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Zardari's economic success (What is hidden)

Musharraf and his lack of development!

True Musharraf did not lay down any infrastructure for future generation of power, he does share a role here. But pray tell me, the PPP Government has been in power for the last 4 years and they have not initiated a single major project to end this crisis. There has been no effort to end the circular debt, the only thing i have heard from the PPP Government are excuses and no solutions. For the last 4 years, the PPP Government has not done anything to end this load shedding. In fact, their policies have made matters worse.

Also, the CJ for shutting down the great RPP scheme and politicising the issue!

Are you freaking kidding me? I mean how stupid are you, there is a limit to being extremely dumb and ignorant and you have crossed the limit. The only reason why the RPP scheme was shut down is because of massive corruption and kick backs involved, it was costing almost 500% more than normal electricity. Here read this:

"Even after such huge sums were transferred to the RPPs, none of these power plants functioned at their full capacity and only produced 120 MW of electricity in total. Karkey was producing an average of 48 MW compared to its actual capacity of 231 MW and that too at an expensive rate of Rs.35 to 50/unit. "
The sad saga of rental power plants | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia

US starts probe into rental power projects scam - thenews.com.pk
Truthseer who is responsible for loadshedding.

shaheed benair bhutto made alot of sacrifice for this nation. She always put her life at risk so she could help the people of pakistan. After the death of Shaheed benair bhutto this nation required a man who would also sacrifice for this nation so 170 million people chose Zardari as their leader because he excepted the challenge to lead the country. When he took the office Pakistan was suffering from mess created by the previous dictator General musharraf government and Pakistani problem can not be solved over night. IT WILL TAKE TIME.

^ this is the sort of reply we keep hearing from these bunch of shameless b@stards known as PPP.
I expected better than a personal attack from a think thank. So what if my parents are diplomats?

Lo ji. Sara raaz nikal aya.

I had a little chit chat with another son of a diplomat, in Muscat, and he was just like you, thinking everything is going on hunky dory, and Pakistan was headed for greatness.

Fact is, that loans have amassed to huge amounts in 4 years, clowns like Bilour and Rehman Malik run ministries (in addition to the presence of a army of ministers), corruption has gone to an all time high, Zardari is neck deep in LPG sector, government spending have gone up, useless spending, like the armada that travels with His Highness Ashraf/Gilani and Zardari (whenever he comes out of his bunker), planes are used like toys, politics is done on everything, the population is spit on etc etc etc.

Just as an example, the price of rupee went from 80 to 90 $ some months back I think, all within 7 days. CNG and Petrol meet together at the top, and food is out of range thanks to printing money, as notorious eagle pointed out.

P.S, notorious eagle, there's no use of explaining to a thick head like this, who instead of bringing facts to the table, supports his arguments by a fairy land he is living in.
all parties are thugs even musharaff who sold the Afia siddique, allow the drones ,sent our pakistan army in Afghanistan,enocomy rise but then also fall in the time of musharaff , baloch people were missed and killed in the time of musharaff ,lal masjid operation ,judicial system ,all the problems were created by musharaff....,No target killers and terrorists were killed in 10 years IN THE TIME OF MUSHARFF ,so what do u expect from zardari ? ...u want miracle within 4 years Truthseer is rite SOME WHERE the economy has risen this year but media will not show it ...

but i donot support any party even not imran khan .......
Those are lies by the Noon and PTI media. Actual facts are different!
Musharraf and his lack of development!

True Musharraf did not lay down any infrastructure for future generation of power, he does share a role here. But pray tell me, the PPP Government has been in power for the last 4 years and they have not initiated a single major project to end this crisis. There has been no effort to end the circular debt, the only thing i have heard from the PPP Government are excuses and no solutions. For the last 4 years, the PPP Government has not done anything to end this load shedding. In fact, their policies have made matters worse.

Are you freaking kidding me? I mean how stupid are you, there is a limit to being extremely dumb and ignorant and you have crossed the limit. The only reason why the RPP scheme was shut down is because of massive corruption and kick backs involved, it was costing almost 500% more than normal electricity. Here read this:

"Even after such huge sums were transferred to the RPPs, none of these power plants functioned at their full capacity and only produced 120 MW of electricity in total. Karkey was producing an average of 48 MW compared to its actual capacity of 231 MW and that too at an expensive rate of Rs.35 to 50/unit. "
The sad saga of rental power plants | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia

US starts probe into rental power projects scam - thenews.com.pk

Lo ji. Sara raaz nikal aya.

I had a little chit chat with another son of a diplomat, in Muscat, and he was just like you, thinking everything is going on hunky dory, and Pakistan was headed for greatness.

Fact is, that loans have amassed to huge amounts in 4 years, clowns like Bilour and Rehman Malik run ministries (in addition to the presence of a army of ministers), corruption has gone to an all time high, Zardari is neck deep in LPG sector, government spending have gone up, useless spending, like the armada that travels with His Highness Ashraf/Gilani and Zardari (whenever he comes out of his bunker), planes are used like toys, politics is done on everything, the population is spit on etc etc etc.

