saudi riyal and whereas bangalis are 17 or 18 now for 1 riyal, i really feel shame in bank to see my currency rate compared to bangalis even. Thanks to thugs like zardari pakistan per bari!
If he can't do anything then he should be staying their? Just resign and leave and call for new elections where He gets majority. If you can't do anything then don't ask for the votes, and don't do reconciliation with other parties on the stack of Pakistan.

You mean he should GIVE UP?
Nah, Quitting ain't in PPP's blood. Our leaders chose deaths over quitting.
By the way, how's following accomplishments for someone who ''can't do anything'':

*Restoring The Constitution of 1973 in it's original form.
*Provincial Autonomy under 18th Amendment.
*FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF PAKISTAN The President Voluntarily transferred his powers to the Elected Prime Minister.
*Sustaining Democracy with help of his Allies, namely MQM, ANP, PLM-Q, PML-F.
*Benazir Income Support program.
*Unanimous passage of 18 Amendment.
*Unanimous passage of 19th Amendment.
*Unanimous passage of 20th Amendment.
*Recognition to Pashtun people.
*Operation Rah-e-Rast.
*Justice (R) Fakhruddin G. Ibrahim's appointment as Chief Election Commissioner.
*Introducing Politics of Reconciliation.
*Maintaining good ties with India despite the 26/11 Attacks.
*Ridiculing the U.S when interferred in Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline.
*Refusing to succumb to U.S threats after Salala Attacks with cooperation of Military of course.
*Restricting Military's political activities.
*Vacation of Shamsi Air Base.
*And many more....

Too much I suppose?
You mean he should GIVE UP?
Nah, Quitting ain't in PPP's blood. Our leaders chose deaths over quitting.
By the way, how's following accomplishments for someone who ''can't do anything'':

Yeah PPP is too "Dheet" they prefer people of Pakistan die, rather then Give up poor governence!!

*Restoring The Constitution of 1973 in it's original form.
What 1973 constitution gave to the people of Pakistan? Also, Original Form? You are kidding right? Just go and read ammendments.

*Provincial Autonomy under 18th Amendment.

Yeah this was a good step, otherwise people of KPK and Punjab would have suffered more. No sympathy for Sindh and Baluchistan, where only PPP remained in power, and this amendment couldn't even do small good for them.
*FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF PAKISTAN The President Voluntarily transferred his powers to the Elected Prime Minister.

Without power he generate so much mess, Also, it's not first time in the history... go and re-read history books.... Still nothing good for people of Pakistan
*Sustaining Democracy with help of his Allies, namely MQM, ANP, PLM-Q, PML-F.
yeah who can forget first calling Qatil leage and then joined... and who can forget Allies in Karachi? Who can forget complete downfall of all government institution. And lastly who can forget The world largest cabinet of ministers with Zero perfomance. Even bigger then big countries like US and China
*Benazir Income Support program.
This was no doubt a good step done by Zardari, where instead of generating jobs for the poor, make them self sufficient. Made them more dependent on the government. Billions of ruppees thrown while not a single family could get up from the poverty line. Infact more family pushed under this line due to "Kashkool Cuilture" adopt and given my Federal Government for the poors.
*Unanimous passage of 18 Amendment.
of course when everyone is eating together why would they stop these amendments?
*Unanimous passage of 19th Amendment.
Same as above
*Unanimous passage of 20th Amendment.
Same as above
*Recognition to Pashtun people.
u mean KPK? which raised hazara issue? Because of which these hindko speaking has started to feel insecure? Great stuff Zardari.. weldone for increase ethnicity in the provinces. Rather then joining Pakistanis more closer He was pushing throughout the time just hell bend to increase ethnicity.
*Operation Rah-e-Rast.
Ok, so what Zardari did here? It was not planned by him, not even approved by him. It was solely planned and executed by Army.
*Justice (R) Fakhruddin G. Ibrahim's appointment as Chief Election Commissioner.
This is a success??
*Introducing Politics of Reconciliation.
or eating together policy, which bring this whole nation to this place
*Maintaining good ties with India despite the 26/11 Attacks.
oo yeah who can forget sending ISI cheif to India episode. Thanks for reminding it.
*Ridiculing the U.S when interferred in Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline.
So is it started? any progress as of yet? for your kind information this project was launched in Mushi era, and Iran already completed their side. And Pakistan haven't picked single pipe so far.

*Refusing to succumb to U.S threats after Salala Attacks with cooperation of Military of course.
& what government did in that?

*Restricting Military's political activities.
He welcomed 4 times military, it was kiyani who didn't done anything, otherwise on Long March, On China dialogue episode, etc Army had complete authority to kick these out. But this kiyani didn't done it... & let Pakistani people suffer by the hand of Zardari.

*Vacation of Shamsi Air Base.
And allowing Black water, ramound davis, Opening up NATO supply line, not implementing Drone bill so far is it part of Shamsi Air Base success? or US didn't needed it so they left it?

*And many more....

Yeah I know, We (Pakistani People) suffered from these MANY More....

Too much I suppose?

YES too much, if I had chance I would personally Thank Zardari (by hitting my shoe heal on his head) for what this guy did for us all these years....
lol. Instead of criticizing his accomplishments(or rather failures as far as you're concerned), you've managed to disacknowledge them all together. Bravo. Well, in that case, wait for the election and vote him out I suppose.

I'm not gonna reply to dumb questions like What has constitution of 1973 given to the people. Above accomplishments under People Party's tenure are F'in FACTS, and not my opinions. Even those paid political Actors at 8:00 PM praise these. Watch out for Taliban Khan though, he's hurting ya Nooners bad.
lol. Instead of criticizing his accomplishments(or rather failures as far as you're concerned), you've managed to disacknowledge them all together. Bravo. Well, in that case, wait for the election and vote him out I suppose.

I'm not gonna reply to dumb questions like What has constitution of 1973 given to the people. Above accomplishments under People Party's tenure are F'in FACTS, and not my opinions. Even those paid political Actors at 8:00 PM praise these. Watch out for Taliban Khan though, he's hurting ya Nooners bad.

You can't that's why you wouldn't... FACTs are people running from the country.. and those who are getting even equal pay outside pakistan are now leaving (previously the trend was only those who used to gett better opportunity in terms of $$$ used to leave).. Now the all the textile owners are running from the country and moving their factories to Bangladesh. ANd here even these sports gaints in Gujrat also trying their hard to move their factories to African countries... Pathans from karachi running to Lahore, to find safe places... and peace of mind... middle class is gone.. now there are three classes remaining.. one poor, second rich, and 3rd who have family people outside the country.. Middle class concept gone...
Yet, they teach their children at universities like NUST. People have more than enough money, thanks to Zardari!

out of 180million people 50k apply for nust and 2500 are selected, baqi hisab khud lgalo k kitny log parhana afford kr skty hain
You can't that's why you wouldn't... FACTs are people running from the country.. and those who are getting even equal pay outside pakistan are now leaving (previously the trend was only those who used to gett better opportunity in terms of $$$ used to leave).. Now the all the textile owners are running from the country and moving their factories to Bangladesh. ANd here even these sports gaints in Gujrat also trying their hard to move their factories to African countries... Pathans from karachi running to Lahore, to find safe places... and peace of mind... middle class is gone.. now there are three classes remaining.. one poor, second rich, and 3rd who have family people outside the country.. Middle class concept gone...

Okay, since you're so keen on making yourself look fool, I'll reply.

Yeah PPP is too "Dheet" they prefer people of Pakistan die, rather then Give up poor governence!!

Or rather People of Pakistan are too ''Dheet'' to have voted People's Party in the first place. Oh you poor soul.

What 1973 constitution gave to the people of Pakistan? Also, Original Form? You are kidding right? Just go and read ammendments.