Just as an example, the price of rupee went from 80 to 90 $ some months back I think, all within 7 days. CNG and Petrol meet together at the top, and food is out of range thanks to printing money, as notorious eagle pointed out.

P.S, notorious eagle, there's no use of explaining to a thick head like this, who instead of bringing facts to the table, supports his arguments by a fairy land he is living in.
It's called circular debt. Pakistan is trapped in it but Zardari's going to pay it off. In 4 years, see Pakistan as a Superpower!
I do remember the words of one rikshaw-wala some a decade before...he was very uneducated but they are stuck on my mind...
He said it does not matter to me who is ruler..if this is a wall (like inflation) and the upcoming ruler is assuring that he will be able to hit the wall sucessfully (means undo the things to the previous known safe state), so then I'm going to vote. But my logic says that it can not be put back to the original safe status by the next coming one, so I'm fine with the existing...What only good a next one can do is to put at the same state...

How can we say that Imran would not diplomatically deal with USA and would have other way... Things can't be dealt on the extreme way...Even I'm put on as president then I would have probably deal with USA possibly the same way as Zardari had done...
Do you say nato supply should be stopped in current circumstances?
Do you say we stop getting aid then why on the thread when USA offers the aid no one cry out (we all want if we are president)?
I think we have the habit to bash everyone. I do remember myself that when Musharraf was there then I myself was very happy but I hate him as whatever his intention was but ONLY now we can see it was messup.
I do used to hate Zardari as much as possible but going through the diplomatic policies through newspaper, I found he is kind of humble, tolerant silent guy (ALLAH knows the best)!
I do like Imran very much specially his words have very strength, but God knows so I don't know if he will be smart, but I tested and found Zaradari as smart and humble guy so I vote for the tested one on this forum. In actually would comply the order of our buzoorg people which would be PMLN I guess...
I do remember loadshedding was started in the last era of Musharraf, so we should not only look through what problem has been tackled by the government for the common people,

but this government were faced the challenges which not even a single goverment has faced in the wholeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee past (1971 is exception, that was the failure of then politician)...

try to give the credit people as well, just IKTLAf bray IKHTLAF is not a reason...undoubtedly he has corruption cases...we need to see how personally he has benefited of 10% during his era :D

This government is the most long last as well..this goverment is the most fractious coalation made with so less majority manadate...question is that if they are doing corruption then they are not the sole partner, but this government belongs to all parties (PMLN in punjab, etc) so they all are responsible...

so now only IMRAN is left....ap os ko bi check kar lo, but I assure you that you will be bashing him after some period as some problems are inherited in Pakistan and need time...

Allah knows best about the hearts
It's called circular debt. Pakistan is trapped in it but Zardari's going to pay it off. In 4 years, see Pakistan as a Superpower!

And how exactly is Zardari going to pay it off. Government is run by a whole bunch of people, not Zardari that he has a magic wand to waive all the debt and pay it off.

4 years superpower, yeah, if PPP goes, Pakistan might have a chance of being a superpower!:lol:
And how exactly is Zardari going to pay it off. Government is run by a whole bunch of people, not Zardari that he has a magic wand to waive all the debt and pay it off.

4 years superpower, yeah, if PPP goes, Pakistan might have a 0chance of being a superpower!:lol:
Development by PPP will show dividends soon. People have been put in schools and are being taught. Lols at wet dreams, no one cares what Foreign Pakistanis think, they can't vote. Agli bari phir Zardari!

Are you suggesting he should have been awarded the Noble peace prize :pakistan: ?

No. Read first!

I would suggest given OBAMA and European union can be given then so does Zardari so...

Zardari's done more for Pakistan than those two have for the world!
Allah de hawalay truthseer.

Just like a Mullah can't be knocked off his stance through reasoning, neither can you. I ain't going to waste the next half hour arguing with a genius in the form of yourself.
Allah de hawalay truthseer.

Just like a Mullah can't be knocked off his stance through reasoning, neither can you. I ain't going to waste the next half hour arguing with a genius in the form of yourself.

Typical PTI response can't argue with facts!
Allah de hawalay truthseer.

Just like a Mullah can't be knocked off his stance through reasoning, neither can you. I ain't going to waste the next half hour arguing with a genius in the form of yourself.

why people have tolerated and why all parties has remain in coalation for all the four years (which I suppose the long lasting democratic and fractious government of the past)....Please do give the due credit to people if it is PTI or PPP or etc...Why do you all assume:

all this goverment=PPP
we have to remember this government was owned by all parties except Imran khan...
Typical PTI response can't argue with facts!

I ain't PTI, far from it.

why people have tolerated and why all parties has remain in coalation for all the four years (which I suppose the long lasting democratic and fractious government of the past)....Please do give the due credit to people if it is PTI or PPP or etc...Why do you all assume:

all this goverment=PPP
we have to remember this government was owned by all parties except Imran khan...

All parties have remained in coalition because they got what they needed, ANP got the railway ministry, MQM some others, and PML-Q has a Vice Prime Minister or something like that in a spanking new post (newly created), so everybody gets a piece of the cake.

Although this government has failed miserably, one has to commend Zardari, he really is a shrewd and clever politician.
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