You do realize Taliban and BLA agrees with ya on this, don't ya?
Wouldn't be surprised if ya do though. Or It's just that since Founder of People's Party gave that constitution and Asif restored it, you don't like it? After all, Noon or Khaqis didn't have anythin to do with it. I'd understand if it doesn't make any sense to ya.

Yeah this was a good step, otherwise people of KPK and Punjab would have suffered more. No sympathy for Sindh and Baluchistan, where only PPP remained in power, and this amendment couldn't even do small good for them.

Last thing Sindh needs is sympathy of a cyber warrior from Punjab.
And ya bet that was a good step. It only takes a true leader to empower his rivals.
Something I don't expect ya to have heard of.

yeah who can forget first calling Qatil leage and then joined... and who can forget Allies in Karachi? Who can forget complete downfall of all government institution. And lastly who can forget The world largest cabinet of ministers with Zero perfomance. Even bigger then big countries like US and China

Point being, Democracy prevailed so far. Institutions may have weakened over the period, something I don't solely blame on People's Party or Asif Sahab, but I'd any given day choose weak institutions over Dictatorships, which result in division of Nation in half.

This was no doubt a good step done by Zardari, where instead of generating jobs for the poor, make them self sufficient. Made them more dependent on the government. Billions of ruppees thrown while not a single family could get up from the poverty line. Infact more family pushed under this line due to "Kashkool Cuilture" adopt and given my Federal Government for the poors.

That's simply false. Hundreds of Thousands of families have benefited from BISP. This Noon engineered propaganda hasn't won't, and won't work. And create jobs out of where?
I don't suppose you expect him to pull jobs out his as s, do ya?

of course when everyone is eating together why would they stop these amendments?

Perhaps because they REPRESENT The people of Pakistan, unlike a sad depressed warrior from Punjab?

u mean KPK? which raised hazara issue? Because of which these hindko speaking has started to feel insecure? Great stuff Zardari.. weldone for increase ethnicity in the provinces. Rather then joining Pakistanis more closer He was pushing throughout the time just hell bend to increase ethnicity.

Yup, that was a useless one. Should have left them Pashtuns without any identity. What good is identity? Sarhad sounds good anyway, doesn't it?
Will wake the F up, son? You CAN'T SATISFY each and every person. His effort to give an identity is widely appreciated throughout KPK. Now that I expect you to understand, but just sayin'.

So is it started? any progress as of yet? for your kind information this project was launched in Mushi era, and Iran already completed their side. And Pakistan haven't picked single pipe so far.

How many times did Musharraf stand up for the people of Pakistan against the U.S?
To screw with it's progress. That's a very complicated issue for someone of your age to grasp. The fact is He ridicules U.S. Period.

Ok, so what Zardari did here? It was not planned by him, not even approved by him. It was solely planned and executed by Army.

Yup, without political support. lol
Seriously, how old are ya?

And allowing Black water, ramound davis, Opening up NATO supply line, not implementing Drone bill so far is it part of Shamsi Air Base success? or US didn't needed it so they left it?

So he didn't do anything in closing the NATO supply line but he restored it? lol
Can't reply ya anymore until after at least 10 or so years. Ya need too much of a time to grow up.
out of 180million people 50k apply for nust and 2500 are selected, baqi hisab khud lgalo k kitny log parhana afford kr skty hain

Just answer whether you are paying 60000 a semester at NUST? You are, aren't you?
Just answer whether you are paying 60000 a semester at NUST? You are, aren't you?


Prior to PPP the dollar was 60Rs, now it is above 90.

That is more than 50% increase in value.

Would you mind making that amendment and post the figures.

While you are at it, please do mention two more figures for the readers to make up their minds.

1. Amount of loan further taken from IMF and other world bodies.
2. Amount of money which Zardari sb has printed.

Once you do that, please do come back and honestly tell other readers how "successful" zardari sb has been.

I wonder if I can report this thread " as a deliberate shameless attempt to deceive" category ..
What is MOD policy to political propoganda attempts ?
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